List of Battle Maison Trainers/Tourist

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Main article: List of Battle Maison Trainers

The is the list of Pokémon that can be used by each Tourist in the Battle Maison.

Mallorca, Martine, Antalya

# Pokémon Item Moves Nature EVs
HP Attack Defense Sp. Atk Sp. Def Speed
0019 019 Rattata Cheri Berry Cheri Berry Super Fang Bite Quick Attack Focus Energy Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0543 543 Venipede Chesto Berry Chesto Berry Venoshock Struggle Bug Protect Toxic Impish - 252 252 - - -
0016 016 Pidgey Sharp Beak Sharp Beak Air Slash Quick Attack Twister Sand Attack Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0659 659 Bunnelby Rawst Berry Rawst Berry Mud-Slap Super Fang Double Kick Agility Adamant - 252 - - - 252
0679 679 Honedge Persim Berry Persim Berry Fury Cutter Shadow Sneak Aerial Ace Metal Sound Adamant - 252 252 - - -
0074 074 Geodude Shuca Berry Shuca Berry Smack Down Bulldoze Strength Rock Polish Adamant - 252 252 - - -
0043 043 Oddish Big Root Big Root Giga Drain Double Team Confide Poison Powder Modest 170 - 170 - 170 -
0421 421 Cherrim Persim Berry Persim Berry Magical Leaf Helping Hand Sunny Day Attract Modest - - - 252 - 252
0307 307 Meditite Cheri Berry Cheri Berry Low Sweep Feint Confusion Detect Lonely - 252 - - - 252
0261 261 Poochyena Black Glasses Black Glasses Bite Incinerate Scary Face Snarl Hardy - 252 - - - 252
0575 575 Gothorita Persim Berry Persim Berry Psybeam Charge Beam Fake Tears Trick Room Calm - - - 252 252 -
0577 577 Solosis Quick Claw Quick Claw Psywave Round Pain Split Light Screen Modest - - - 252 252 -
0177 177 Natu TwistedSpoon TwistedSpoon Stored Power Ominous Wind Reflect Double Team Modest - - - 252 - 252
0220 220 Swinub Persim Berry Persim Berry Mud Bomb Ice Shard Hail Protect Adamant - 252 252 - - -
0060 060 Poliwag Cheri Berry Cheri Berry Bubble Beam Round Hypnosis Mud Shot Timid - - - 252 - 252
0285 285 Shroomish Big Root Big Root Giga Drain Venoshock Toxic Leech Seed Modest 252 - - 252 - -
0309 309 Electrike Magnet Magnet Spark Quick Attack Thunder Wave Bite Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0209 209 Snubbull Pecha Berry Pecha Berry Confide Rage Bite Charm Adamant - 252 252 - - -
0081 081 Magnemite Metal Coat Metal Coat Mirror Shot Charge Beam Metal Sound Reflect Modest - - - 252 - 252
0246 246 Larvitar Passho Berry Passho Berry Rock Slide Bite Bulldoze Scary Face Adamant - 252 - - - 252
0511 511 Pansage Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Seed Bomb Acrobatics Leer Grass Knot Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0513 513 Pansear Passho Berry Passho Berry Flame Burst Fury Swipes Leer Hone Claws Bashful - 252 - - - 252
0515 515 Panpour Cheri Berry Cheri Berry Scald Taunt Water Sport Leer Modest - - - 252 - 252
0355 355 Duskull Ganlon Berry Ganlon Berry Hex Will-O-Wisp Curse Toxic Modest - - 252 252 - -
0092 092 Gastly Lax Incense Lax Incense Hypnosis Confuse Ray Hex Taunt Timid - - - 252 - 252
0066 066 Machop Payapa Berry Payapa Berry Low Kick Bulldoze Retaliate Scary Face Adamant 252 252 - - - -
0278 278 Wingull Sharp Beak Sharp Beak Aerial Ace Water Pulse Quick Attack Supersonic Serious 252 - - - - 252
0361 361 Snorunt Petaya Berry Petaya Berry Ice Fang Headbutt Bite Hail Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0204 204 Pineco Rocky Helmet Rocky Helmet Gyro Ball Struggle Bug Iron Defense Spikes Brave - 252 252 - - -
0459 459 Snover Occa Berry Occa Berry Razor Leaf Ice Shard Ingrain Swagger Adamant 252 252 - - - -
0167 167 Spinarak Binding Band Binding Band Infestation Poison Jab Spider Web Shadow Sneak Adamant - 252 252 - - -
0650 650 Chespin Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Vine Whip Tackle Pin Missile Rock Smash Adamant - 252 252 - - -
0653 653 Fennekin Charcoal Charcoal Fire Spin Psybeam Will-O-Wisp Lucky Chant Modest - - - 252 - 252
0656 656 Froakie Wacan Berry Wacan Berry Quick Attack Water Pulse Round U-turn Hasty - - - 252 - 252
0669 669 Flabébé Miracle Seed Miracle Seed Fairy Wind Razor Leaf Round Wish Docile - 252 - 252 - -
0436 436 Bronzor Rawst Berry Rawst Berry Psywave Charge Beam Metal Sound Confuse Ray Modest - - - 170 170 170
0667 667 Litleo Persim Berry Persim Berry Fire Fang Headbutt Retaliate Roar Adamant - 252 - - - 252
0165 165 Ledyba SilverPowder SilverPowder Swift Silver Wind Baton Pass Double Team Modest - - - 252 - 252
0595 595 Joltik Liechi Berry Liechi Berry Electroweb Bug Bite String Shot Gastro Acid Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0443 443 Gible Dragon Fang Dragon Fang Twister Sandstorm Sand Tomb Rock Tomb Adamant - 252 - - - 252
0451 451 Skorupi Poison Barb Poison Barb Bug Bite Poison Fang Aerial Ace Leer Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0403 403 Shinx Razor Fang Razor Fang Bite Spark Thunder Wave Baby-Doll Eyes Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0343 343 Baltoy Rindo Berry Rindo Berry Ancient Power Psybeam Cosmic Power Trick Room Quiet - - - 252 252 -
0088 088 Grimer Payapa Berry Payapa Berry Sludge Mud-Slap Incinerate Minimize Modest - - - 252 252 -
0434 434 Stunky Black Glasses Black Glasses Snarl Incinerate Acid Spray Torment Modest 252 - - 252 - -
0708 708 Phantump Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Ingrain Shadow Claw Grass Knot Leech Seed Adamant 252 252 - - - -
0592 592 Frillish Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Bubble Beam Night Shade Attract Flash Calm - - - 252 252 -
0677 677 Espurr Persim Berry Persim Berry Psybeam Fake Out Thunder Wave Round Modest - - - 252 - 252
0624 624 Pawniard Chople Berry Chople Berry Feint Attack Metal Claw Torment Iron Defense Impish - 252 252 - - -
0674 674 Pancham Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Comet Punch Karate Chop Swagger Leer Adamant - 252 252 - - -
0662 662 Fletchinder Sharp Beak Sharp Beak Aerial Ace Flame Charge U-turn Agility Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0318 318 Carvanha Mystic Water Mystic Water Aqua Jet Bite Swagger Screech Adamant - 252 - - - 252
0138 138 Omanyte Shell Bell Shell Bell Brine Ancient Power Protect Shell Smash Bold - - 252 - 252 -
0397 397 Staravia Cheri Berry Cheri Berry Aerial Ace Quick Attack Whirlwind Steel Wing Adamant - 252 - - - 252
0402 402 Kricketune Coba Berry Coba Berry Sing Fell Stinger Screech Slash Adamant - 252 - - - 252
0228 228 Houndour Chesto Berry Chesto Berry Fire Fang Bite Payback Howl Adamant - 252 - - - 252
0096 096 Drowzee Focus Band Focus Band Psybeam Hypnosis Round Light Screen Modest - - - 252 - 252
0608 608 Lampent Absorb Bulb Absorb Bulb Flame Burst Hex Confuse Ray Will-O-Wisp Modest 252 - - 252 - -
0163 163 Hoothoot Cheri Berry Cheri Berry Hypnosis Reflect Confusion Echoed Voice Modest - - - 252 252 -
0431 431 Glameow Silk Scarf Silk Scarf Fury Swipes Attract Feint Attack Torment Adamant - 252 - - - 252
0188 188 Skiploom Occa Berry Occa Berry Bullet Seed Acrobatics Stun Spore Fairy Wind Adamant - 252 - - - 252
0183 183 Marill Rindo Berry Rindo Berry Round Bubble Beam Helping Hand Aqua Ring Timid 252 - - - - 252
0525 525 Boldore Rocky Helmet Rocky Helmet Smack Down Headbutt Sand Attack Iron Defense Adamant - 252 252 - - -
0281 281 Kirlia Tanga Berry Tanga Berry Confusion Magical Leaf Charge Beam Charm Mild - - - 252 - 252
0363 363 Spheal Pecha Berry Pecha Berry Defense Curl Ice Ball Encore Bulldoze Careful - 252 - - 252 -
0408 408 Cranidos Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Rock Slide Headbutt Assurance Scary Face Adamant - 252 - - - 252

