Sidney (Masters)

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カゲツ Kagetsu

Sidney's model
No. 137
English voice actor
Japanese voice actor
Description One of the Hoenn League Elite Four, he loves Pokémon battles and doesn’t really care if he wins or loses. He has a rough way of speaking but is actually a polite person.

Sidney (Japanese: カゲツ Kagetsu) is a Pokémon Trainer in Pokémon Masters EX, based on the character of the same name in the core series games. He forms a sync pair with Absol. The sync pair can be obtained through sync pair scout, starring on August 9, 2021. The pair's potential can be upgraded to 6★ EX, which unlocks Sidney's EX Style.


Type Dark
Move type Dark
Role Tech
Base Potential ★★★★★☆EX
Absol Weakness Bug
The only thing unlucky about Absol is its appearance. It protects fields and warns people of disaster, so one ought to be grateful for it.
Stats HP Attack Defense Sp. Atk Sp. Def Speed
Lv. 140, Base Potential 618 335 133 236 133 283
Lv. 140, Max Potential 718 375 173 276 173 323
Mega Absol
Lv. 140, Base Potential 618 402 133 236 133 339
Lv. 140, Max Potential 718 442 173 276 173 363


Name Type Category Move gauge Base Power Max Power Accuracy Target Description
Night Slash Dark
Physical 2 40 48 100% An opponent Critical hits land more easily.
Potion None Status 0
(2 uses)
An ally Restores an ally's HP by approximately 40% of its maximum HP
Brutal Swing Dark
Physical 2 50 60 100% All opponents No additional effect.
No Hard Feelings! None Status 0
(1 use)
Self Uses a maximum of three slots of the user’s move gauge. The more amount used, the more this move raises the user’s Attack (can be raised by up to four stat ranks maximum). Raises the user’s critical-hit rate by three stat ranks. Applies the Enduring effect to the user.
Sync moves
Most Excellent Night Slash Dark
Physical 200 240 An opponent Become Mega Absol until the end of battle. Critical hits land more easily. This move’s power increases when the target is confused.
(6★ EX) effect: Power of sync move increases by 50%.


Name Description
Passive Skills
Critical Strike 3 Powers up the user's attacks when they become critical hits.
(Only before Mega Evolving)
Critical Strike 5 Powers up the user's attacks when they become critical hits.
(Only after Mega Evolving)
Criticonfuse 9 Leaves the target confused when the user's move is a critical hit.
Stop Hitting Yourself 5 Raises the chance that an opponent will attack themselves due to being confused.
Theme Skills
Dark Tech Raises allies' Attack and Sp. Atk by 12 when using Dark-type attacks.
Raises the maximum HP of all allied sync pairs by 12.
Hoenn Tech Raises the Attack and Sp. Atk of all allied sync pairs by 1.
Raises the maximum HP of all allied sync pairs by 1.
Elite Four Tech Raises the Attack and Sp. Atk of all allied sync pairs by 1.
Raises the maximum HP of all allied sync pairs by 1.
Passionate Spirit Tech Raises the Attack and Sp. Atk of all allied sync pairs by 2.
Raises the maximum HP of all allied sync pairs by 2.

Sync Grid

Sidney and Absol's sync grid is an expanded grid, made available since the sync pair was first released.


Sync Pair Stories

  • A Day with Sidney


Main article: Sidney/Quotes → Pokémon Masters EX


5★ model 5★ VS model 6★ EX model 6★ EX VS model Sidney's sync move mindscape
(Ever Grande City, Sidney's room)
Trainer emote
Trainer emote
Watch out!
Trainer emote
Let's do this!
Trainer emote

Characters appearing in Pokémon Masters EX
Pasio ScottieBettieLearRachelSawyerPauloTina
Kanto BrockMistyLt. SurgeErikaBlaineLoreleiBrunoAgathaJanineKogaBlueGiovanniLeafLanceProfessor OakRedSabrinaJessieJamesAshElaineChase
Johto KrisBugsyWhitneyPryceClairWillKarenLyraEthanSilverJasmineMortyFalknerEusineArcherArianaPetrelProtonChuck
Hoenn BrendanRoxanneBrawlyFlanneryNormanWinonaTateLizaPhoebeDrakeNolandGlaciaZinniaStevenWallaceWallyLucyLisiaMayMaxieArchieSidneyCourtneyGreta
Sinnoh BarryRoarkGardeniaMayleneCrasher WakeCandiceFlintThortonCherylMarleyCynthiaFantinaDawnCyrusVolknerDarachLucasAaronBerthaLucianLookerAdamanIridaPalmerArgentaAkariReiRileyDahliaVolo
Unova RosaClaySkylaBrycenIrisRoxieMarlonShauntalMarshalCherenHilbertHildaElesaCaitlinGrimsleyBurghAlderNateBiancaNGhetsisIngoEmmetHughColressLenoraBrycen-ManBellelba
Kalos GrantKorrinaRamosWulfricSieboldWikstromViolaCalemValerieClemontSerenaLysandreProfessor SycamoreDianthaEvelynNitaHelenaKaliShaunaEmmaOlympiaDrasnaDanaKatherineTiernoMorganMalvaTrevor
Alola HauSophoclesMinaOliviaHapuKahiliNanuAcerolaKukuiPlumeriaGuzmaLusamineGladionLillieMolayneMallowSeleneElioLanaKiaweHalaThe Masked RoyalNaomiAnabelRyuki
Galar GloriaPiersLeonMarnieRaihanNessaBeaHopAllisterSoniaBedeGordieMelonyVictorBall GuyRoseOleanaEvePeteyKabuKlaraAvery
Paldea NemonaPennyIonoGrushaGeetaJacqRikaPoppyLarryArven
NPCs Professor BellisTristaTriciaTrinniaMeowthTabithaMattShellyMarsJupiterSaturnCilanChiliCressKiyoShadow TriadFabaArceusBrandonBengaTeam Break

This game character article is part of Project CharacterDex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each character found in the Pokémon games.