Talk:Gardevoir (Pokémon)
On name origins, what about from the French "Garder" -- to keep, and "voir" -- to see?
- It certainly sounds French in the anime dub. --FabuVinny 11:37, 8 January 2007 (UTC)
Could someone please help me! What does it mean when it says "and the red fins it had as Ralts/Kirlia are now gone." Does it mean the red things? On there head? But, Gardevoir still has them! I'm confused.
- I assume it means those on the head... Sure, Gardevoir's and Gallade's are on their chests now... but Ralts and Kirlia have them on their heads, which is the point. --TTEchidna 23:16, 24 May 2007 (UTC)
I still don't get why they call them "Fins". I don't think there fins. ~Gardevoir
- More "fin-like" then "fins", to be exact. I think I was one who referred to them as Fins... if you can think of a more accurate word for it (maybe "fin-like ridges"?), then by all means, replace it. -- Jioruji Derako.> 02:41, 27 May 2007 (UTC)
- I'll probably do that. Thank you for you're help.
- Right on. Looks just great now. -- Jioruji Derako.> 21:36, 27 May 2007 (UTC)
Yes, theres a much better understanding of what it means now. --Gardevoir
was gardevoir ever speculated as a counterpart to Alakazam ??
- Not... really. Sure, it's kind of a Hoenn counterpart, but Alakazam's there anyway. TTEchidna 23:56, 2 September 2007 (UTC)
Gardevoir's attacking pose
There's something I've noticed about Gardevoir in Pokémon Colosseum/XD/Battle Revolution for quite a while. Whenever Gardevoir attacks, it looks to me as if Gardevoir's holding its arms in a cross formation. It's as if Gardevoir summon power from God to strike their foes or something. Can I make a note of that in the Trivia section?--Pokencyclopedia 05:01, 26 September 2007 (UTC)
- Mmmmmh... I'm thinking... that's too fanony. TTEchidna 05:12, 26 September 2007 (UTC)
Gardevoir - Hypnosis
I noticed that my Gardevoir in Gen IV learned Hypnosis at 60, not 63 like the page says. Was that a typo? Or did I do something to learn moves faster..? ~Desu