Chitose, Gatwick, Adelaide, Paris

# Pokémon Item Moves Nature EVs
HP Attack Defense Sp. Atk Sp. Def Speed
0533 533 Gurdurr White Herb White Herb Superpower Stone Edge Chip Away Bulk Up Adamant 252 252 - - - -
0705 705 Sliggoo Wise Glasses Wise Glasses Dragon Pulse Ice Beam Thunderbolt Muddy Water Modest - - - 252 252 -
0057 057 Primeape Scope Lens Scope Lens Cross Chop Stone Edge Retaliate Earthquake Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0651 651 Quilladin Expert Belt Expert Belt Mud Shot Energy Ball Sludge Bomb Round Modest - - 252 252 - -
0657 657 Frogadier King's Rock King's Rock Hydro Pump Ice Beam Dark Pulse Round Timid - - - 252 - 252
0654 654 Braixen Wide Lens Wide Lens Fire Blast Psychic Psyshock Round Modest - - - 252 252 -
0400 400 Bibarel Quick Claw Quick Claw Waterfall Super Fang Superpower Curse Adamant - 252 - - - 252
0444 444 Gabite Haban Berry Haban Berry Dragon Rush Sandstorm Stone Edge Earthquake Adamant - 252 - - - 252
0042 042 Golbat Razor Fang Razor Fang Giga Drain Air Slash Confuse Ray Shadow Ball Naive - - - 252 - 252
0417 417 Pachirisu Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Volt Switch U-turn Super Fang Light Screen Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0707 707 Klefki Occa Berry Occa Berry Flash Cannon Dazzling Gleam Psychic Crafty Shield Calm - - - 252 252 -
0040 040 Wigglytuff Babiri Berry Babiri Berry Play Rough Brick Break Body Slam Grass Knot Adamant 252 252 - - - -
0262 262 Mightyena Razor Claw Razor Claw Crunch Sucker Punch Frustration Taunt Adamant - 252 - - - 252
0211 211 Qwilfish Cell Battery Cell Battery Aqua Tail Poison Jab Pin Missile Stockpile Adamant - 252 - - - 252
0455 455 Carnivine Binding Band Binding Band Infestation Swords Dance Crunch Power Whip Adamant 252 252 - - - -
0319 319 Sharpedo Muscle Band Muscle Band Night Slash Waterfall Earthquake Ice Fang Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0219 219 Magcargo White Herb White Herb Overheat Earth Power Gyro Ball Body Slam Quiet - 252 - 252 - -
0457 457 Lumineon Shell Bell Shell Bell Waterfall Attract Bounce Aqua Ring Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0670 670 Floette Kebia Berry Kebia Berry Grassy Terrain Misty Terrain Dazzling Gleam Petal Blizzard Adamant - - - 252 252 -
0082 082 Magneton Quick Claw Quick Claw Magnet Rise Flash Cannon Thunder Metal Sound Modest - - 252 252 - -
0432 432 Purugly Big Root Big Root Hypnosis Dream Eater Shadow Ball Round Modest - - - 252 - 252
0224 224 Octillery Razor Claw Razor Claw Flamethrower Ice Beam Flash Cannon Signal Beam Modest - - - 252 252 -
0618 618 Stunfisk Wide Lens Wide Lens Thunderbolt Muddy Water Scald Fissure Modest 252 - - 252 - -
0695 695 Heliolisk Wide Lens Wide Lens Round Focus Blast Dark Pulse Thunder Modest - - - 252 - 252
0226 226 Mantine Cell Battery Cell Battery Rain Dance Hydro Pump Ice Beam Earthquake Mild - 252 - 252 - -
0317 317 Swalot Black Sludge Black Sludge Stockpile Toxic Protect Earthquake Calm - - 252 - 252 -
0545 545 Scolipede King's Rock King's Rock Steamroller Poison Tail Earthquake Rock Slide Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0112 112 Rhydon Rocky Helmet Rocky Helmet Horn Drill Dragon Tail Payback Hammer Arm Impish - - 252 - 252 -
0586 586 Sawsbuck Shell Bell Shell Bell Horn Leech Double-Edge Megahorn Leech Seed Adamant - 252 - - - 252
0547 547 Whimsicott Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Energy Ball Moonblast Leech Seed Tailwind Modest - - - 252 - 252
0691 691 Dragalge Payapa Berry Payapa Berry Dragon Pulse Sludge Wave Surf Thunderbolt Modest - - - 252 - 252
0631 631 Heatmor Shuca Berry Shuca Berry Inferno Night Slash Focus Blast Aerial Ace Hardy - 252 - 252 - -
0326 326 Grumpig Wise Glasses Wise Glasses Psychic Shadow Ball Power Gem Energy Ball Modest - - - 252 - 252
0221 221 Piloswine Zoom Lens Zoom Lens Hail Stone Edge Blizzard Fissure Relaxed 252 - 252 - - -
0288 288 Vigoroth Bright Powder Bright Powder Ice Beam Thunderbolt Flamethrower Shadow Ball Modest - - - 252 - 252
0332 332 Cacturne Scope Lens Scope Lens Dark Pulse Energy Ball Sucker Punch Focus Blast Quiet - 252 - 252 - -
0203 203 Girafarig Colbur Berry Colbur Berry Psychic Thunderbolt Energy Ball Dazzling Gleam Modest - - - 252 - 252
0053 053 Persian Life Orb Life Orb Round Fake Out Power Gem Dark Pulse Timid - - - 252 - 252


# Pokémon Item Moves Nature EVs
HP Attack Defense Sp. Atk Sp. Def Speed
0409 409 Rampardos Passho Berry Passho Berry Rock Slide Crunch Curse Protect Brave - 170 170 - 170 -
0411 411 Bastiodon Enigma Berry Enigma Berry Iron Head Taunt Wide Guard Metal Burst Careful 252 252 - - - -
0419 419 Floatzel Binding Band Binding Band Aqua Tail Protect Pursuit Whirlpool Naive - 252 - - - 252
0429 429 Mismagius Colbur Berry Colbur Berry Taunt Protect Imprison Shadow Ball Naive 252 - - - - 252
0565 565 Carracosta Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Aqua Tail Rock Slide Shell Smash Iron Defense Naughty 252 252 - - - -
0589 589 Escavalier Liechi Berry Liechi Berry Megahorn Quick Guard Swords Dance Reversal Brave 252 252 - - - -
0617 617 Accelgor Focus Sash Focus Sash Encore Bug Buzz Giga Drain Me First Hasty - - - 252 - 252
0523 523 Zebstrika Shuca Berry Shuca Berry Swagger Volt Switch Wild Charge Pursuit Naughty 252 252 - - - -
0426 426 Drifblim Salac Berry Salac Berry Calm Mind Stockpile Ominous Wind Baton Pass Bold - - 252 - 252 -
0537 537 Seismitoad Chesto Berry Chesto Berry Round Rest Water Pulse Sludge Wave Rash - - 170 170 170 -
0062 062 Poliwrath Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Ice Beam Waterfall Psychic Work Up Naughty 170 170 - 170 - -
0078 078 Rapidash Passho Berry Passho Berry Bounce Flame Charge Low Kick Charm Naughty - 252 - - - 252
0089 089 Muk Black Sludge Black Sludge Poison Jab Stockpile Swallow Memento Brave - 252 252 - - -
0094 094 Gengar Focus Sash Focus Sash Shadow Ball Dream Eater Nightmare Hypnosis Timid - - - 252 - 252
0181 181 Ampharos Shuca Berry Shuca Berry Power Gem Thunder Wave Discharge Charge Beam Mild 170 - - 170 170 -
0186 186 Politoed Cell Battery Cell Battery Waterfall Encore Swagger Bounce Modest - - - 252 - 252
0127 127 Pinsir Persim Berry Persim Berry Bug Bite Brick Break Thrash Swords Dance Naughty - 252 - - - 252
0212 212 Scizor Occa Berry Occa Berry Metal Claw Night Slash Aerial Ace Swords Dance Brave 252 - 252 - - -
0214 214 Heracross Black Belt Black Belt Aerial Ace Pursuit Swords Dance Brick Break Brave 170 170 170 - - -
0217 217 Ursaring Chesto Berry Chesto Berry Thrash Crunch Rest Counter Adamant - 170 170 - 170 -
0229 229 Houndoom Charcoal Charcoal Incinerate Flame Charge Will-O-Wisp Sucker Punch Adamant - 252 - - - 252
0232 232 Donphan Metronome Metronome Earthquake Scary Face Rollout Defense Curl Brave - 252 252 - - -
0321 321 Wailord Chesto Berry Chesto Berry Waterfall Heavy Slam Curse Rest Brave - 170 170 - 170 -
0344 344 Claydol Absorb Bulb Absorb Bulb Psychic Ice Beam Protect Calm Mind Calm 252 - - - 252 -
0437 437 Bronzong Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Hypnosis Rain Dance Gyro Ball Trick Room Impish 170 - 170 - 170 -
0452 452 Drapion Scope Lens Scope Lens Night Slash Taunt Toxic Spikes X-Scissor Bold 252 - 252 - - -
0405 405 Luxray Magnet Magnet Wild Charge Crunch Captivate Swagger Lonely - 252 - - 252 -
0038 038 Ninetales Passho Berry Passho Berry Will-O-Wisp Hypnosis Extrasensory Heat Wave Modest - - - 252 - 252
