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Revision as of 19:20, 18 February 2005 by Zeta (talk | contribs) (Gonzap's Bio)
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Gonzap (Japanese:  ??? Helgonza) is the leader of Team Snagem, a criminal organization operating in Orre for some time. We know this because his wanted poster is quite prominently featured in ChiefSherles' office.

Gonzap is a large, mustached man who resembles a turn of the century strongman. He errupts into rage after Wes betrays Team Snagem, blows up the gang's headquarters, and steals the Snag machine.

Gonzap seems to have once had some sort of psuedo father/son relationship with Wes. The gang leader aggreed to help Cipher carry out their plans so that Team Snagem would be provided with powerful technology and Shadow Pokémon. In return, Team Snagem was to snag the Pokémon of innocent trainers so that they could be turned into Shadow Pokémon.

Gonzap confronted Wes and Rui in one of the top floors of Realgam Tower, but was defeated.

At Realgam Tower, Gonzap's Pokémon were a Level 52 Crawdaunt, Level 53 Shiftry, Level 52 Pinsir, and a Level 53 Hariyama. He also had a Shadow Pokémon, a Level 47 Skarmory.

After Evice was defeated, he attacked Wes again at the Team Snagem Hideout. At that time, his Pokémon were Level 64 Crawdaunt, Level 64 Armaldo, Level 64 Granbull, Level 64Machamp, Level 64 Breloom, and a Level 64 Gyarados.

In battle, Gonzap tends to favor using Hyper Beam repeatedly.

After Gonzap's second loss to Wes, he vanished - never to be seen again. At least not in Pokémon Colosseum.