Sophocles's Togedemaru

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Sophocles's Togedemaru
マーマネのトゲデマル Mamane's Togedemaru

Sophocles's Togedemaru
Debuts in Alola to New Adventure!
Caught at Alola
Gender Female[1]
Ability Lightning Rod
Current location With Sophocles
This Pokémon is fully evolved.
Voice actor Japanese English
As Togedemaru Mika Kanai Kate Bristol (SM001-SM080)
Emily Cramer (SM081-present)

Sophocles's Togedemaru (Japanese: マーマネのトゲデマル Mamane's Togedemaru) is Sophocles's first known Pokémon. She is often seen outside of her Poké Ball.

In the anime

In the main series


Pokémon the Series: Sun & Moon
Togedemaru and Sophocles

Togedemaru first appeared in Alola to New Adventure! alongside her Trainer, where they first welcomed Ash to the school. Togedemaru later watched as a group of Team Skull Grunts battled Ash and Kiawe. In The Guardian's Challenge!, she was used to help welcome Ash to the school, competing in Sophocles's challenge against Ash and Pikachu to pop balloons the fastest. Sophocles and Togedemaru quickly took the lead, using Togedemaru's spikes to efficiently break the balloons. After Ash attempted to use Pikachu's Thunderbolt to turn the tides, Togedemaru used her Lightning Rod Ability to absorb the attack and quickly pop the remaining balloons with Zing Zap.

Lightning Rod activated

In A Shocking Grocery Run!, Togedemaru got separated from Sophocles due to a power outage at the shopping mall caused by Team Rocket. She, Pikachu, and Rotom eventually made their way to the mall's roof, where they came across Team Rocket. During a showdown with the trio, Pikachu got blasted off the roof by Mimikyu's Shadow Ball, but Togedemaru was able to hang on to an opposite building. When Sophocles and Ash arrived, Togedemaru used her Lightning Rod Ability with Pikachu's Thunderbolt to turn the tide of battle with Zing Zap.

In So Long, Sophocles!, Togedemaru was horrified at the mere idea of being separated from Pikachu when Sophocles overheard his parents discussing the possibility of moving houses. She later assisted Sophocles in battling against a wild Charjabug brought as a farewell gift from Ash. She succeeded in weakening it enough for Sophocles to capture it. When Togedemaru discovered that the whole thing was blown out of proportion and that her family would only be moving down the street, so she wouldn't be separated from Pikachu, she got overly excited and shocked Sophocles, Ash, and Kiawe out of happiness.

In When Regions Collide!, Sophocles used Togedemaru alongside Snowy in a battle against Brock's Geodude. Geodude took no damage from Togedemaru's Zing Zap and knocked away Snowy's Powder Snow with Gyro Ball.

In Rescuing the Unwilling!, Togedemaru was sent out at the Ultra Deep Sea in order to rescue Lillie's mother, Lusamine, from the Nihilego that had captured and possessed her. When the possessed Lusamine sent out her Mismagius to attack everyone, Togedemaru absorbed its Electric-type moves with Lightning Rod. Lusamine's Lilligant then made it dance with Teeter Dance. Ash's Litten and Rowlet released it from the dance, and it rejoined the fight. In the next episode, Togedemaru and Charjabug used Zing Zap and Discharge, respectively, on Milotic. Although Milotic appeared to have been defeated by this move, Nihilego made it get back up and continue battling. The battle ended when Ash and Pikachu performed 10,000,000 Volt Thunderbolt to defeat Nihilego.

In Securing the Future!, Togedemaru joined the rest of Alola in showering Necrozma with light so it could return to its normal form.

In Battle Royal 151!, Sophocles used Togedemaru in the Battle Royal preliminary round of the Manalo Conference. She battled a Shiinotic before defeating a Politoed with her newly learned Spiky Shield. Ultimately, Togedemaru was among the 16 Pokémon still standing in the end, allowing Sophocles to proceed to the next round.

Pokémon Journeys: The Series

In That New Old Gang of Mine!, Togedemaru joined the welcome party for Ash and Goh during their visit to Alola. She later watched the battle between Kiawe and Goh.