0068 068 Machamp Rawst Berry Rawst Berry Dynamic Punch Payback Foresight Wide Guard Brave 252 252 - - - -
0213 213 Shuckle Binding Band Binding Band Power Split Encore Gastro Acid Sand Tomb Careful 252 - - - 252 -
0407 407 Roserade Big Root Big Root Toxic Leech Seed Protect Giga Drain Calm 252 - 252 - - -
0430 430 Honchkrow Kee Berry Kee Berry Psychic Dark Pulse Protect Nasty Plot Quiet - - 170 170 170 -
0526 526 Gigalith Rawst Berry Rawst Berry Bulldoze Rock Blast Gravity Curse Naughty 170 170 170 - - -
0534 534 Conkeldurr Black Belt Black Belt Rock Slide Force Palm Smelling Salts Bulk Up Bold 170 - 170 - 170 -
0530 530 Excadrill Soft Sand Soft Sand Hone Claws Rock Slide Drill Run Iron Defense Naughty - 252 252 - - -
0553 553 Krookodile Black Glasses Black Glasses Crunch Bulldoze Taunt Counter Naughty - 170 170 - 170 -
0208 208 Steelix Chesto Berry Chesto Berry Earthquake Rest Curse Stealth Rock Impish 252 - - - 252 -
0461 461 Weavile Razor Fang Razor Fang Fake Out Taunt Night Slash Fling Hasty - 252 - - - 252
0472 472 Gliscor Razor Fang Razor Fang Acrobatics Fling U-turn Swords Dance Naughty - 252 - - - 252
0571 571 Zoroark Focus Sash Focus Sash Night Slash Shadow Claw Taunt Counter Naive - 252 - - - 252
0630 630 Mandibuzz Wacan Berry Wacan Berry Taunt Flatter Roost Toxic Calm - - - - 252 252
0628 628 Braviary King's Rock King's Rock Rock Slide Air Slash Tailwind Sky Drop Adamant - 170 170 - 170 -
0073 073 Tentacruel Black Sludge Black Sludge Ice Beam Sludge Wave Hex Toxic Spikes Hasty - - - 252 - 252
0142 142 Aerodactyl Choice Scarf Choice Scarf Rock Slide - - - Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0233 233 Porygon2 Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Blizzard Magic Coat Lock-On Zap Cannon Modest 252 - - 252 - -
0463 463 Lickilicky Kee Berry Kee Berry Thunderbolt Ice Beam Me First Psych Up Naive 170 - 170 170 - -
0469 469 Yanmega Cheri Berry Cheri Berry Air Slash Bug Buzz Detect U-turn Rash - - - 252 252 -
0282 282 Gardevoir Wide Lens Wide Lens Hypnosis Dream Eater Imprison Dazzling Gleam Timid 252 - - - - 252
0475 475 Gallade Expert Belt Expert Belt Shadow Sneak Brick Break Psycho Cut Swords Dance Hasty - 252 - - - 252
0103 103 Exeggutor Petaya Berry Petaya Berry Psyshock Grass Knot Light Screen Synthesis Mild - - - 170 170 170
0121 121 Starmie Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Psychic Cosmic Power Recover Reflect Type Timid 252 - - - - 252
0330 330 Flygon Weakness Policy Weakness Policy Earthquake Dragon Claw Endure Fire Blast Naive - 252 - - - 252
0601 601 Klinklang Shuca Berry Shuca Berry Gear Grind Thunder Wave Screech Volt Switch Impish 252 - - - - 252
0609 609 Chandelure Spell Tag Spell Tag Flamethrower Confuse Ray Will-O-Wisp Hex Modest 170 - - 170 - 170
0134 134 Vaporeon Quick Claw Quick Claw Wish Surf Helping Hand Shadow Ball Quiet - - 252 252 - -
0135 135 Jolteon Magnet Magnet Quick Attack Thunderbolt Thunder Wave Swagger Hasty - - - 252 - 252
0136 136 Flareon Focus Sash Focus Sash Dig Flail Work Up Fire Blast Naughty - 252 - 252 - -
0196 196 Espeon Focus Sash Focus Sash Yawn Dream Eater Calm Mind Protect Naive - - - 252 - 252
0197 197 Umbreon Leftovers Leftovers Confuse Ray Payback Curse Moonlight Impish 252 - 252 - - -
0470 470 Leafeon Scope Lens Scope Lens X-Scissor Leaf Blade Swords Dance Grass Whistle Impish 252 - - - - 252
0471 471 Glaceon Quick Claw Quick Claw Ice Shard Blizzard Mirror Coat Helping Hand Rash 252 - - 252 - -
0448 448 Lucario Black Belt Black Belt Metal Sound Dark Pulse Aura Sphere Heal Pulse Modest - - - 252 - 252
0450 450 Hippowdon Soft Sand Soft Sand Earthquake Crunch Yawn Whirlwind Impish - 252 252 - - -
0476 476 Probopass Cheri Berry Cheri Berry Smack Down Volt Switch Thunder Wave Magnet Rise Calm 252 - - - 252 -
0477 477 Dusknoir Leftovers Leftovers Disable Will-O-Wisp Pain Split Mean Look Bold 252 - 252 - - -
0620 620 Mienshao Salac Berry Salac Berry U-turn Endure Calm Mind Baton Pass Naive 252 - - - - 252
0614 614 Beartic Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Shadow Claw Stone Edge Avalanche Bulk Up Brave - 252 - - 252 -
0626 626 Bouffalant Silk Scarf Silk Scarf Head Charge Pursuit Scary Face Aerial Ace Adamant 252 252 - - - -
0306 306 Aggron Focus Sash Focus Sash Protect Roar Stealth Rock Metal Burst Impish 252 - - - 252 -
0365 365 Walrein Chesto Berry Chesto Berry Frost Breath Snore Stockpile Rest Calm - - 252 - 252 -
0473 473 Mamoswine Passho Berry Passho Berry Double Hit Earthquake Ice Shard Stealth Rock Adamant - 170 - - 170 170
0131 131 Lapras Damp Rock Damp Rock Rain Dance Thunder Ice Shard Confuse Ray Quiet - - 252 252 - -
0169 169 Crobat Charti Berry Charti Berry Cross Poison X-Scissor Hypnosis U-turn Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0462 462 Magnezone Magnet Magnet Metal Sound Flash Cannon Thunderbolt Magnet Rise Rash 252 - - 252 - -
0464 464 Rhyperior Zoom Lens Zoom Lens Payback Rock Blast Stone Edge Protect Brave 170 170 - - 170 -
0465 465 Tangrowth Big Root Big Root Leech Seed Ingrain Giga Drain Toxic Bold 170 - 170 - 170 -
0474 474 Porygon-Z Wise Glasses Wise Glasses Psychic Shadow Ball Thunderbolt Thunder Wave Modest - - - 252 - 252
0584 584 Vanilluxe Never-Melt Ice Never-Melt Ice Ice Beam Frost Breath Mirror Coat Icy Wind Calm 170 - - 170 170 -
0604 604 Eelektross Magnet Magnet Discharge Gastro Acid Thunderbolt Thunder Wave Quiet 252 - - 252 - -
0130 130 Gyarados Muscle Band Muscle Band Ice Fang Aqua Tail Thunder Wave Dragon Dance Lonely 170 170 - - - 170
0143 143 Snorlax Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Return Wild Charge Counter Recycle Adamant - 252 252 - - -
0230 230 Kingdra Persim Berry Persim Berry Waterfall Quash Protect Outrage Adamant 170 170 - - - 170
0242 242 Blissey Leftovers Leftovers Attract Round Heal Pulse Aromatherapy Calm - - 252 - 252 -
0350 350 Milotic Enigma Berry Enigma Berry Surf Recover Mirror Coat Confuse Ray Bold 252 - 252 - - -
0466 466 Electivire Expert Belt Expert Belt Low Kick Dig Rock Slide Screech Naughty 170 170 - - - 170
0467 467 Magmortar Passho Berry Passho Berry Flame Charge Earthquake Confuse Ray Barrier Adamant 252 252 - - - -
0612 612 Haxorus Haban Berry Haban Berry Dual Chop Earthquake Roar Taunt Hasty - 252 - - - 252
0468 468 Togekiss Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Encore Follow Me Reflect Dazzling Gleam Calm 252 - - - 252 -
0637 637 Volcarona Power Herb Power Herb Fire Spin Heat Wave Solar Beam Whirlwind Modest 252 - - - - 252
0059 059 Arcanine Charcoal Charcoal Flamethrower Solar Beam Incinerate Sunny Day Modest - - - 252 - 252
0567 567 Archeops Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Quick Attack Acrobatics Crunch U-turn Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0149 149 Dragonite Custap Berry Custap Berry Toxic Thunder Wave Roost Rock Slide Impish 170 - 170 - 170 -
0248 248 Tyranitar Iron Ball Iron Ball Rock Slide Stealth Rock Thunder Wave Fling Impish 252 - - - 252 -
0373 373 Salamence Yache Berry Yache Berry Roost Scary Face Dragon Tail Earthquake Naughty - 170 170 - 170 -
0376 376 Metagross Occa Berry Occa Berry Meteor Mash Magnet Rise Zen Headbutt Agility Naive - 252 - - - 252
0445 445 Garchomp Lax Incense Lax Incense Earthquake Protect Sandstorm Sand Tomb Jolly 252 - - - - 252
0635 635 Hydreigon Dragon Fang Dragon Fang Dragon Pulse Earth Power Surf Dragon Tail Rash - 252 - - - 252
0289 289 Slaking Chople Berry Chople Berry Earthquake Brick Break Rock Slide Encore Naive - 252 - - - 252


