The temperate climate makes this town a relaxed and casual place for people and Pokémon to live in. There is a Pokémon Day Care and a Pokémon Center here. Beyond a path hemmed by stands of trees, one can find the entrance to the Solaceon Ruins.
Solaceon Town (Japanese: ズイタウンZui Town) is a town in central Sinnoh. It is located between Route 209 and Route 210, while also being the location of Solaceon Ruins. It is a fairly small town with a tiny village community.
Free of Worry! (Japanese: きままに くらせる まちA town of carefree living.)
Solaceon Town is a temperate town where people and Pokémon can relax. According to the town's locals, there was once nothing there but a road, but people and Pokémon gathered and a town formed. Solaceon Town is populated mostly by Ranchers and Cowgirls, and appears to be a farming community. As mentioned by a local, there were big Pokémon ranches around the town in the past. Most of the town residents live on the western side of town, near the main road. The eastern side of town is full of trees and ledges, resembling a maze. Solaceon Ruins is located on the far east side of town.
Sinnoh's Pokémon Day Care is located here. This is where Trainers can drop off and pick up Pokémon from the old couple that lives there. Pokémon left at a daycare gain experience based on how many steps the player takes. It is free to put a Pokémon into the daycare and it costs $100 to take it out, plus an additional $100 per level increased while in the daycare. The Pokémon Day Care can keep up to two Pokémon at a time. Pokémon kept there will occasionally breed and have a Pokémon Egg, if certain conditions are right. The old man waits outside the house facing the road, informing the player if they have found an Egg. The old woman waits at the counter inside for Trainer to pick up and drop off their Pokémon. There will also be a man waiting at a table there, giving the player a Day Care Checker app for their Pokétch. There must be a Pokémon already in the daycare when entering the building for the man to be there.
Solaceon Town is also home to the Pokémon News Press building. It is run by two people, who create and print the Sinnoh region's newspaper. The Pokémon News Press is tiny, containing only a TV and a desk, with a writing pad and a computer, but the newspaper is said to have many fans. One of the men asks the player each day to show him a different Pokémon the player has already seen, awarding Poké Balls if the request is granted. The Pokémon he wants to see is often simple to obtain because he only asks for Pokémon already listed in the player's Pokédex. A player who accomplishes this task within 24 hours will be rewarded with three of any type of Poké Ball, except for Master Balls, Cherish Balls, Safari Balls, and Park Balls, and a Heart ScalePt. They are featured as a top story of the newspaper on the computer called the "Weekly Poké Ball Roundup". There are featured articles on new types of Poké Balls.
The Solaceon Ruins is a cave found in the eastern side of Solaceon Town. It is the set of ruins where the player can find the Unown in Sinnoh. The first room has no Pokémon in it and there is writing in the Unown alphabet that indicates which exits to take to get to the last room. The second room has only Unown of the "F" variety, the third has "R" and so on, spelling out the word "friend". The dead-end rooms (reached by not following the Unown alphabet instructions) house the other twenty varieties of Unown. The last room holds four items (Nugget, Rare CandyDP/HM05 (Defog)Pt, Mind Plate, Odd Incense) and an inscription written in Unown script.
Seal woman
In the eastern-most house of Solaceon Town, living near the Solaceon Ruins, is a woman who will give the player a Seal Case, an item which will hold Poké Ball Seals, which can be purchased later in the game in Sunyshore City. There is also a little boy in the house, who is the woman's son. He goes into the Solaceon Ruins every day to learn the alphabet, which he does by watching the Unown, originally found within the cave. If the boy is shown each of the different forms of Unown, he will give the player ten of the corresponding Seal, with the same shape of the Unown.
In Pokémon Diamond and Pearl, the population of Solaceon Town is 28, making it a fairly small community for such a large area. Most of the townspeople live on the west side of town, near the main road.
Pokémon Platinum
In Pokémon Platinum, the population of Solaceon Town is 31, making it a fairly small community for such a large area. Most of the townspeople live on the west side of town, near the main road. Being the largest town in Sinnoh, it is tied for the title of the largest town in the Pokémon world with Azalea Town in Johto.
On certain days, the player can challenge a Trainer who appears in the Pokémon Center. Depending on the game progress, the Trainer will have teams with higher leveled Pokémon upon rematch.
The Solaceon Contest was held in Team Shocker!. Dawn, Kenny, and Jessilina all entered the event hoping to win the prestigious Solaceon Ribbon. In the Performance Stage, both Kenny and Jessilina managed to impress the Contest Judges with their performances and advance to the second round. Dawn, however, failed to make the cut and was knocked out of the competition. In the Battle Stage, Kenny and Jessilina faced off in the finals. By using Kenny's Prinplup's techniques to favor her Dustox, Jessilina was able to win the battle. With this victory, she earned her first Contest Ribbon.
Having seen the Solaceon Contest on television, Zoey came to Solaceon Town to tell Dawn what she was doing wrong. She asked Dawn for a battle based on the performance she delivered in the previous day and then explained that, while Ambipom's Swift looked beautiful, it covered Ambipom completely, hiding the Long Tail Pokémon from sight and missing the point of the first round, which is to showcase the Pokémon in an appealing way.
The town was revisited in If the Scarf Fits, Wear It!, where Ash and his friends met up with Angie again. Angie's parents own the town's Day Care Center and left it in Angie's hands when they had to go on a trip. Angie was eager to impress her parents and thus trained a Lickitung a bit much, teaching it how to use Rollout, which caused it to evolve into Lickilicky. She thought she would get in trouble for what happened, as it is against the Day Care rules to let a Pokémon evolve. However, when the Lickitung's Trainer appeared to take it back, he was actually happy about the Evolution.
Diamond, Pearl and Platinum are dropped off at Solaceon Town by Fantina and her Drifblim. They are suddenly caught on camera, and find the culprits to be a Belle & Pa working for the Pokémon News Press. While Platinum finds herself having to explain the "mysterious creatures" that the Pa intended to snap on camera, Diamond and Pearl practice their comedy lines. Platinum excuses herself after seeing two of the mysterious creatures, known as Unown, hover above Diamond and Pearl. The two Unown eventually lead the trio into Solaceon Ruins.
At some point earlier, in All About Arceus IX, Crystal informs Gold that the Day Care Couple will move from Johto to another region (implied to be their new home in Solaceon Town).
The music heard in Solaceon Town is the same music heard in Pastoria City.
This is the only area in Sinnoh where Dive Balls can be obtained.
Solaceon Town is on the longest non-event straightway path in Sinnoh, spanning not only Solaceon but parts of the routes to the north and south of it.