Personality and characteristics

Togedemaru and Pikachu

Togedemaru has a strong relationship with her Trainer, often being seen attached to Sophocles's side. Sophocles even goes to sleep with her by his side, using her glowing cheeks as a nightlight to help with his fear of the dark. Togedemaru loves to be helpful, as seen when she seems very pleased to help Sophocles run his programs, and is very proud to have helped him win a balloon popping challenge.

She seems to be very fond of Ash's Pikachu, even going so far as to jump on Pikachu in order to show her affection towards him. Togedemaru is also a really energetic Pokémon who is very fond of playing, whether by repeatedly rolling and bouncing around or dancing with Pikachu. At the prospect of being separated from Pikachu, Togedemaru cried a lot, but upon learning that she would not be moving far away, she was overcome with joy and bounced around uncontrollably and shocked the others out of happiness. In Alola, Kanto!, when Pikachu was hit by Kiawe's Marowak and another Marowak commanded by Brock, Togedemaru got angry and fought back. When Pikachu went missing in Love at First Twirl!, Togedemaru began crying and had to be comforted by Sophocles and Charjabug.

She is a sore loser, as shown in Racing to a Big Event!, when she attacked her Trainer after he got eliminated from the Pokémon Pancake Race. She also has a slightly darker side, as seen in the Poké Problem segment for SM083, where she smirked at the idea of scaring students and their Pokémon at the Pokémon School due to her increase in size from Faba's size altering machine. In That's Some Spicy Island Research!, Togedemaru was shown to have a distaste for Poni Island radishes.

In Evolving Research!, while Sophocles was trying to battle with Charjabug so it could evolve into Vikavolt, Togedemaru was shown to be inconsiderate, absorbing Charjabug's Discharge and attacking a wild Golduck with Zing Zap. In the same episode, she was revealed to enjoy riding on Vikavolt without fear.

Moves used

Using Zing Zap
Move First Used In
Zing Zap The Guardian's Challenge!
Spiky Shield Battle Royal 151!
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.
Moves improvised
Picture First Used In Moves Involved Partnered With
Twirling with a Bang! Electroweb, Zing Zap, Discharge, Bubble Beam, Magical Leaf, Flamethrower, Fire Blast, and Powder Snow The Ultra Guardians' Pokémon
Description: Super Pokémon Fireworks (Japanese: 超特大ポケモン花火 Super Special Pokémon Fireworks) A combination move used by the Ultra Guardians' partner Pokémon and their Ride Pokémon. Pikachu launches Electroweb into the air, followed by Togedemaru and Charjabug adding to it by creating a makeshift Electroweb with Zing Zap and Discharge, respectively. Popplio, Steenee, Turtonator, and Charizard add to the combination with Bubble Beam, Magical Leaf, and a double Flamethrower, respectively. Flygon, Garchomp, and Altaria then use a triple Fire Blast, followed by Snowy's Powder Snow and Poipole's poison. Together, the moves make a giant spinning ferris wheel-shaped construction.

In the GOTCHA! music video

Sophocles's Togedemaru briefly appeared in GOTCHA!.

In the manga

Togedemaru in Pokémon Adventures

In the Pokémon Adventures manga

Togedemaru first appeared in Truth and the Mastermind Behind Team Skull, standing next to Sophocles watching people be evacuated to Hokulani Observatory when Ultra Beasts started rampaging around Ula'ula Island. Later, it was seen trying to help prevent a Celesteela and Guzzlord from reaching Hokulani Observatory, but was defeated.

In PASM34, when the Trial Captains were attacked by a group of Ultra Beasts, Sophocles used Togedemaru to battle against them, teaming up with Molayne's Dugtrio to defeat two Nihilego.

Moves used

Togedemaru is implied to know an Electric-type attack, due to its use of Gigavolt Havoc.

Z-Moves used
Picture Z-Move First Used in Base Move
Gigavolt Havoc PASM34 Unknown
Description: Togedemaru's Trainer strikes a series of poses to build Z-Power. It then shoots a large ball of electricity at the opponent.