# Pokémon Item Moves Nature EVs
HP Attack Defense Sp. Atk Sp. Def Speed
0689 689 Barbaracle Bright Powder Bright Powder Stone Edge Razor Shell Shell Smash Double Team Adamant - 252 - - - 252
0701 701 Hawlucha Salac Berry Salac Berry Acrobatics High Jump Kick Feather Dance Taunt Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0703 703 Carbink Light Clay Light Clay Reflect Light Screen Safeguard Dazzling Gleam Calm - - 252 - 252 -
0668 668 Pyroar King's Rock King's Rock Flamethrower Hyper Voice Snarl Noble Roar Timid - - - 252 - 252
0713 713 Avalugg Leftovers Leftovers Avalanche Confide Protect Toxic Relaxed 252 - 252 - - -
0697 697 Tyrantrum Lax Incense Lax Incense Stealth Rock Dragon Tail Double Team Earthquake Relaxed - - 252 - 252 -
0699 699 Aurorus Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Substitute Thunder Wave Round Thunderbolt Calm 252 - - - 252 -
0663 663 Talonflame Charti Berry Charti Berry Round Me First Will-O-Wisp Flamethrower Timid - - - 252 - 252
0700 700 Sylveon Leftovers Leftovers Misty Terrain Tail Whip Helping Hand Dazzling Gleam Calm 252 - - - 252 -
0652 652 Chesnaught Leftovers Leftovers Taunt Spiky Shield Feint Wood Hammer Adamant - 252 252 - - -
0655 655 Delphox Petaya Berry Petaya Berry Confide Psychic Flamethrower Round Timid - - - 252 - 252
0658 658 Greninja Leftovers Leftovers Mat Block Spikes Scald Toxic Calm - - 252 - 252 -
0673 673 Gogoat Yache Berry Yache Berry Substitute Horn Leech Bulk Up Payback Impish - - 252 - 252 -
0715 715 Noivern Yache Berry Yache Berry Super Fang Boomburst Round Torment Timid - - - 252 - 252
0671 671 Florges Babiri Berry Babiri Berry Flower Shield Dazzling Gleam Energy Ball Wish Sassy - - 252 - 252 -
0706 706 Goodra Lax Incense Lax Incense Substitute Muddy Water Dragon Pulse Sludge Wave Modest - - - 252 252 -
0709 709 Trevenant Wise Glasses Wise Glasses Psychic Shadow Ball Energy Ball Round Modest - - - 252 252 -
0711 711 Gourgeist Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Will-O-Wisp Trick-or-Treat Pain Split Phantom Force Impish 252 - 252 - - -
0693 693 Clawitzer Bright Powder Bright Powder Heal Pulse Muddy Water Double Team Confide Calm - - 252 - 252 -
0685 685 Slurpuff Big Root Big Root Draining Kiss Cotton Guard Play Nice Confide Modest 252 - - 252 - -
0683 683 Aromatisse Lax Incense Lax Incense Charm Sweet Kiss Attract Draining Kiss Calm 252 - - - 252 -
0003 003 Venusaur Big Root Big Root Leech Seed Toxic Synthesis Ingrain Calm 252 - - - 252 -
0006 006 Charizard Salac Berry Salac Berry Dragon Claw Fire Punch Belly Drum Shadow Claw Adamant 170 - - - 170 170
0009 009 Blastoise Zoom Lens Zoom Lens Aqua Ring Rock Slide Aqua Tail Iron Defense Quiet 170 - 170 - 170 -
0154 154 Meganium Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Light Screen Aromatherapy Swagger Solar Beam Gentle 252 - - - 252 -
0157 157 Typhlosion Passho Berry Passho Berry Flame Burst Flamethrower Solar Beam Sunny Day Rash - - - 252 - 252
0160 160 Feraligatr Lax Incense Lax Incense Screech Aqua Jet Earthquake Block Careful 252 - - - 252 -
0254 254 Sceptile Focus Sash Focus Sash Quick Attack Endeavor Detect Leaf Storm Timid - - - 252 - 252
0257 257 Blaziken Salac Berry Salac Berry High Jump Kick Counter Flamethrower Will-O-Wisp Naughty 170 - 170 - - 170
0260 260 Swampert Jaboca Berry Jaboca Berry Mirror Coat Counter Earthquake Roar Sassy - - 252 - 252 -
0389 389 Torterra Binding Band Binding Band Sand Tomb Seed Bomb Curse Synthesis Adamant 252 252 - - - -
0392 392 Infernape King's Rock King's Rock Fake Out Encore Fling Acrobatics Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0395 395 Empoleon Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Yawn Swords Dance Aqua Jet Metal Claw Lax 252 - 252 - - -
0497 497 Serperior Lum Berry Lum Berry Attract Leaf Tornado Dragon Tail Gastro Acid Jolly - - 170 - 170 170
0500 500 Emboar Chesto Berry Chesto Berry Gyro Ball Curse Rest Sleep Talk Careful 252 - - - 252 -
0503 503 Samurott Splash Plate Splash Plate Retaliate Razor Shell Assurance Encore Mild 252 252 - - - -
0051 051 Dugtrio Focus Sash Focus Sash Reversal Attract Dig Protect Hasty - 252 - - - 252
0105 105 Marowak Salac Berry Salac Berry Substitute Detect Earthquake Swords Dance Careful 252 - - - 252 -
0308 308 Medicham Black Belt Black Belt Fake Out High Jump Kick Bulk Up Feint Impish 252 - - - - 252
0195 195 Quagsire Rindo Berry Rindo Berry Rest Sleep Talk Toxic Bulldoze Impish 252 - 252 - - -
0210 210 Granbull Leftovers Leftovers Charm Protect Retaliate Payback Sassy 170 - 170 - 170 -
0124 124 Jynx Enigma Berry Enigma Berry Draining Kiss Mean Look Lovely Kiss Attract Calm 252 - 252 - - -
0122 122 Mr. Mime Choice Scarf Choice Scarf Trick Dazzling Gleam Psychic Energy Ball Timid - - - 252 - 252
0171 171 Lanturn Salac Berry Salac Berry Thunder Wave Volt Switch Waterfall Agility Naughty - 252 - - - 252
0286 286 Breloom Black Belt Black Belt Fake Tears Helping Hand Mach Punch Stun Spore Brave 252 252 - - - -
0205 205 Forretress Occa Berry Occa Berry Spikes Struggle Bug Stealth Rock Iron Defense Impish 252 - 252 - - -
0227 227 Skarmory Lax Incense Lax Incense Spikes Stealth Rock Sky Drop Whirlwind Naive 252 - - - - 252
0359 359 Absol Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Payback Mean Look Hone Claws Baton Pass Careful 170 - 170 - 170 -
0340 340 Whiscash Chesto Berry Chesto Berry Earthquake Tickle Amnesia Rest Careful - 252 - - 252 -
0297 297 Hariyama King's Rock King's Rock Feint Fake Out Smack Down Vital Throw Brave - 170 170 - 170 -
0416 416 Vespiquen Quick Claw Quick Claw Defend Order Toxic Protect Heal Order Sassy 170 - 170 - 170 -
0026 026 Raichu Focus Sash Focus Sash Encore Thief Thunder Wave Discharge Adamant - - - 252 - 252
0087 087 Dewgong Icy Rock Icy Rock Icy Wind Toxic Rest Hail Mild 252 - 252 - - -
0310 310 Manectric Life Orb Life Orb Crunch Odor Sleuth Quick Attack Wild Charge Adamant - 252 - - - 252
0398 398 Staraptor Focus Sash Focus Sash U-turn Feather Dance Quick Attack Endeavor Hasty - 252 - - - 252
0423 423 Gastrodon Damp Rock Damp Rock Rain Dance Sludge Bomb Muddy Water Counter Gentle - - - 252 252 -
0435 435 Skuntank Shuca Berry Shuca Berry Flamethrower Night Slash Incinerate Memento Naughty - 252 - - - 252
0539 539 Sawk Black Belt Black Belt Low Sweep Quick Guard Retaliate Taunt Naughty - 252 - - - 252
0538 538 Throh Payapa Berry Payapa Berry Protect Toxic Circle Throw Wide Guard Impish - 252 252 - - -
0521 521 Unfezant Enigma Berry Enigma Berry Aerial Ace U-turn Razor Wind Tailwind Jolly 170 170 170 - - -
0045 045 Vileplume Persim Berry Persim Berry Petal Dance Stun Spore Teeter Dance Moonlight Calm - - - - 252 252
0071 071 Victreebel Payapa Berry Payapa Berry Leaf Tornado Stockpile Swallow Gastro Acid Quiet - - - 252 252 -
0101 101 Electrode Shuca Berry Shuca Berry Swagger Light Screen Charge Beam Thunder Wave Calm 252 - - - 252 -
0272 272 Ludicolo Leftovers Leftovers Leech Seed Toxic Giga Drain Rain Dance Lax 170 - 170 170 - -
0275 275 Shiftry Iron Ball Iron Ball Fling Razor Leaf Brick Break Swords Dance Brave 170 170 - - 170 -
0295 295 Exploud Chople Berry Chople Berry Fire Blast Roar Uproar Hyper Voice Modest - - 252 252 - -
0428 428 Lopunny Toxic Orb Toxic Orb Fake Out Encore Fling Dizzy Punch Naive 252 - - - - 252
0478 478 Froslass Colbur Berry Colbur Berry Hail Ice Beam Ominous Wind Thunderbolt Timid - - - 252 - 252
0549 549 Lilligant Persim Berry Persim Berry Charm Sleep Powder Petal Dance Healing Wish Timid - - - 252 - 252
0555 555 Darmanitan Leftovers Leftovers Fire Punch Psychic Protect Will-O-Wisp Naive 252 - - - - 252
0424 424 Ambipom King's Rock King's Rock Fake Out Fling Thief U-turn Naive - 252 - - - 252
0563 563 Cofagrigus Chesto Berry Chesto Berry Night Shade Will-O-Wisp Mean Look Rest Sassy 252 - - - 252 -
0623 623 Golurk Muscle Band Muscle Band Shadow Punch Iron Defense Bulldoze Heavy Slam Lonely 252 - - - 252 -
0632 632 Durant Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Crunch Dig Bug Bite Metal Sound Naive 170 170 - - - 170
0076 076 Golem Hard Stone Hard Stone Stealth Rock Curse Gyro Ball Smack Down Impish 170 170 170 - - -
0080 080 Slowbro Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Yawn Psychic Calm Mind Water Pulse Bold 252 - 252 - - -
0110 110 Weezing Payapa Berry Payapa Berry Pain Split Explosion Haze Will-O-Wisp Impish 252 - 252 - - -
0115 115 Kangaskhan Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Dizzy Punch Fake Out Chip Away Roar Adamant - 252 - - - 252
0128 128 Tauros Liechi Berry Liechi Berry Earthquake Rock Slide Endure Substitute Naughty - 252 - - - 252
0442 442 Spiritomb Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Sucker Punch Pain Split Toxic Grudge Calm 252 - - - 252 -
0615 615 Cryogonal Charti Berry Charti Berry Icy Wind Ice Beam Confuse Ray Light Screen Timid - - 252 - - 252
0621 621 Druddigon Roseli Berry Roseli Berry Crunch Scary Face Glare Dragon Tail Bold - 252 252 - - -
0518 518 Musharna Zoom Lens Zoom Lens Hypnosis Dream Eater Calm Mind Helping Hand Mild - - 170 170 170 -
0560 560 Scrafty Liechi Berry Liechi Berry Fake Out Bulk Up Focus Punch Substitute Naughty 252 252 - - - -
0598 598 Ferrothorn Leftovers Leftovers Iron Head Thunder Wave Sandstorm Ingrain Impish 252 - 252 - - -
0065 065 Alakazam TwistedSpoon TwistedSpoon Energy Ball Psychic Telekinesis Guard Split Timid - - - 252 - 252
0199 199 Slowking Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Psyshock Water Pulse Trick Room Heal Pulse Calm - - - 252 252 -
0241 241 Miltank Lum Berry Lum Berry Body Slam Helping Hand Milk Drink Heal Bell Jolly 252 - - - - 252
0334 334 Altaria Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Flamethrower Cotton Guard Dragon Pulse Roost Calm 252 - - - 252 -
0454 454 Toxicroak Payapa Berry Payapa Berry Fake Out Brick Break Sucker Punch Taunt Lonely - 252 - - - 252
0576 576 Gothitelle Chesto Berry Chesto Berry Fake Tears Psychic Rest Calm Mind Sassy 170 - 170 - - 170
0579 579 Reuniclus Kee Berry Kee Berry Psychic Energy Ball Recover Wonder Room Bold 170 - 170 170 - -
0625 625 Bisharp Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Night Slash Metal Claw Taunt Metal Burst Lax 252 - 252 - - -
0460 460 Abomasnow Leftovers Leftovers Frost Breath Icy Wind Leech Seed Ingrain Impish 170 - 170 - 170 -
0031 031 Nidoqueen Payapa Berry Payapa Berry Chip Away Swagger Helping Hand Flatter Relaxed 170 - 170 - 170 -
0034 034 Nidoking King's Rock King's Rock Bulldoze Megahorn Rock Slide Hone Claws Naughty 252 252 - - - -
0346 346 Cradily Tanga Berry Tanga Berry Round Gastro Acid Stockpile Swallow Bold - - 252 - 252 -
0348 348 Armaldo Chesto Berry Chesto Berry X-Scissor Rock Blast Rest Curse Brave 252 - - - 252 -

