Neo Genesis (TCG)

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Revision as of 12:14, 11 September 2021 by Greengiant (talk | contribs) (Add furigana)
← Gym Challenge
TCG expansions
Neo Discovery →
Neo Genesis
Cards in set English: 111
Japanese: 96
Set number English: 8
Japanese: 7
Release date English: December 16, 2000
Japanese: February 4, 2000
Theme Decks

Hotfoot (GrassFire)
Cold Fusion (LightningWater)

Challenge from the Darkness
Gold, Silver, to a New World...
Crossing the Ruins...

Pokémon: Neo Genesis (Japanese: 世界へ... Gold, Silver, to a New World...) is the name given to the first main expansion of cards from the Neo Series of the Pokémon Trading Card Game (the neo Era in Japan). The set is the first to feature Generation II Pokémon in the card game.


The Neo world order is here.

Here come over 60 all-new Pokémon from the Pokémon Gold™ and Pokémon Silver™ Game Boy® games! See if you can master two new Energy types and the Pokémon that go with 'em—Darkness Energy for extra power and Metal Energy for extra protection. Also, meet the Baby Pokémon! They evolve into Basic Pokémon and cause plenty of trouble.

The Pokémon®: Neo Genesis™ set introduces all-new Pokémon trading card game rules, so check out the website, <>, to find out the latest! Or look for all-new Neo Genesis preconstructed theme decks with updated rules, coming out soon!


Neo Genesis is the name given to the first main expansion of the Neo Series of the Pokémon Trading Card Game. In Japan, it was released as Gold, Silver, to a New World..., the first expansion in the Pokémon Card Game neo Era. It is based on Pokémon Gold and Silver, featuring Generation II Pokémon. The English expansion was released on December 16, 2000, while the Japanese expansion was released on February 4, 2000.

Neo Genesis introduced the Darkness and Metal types, and Baby Pokémon. It also introduced the Pokémon Tool subclass of Trainer cards, cards that could be permanently attached to Pokémon in play (a reference to the held item mechanic introduced in Pokémon Gold and Silver Versions).

Neo Genesis also introduced an updated card design in which the Evolution box was changed to a circular design, HP was changed to black text instead of red, the Evolution Stage was displayed below the HP and the Weakness and Resistance have a background graphic.

Moo-Moo Milk features different illustration in the English release and the Japanese release. It originally depicts a Sentret suckling on a Miltank's udder, and was considered inappropriate for the primary audiences in the English release. It was changed to having several cans of Moomoo Milk in a barn with a Cleffa.

Corrected error cards
No. Image Card name Type Promotion
Quilava Fire Char attack description changed (4 lines of text instead of 5)
Typhlosion Fire Flame Burst's damage corrected to 60+
Pichu Lightning Description changes 'electrical' (電気 (denki)) to 'electric shock' (でんげき (dengeki))
Donphan Fighting Flail's damage corrected to 10×
Darkness Energy Darkness "Put 10 damage counters" corrected to "Put 1 damage counter" in description

