Inteleon VMAX League Battle Deck (TCG)

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Inteleon VMAX League Battle Deck

Box art
Types used Water

The Inteleon VMAX League Battle Deck is a special Sword & Shield Series Theme Deck released for the Pokémon Trading Card Game on May 21, 2021.


A Pokémon Deck of Stealthy Power!

Sneak into the corners, Inteleon, and strike when the moment is right! This Pokémon VMAX is yours in this powerful, League-ready deck for skilled Trainers and Pokémon TCG players. With premium foil cards, sought-after power cards, and a well-tuned set of Pokémon and Trainer cards, the Inteleon VMAX League Battle Deck does more than feature one of the first partner Pokémon of the Galar region: it puts together all the elements to support you in your next match against friends and neighbors, in person or online! Ready to play and loaded with the clever combos of Inteleon VMAX, your deck could outwit and out-trick them all!


The Inteleon VMAX League Battle Deck is another entry in the League Battle Deck product line and the first of these incorporated into the Play Level system introduced with the first wave of V Battle Decks. The deck is Play Level 2, indicating it is aimed at players with knowledge or experience of the TCG, thus includes more useful and competitive combinations of cards compared to Play Level 1 products. Each deck includes 60 cards, a deck box, two acrylic condition markers, six damage-counter dice, a competition-legal coin-flip die, a Quick Guide, a rulebook, and a code card to unlock a digital version of it in the Pokémon Trading Card Game Online.

This deck contains two exclusive Non Holofoil prints of Sword & Shield Frosmoth and also includes re-releases of Non Holofoil Sword & Shield Inteleon (×2), Professor's Research (×4), and Marnie (×3) from the Sword & Shield Build & Battle Box, Non Holofoil Rebel Clash Boss's Orders (×3) from the Trainer's Toolkit, and Non Holofoil Darkness Ablaze Suicune (×1) from the Galarian Darmanitan Theme Deck.

Deck list

Quantity Card Type Rarity
InteleonVMAX Water Rare VMAX
InteleonV Water Ultra-Rare Rare
Frosmoth Water Rare
Snom Water Common
Inteleon Water Rare
Drizzile Water Uncommon
Sobble Water Common
Galarian Zigzagoon Darkness Common
Suicune Water Rare
Air Balloon I Uncommon
Bird Keeper Su Uncommon
Boss's Orders Su Rare
Capacious Bucket I Uncommon
Evolution Incense I Uncommon
Great Ball I Uncommon
Marnie Su Rare
Ordinary Rod I Uncommon
Professor's Research Su Rare
Quick Ball I Uncommon
Scoop Up Net I Uncommon
Training Court St Uncommon
10× Water Energy Water E

This article is part of Project TCG, a Bulbapedia project that aims to report on every aspect of the Pokémon Trading Card Game.

Pokémon Trading Card Game expansions and releases
Bold indicates a main expansion. Italics indicate a special set. Releases that are entirely composed of prints from other releases are small.
Sword & Shield Series
SWSH Black Star Promos
Sword & Shield: Sword & Shield Build & Battle BoxRillaboom Theme DeckCinderace Theme DeckInteleon Theme Deck
Rebel Clash: Rebel Clash Build & Battle BoxZacian Theme DeckZamazenta Theme Deck
Pikachu & Zekrom-GX League Battle DeckReshiram & Charizard-GX League Battle Deck
Darkness Ablaze: Darkness Ablaze Build & Battle BoxGalarian Darmanitan Theme DeckGalarian Sirfetch'd Theme Deck
Pokémon FutsalChampion's Path
Vivid Voltage: Vivid Voltage Build & Battle BoxCharizard Theme DeckDrednaw Theme Deck
Zacian V League Battle DeckV Battle Deck—Venusaur vs. BlastoiseMcDonald's Collection 2021
Shining Fates
Battle Styles: Battle Styles Build & Battle Box
V Battle Deck—Victini vs. GardevoirInteleon VMAX League Battle Deck
Chilling Reign: Chilling Reign Build & Battle Box
Evolving Skies: Evolving Skies Build & Battle Box
CelebrationsV Battle Deck—Rayquaza vs. Noivern
Fusion Strike: Fusion Strike Build & Battle Box
Single Strike Urshifu VMAX League Battle DeckRapid Strike Urshifu VMAX League Battle Deck
Brilliant Stars: Brilliant Stars Build & Battle BoxV Battle Deck—Lycanroc vs. Corviknight
Battle Academy 2022
Astral Radiance: Astral Radiance Build & Battle Box
Pokémon GO: Pokémon GO V Battle Deck—Mewtwo vs. Melmetal
Ice Rider Calyrex VMAX League Battle DeckShadow Rider Calyrex VMAX League Battle Deck
McDonald's Collection 2022Trick or Trade 2022
Lost Origin: Lost Origin Build & Battle Box
V Battle Deck—Zeraora vs. DeoxysPlay! Pokémon Prize Pack Series One
Silver Tempest: Silver Tempest Build & Battle BoxMew VMAX League Battle Deck
Crown ZenithPlay! Pokémon Prize Pack Series TwoOrigin Forme Palkia VSTAR League Battle Deck
Sword & Shield Era
S-P Promotional cards
V Starter Sets
SwordShield: Sword & Shield Premium Trainer Box
Zacian + Zamazenta BoxVMAX Rising
Rebellion Crash
Charizard & Grimmsnarl VMAX Starter SetsExplosive Walker
Infinity Zone
Legendary HeartbeatV Starter Decks
Amazing Volt Tackle
VMAX Special SetShiny Star V
Venusaur & Blastoise VMAX Starter Sets
Single Strike MasterRapid Strike Master: Single Strike & Rapid Strike Premium Trainer Boxes
Peerless Fighters
Silver LanceJet-Black Spirit: Silver Lance & Jet-Black Spirit Jumbo Pack Set
Eevee HeroesEevee Heroes VMAX Special SetHigh-Class Decks
Skyscraping PerfectionBlue Sky Stream: Sword & Shield Family Pokémon Card Game
V-UNION Special Card Sets
Fusion Arts
25th Anniversary CollectionPromo Card Pack 25th Anniversary Edition
Zacian & Zamazenta vs Eternatus Special Deck Set
VMAX ClimaxStart Deck 10025th Anniversary Golden Box
Star BirthVSTAR Premium Trainer Box
Battle RegionVSTAR Starter SetsStart Deck 100 CoroCoro Comic Version
Time GazerSpace Juggler
Dark PhantasmaPokémon GO
Lost Abyss: VSTAR & VMAX High-Class Decks
VSTAR Special SetIncandescent Arcana
Paradigm Trigger
Charizard VSTAR vs Rayquaza VMAX Special Deck Set
VSTAR Universe