O’Hare, Valencia

# Pokémon Item Moves Nature EVs
HP Attack Defense Sp. Atk Sp. Def Speed
0409 409 Rampardos Choice Scarf Choice Scarf Head Smash Earthquake Brick Break Thunder Punch Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0411 411 Bastiodon Leftovers Leftovers Stone Edge Fissure Double Team Iron Defense Careful 252 - - - 252 -
0419 419 Floatzel Damp Rock Damp Rock Surf Ice Beam Focus Blast Rain Dance Hasty - - - 252 - 252
0429 429 Mismagius Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Icy Wind Shadow Ball Thunderbolt Destiny Bond Timid - - - 252 - 252
0565 565 Carracosta Damp Rock Damp Rock Rain Dance Waterfall Rock Slide Earthquake Adamant - 252 - - - 252
0589 589 Escavalier Life Orb Life Orb Megahorn Iron Defense Poison Jab Iron Head Brave 252 252 - - - -
0617 617 Accelgor Focus Sash Focus Sash U-turn Bug Buzz Focus Blast Final Gambit Timid 252 - - - - 252
0523 523 Zebstrika Air Balloon Air Balloon Flame Charge Toxic Wild Charge Volt Switch Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0426 426 Drifblim Wise Glasses Wise Glasses Shadow Ball Thunderbolt Icy Wind Destiny Bond Timid - - 252 - - 252
0537 537 Seismitoad Damp Rock Damp Rock Rain Dance Muddy Water Earth Power Sludge Bomb Timid - - - 252 - 252
0062 062 Poliwrath Leftovers Leftovers Waterfall Focus Punch Encore Substitute Adamant 252 252 - - - -
0078 078 Rapidash Focus Sash Focus Sash Flare Blitz Poison Jab Iron Tail Horn Drill Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0089 089 Muk Zoom Lens Zoom Lens Gunk Shot Payback Shadow Sneak Curse Brave 252 252 - - - -
0094 094 Gengar Payapa Berry Payapa Berry Shadow Ball Energy Ball Dazzling Gleam Round Timid - - - 252 - 252
0181 181 Ampharos Chesto Berry Chesto Berry Thunder Wave Charge Beam Hyper Beam Rest Modest 252 - - 252 - -
0186 186 Politoed Chesto Berry Chesto Berry Waterfall Earthquake Belly Drum Rest Careful - 252 - - 252 -
0127 127 Pinsir Lax Incense Lax Incense X-Scissor Superpower Stone Edge Giga Impact Adamant - 252 252 - - -
0212 212 Scizor Life Orb Life Orb Swords Dance Bullet Punch Reversal U-turn Brave 252 252 - - - -
0214 214 Heracross Coba Berry Coba Berry Megahorn Stone Edge Facade Shadow Claw Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0217 217 Ursaring Toxic Orb Toxic Orb Facade Superpower Crunch Protect Adamant 252 252 - - - -
0229 229 Houndoom Air Balloon Air Balloon Flamethrower Shadow Ball Sludge Bomb Will-O-Wisp Timid - - - 252 - 252
0232 232 Donphan Maranga Berry Maranga Berry Earthquake Gyro Ball Fire Fang Thunder Fang Brave - 252 252 - - -
0321 321 Wailord Leftovers Leftovers Waterfall Avalanche Aqua Ring Curse Careful - - 252 - 252 -
0344 344 Claydol Luminous Moss Luminous Moss Earth Power Psychic Ally Switch Ice Beam Modest - - - 252 252 -
0437 437 Bronzong Quick Claw Quick Claw Iron Head Zen Headbutt Earthquake Explosion Adamant 252 252 - - - -
0452 452 Drapion Scope Lens Scope Lens Cross Poison Night Slash Fire Fang Earthquake Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0405 405 Luxray White Herb White Herb Thunder Fang Ice Fang Superpower Thunder Wave Adamant 252 252 - - - -
0038 038 Ninetales Wide Lens Wide Lens Fire Blast Extrasensory Hypnosis Disable Timid - - - - 252 252
0068 068 Machamp Choice Scarf Choice Scarf Dynamic Punch Ice Punch Rock Slide Earthquake Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0213 213 Shuckle Lax Incense Lax Incense Gyro Ball Double Team Substitute Power Trick Relaxed 252 - 252 - - -
0407 407 Roserade White Herb White Herb Leaf Storm Sludge Bomb Hyper Beam Grass Whistle Timid - - - 252 - 252
0430 430 Honchkrow Life Orb Life Orb Air Cutter Dark Pulse Snatch Shadow Ball Modest 252 - - 252 - -
0526 526 Gigalith Custap Berry Custap Berry Stone Edge Earthquake Sandstorm Explosion Adamant 252 252 - - - -
0534 534 Conkeldurr Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Bulk Up Drain Punch Payback Stone Edge Adamant - 252 - - 252 -
0530 530 Excadrill Bright Powder Bright Powder Sandstorm Earthquake Rock Slide Poison Jab Adamant - 170 170 - 170 -
0553 553 Krookodile Roseli Berry Roseli Berry Earthquake Crunch Stone Edge Dragon Tail Adamant - 252 - - 252 -
0208 208 Steelix Quick Claw Quick Claw Gyro Ball Earthquake Stone Edge Explosion Brave - 252 - - 252 -
0461 461 Weavile Focus Sash Focus Sash Fake Out Ice Punch Night Slash Protect Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0472 472 Gliscor Expert Belt Expert Belt Aerial Ace Earthquake X-Scissor Stone Edge Adamant - 252 252 - - -
0571 571 Zoroark Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Swords Dance Night Slash U-turn Sucker Punch Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0630 630 Mandibuzz Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Nasty Plot Dark Pulse Air Slash Incinerate Modest 170 - 170 - 170 -
0628 628 Braviary Choice Scarf Choice Scarf Brave Bird Return U-turn Rock Slide Adamant - 252 - - - 252
0073 073 Tentacruel Focus Sash Focus Sash Hydro Pump Sludge Bomb Giga Drain Mirror Coat Modest 252 - - 252 - -
0142 142 Aerodactyl Expert Belt Expert Belt Iron Head Earthquake Rock Slide Thunder Fang Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0233 233 Porygon2 Choice Specs Choice Specs Tri Attack Thunderbolt Psychic Ice Beam Modest 252 - - 252 - -
0463 463 Lickilicky Leftovers Leftovers Return Gyro Ball Curse Rest Careful 252 - - - 252 -
0469 469 Yanmega Lum Berry Lum Berry Silver Wind Air Slash Detect Giga Drain Modest - - - 252 - 252
0282 282 Gardevoir Lum Berry Lum Berry Psychic Shadow Ball Energy Ball Dazzling Gleam Timid - - - 252 - 252
0475 475 Gallade Scope Lens Scope Lens Psycho Cut Stone Edge Night Slash X-Scissor Adamant - 252 - - 252 -
0103 103 Exeggutor Expert Belt Expert Belt Leaf Storm Psychic Sludge Bomb Ancient Power Modest 252 - - 252 - -
0121 121 Starmie Focus Sash Focus Sash Surf Psychic Power Gem Signal Beam Timid - - - 252 - 252
0330 330 Flygon White Herb White Herb Draco Meteor Earth Power Flamethrower Giga Drain Timid - - - 252 - 252
0601 601 Klinklang Occa Berry Occa Berry Shift Gear Gear Grind Volt Switch Giga Impact Adamant - 252 - - - 252
0609 609 Chandelure White Herb White Herb Overheat Shadow Ball Protect Will-O-Wisp Modest 252 - - 252 - -
0134 134 Vaporeon Leftovers Leftovers Muddy Water Blizzard Aqua Ring Yawn Modest 252 - - 252 - -
0135 135 Jolteon King's Rock King's Rock Thunder Shadow Ball Rain Dance Yawn Timid - - - 252 - 252
0136 136 Flareon White Herb White Herb Superpower Return Will-O-Wisp Overheat Brave 252 252 - - - -
0196 196 Espeon Lum Berry Lum Berry Psychic Shadow Ball Hyper Beam Grass Knot Modest - - - 252 - 252
0197 197 Umbreon Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Feint Attack Swagger Psych Up Screech Impish 252 - 252 - - -
0470 470 Leafeon Heat Rock Heat Rock Sunny Day Leaf Blade X-Scissor Synthesis Adamant - 252 252 - - -
0471 471 Glaceon Focus Sash Focus Sash Hail Blizzard Mirror Coat Hyper Beam Modest - - 252 252 - -
0448 448 Lucario Muscle Band Muscle Band Close Combat Earthquake Blaze Kick Shadow Claw Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0450 450 Hippowdon Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Earthquake Crunch Slack Off Yawn Adamant - 252 - - 252 -
0476 476 Probopass Scope Lens Scope Lens Stone Edge Iron Head Earthquake Explosion Adamant - 252 252 - - -
0477 477 Dusknoir Leftovers Leftovers Toxic Will-O-Wisp Protect Double Team Sassy 252 - - - 252 -
0620 620 Mienshao Focus Sash Focus Sash Low Kick Fake Out High Jump Kick U-turn Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0614 614 Beartic Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Swords Dance Avalanche Rock Slide Brick Break Adamant - 252 252 - - -
0626 626 Bouffalant Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Swords Dance Earthquake Head Charge Payback Adamant 252 252 - - - -
0306 306 Aggron Wide Lens Wide Lens Iron Tail Dragon Rush Avalanche Stone Edge Adamant - 252 252 - - -
0365 365 Walrein Leftovers Leftovers Surf Blizzard Hail Signal Beam Modest 252 - - 252 - -
0473 473 Mamoswine Lax Incense Lax Incense Hail Earthquake Superpower Fissure Adamant 252 252 - - - -
0131 131 Lapras Bright Powder Bright Powder Surf Ice Beam Thunderbolt Psychic Modest 252 - - 252 - -
0169 169 Crobat Razor Claw Razor Claw Cross Poison Brave Bird Zen Headbutt X-Scissor Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0462 462 Magnezone Bright Powder Bright Powder Charge Beam Flash Cannon Magnet Rise Thunder Wave Modest - - 252 252 - -
0464 464 Rhyperior Focus Sash Focus Sash Horn Drill Avalanche Payback Counter Impish 252 - 252 - - -
0465 465 Tangrowth Heat Rock Heat Rock Sunny Day Solar Beam Synthesis Wring Out Modest - - 252 252 - -
0474 474 Porygon-Z Expert Belt Expert Belt Psychic Ice Beam Signal Beam Charge Beam Modest 252 - - 252 - -
0584 584 Vanilluxe Leftovers Leftovers Hail Blizzard Flash Cannon Sheer Cold Modest 252 - - 252 - -
0604 604 Eelektross Assault Vest Assault Vest Brick Break U-turn Grass Knot Wild Charge Brave 252 252 - - - -
0130 130 Gyarados Wacan Berry Wacan Berry Dragon Dance Waterfall Stone Edge Earthquake Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0143 143 Snorlax Life Orb Life Orb Double-Edge Earthquake Crunch Protect Adamant - 252 252 - - -
0230 230 Kingdra Maranga Berry Maranga Berry Rain Dance Hydro Pump Dragon Pulse Ice Beam Modest 170 - - 170 - 170
0242 242 Blissey Leftovers Leftovers Thunderbolt Ice Beam Counter Calm Mind Bold 252 - 252 - - -
0350 350 Milotic Wide Lens Wide Lens Hydro Pump Blizzard Mirror Coat Recover Calm - - - 252 252 -
0466 466 Electivire Air Balloon Air Balloon Thunderbolt Psychic Focus Blast Signal Beam Modest - - - 252 - 252
0467 467 Magmortar Passho Berry Passho Berry Flare Blitz Thunder Punch Earthquake Brick Break Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0612 612 Haxorus Choice Band Choice Band Outrage Earthquake Dragon Claw Rock Slide Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0468 468 Togekiss King's Rock King's Rock Grass Knot Thunder Wave Air Slash Shadow Ball Timid - - - 252 - 252
0637 637 Volcarona White Herb White Herb Overheat Quiver Dance Bug Buzz Protect Bold 252 - 252 - - -
0059 059 Arcanine White Herb White Herb Overheat Sunny Day Solar Beam Dragon Pulse Timid - - - 252 - 252
0567 567 Archeops Choice Band Choice Band Aerial Ace Earthquake Head Smash U-turn Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0149 149 Dragonite Choice Band Choice Band Outrage Earthquake Giga Impact Superpower Adamant - 252 - - 252 -
0248 248 Tyranitar Chople Berry Chople Berry Stone Edge Crunch Earthquake Dragon Dance Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0373 373 Salamence Yache Berry Yache Berry Draco Meteor Dragon Rush Earthquake Brick Break Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0376 376 Metagross Occa Berry Occa Berry Earthquake Meteor Mash Bullet Punch Explosion Adamant 170 170 - - 170 -
0445 445 Garchomp Choice Scarf Choice Scarf Outrage Earthquake Fire Fang Crunch Adamant - 252 - - - 252
0635 635 Hydreigon White Herb White Herb Draco Meteor Taunt Earth Power Flamethrower Timid - - - 252 - 252
0289 289 Slaking Choice Band Choice Band Giga Impact Shadow Claw Hammer Arm Earthquake Adamant 252 252 - - - -