Set lists

Neo Genesis
No. Image Card name Type Rarity
1/111 Ampharos Lightning Rare Holo Promotion
2/111 Azumarill Water Rare Holo Promotion
3/111 Bellossom Grass Rare Holo Promotion
4/111 Feraligatr Water Rare Holo Promotion
5/111 Feraligatr Water Rare Holo Promotion
6/111 Heracross Grass Rare Holo Promotion
7/111 Jumpluff Grass Rare Holo Promotion
8/111 Kingdra Water Rare Holo Promotion
9/111 Lugia Colorless Rare Holo Promotion
10/111 Meganium Grass Rare Holo Promotion
11/111 Meganium Grass Rare Holo Promotion
12/111 Pichu Lightning Rare Holo Promotion
13/111 Skarmory Metal Rare Holo Promotion
14/111 Slowking Psychic Rare Holo Promotion
15/111 Steelix Metal Rare Holo Promotion
16/111 Togetic Colorless Rare Holo Promotion
17/111 Typhlosion Fire Rare Holo Promotion
18/111 Typhlosion Fire Rare Holo Promotion
19/111 Metal Energy Metal E Rare Holo Promotion
20/111 Cleffa Colorless Rare Promotion
21/111 Donphan Fighting Rare Promotion
22/111 Elekid Lightning Rare Promotion
23/111 Magby Fire Rare Promotion
24/111 Murkrow Darkness Rare Promotion
25/111 Sneasel Darkness Rare Promotion
26/111 Aipom Colorless Uncommon Promotion
27/111 Ariados Grass Uncommon Promotion
28/111 Bayleef Grass Uncommon Promotion
29/111 Bayleef Grass Uncommon Promotion
30/111 Clefairy Colorless Uncommon Promotion
31/111 Croconaw Water Uncommon Promotion
32/111 Croconaw Water Uncommon Promotion
33/111 Electabuzz Lightning Uncommon Promotion
34/111 Flaaffy Lightning Uncommon Promotion
35/111 Furret Colorless Uncommon Promotion
36/111 Gloom Grass Uncommon Promotion
37/111 Granbull Colorless Uncommon Promotion
38/111 Lanturn Lightning Uncommon Promotion
39/111 Ledian Grass Uncommon Promotion
40/111 Magmar Fire Uncommon Promotion
41/111 Miltank Colorless Uncommon Promotion
42/111 Noctowl Colorless Uncommon Promotion
43/111 Phanpy Fighting Uncommon Promotion
44/111 Piloswine Water Uncommon Promotion
45/111 Quagsire Water Uncommon Promotion
46/111 Quilava Fire Uncommon Promotion
47/111 Quilava Fire Uncommon Promotion
48/111 Seadra Water Uncommon Promotion
49/111 Skiploom Grass Uncommon Promotion
50/111 Sunflora Grass Uncommon Promotion
51/111 Togepi Colorless Uncommon Promotion
52/111 Xatu Psychic Uncommon Promotion
53/111 Chikorita Grass Common Promotion
54/111 Chikorita Grass Common Promotion
55/111 Chinchou Lightning Common Promotion
56/111 Cyndaquil Fire Common Promotion
57/111 Cyndaquil Fire Common Promotion
58/111 Girafarig Psychic Common Promotion
59/111 Gligar Fighting Common Promotion
60/111 Hoothoot Colorless Common Promotion
61/111 Hoppip Grass Common Promotion
62/111 Horsea Water Common Promotion
63/111 Ledyba Grass Common Promotion
64/111 Mantine Water Common Promotion
65/111 Mareep Lightning Common Promotion
66/111 Marill Water Common Promotion
67/111 Natu Psychic Common Promotion
68/111 Oddish Grass Common Promotion
69/111 Onix Fighting Common Promotion
70/111 Pikachu Lightning Common Promotion
71/111 Sentret Colorless Common Promotion
72/111 Shuckle Grass Common Promotion
73/111 Slowpoke Psychic Common Promotion
74/111 Snubbull Colorless Common Promotion
75/111 Spinarak Grass Common Promotion
76/111 Stantler Colorless Common Promotion
77/111 Sudowoodo Fighting Common Promotion
78/111 Sunkern Grass Common Promotion
79/111 Swinub Water Common Promotion
80/111 Totodile Water Common Promotion
81/111 Totodile Water Common Promotion
82/111 Wooper Water Common Promotion
83/111 Arcade Game T [GC] Rare Promotion
84/111 Ecogym T [St] Rare Promotion
85/111 Energy Charge T Rare Promotion
86/111 Focus Band T [PT] Rare Promotion
87/111 Mary T Rare Promotion
88/111 PokéGear T Rare Promotion
89/111 Super Energy Retrieval T Rare Promotion
90/111 Time Capsule T Rare Promotion
91/111 Bill's Teleporter T Uncommon Promotion
92/111 Card-Flip Game T [GC] Uncommon Promotion
93/111 Gold Berry T [PT] Uncommon Promotion
94/111 Miracle Berry T [PT] Uncommon Promotion
95/111 New Pokédex T Uncommon Promotion
96/111 Professor Elm T Uncommon Promotion
97/111 Sprout Tower T [St] Uncommon Promotion
98/111 Super Scoop Up T Uncommon Promotion
99/111 Berry T [PT] Common Promotion
100/111 Double Gust T Common Promotion
101/111 Moo-Moo Milk T Common Promotion
102/111 Pokémon March T Common Promotion
103/111 Super Rod T Common Promotion
104/111 Darkness Energy Darkness E Rare Promotion
105/111 Recycle Energy Colorless E Rare Promotion
106/111 Fighting Energy Fighting E Promotion
107/111 Fire Energy Fire E Promotion
108/111 Grass Energy Grass E Promotion
109/111 Lightning Energy Lightning E Promotion
110/111 Psychic Energy Psychic E Promotion
111/111 Water Energy Water E Promotion