In the games

In Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, Togedemaru, nicknamed Togemaru (Japanese: とげまる Togemaru), helps around the Hokulani Observatory. During Sophocles's trial, the device used to summon the Totem Pokémon malfunctions and begins attacking the Charjabug used as a part of the trial. Although Togemaru uses its Lightning Rod to absorb the electricity fired by the device, it isn't able to fully absorb the attack, forcing Totem Togedemaru to step in and rescue it as well.

Sophocles uses another Togedemaru in battle. It appears in the following games:

In the core series

Pokémon Sun and Moon
Pokémon League
Title Defense
Electric Steel
Iron Barbs
Held item:
Togedemaru Lv.61
Electric Terrain
Electric Status
Zing Zap
Electric Physical
Spiky Shield
Grass Status
Fell Stinger
Bug Physical
Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon
Hokulani Observatory (Mina's trial)US Pokémon League
Title Defense
Battle Agency
Electric Steel
Iron Barbs
Held item:
Togedemaru Lv.51
Spiky Shield
Grass Status
Zing Zap
Electric Physical
Fell Stinger
Bug Physical
Electric Steel
Iron Barbs
Held item:
Togedemaru Lv.67
Electric Terrain
Electric Status
Zing Zap
Electric Physical
Spiky Shield
Grass Status
Fell Stinger
Bug Physical
Electric Steel
Iron Barbs or Lightning Rod
Held item:
Red Card
Togedemaru/ Lv.50
Zing Zap
Electric Physical
Electric Physical
Fell Stinger
Bug Physical
Poison Jab
Poison Physical
Electric Steel
Iron Barbs or Lightning Rod
Held item:
Electrium Z
Togedemaru/ Lv.50
Normal Physical
Zing Zap
Electric Physical
Bug Physical
Spiky Shield
Grass Status

In spin-off games

In Pokémon Masters EX

Main article: Sophocles (Masters)#Togedemaru

Sophocles forms a sync pair with Togedemaru in Pokémon Masters EX.

In the TCG

Sophocles's Togedemaru is featured in the TCG as of one Sophocles's Pokémon. The following is a list of cards featuring Togedemaru.

Cards listed with a blue background are only legal to use in the current Expanded format.
Cards listed with a green background are legal to use in both the current Standard and Expanded formats.
Card Type English
Rarity # Japanese
Rarity #
Togedemaru Lightning       Ash vs Team Rocket Deck Kit   006/026


Ash vs Team Rocket Deck Kit

Main article: Ash vs Team Rocket Deck Kit (TCG)

The Ash vs Team Rocket Deck Kit (Japanese: 30枚デッキ対戦セット「サトシVSロケット団」) is a Japanese-exclusive Deck Kit released alongside the Facing a New Trial subset, on April 21, 2017. The deck features Pokémon from Pokémon the Series: Sun & Moon of the Pokémon anime, including Ash's Pikachu and Jessie's Mimikyu as Pokémon-GX. The Deck Kit also includes a player's guide, damage and Status Condition markers, 2 GX markers, a coin, a playmat, and a How to Play instruction manual.

Product image:

Ash vs Team Rocket Deck Kit
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins




Language Name Origin
Japanese とげまる Togemaru From トゲデマル Togedemaru
English, German Togemaru Same as Japanese name
French Togedemarulz From Togedemaru
Italian Togeriparu From Togedemaru and riparare (to repair)
Spanish Tooquemadu From Togedemaru
Korean 토게마루 Togemaru From 토게데마루 Togedemaru
Chinese (Mandarin) 小刺球 Xiǎo Cìqiú From 小 xiǎo (small), 刺 (thorn), and 球 qiú (ball)
Chinese (Cantonese) 小刺球 Síu Chikàuh From 小 síu (small), 刺 chi (thorn), and 球 kàuh (ball)

Related articles

For more information on this Pokémon's species, see Togedemaru.


This article is part of Project Anime, a Bulbapedia project that covers all aspects of Pokémon animation.