Heathrow, Odessa

# Pokémon Item Moves Nature EVs
HP Attack Defense Sp. Atk Sp. Def Speed
0689 689 Barbaracle Expert Belt Expert Belt Dragon Claw Earthquake X-Scissor Night Slash Adamant - 252 252 - - -
0701 701 Hawlucha Liechi Berry Liechi Berry Swords Dance Flying Press Acrobatics Steel Wing Adamant - 252 - - - 252
0703 703 Carbink Iron Ball Iron Ball Trick Room Gyro Ball Dazzling Gleam Power Gem Quiet - - - 252 252 -
0668 668 Pyroar Lum Berry Lum Berry Return Fire Fang Wild Charge Crunch Adamant - 252 - - - 252
0713 713 Avalugg Icy Rock Icy Rock Hail Blizzard Recover Flash Cannon Bold - - 252 - 252 -
0697 697 Tyrantrum Wide Lens Wide Lens Horn Drill Stone Edge Rest Sleep Talk Impish 252 - 252 - - -
0699 699 Aurorus Expert Belt Expert Belt Giga Impact Earthquake Stone Edge Frost Breath Adamant - 252 - - 252 -
0663 663 Talonflame Focus Sash Focus Sash Swords Dance Quick Attack Flail Acrobatics Jolly - - 252 - - 252
0700 700 Sylveon Razor Claw Razor Claw Moonblast Shadow Ball Round Psyshock Modest - - - 252 252 -
0652 652 Chesnaught Life Orb Life Orb Focus Blast Energy Ball Sludge Bomb Round Modest - - 252 252 - -
0655 655 Delphox Heat Rock Heat Rock Sunny Day Solar Beam Fire Blast Psychic Timid - - - 252 - 252
0658 658 Greninja King's Rock King's Rock Water Shuriken Rock Slide Grass Knot U-turn Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0673 673 Gogoat Big Root Big Root Horn Leech Leech Seed Protect Payback Sassy 252 252 - - - -
0715 715 Noivern Razor Fang Razor Fang Air Slash Dragon Pulse Flamethrower Psychic Modest - - - 252 - 252
0671 671 Florges Kebia Berry Kebia Berry Calm Mind Grass Knot Psychic Moonblast Modest - - - 252 252 -
0706 706 Goodra Damp Rock Damp Rock Dragon Pulse Rain Dance Thunder Muddy Water Modest - - - 252 252 -
0709 709 Trevenant Choice Band Choice Band Horn Leech Shadow Claw Earthquake X-Scissor Adamant 252 252 - - - -
0711 711 Gourgeist Wise Glasses Wise Glasses Shadow Ball Sludge Bomb Energy Ball Flamethrower Modest - - 252 252 - -
0693 693 Clawitzer Focus Sash Focus Sash Crabhammer Return U-turn Flail Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0685 685 Slurpuff Kee Berry Kee Berry Endeavor Play Rough Facade Cotton Guard Adamant - 252 - - 252 -
0683 683 Aromatisse Expert Belt Expert Belt Flash Cannon Thunder Psyshock Moonblast Modest - - - 252 252 -
0003 003 Venusaur Salac Berry Salac Berry Energy Ball Sludge Bomb Grass Knot Protect Timid - - - 252 - 252
0006 006 Charizard Choice Scarf Choice Scarf Heat Wave Rock Slide Air Slash Crunch Mild - 170 - 170 - 170
0009 009 Blastoise Leftovers Leftovers Fake Out Earthquake Aqua Tail Avalanche Adamant 252 252 - - - -
0154 154 Meganium Light Clay Light Clay Seed Bomb Earthquake Reflect Light Screen Adamant 252 252 - - - -
0157 157 Typhlosion Choice Scarf Choice Scarf Eruption Focus Blast Heat Wave Extrasensory Modest - - - 252 - 252
0160 160 Feraligatr Lum Berry Lum Berry Aqua Jet Waterfall Earthquake Ice Punch Adamant 252 252 - - - -
0254 254 Sceptile White Herb White Herb Leaf Storm Dragon Pulse Energy Ball Detect Timid - - - 252 - 252
0257 257 Blaziken Choice Band Choice Band Flare Blitz Shadow Claw Thunder Punch Earthquake Hardy - 252 - - - 252
0260 260 Swampert Maranga Berry Maranga Berry Earthquake Avalanche Waterfall Stone Edge Adamant 252 252 - - - -
0389 389 Torterra Custap Berry Custap Berry Earthquake Crunch Seed Bomb Iron Head Adamant - 252 - - 252 -
0392 392 Infernape Life Orb Life Orb Fake Out Close Combat Overheat Stone Edge Hasty - 252 - - - 252
0395 395 Empoleon Lum Berry Lum Berry Surf Ice Beam Signal Beam Icy Wind Quiet 252 - - 252 - -
0497 497 Serperior Bright Powder Bright Powder Leaf Storm Substitute Hyper Beam Toxic Calm 170 - 170 - 170 -
0500 500 Emboar Quick Claw Quick Claw Flare Blitz Brick Break Flame Charge Earthquake Adamant - 170 170 - 170 -
0503 503 Samurott Custap Berry Custap Berry Aerial Ace Waterfall X-Scissor Aqua Jet Adamant - 170 170 - 170 -
0051 051 Dugtrio Choice Band Choice Band Earthquake Rock Slide Reversal Aerial Ace Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0105 105 Marowak Thick Club Thick Club Earthquake Stone Edge Low Kick Fire Punch Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0308 308 Medicham Expert Belt Expert Belt High Jump Kick Zen Headbutt Ice Punch Bullet Punch Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0195 195 Quagsire Rindo Berry Rindo Berry Earthquake Aqua Tail Ice Punch Stone Edge Adamant - 252 - - 252 -
0210 210 Granbull Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Double-Edge Earthquake Wild Charge Outrage Adamant - 252 - - - 252
0124 124 Jynx Expert Belt Expert Belt Icy Wind Blizzard Psychic Focus Blast Modest - - - 252 - 252
0122 122 Mr. Mime Light Clay Light Clay Light Screen Psychic Reflect Dazzling Gleam Bold 252 - 252 - - -
0171 171 Lanturn Petaya Berry Petaya Berry Surf Discharge Thunder Wave Ice Beam Modest - - 170 170 170 -
0286 286 Breloom Focus Sash Focus Sash Spore Focus Punch Rock Slide Seed Bomb Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0205 205 Forretress Iron Ball Iron Ball Gyro Ball Earthquake Bug Bite Explosion Brave 252 252 - - - -
0227 227 Skarmory Choice Scarf Choice Scarf Brave Bird Steel Wing Night Slash Rock Slide Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0359 359 Absol Scope Lens Scope Lens Night Slash Zen Headbutt Sucker Punch Superpower Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0340 340 Whiscash Expert Belt Expert Belt Earth Power Surf Blizzard Protect Modest - - - 252 252 -
0297 297 Hariyama Flame Orb Flame Orb Fake Out Close Combat Detect Earthquake Brave - 252 252 - - -
0416 416 Vespiquen Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Attack Order Defend Order Roost Confuse Ray Impish 170 - 170 - 170 -
0026 026 Raichu Focus Sash Focus Sash Thunder Punch Reversal Thunder Wave Fake Out Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0087 087 Dewgong Quick Claw Quick Claw Fake Out Surf Ice Beam Aqua Jet Mild - - - 252 252 -
0310 310 Manectric Air Balloon Air Balloon Thunderbolt Overheat Volt Switch Quick Attack Timid - - - 252 - 252
0398 398 Staraptor Choice Band Choice Band Close Combat Brave Bird U-turn Giga Impact Mild - 252 - - - 252
0423 423 Gastrodon Leftovers Leftovers Sandstorm Earth Power Surf Recover Quiet - - 252 252 - -
0435 435 Skuntank Life Orb Life Orb Taunt Sucker Punch Foul Play Poison Jab Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0539 539 Sawk Expert Belt Expert Belt Close Combat Payback Low Sweep Earthquake Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0538 538 Throh Expert Belt Expert Belt Earthquake Storm Throw Payback Rock Slide Adamant - 170 170 - 170 -
0521 521 Unfezant Power Herb Power Herb Sky Attack Return Detect U-turn Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0045 045 Vileplume Big Root Big Root Double Team Ingrain Toxic Giga Drain Modest 252 - - 252 - -
0071 071 Victreebel Focus Sash Focus Sash Sunny Day Solar Beam Sludge Bomb Weather Ball Modest - - - 252 - 252
0101 101 Electrode Air Balloon Air Balloon Thunderbolt Mirror Coat Signal Beam Protect Timid - - - 252 - 252
0272 272 Ludicolo Leftovers Leftovers Rain Dance Leech Seed Protect Giga Drain Bold - - 170 170 170 -
0275 275 Shiftry Heat Rock Heat Rock Sunny Day Solar Beam Dark Pulse Explosion Hardy - - 252 252 - -
0295 295 Exploud Expert Belt Expert Belt Earthquake Brick Break Ice Punch Crunch Adamant - 252 252 - - -
0428 428 Lopunny Chople Berry Chople Berry Encore Fake Out Focus Punch Mirror Coat Jolly 252 - - - - 252
0478 478 Froslass Icy Rock Icy Rock Hail Blizzard Ice Shard Shadow Ball Timid - - - 252 - 252
0549 549 Lilligant Leftovers Leftovers Quiver Dance Energy Ball Leech Seed Protect Bold 252 - 252 - - -
0555 555 Darmanitan Assault Vest Assault Vest Psychic Earthquake Flare Blitz Overheat Sassy - - 252 - 252 -
0424 424 Ambipom Life Orb Life Orb Fake Out Double Hit Payback Brick Break Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0563 563 Cofagrigus Maranga Berry Maranga Berry Will-O-Wisp Shadow Ball Destiny Bond Trick Room Quiet 252 - - 252 - -
0623 623 Golurk Lum Berry Lum Berry Dynamic Punch Shadow Punch Earthquake Rock Slide Adamant 252 252 - - - -
0632 632 Durant Occa Berry Occa Berry X-Scissor Iron Head Rock Slide Shadow Claw Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0076 076 Golem Focus Sash Focus Sash Rock Slide Earthquake Explosion Autotomize Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0080 080 Slowbro Leftovers Leftovers Psychic Surf Slack Off Amnesia Bold 252 - 252 - - -
0110 110 Weezing Black Sludge Black Sludge Sludge Bomb Thunder Fire Blast Shadow Ball Modest 252 - - 252 - -
0115 115 Kangaskhan Chople Berry Chople Berry Fake Out Double-Edge Circle Throw Sucker Punch Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0128 128 Tauros Life Orb Life Orb Double-Edge Earthquake Payback Giga Impact Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0442 442 Spiritomb Leftovers Leftovers Will-O-Wisp Shadow Sneak Swagger Psych Up Careful 252 - - - 252 -
0615 615 Cryogonal Occa Berry Occa Berry Icy Wind Flash Cannon Blizzard Sheer Cold Timid - - - 252 - 252
0621 621 Druddigon Quick Claw Quick Claw Crunch Dragon Claw Earthquake Rock Slide Adamant 252 252 - - - -
0518 518 Musharna Scope Lens Scope Lens Psychic Shadow Ball Energy Ball Yawn Modest - - 252 252 - -
0560 560 Scrafty Muscle Band Muscle Band Substitute Payback High Jump Kick Focus Punch Adamant 252 252 - - - -
0598 598 Ferrothorn Custap Berry Custap Berry Protect Payback Explosion Gyro Ball Brave 252 252 - - - -
0065 065 Alakazam Wise Glasses Wise Glasses Psychic Focus Blast Signal Beam Grass Knot Timid - - - 252 - 252
0199 199 Slowking Choice Specs Choice Specs Psychic Shadow Ball Signal Beam Focus Blast Modest - - - 252 252 -
0241 241 Miltank Scope Lens Scope Lens Dizzy Punch Fire Punch Thunder Punch Ice Punch Adamant - 252 252 - - -
0334 334 Altaria Power Herb Power Herb Dragon Dance Dragon Rush Sky Attack Earthquake Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0454 454 Toxicroak Focus Sash Focus Sash Sludge Bomb Focus Blast Shadow Ball Dark Pulse Modest - - - 252 - 252
0576 576 Gothitelle Kee Berry Kee Berry Charm Safeguard Psychic Charge Beam Modest 252 - - 252 - -
0579 579 Reuniclus Colbur Berry Colbur Berry Calm Mind Psychic Focus Blast Shadow Ball Quiet - - 252 252 - -
0625 625 Bisharp Chople Berry Chople Berry Iron Head Night Slash Low Sweep Sucker Punch Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0460 460 Abomasnow Focus Sash Focus Sash Blizzard Wood Hammer Focus Blast Ice Shard Quiet 252 - - 252 - -
0031 031 Nidoqueen Black Sludge Black Sludge Sludge Bomb Earth Power Flamethrower Ice Beam Modest 252 - - 252 - -
0034 034 Nidoking Black Sludge Black Sludge Earth Power Sludge Bomb Protect Icy Wind Modest - - - 252 - 252
0346 346 Cradily Leftovers Leftovers Sandstorm Toxic Protect Earthquake Relaxed 252 - 252 - - -
0348 348 Armaldo Life Orb Life Orb X-Scissor Rock Slide Earthquake Iron Defense Adamant 252 - - - 252 -

