Talk:Meowth (Team Rocket)

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Latest comment: 15 April 2008 by Cassius335 in topic Fake out?

Should "Persian" in this article link to the general Pokémon page, or specifically Giovanni's Persian

I'd say to the specific Persian. --BJG

But, the specific Persian is rarely seen or heard from... - 振霖T 06:47, 20 Mar 2005 (UTC)

It's still a specific Persian. I mean, sure there's not much we can say about it, but it's there as a symbol of power. Like Dr. Claw's cat. Or Dr. Evil's cat. --BGJ.

"Oily in the morning"? Wasn't it "Early in the morning" just in Meowth's accent?

Mr. Meowth

I would like to call this one Mr. Meowth, since he's not just a pokemon, but a person.(Unsigned comment by User:RocketM)

As long as you accept that it is a fanon term, you can call Meowth whatever you want. --FabuVinny 11:31, 13 November 2006 (UTC)Reply

Article's name

With the recent changes to the Pokémon card article naming, the Team Rocket set's Meowth card will have the same name as this article. That isn't too good. -Happy Mask Man 03:26, 22 May 2007 (UTC)Reply

Info Tip

Meowth's body can withstand a certain amount of electricity without sustaining extreme damage because of the many times Pikachu used it's electric attack on him and the others

[[1]] Time - 00:36


If PUSA chose Bill Rogers to do Corphish why didn't they chose Rogers to do Meowth and Swellow I think Billy Beach was a bad idea for a replacement Livinlarge18 20:40, 9 February 2008 (UTC)Reply

Reigon and hometown

Hometown: Hollywood Region: California

This doesn't seem right, especially his reigon being California. I don't think there is a "California" in the pokemon world. User:GT4GTR 9:27am CST Australia, 20th Febuary 2008

Like hell it doesn't. I've made the necessary changes. --ニョロトノ666 23:12, 19 February 2008 (UTC)Reply
Remember EP070? "Don't think there's a California in Pokémon", uh huh. Okay, there's no China either, despite it being mentioned time after time. No South America. If there's no California, there's none of the other crap. TTEchidnaFire echyGSDS! 00:07, 20 February 2008 (UTC)Reply
I'm missing the point. Are you saying that there is, in fact, a California in the Pokémon world? Or are you saying that that's crap and that I was correct in removing it? Sorry if I don't understand your reference to EP070, but I don't watch the anime. --ニョロトノ666 01:22, 20 February 2008 (UTC)Reply
Yes, Hollywood is an important place to Meowth, but according to the flashbacks in that episode, he was inspired to head off to Hollywood after seeing a movie. After all, the episode's dub title is Go West, Young Meowth! Simply put, my on this action: Right action, wrong reason. --Shiningpikablu252 03:18, 20 February 2008 (UTC)Reply
Well, where do you consider your hometown to be? Where you were born, or where you grew up? Meowth may not have been born in Hollywood, but he certainly learned to talk, read, walk... and so on there. TTEchidnaFire echyGSDS! 03:40, 20 February 2008 (UTC)Reply
Yea, I would say that Hollywood was Meowth's hometown. --Theryguy512 13:43, 20 February 2008 (UTC)Reply
Okay, I'll change the hometown back to Hollywood. However, should I list the region as California, The United States of America, or North America? --ニョロトノ666 21:22, 20 February 2008 (UTC)Reply
I would say California. --Theryguy512 21:33, 20 February 2008 (UTC)Reply
Done. --ニョロトノ666 22:07, 20 February 2008 (UTC)Reply

Okay, but it still doesn't sound right. Not that i'd know cause i'm not American. GT4GTR

IDK if Meowth is from California. I thought he was living in a dance place in Kanto before he was taken by Jessie and James.491Shiny Lucario448 12:39, 26 February 2008 (UTC)Reply

In one episode (mayby EP070) they say we're going to HOLLYWOOD <<Key word. IDK if they said California... CrystalLucario 12:42, 26 February 2008 (UTC)Reply

Well, the only Hollywood of any significant meaning is the one in California. It's like when saying "Chicago", does anyone think I come from an asteroid? TTEchidnaFire echyGSDS! 01:34, 27 February 2008 (UTC)Reply

Fake out?

When did Meowth Use Fake out? User:ShinyMedicham

From the edit summary by Missingno. Master: EP178. Jessie ordered Meowth to do a "Scratch attack fake-out". Meowth didn't scratch, but it clapped its hands together, and Bulbasaur did flinch, which is what Fake Out does However, the move was only introduced in Generation III so this is doubtful. --FabuVinny |Talk Page| 19:28, 15 April 2008 (UTC)Reply
Jessie may have meant "fake-out" in a more literal sense. - Cassius335 19:37, 15 April 2008 (UTC)Reply