Shell Sage

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Revision as of 18:18, 13 August 2021 by FinnishPokéFan92 (talk | contribs) (FinnishPokéFan92 moved page Turtle Master to Shell Sage: Dub name.)
Undubbed character This article is about a character featured in the Pokémon anime who has not yet debuted in the English language dub.
As such, their information may contain romanized Japanese names, rather than dub names.
File:Turtle Master.png
Turtle Master

The (Japanese: カメマスター Turtle Master) is a character of the day who appeared in Eyes on the Goal!.

He appeared at the end of Eyes on the Goal!, riding on top of a group of Blastoise, where he called out to his Pokémon that were taking part in a race across a park against Team Rocket's Chewtle.



Turtwig is the Turtle Master's first known Pokémon.

It encountered Meowth, Wobbuffet, and Chewtle in a park in Vermilion City. It had a race against Chewtle where several of its Trainer's other Pokémon took part in. Turtwig abandoned the race when its Trainer called out to them.

None of Turtwig's moves are known.


Torkoal is the Turtle Master's second known Pokémon.

It joined in the race between Turtwig and Chewtle in a park in Vermilion City. Unable to stop itself from laughing at Meowth's commentary, Torkoal released a large cloud of smoke and dropped out of the race. It later joined the Turtle Master when it was called back.

None of Torkoal's moves are known.


Tirtouga is the Turtle Master's third known Pokémon.

It joined in the race between Turtwig and Chewtle in a park in Vermilion City. It boasted its speed as its dashed through a sandbox, only to hit its head on the box's edge and drop out of the race. It later joined the Turtle Master when it was called back.

None of Tirtouga's moves are known.


Squirtle is the Turtle Master's fourth known Pokémon.

It joined in the race between Turtwig and Chewtle in a park in Vermilion City. Squirtle abandoned the race when its Trainer called out to them.

None of Squirtle's moves are known.


Wartortle is the Turtle Master's fifth known Pokémon.

It joined in the race between Turtwig and Chewtle in a park in Vermilion City. Wartortle abandoned the race when its Trainer called out to them.

None of Wartortle's moves are known.


Drednaw is the Turtle Master's sixth known Pokémon.

It joined in the race between Turtwig and Chewtle in a park in Vermilion City. Drednaw abandoned the race when its Trainer called out to them.

None of Drednaw's moves are known.


Grotle is the Turtle Master's seventh known Pokémon.

It joined in the race between Turtwig and Chewtle in a park in Vermilion City. Grotle abandoned the race when its Trainer called out to them.

None of Grotle's moves are known.


Torterra is the Turtle Master's eighth known Pokémon.

It joined in the race between Turtwig and Chewtle in a park in Vermilion City. Torterra abandoned the race when its Trainer called out to them.

None of Torterra's moves are known.


Carracosta is the Turtle Master's ninth known Pokémon.

It joined in the race between Turtwig and Chewtle in a park in Vermilion City. Carracosta abandoned the race when its Trainer called out to them.

None of Carracosta's moves are known.


Turtonator is the Turtle Master's tenth known Pokémon.

It joined in the race between Turtwig and Chewtle in a park in Vermilion City. Turtonator abandoned the race when its Trainer called out to them.

None of Turtonator's moves are known.

Blastoise (×6)

Blastoise is the Turtle Master's eleventh known Pokémon species.

The Turtle Master was seen riding on top of his Blastoise, the six of whom were standing in a pyramid formation, when he called out to his other Pokémon who were competing in a race against Chewtle.

None of Blastoise's moves are known.

Voice actors

Language Voice actor
Japanese 北沢洋 Yō Kitazawa

This article is part of Project COD, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each one-time character of the Pokémon animated series.