Sydney, Florence

# Pokémon Item Moves Nature EVs
HP Attack Defense Sp. Atk Sp. Def Speed
0297 297 Hariyama Flame Orb Flame Orb Fake Out Close Combat Detect Earthquake Brave - 252 252 - - -
0416 416 Vespiquen Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Attack Order Defend Order Roost Confuse Ray Impish 170 - 170 - 170 -
0026 026 Raichu Focus Sash Focus Sash Thunder Punch Reversal Thunder Wave Fake Out Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0087 087 Dewgong Quick Claw Quick Claw Fake Out Surf Ice Beam Aqua Jet Mild - - - 252 252 -
0310 310 Manectric Air Balloon Air Balloon Thunderbolt Overheat Volt Switch Quick Attack Timid - - - 252 - 252
0398 398 Staraptor Choice Band Choice Band Close Combat Brave Bird U-turn Giga Impact Mild - 252 - - - 252
0423 423 Gastrodon Leftovers Leftovers Sandstorm Earth Power Surf Recover Quiet - - 252 252 - -
0435 435 Skuntank Life Orb Life Orb Taunt Sucker Punch Foul Play Poison Jab Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0539 539 Sawk Expert Belt Expert Belt Close Combat Payback Low Sweep Earthquake Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0538 538 Throh Expert Belt Expert Belt Earthquake Storm Throw Payback Rock Slide Adamant - 170 170 - 170 -
0521 521 Unfezant Power Herb Power Herb Sky Attack Return Detect U-turn Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0045 045 Vileplume Big Root Big Root Double Team Ingrain Toxic Giga Drain Modest 252 - - 252 - -
0071 071 Victreebel Focus Sash Focus Sash Sunny Day Solar Beam Sludge Bomb Weather Ball Modest - - - 252 - 252
0101 101 Electrode Air Balloon Air Balloon Thunderbolt Mirror Coat Signal Beam Protect Timid - - - 252 - 252
0272 272 Ludicolo Leftovers Leftovers Rain Dance Leech Seed Protect Giga Drain Bold - - 170 170 170 -
0275 275 Shiftry Heat Rock Heat Rock Sunny Day Solar Beam Dark Pulse Explosion Hardy - - 252 252 - -
0295 295 Exploud Expert Belt Expert Belt Earthquake Brick Break Ice Punch Crunch Adamant - 252 252 - - -
0428 428 Lopunny Chople Berry Chople Berry Encore Fake Out Focus Punch Mirror Coat Jolly 252 - - - - 252
0478 478 Froslass Icy Rock Icy Rock Hail Blizzard Ice Shard Shadow Ball Timid - - - 252 - 252
0549 549 Lilligant Leftovers Leftovers Quiver Dance Energy Ball Leech Seed Protect Bold 252 - 252 - - -
0555 555 Darmanitan Assault Vest Assault Vest Psychic Earthquake Flare Blitz Overheat Sassy - - 252 - 252 -
0424 424 Ambipom Life Orb Life Orb Fake Out Double Hit Payback Brick Break Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0563 563 Cofagrigus Maranga Berry Maranga Berry Will-O-Wisp Shadow Ball Destiny Bond Trick Room Quiet 252 - - 252 - -
0623 623 Golurk Lum Berry Lum Berry Dynamic Punch Shadow Punch Earthquake Rock Slide Adamant 252 252 - - - -
0632 632 Durant Occa Berry Occa Berry X-Scissor Iron Head Rock Slide Shadow Claw Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0076 076 Golem Focus Sash Focus Sash Rock Slide Earthquake Explosion Autotomize Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0080 080 Slowbro Leftovers Leftovers Psychic Surf Slack Off Amnesia Bold 252 - 252 - - -
0110 110 Weezing Black Sludge Black Sludge Sludge Bomb Thunder Fire Blast Shadow Ball Modest 252 - - 252 - -
0115 115 Kangaskhan Chople Berry Chople Berry Fake Out Double-Edge Circle Throw Sucker Punch Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0128 128 Tauros Life Orb Life Orb Double-Edge Earthquake Payback Giga Impact Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0442 442 Spiritomb Leftovers Leftovers Will-O-Wisp Shadow Sneak Swagger Psych Up Careful 252 - - - 252 -
0615 615 Cryogonal Occa Berry Occa Berry Icy Wind Flash Cannon Blizzard Sheer Cold Timid - - - 252 - 252
0621 621 Druddigon Quick Claw Quick Claw Crunch Dragon Claw Earthquake Rock Slide Adamant 252 252 - - - -
0518 518 Musharna Scope Lens Scope Lens Psychic Shadow Ball Energy Ball Yawn Modest - - 252 252 - -
0560 560 Scrafty Muscle Band Muscle Band Substitute Payback High Jump Kick Focus Punch Adamant 252 252 - - - -
0598 598 Ferrothorn Custap Berry Custap Berry Protect Payback Explosion Gyro Ball Brave 252 252 - - - -
0065 065 Alakazam Wise Glasses Wise Glasses Psychic Focus Blast Signal Beam Grass Knot Timid - - - 252 - 252
0199 199 Slowking Choice Specs Choice Specs Psychic Shadow Ball Signal Beam Focus Blast Modest - - - 252 252 -
0241 241 Miltank Scope Lens Scope Lens Dizzy Punch Fire Punch Thunder Punch Ice Punch Adamant - 252 252 - - -
0334 334 Altaria Power Herb Power Herb Dragon Dance Dragon Rush Sky Attack Earthquake Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0454 454 Toxicroak Focus Sash Focus Sash Sludge Bomb Focus Blast Shadow Ball Dark Pulse Modest - - - 252 - 252
0576 576 Gothitelle Kee Berry Kee Berry Charm Safeguard Psychic Charge Beam Modest 252 - - 252 - -
0579 579 Reuniclus Colbur Berry Colbur Berry Calm Mind Psychic Focus Blast Shadow Ball Quiet - - 252 252 - -
0625 625 Bisharp Chople Berry Chople Berry Iron Head Night Slash Low Sweep Sucker Punch Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0460 460 Abomasnow Focus Sash Focus Sash Blizzard Wood Hammer Focus Blast Ice Shard Quiet 252 - - 252 - -
0031 031 Nidoqueen Black Sludge Black Sludge Sludge Bomb Earth Power Flamethrower Ice Beam Modest 252 - - 252 - -
0034 034 Nidoking Black Sludge Black Sludge Earth Power Sludge Bomb Protect Icy Wind Modest - - - 252 - 252
0346 346 Cradily Leftovers Leftovers Sandstorm Toxic Protect Earthquake Relaxed 252 - 252 - - -
0348 348 Armaldo Life Orb Life Orb X-Scissor Rock Slide Earthquake Iron Defense Adamant 252 - - - 252 -
0409 409 Rampardos Choice Scarf Choice Scarf Head Smash Earthquake Brick Break Thunder Punch Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0411 411 Bastiodon Leftovers Leftovers Stone Edge Fissure Double Team Iron Defense Careful 252 - - - 252 -
0419 419 Floatzel Damp Rock Damp Rock Surf Ice Beam Focus Blast Rain Dance Hasty - - - 252 - 252
0429 429 Mismagius Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Icy Wind Shadow Ball Thunderbolt Destiny Bond Timid - - - 252 - 252
0565 565 Carracosta Damp Rock Damp Rock Rain Dance Waterfall Rock Slide Earthquake Adamant - 252 - - - 252
0589 589 Escavalier Life Orb Life Orb Megahorn Iron Defense Poison Jab Iron Head Brave 252 252 - - - -
0617 617 Accelgor Focus Sash Focus Sash U-turn Bug Buzz Focus Blast Final Gambit Timid 252 - - - - 252
0523 523 Zebstrika Air Balloon Air Balloon Flame Charge Toxic Wild Charge Volt Switch Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0426 426 Drifblim Wise Glasses Wise Glasses Shadow Ball Thunderbolt Icy Wind Destiny Bond Timid - - 252 - - 252
0537 537 Seismitoad Damp Rock Damp Rock Rain Dance Muddy Water Earth Power Sludge Bomb Timid - - - 252 - 252
0062 062 Poliwrath Leftovers Leftovers Waterfall Focus Punch Encore Substitute Adamant 252 252 - - - -
0078 078 Rapidash Focus Sash Focus Sash Flare Blitz Poison Jab Iron Tail Horn Drill Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0089 089 Muk Zoom Lens Zoom Lens Gunk Shot Payback Shadow Sneak Curse Brave 252 252 - - - -
0094 094 Gengar Payapa Berry Payapa Berry Shadow Ball Energy Ball Dazzling Gleam Round Timid - - - 252 - 252
0181 181 Ampharos Chesto Berry Chesto Berry Thunder Wave Charge Beam Hyper Beam Rest Modest 252 - - 252 - -
0186 186 Politoed Chesto Berry Chesto Berry Waterfall Earthquake Belly Drum Rest Careful - 252 - - 252 -
0127 127 Pinsir Lax Incense Lax Incense X-Scissor Superpower Stone Edge Giga Impact Adamant - 252 252 - - -
0212 212 Scizor Life Orb Life Orb Swords Dance Bullet Punch Reversal U-turn Brave 252 252 - - - -
0214 214 Heracross Coba Berry Coba Berry Megahorn Stone Edge Facade Shadow Claw Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0217 217 Ursaring Toxic Orb Toxic Orb Facade Superpower Crunch Protect Adamant 252 252 - - - -
0229 229 Houndoom Air Balloon Air Balloon Flamethrower Shadow Ball Sludge Bomb Will-O-Wisp Timid - - - 252 - 252
0232 232 Donphan Maranga Berry Maranga Berry Earthquake Gyro Ball Fire Fang Thunder Fang Brave - 252 252 - - -
0321 321 Wailord Leftovers Leftovers Waterfall Avalanche Aqua Ring Curse Careful - - 252 - 252 -
0344 344 Claydol Luminous Moss Luminous Moss Earth Power Psychic Ally Switch Ice Beam Modest - - - 252 252 -
0437 437 Bronzong Quick Claw Quick Claw Iron Head Zen Headbutt Earthquake Explosion Adamant 252 252 - - - -
0452 452 Drapion Scope Lens Scope Lens Cross Poison Night Slash Fire Fang Earthquake Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0405 405 Luxray White Herb White Herb Thunder Fang Ice Fang Superpower Thunder Wave Adamant 252 252 - - - -
0038 038 Ninetales Wide Lens Wide Lens Fire Blast Extrasensory Hypnosis Disable Timid - - - - 252 252
0068 068 Machamp Choice Scarf Choice Scarf Dynamic Punch Ice Punch Rock Slide Earthquake Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0213 213 Shuckle Lax Incense Lax Incense Gyro Ball Double Team Substitute Power Trick Relaxed 252 - 252 - - -
0407 407 Roserade White Herb White Herb Leaf Storm Sludge Bomb Hyper Beam Grass Whistle Timid - - - 252 - 252
0430 430 Honchkrow Life Orb Life Orb Air Cutter Dark Pulse Snatch Shadow Ball Modest 252 - - 252 - -
0526 526 Gigalith Custap Berry Custap Berry Stone Edge Earthquake Sandstorm Explosion Adamant 252 252 - - - -
0534 534 Conkeldurr Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Bulk Up Drain Punch Payback Stone Edge Adamant - 252 - - 252 -
0530 530 Excadrill Bright Powder Bright Powder Sandstorm Earthquake Rock Slide Poison Jab Adamant - 170 170 - 170 -
0553 553 Krookodile Roseli Berry Roseli Berry Earthquake Crunch Stone Edge Dragon Tail Adamant - 252 - - 252 -
0208 208 Steelix Quick Claw Quick Claw Gyro Ball Earthquake Stone Edge Explosion Brave - 252 - - 252 -
0461 461 Weavile Focus Sash Focus Sash Fake Out Ice Punch Night Slash Protect Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0472 472 Gliscor Expert Belt Expert Belt Aerial Ace Earthquake X-Scissor Stone Edge Adamant - 252 252 - - -
0571 571 Zoroark Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Swords Dance Night Slash U-turn Sucker Punch Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0630 630 Mandibuzz Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Nasty Plot Dark Pulse Air Slash Incinerate Modest 170 - 170 - 170 -
0628 628 Braviary Choice Scarf Choice Scarf Brave Bird Return U-turn Rock Slide Adamant - 252 - - - 252
0073 073 Tentacruel Focus Sash Focus Sash Hydro Pump Sludge Bomb Giga Drain Mirror Coat Modest 252 - - 252 - -
0142 142 Aerodactyl Expert Belt Expert Belt Iron Head Earthquake Rock Slide Thunder Fang Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0233 233 Porygon2 Choice Specs Choice Specs Tri Attack Thunderbolt Psychic Ice Beam Modest 252 - - 252 - -
0463 463 Lickilicky Leftovers Leftovers Return Gyro Ball Curse Rest Careful 252 - - - 252 -
0469 469 Yanmega Lum Berry Lum Berry Silver Wind Air Slash Detect Giga Drain Modest - - - 252 - 252
0282 282 Gardevoir Lum Berry Lum Berry Psychic Shadow Ball Energy Ball Dazzling Gleam Timid - - - 252 - 252
0475 475 Gallade Scope Lens Scope Lens Psycho Cut Stone Edge Night Slash X-Scissor Adamant - 252 - - 252 -