Gold, Silver, to a New World...
No. Image Card name Type Rarity
Oddish Grass Common Promotion
Chikorita Grass Common Promotion
Ledyba Grass Common Promotion
Spinarak Grass Common Promotion
Hoppip Grass Common Promotion
Sunkern Grass Common Promotion
Shuckle Grass Common Promotion
Gloom Grass Uncommon Promotion
Bayleef Grass Uncommon Promotion
Ledian Grass Uncommon Promotion
Ariados Grass Uncommon Promotion
Skiploom Grass Uncommon Promotion
Sunflora Grass Uncommon Promotion
Meganium Grass Rare Holo Promotion
Bellossom Grass Rare Holo Promotion
Jumpluff Grass Rare Holo Promotion
Heracross Grass Rare Holo Promotion
Cyndaquil Fire Common Promotion
Magmar Fire Uncommon Promotion
Quilava Fire Uncommon Promotion
Typhlosion Fire Rare Holo Promotion
Magby Fire Rare Promotion
Horsea Water Common Promotion
Totodile Water Common Promotion
Marill Water Common Promotion
Wooper Water Common Promotion
Swinub Water Common Promotion
Mantine Water Common Promotion
Seadra Water Uncommon Promotion
Croconaw Water Uncommon Promotion
Quagsire Water Uncommon Promotion
Piloswine Water Uncommon Promotion
Feraligatr Water Rare Holo Promotion
Azumarill Water Rare Holo Promotion
Kingdra Water Rare Holo Promotion
Pikachu Lightning Common Promotion
Chinchou Lightning Common Promotion
Mareep Lightning Common Promotion
Electabuzz Lightning Uncommon Promotion
Lanturn Lightning Uncommon Promotion
Flaaffy Lightning Uncommon Promotion
Pichu Lightning Rare Holo Promotion
Ampharos Lightning Rare Holo Promotion
Elekid Lightning Rare Promotion
Slowpoke Psychic Common Promotion
Natu Psychic Common Promotion
Girafarig Psychic Common Promotion
Xatu Psychic Uncommon Promotion
Slowking Psychic Rare Holo Promotion
Onix Fighting Common Promotion
Sudowoodo Fighting Common Promotion
Gligar Fighting Common Promotion
Phanpy Fighting Uncommon Promotion
Donphan Fighting Rare Promotion
Murkrow Darkness Rare Promotion
Sneasel Darkness Rare Promotion
Steelix Metal Rare Holo Promotion
Skarmory Metal Rare Holo Promotion
Sentret Colorless Common Promotion
Hoothoot Colorless Common Promotion
Snubbull Colorless Common Promotion
Stantler Colorless Common Promotion
Clefairy Colorless Uncommon Promotion
Furret Colorless Uncommon Promotion
Noctowl Colorless Uncommon Promotion
Togepi Colorless Uncommon Promotion
Aipom Colorless Uncommon Promotion
Granbull Colorless Uncommon Promotion
Miltank Colorless Uncommon Promotion
Cleffa Colorless Rare Promotion
Togetic Colorless Rare Holo Promotion
Lugia Colorless Rare Holo Promotion
Berry T [PT] Common Promotion
Super Rod T Common Promotion
Double Gust T Common Promotion
Pokémon March T Common Promotion
Moo-Moo Milk T Common Promotion
Professor Elm T Uncommon Promotion
Gold Berry T [PT] Uncommon Promotion
Card-Flip Game T [GC] Uncommon Promotion
Miracle Berry T [PT] Uncommon Promotion
New Pokédex T Uncommon Promotion
Super Scoop Up T Uncommon Promotion
Bill's Teleporter T Uncommon Promotion
Sprout Tower T [St] Uncommon Promotion
Ecogym T [St] Rare Promotion
Energy Charge T Rare Promotion
Focus Band T [PT] Rare Promotion
Mary T Rare Promotion
Arcade Game T [GC] Rare Promotion
Time Capsule T Rare Promotion
Super Energy Retrieval T Rare Promotion
PokéGear T Rare Promotion
Darkness Energy Darkness E Rare Promotion
Metal Energy Metal E Rare Holo Promotion
Recycle Energy Colorless E Rare Promotion


English Meganium pack
English Typhlosion pack
English Feraligatr pack
English Lugia pack
Japanese Gold, Silver,
to a New World... pack
English Neo Genesis
booster box
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins

Languages this set is released in

The Gold, Silver, to a New World... set is released in Japanese, all with rarity symbols. The Neo Genesis set is released in English, German, French, Italian, and Spanish, in both 1st and unlimited edition.

In other languages

Language Title
French Neo Genesis
German Neo Genesis
Italian Neo Genesis
Spanish Neo Génesis

This article is part of Project TCG, a Bulbapedia project that aims to report on every aspect of the Pokémon Trading Card Game.

Pokémon Trading Card Game expansions and releases
Bold indicates a main expansion. Italics indicate a special set. Releases that are entirely composed of prints from other releases are small.
Neo Series
Neo Genesis: HotfootCold Fusion
Neo Discovery: Brain WaveWallop
Southern Islands
Tyranitar Half Deck
Neo Revelation
Neo Destiny: DarkLight
Legendary Collection Series
Legendary Collection: LavaTurmoil
Neo Era
Gold, Silver, to a New World...: Neo Starter Deck
Crossing the Ruins...
Awakening Legends
Darkness, and to Light...
Intro Pack Neo
VS Era
Leaders Pokémon Theater Limited Edition
Pokémon VS
Application Pack
Web Era
Pokémon Web