Smiling Face

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If you were looking for the CD single, see Smiling Face (single).
The subject of this article has no official English name.
The name currently in use is a fan translation of the Japanese name.
Japanese movie ending themes
Daybreak Meteor Shower
Smiling Face
Movie 16 ED
Artist いきものがかり
Lyrics 水野良樹
Yoshiki Mizuno
Composer 水野良樹
Yoshiki Mizuno
Arrangement 亀田誠治
Seiji Kameda
Epic Records Japan Single
Title 笑顔
Smiling Face
Catalog no. ESCL-4075

Smiling Face (Japanese: 笑顔 Egao) is the Japanese ending theme for ExtremeSpeed Genesect: Mewtwo Awakens. It is performed by Ikimono-gakari.


Japanese English
だから僕は笑ってほしいんだ だから君と生きていたいんだ
かけがえのないひとよ 僕は君を守り続けたい
君がそこにいてくれることが ただその小さな奇跡が
なによりもあたたかい だから 僕は強くなりたい

花がまた咲いている 僕はちっぽけな一歩を踏む
思い出に変わるこの日々に 何度もサヨナラをするよ

どこまでも どこまでも 明るくなれる君の声が
いつだって一番のひかり 背中をちゃんと押しているよ

優しいひとになりたい いつかの君が言ったね
心のなかでくすぶる 切ないもの つたえてよ

そうさ君が笑ってくれるなら 僕はなんでもできるよなんて
ちょっと強がってるかな でもね なぜか 勇気がわくんだ
花が散って咲くようになんども しあわせを繰り返せたなら
そうやって生きていこう だから僕は強くなりたい

ごめんねと 言えなくて もどかしさをぶつけたりもした
いちばん近くにいることに 甘えてばかりじゃだめだね

楽しいひとでありたい 受け入れることを恐れず
ひたむきな時をかさねて たしかなもの みつけたい

抱えきれぬさびしさのなかで もしも君がひとりでいるのなら
ばかみたいにがむしゃらに 僕はずっと手を伸ばしたいんだ
わかりあうことは難しいけど 分かち合うことは僕にもできる
ただとなりにいるから いつも君のそばにいるから

いつだって真ん中にあるよ たいせつなものはここにある
つつむような君のその手が優しい 強く握り返すよ

いつかちょっと悲しいこともある いつかちょっと嬉しいこともある
でもぜんぶ笑えたらいい ぜんぶ抱え生きていけたらいい
すべてがまた変わってしまっても なんどでも花を咲かせよう
しあわせになれるように 君とともに歩いていけるように

笑いながら泣くような日々を 泣きながら笑うような日々を
そうやって生きていこう だから僕は強くなりたい
That's why I want to put out a radiant smile, that's why I want to always be by your side
You are an irreplaceable friend, I want to keep on protecting you
You're always there for me, just this tiny miracle
Warms my heart above all, that's why I want to grow stronger

The flowers are still blooming, as I take a small step forward
In the days that had become memories, we've parted ways again and again

No matter where and no matter when, your voice remains bright and cheerful
You're always a shining beacon in my life, giving me the right push forward

I want to be tender, you said something like that once
Take out all of the painful burdens hidden in my heart

That's right. When I see your smile, I could do anything
Perhaps I'm pushing myself too hard, but somehow, I'm overflowing with courage
Just as the flowers wilt and bloom, happiness will appear again and again
Just live on, that's why I want to grow stronger

Finding myself unable to apologize and venting away those frustrations
There's no use in throwing a tantrum to the one closest to you

I want to be happy, so don't be afraid to receive
And earnestly look for something definite

In the unbearable loneliness, when you are all alone
I want to act like a fool, recklessly reaching out to you
Although mutual understanding can be difficult, I can share those burdens
Because I'm right next to you, because I'm always by your side

It's always in the center of my heart, that which I cherished
Your tender hands seem to wrap into mine, I hold them tightly

There are little sad things sometimes, there are little happy things sometimes
Smiling at everything is fine, embracing it all and living on are all fine
Even if everything would change again, the flower will still have to bloom
In order to achieve happiness, in order to walk the journey with you

There are days of tears in laughter, there are days of laughter in tears
Just live on, that's why I want to grow stronger

OS: Together With the Windtoi et moiThe Day a Rainbow Was BornPlease Let There Be Good Weather TomorrowYou're Not Alone
AG: A Small ThingL·O·V·E·L·Y ~Dreaming LOVELY BOY~Song of OriginA Thing to be Protected
DP: I Will Be With You (Where The Lost Ones Go)ONEAntenna of the HeartIce Cream Syndrome
BW: The Sky / The VoiceMemoriesSmiling Face
XY: Daybreak Meteor ShowerTweediaMailing out My Voice
SM: Oración's Theme ~Let's Walk Together~BreathTogether With the Wind
JN: I'm Home and Welcome Back
Japanese movie ending themes
Daybreak Meteor Shower

This article is part of Project Music, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon song, CD and musician.