No Eggs Discovered (Egg Group)

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Revision as of 11:12, 17 April 2008 by TTEchidna (talk | contribs) (New page: {{EggGroups}} The '''No eggs egg group''' is one of the fifteen egg groups. ==Characteristics== The No eggs egg group is characterized by its members' inability to breed. Many are [[b...)
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Egg Groups
Monster Human-Like
Water 1 Water 3
Bug Mineral
Flying Amorphous
Field Water 2
Fairy Ditto
Grass Dragon
No Eggs Discovered
Gender unknown

The No eggs egg group is one of the fifteen egg groups.


The No eggs egg group is characterized by its members' inability to breed. Many are baby Pokémon, while a majority are legendary Pokémon.


Only in this egg group

# Name Type
172 172 Pichu Electric
030 030 Nidorina Poison
031 031 Nidoqueen Poison Ground
173 173 Cleffa Normal
174 174 Igglybuff Normal
236 236 Tyrogue Fighting
440 440 Happiny Normal
439 439 Mime Jr. Psychic
238 238 Smoochum Ice Psychic
239 239 Elekid Electric
240 240 Magby Fire
446 446 Munchlax Normal
144 144 Articuno Ice Flying
145 145 Zapdos Electric Flying
146 146 Moltres Fire Flying
150 150 Mewtwo Psychic
151 151 Mew Psychic
175 175 Togepi Normal
298 298 Azurill Normal
438 438 Bonsly Rock
201 201 Unown Psychic
360 360 Wynaut Psychic
458 458 Mantyke Water Flying
243 243 Raikou Electric
244 244 Entei Fire
245 245 Suicune Water
249 249 Lugia Psychic Flying
250 250 Ho-Oh Fire Flying
251 251 Celebi Psychic Grass
406 406 Budew Grass Poison
433 433 Chingling Psychic
377 377 Regirock Rock
378 378 Regice Ice
379 379 Registeel Steel
486 486 Regigigas Normal
380 380 Latias Dragon Psychic
381 381 Latios Dragon Psychic
382 382 Kyogre Water
383 383 Groudon Ground
384 384 Rayquaza Dragon Flying
385 385 Jirachi Steel Psychic
386 386 Deoxys Psychic
447 447 Riolu Fighting
480 480 Uxie Psychic
481 481 Mesprit Psychic
482 482 Azelf Psychic
483 483 Dialga Steel Dragon
484 484 Palkia Water Dragon
485 485 Heatran Fire Steel
487 487 Giratina Ghost Dragon
488 488 Cresselia Psychic
491 491 Darkrai Dark
492 492 Shaymin Grass
493 493 Arceus Normal

In this and another egg group



  • This group is the only group in which all members are in a single group, as being a member of any other egg group would defeat the purpose of being in the No eggs group anyway.
  • Nidorina and Nidoqueen are in this egg group, however, they are able to breed with Ditto. No explanation has been given for this, as their male counterparts Nidorino and Nidoking, as well as their pre-evolution Nidoran♀ are in the Monster and Ground groups.