Adon (Japanese: ハイドHide) is a minor character in Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness. He plays a role in the start of the game, where he is playing hide-and-seek with Michael's sister Jovi. He helps Michael discover where Jovi is: Dr. Kaminko's house. Upon returning from finding Jovi, he's asleep. When Michael gives a closer inspection, he makes an observation that Jovi had attempted to put makeup on his face.
"You're looking for Jovi? We're supposed to be playing hide-and-seek right now, but isn't she around anywhere? Well, maybe she's gone off to Dr. Kaminko's manor."
"It's a big, weird house southeast of here."
"Jovi's "it" in our game of hide-and-seek. I wish she'd find me soon. My back is starting to hurt."