Ibiza, Hartsfield, Geneva

# Pokémon Item Moves Nature EVs
HP Attack Defense Sp. Atk Sp. Def Speed
0409 409 Rampardos Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Head Smash Earthquake Rock Slide Protect Relaxed - 252 - - 252 -
0411 411 Bastiodon Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Metal Burst Rock Slide Wide Guard Curse Brave 252 252 - - - -
0419 419 Floatzel Life Orb Life Orb Waterfall Aqua Jet Low Kick Protect Hasty - 252 - - - 252
0429 429 Mismagius Bright Powder Bright Powder Power Gem Protect Perish Song Mean Look Bold 252 - 252 - - -
0565 565 Carracosta Weakness Policy Weakness Policy Waterfall Rock Slide Aqua Jet Earthquake Adamant - 252 - - - 252
0589 589 Escavalier Custap Berry Custap Berry Megahorn Iron Head Swagger Reversal Adamant 252 252 - - - -
0617 617 Accelgor Focus Sash Focus Sash Bug Buzz Encore Focus Blast Protect Timid - - - 252 - 252
0523 523 Zebstrika Focus Sash Focus Sash Me First Wild Charge Thunder Wave Volt Switch Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0426 426 Drifblim Custap Berry Custap Berry Shadow Ball Thunderbolt Hypnosis Destiny Bond Bold - - - - 252 252
0537 537 Seismitoad Maranga Berry Maranga Berry Brick Break Poison Jab Dig Payback Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0062 062 Poliwrath Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Waterfall Earthquake Focus Punch Circle Throw Adamant 252 252 - - - -
0078 078 Rapidash Charcoal Charcoal Flare Blitz Megahorn Double-Edge Protect Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0089 089 Muk Quick Claw Quick Claw Gunk Shot Shadow Sneak Brick Break Explosion Adamant 252 252 - - - -
0094 094 Gengar Lum Berry Lum Berry Sludge Bomb Thunderbolt Shadow Ball Destiny Bond Timid - - - 252 - 252
0181 181 Ampharos Zoom Lens Zoom Lens Thunder Focus Blast Signal Beam Power Gem Quiet 252 - - 252 - -
0186 186 Politoed Wide Lens Wide Lens Hydro Pump Blizzard Focus Blast Hypnosis Modest - - - 252 252 -
0127 127 Pinsir Choice Scarf Choice Scarf X-Scissor Earthquake Close Combat Guillotine Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0212 212 Scizor Occa Berry Occa Berry Bug Bite Aerial Ace Roost Bullet Punch Adamant 252 252 - - - -
0214 214 Heracross Salac Berry Salac Berry Megahorn Earthquake Reversal Endure Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0217 217 Ursaring Quick Claw Quick Claw Return Cross Chop Earthquake Aerial Ace Adamant 252 252 - - - -
0229 229 Houndoom White Herb White Herb Overheat Dark Pulse Solar Beam Sunny Day Timid - - - 252 - 252
0232 232 Donphan Quick Claw Quick Claw Earthquake Stone Edge Seed Bomb Fissure Adamant - 252 - - 252 -
0321 321 Wailord Zoom Lens Zoom Lens Hydro Pump Blizzard Fissure Hyper Beam Modest 252 - - 252 - -
0344 344 Claydol Custap Berry Custap Berry Earthquake Zen Headbutt Rock Slide Explosion Adamant - 252 - - 252 -
0437 437 Bronzong Lum Berry Lum Berry Safeguard Rock Slide Zen Headbutt Trick Room Brave 252 252 - - - -
0452 452 Drapion Razor Claw Razor Claw Cross Poison Night Slash Earthquake Swords Dance Careful 252 252 - - - -
0405 405 Luxray Air Balloon Air Balloon Thunder Fang Ice Fang Light Screen Thunder Wave Careful 252 - - - 252 -
0038 038 Ninetales Passho Berry Passho Berry Flamethrower Extrasensory Energy Ball Calm Mind Timid 252 - - - - 252
0068 068 Machamp Flame Orb Flame Orb Protect Earthquake Close Combat Payback Adamant - 252 - - 252 -
0213 213 Shuckle Leftovers Leftovers Toxic Protect Sandstorm Wrap Relaxed 252 - 252 - - -
0407 407 Roserade Black Sludge Black Sludge Toxic Protect Leech Seed Giga Drain Bold 252 - 252 - - -
0430 430 Honchkrow Life Orb Life Orb Night Slash Drill Peck Sucker Punch Thunder Wave Adamant 252 252 - - - -
0526 526 Gigalith Leftovers Leftovers Rock Slide Stealth Rock Curse Earthquake Quiet 252 - - - 252 -
0534 534 Conkeldurr Iron Ball Iron Ball Fling Rock Slide Superpower Mach Punch Brave - 252 - - 252 -
0530 530 Excadrill Life Orb Life Orb Earthquake Aerial Ace Poison Jab Rock Slide Adamant - 170 170 - 170 -
0553 553 Krookodile Liechi Berry Liechi Berry Earthquake Pursuit Low Sweep Rock Slide Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0208 208 Steelix Iron Ball Iron Ball Gyro Ball Payback Swagger Curse Relaxed - 252 252 - - -
0461 461 Weavile Focus Sash Focus Sash Taunt Ice Punch Night Slash Fake Out Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0472 472 Gliscor Focus Sash Focus Sash Earthquake Acrobatics U-turn Counter Jolly 252 - - - - 252
0571 571 Zoroark Focus Band Focus Band Protect Counter Dark Pulse Focus Blast Timid - - - 252 - 252
0630 630 Mandibuzz Leftovers Leftovers Substitute Swagger Punishment Roost Careful 170 - 170 - 170 -
0628 628 Braviary Wacan Berry Wacan Berry Brave Bird Tailwind Superpower Giga Impact Adamant - 252 - - - 252
0073 073 Tentacruel Black Sludge Black Sludge Surf Toxic Venoshock Protect Bold 252 - 252 - - -
0142 142 Aerodactyl Choice Band Choice Band Stone Edge Aerial Ace Earthquake Crunch Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0233 233 Porygon2 Lum Berry Lum Berry Tri Attack Thunder Wave Shadow Ball Ice Beam Modest 252 - - 252 - -
0463 463 Lickilicky Lax Incense Lax Incense Body Slam Power Whip Earthquake Explosion Adamant 252 252 - - - -
0469 469 Yanmega King's Rock King's Rock Bug Buzz Air Slash Detect Shadow Ball Modest - - - 252 - 252
0282 282 Gardevoir Babiri Berry Babiri Berry Psychic Moonblast Focus Blast Thunderbolt Modest - - - 252 - 252
0475 475 Gallade Lum Berry Lum Berry Psycho Cut Close Combat Heal Pulse Ally Switch Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0103 103 Exeggutor Lum Berry Lum Berry Wood Hammer Zen Headbutt Explosion Trick Room Brave 252 252 - - - -
0121 121 Starmie King's Rock King's Rock Surf Psychic Thunderbolt Ice Beam Timid - - - 252 - 252
0330 330 Flygon Lum Berry Lum Berry Earthquake Outrage Crunch Stone Edge Adamant - 252 - - - 252
0601 601 Klinklang Leftovers Leftovers Flash Cannon Thunderbolt Protect Toxic Modest - - - 252 - 252
0609 609 Chandelure Leftovers Leftovers Calm Mind Will-O-Wisp Shadow Ball Heat Wave Bold 252 - - - 252 -
0134 134 Vaporeon Expert Belt Expert Belt Surf Ice Beam Shadow Ball Signal Beam Modest 252 - - 252 - -
0135 135 Jolteon Razor Fang Razor Fang Thunderbolt Hyper Beam Fake Tears Signal Beam Timid - - - 252 - 252
0136 136 Flareon White Herb White Herb Bite Superpower Giga Impact Fire Fang Adamant - 252 - - 252 -
0196 196 Espeon Expert Belt Expert Belt Psychic Shadow Ball Signal Beam Dazzling Gleam Timid - - - 252 - 252
0197 197 Umbreon Chesto Berry Chesto Berry Curse Trump Card Payback Rest Careful 252 - 252 - - -
0470 470 Leafeon Quick Claw Quick Claw Leaf Blade X-Scissor Aerial Ace Detect Adamant - 252 252 - - -
0471 471 Glaceon Bright Powder Bright Powder Blizzard Shadow Ball Signal Beam Detect Modest - - 252 252 - -
0448 448 Lucario Weakness Policy Weakness Policy Aura Sphere Dragon Pulse Stone Edge Extreme Speed Hardy - 170 - 170 - 170
0450 450 Hippowdon Chesto Berry Chesto Berry Curse Rest Earthquake Crunch Sassy 252 - - - 252 -
0476 476 Probopass Life Orb Life Orb Flash Cannon Power Gem Earth Power Thunderbolt Modest - - - 252 252 -
0477 477 Dusknoir Lum Berry Lum Berry Shadow Sneak Pain Split Destiny Bond Trick Room Relaxed 252 - - - 252 -
0620 620 Mienshao Muscle Band Muscle Band Feint Fake Out High Jump Kick Wide Guard Impish 252 252 - - - -
0614 614 Beartic Assault Vest Assault Vest Icy Wind Icicle Crash Rock Slide Brick Break Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0626 626 Bouffalant Life Orb Life Orb Earthquake Head Charge Payback Protect Adamant 252 252 - - - -
0306 306 Aggron Shuca Berry Shuca Berry Metal Burst Taunt Earthquake Shadow Claw Brave - 252 - - 252 -
0365 365 Walrein Lax Incense Lax Incense Sheer Cold Fissure Rest Sleep Talk Bold - - 252 - 252 -
0473 473 Mamoswine Life Orb Life Orb Earthquake Ice Fang Double-Edge Stone Edge Adamant 252 252 - - - -
0131 131 Lapras Chesto Berry Chesto Berry Perish Song Rest Body Slam Block Impish - - 252 - 252 -
0169 169 Crobat Wide Lens Wide Lens Hypnosis Aerial Ace Cross Poison Taunt Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0462 462 Magnezone Assault Vest Assault Vest Thunderbolt Flash Cannon Tri Attack Volt Switch Modest - - - 252 252 -
0464 464 Rhyperior Wide Lens Wide Lens Rock Slide Hammer Arm Earthquake Protect Brave 252 252 - - - -
0465 465 Tangrowth Lax Incense Lax Incense Power Whip Earthquake Aerial Ace Brick Break Adamant - 252 252 - - -
0474 474 Porygon-Z Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Tri Attack Thunderbolt Shadow Ball Recover Timid - - - 252 - 252
0584 584 Vanilluxe Maranga Berry Maranga Berry Taunt Ice Beam Acid Armor Mirror Coat Calm 252 - - - 252 -
0604 604 Eelektross Leftovers Leftovers Charge Beam Grass Knot Flamethrower Protect Bold 252 - - - 252 -
0130 130 Gyarados Chesto Berry Chesto Berry Dragon Dance Aqua Tail Earthquake Rest Careful 252 - - - 252 -
0143 143 Snorlax Assault Vest Assault Vest Body Slam Power-Up Punch Earthquake Crunch Careful 252 - - - 252 -
0230 230 Kingdra White Herb White Herb Draco Meteor Surf Blizzard Protect Modest 170 - - 170 - 170
0242 242 Blissey Chople Berry Chople Berry Toxic Minimize Mud Bomb Soft-Boiled Bold - - 252 - 252 -
0350 350 Milotic Leftovers Leftovers Ice Beam Rest Sleep Talk Surf Impish 252 - - - 252 -
0466 466 Electivire Shuca Berry Shuca Berry Thunder Punch Fire Punch Ice Punch Earthquake Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0467 467 Magmortar White Herb White Herb Overheat Psychic Focus Blast Protect Timid - - - 252 - 252
0612 612 Haxorus Yache Berry Yache Berry Dragon Dance Dragon Claw Dragon Tail Earthquake Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0468 468 Togekiss Expert Belt Expert Belt Aura Sphere Air Slash Heat Wave Dazzling Gleam Modest - - - 252 - 252
0637 637 Volcarona Leftovers Leftovers Hurricane Quiver Dance Bug Buzz Heat Wave Bold 252 - 252 - - -
0059 059 Arcanine Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Close Combat Flare Blitz Crunch Extreme Speed Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0567 567 Archeops Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Rock Slide Earthquake Aerial Ace Protect Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0149 149 Dragonite Snowball Snowball Dragon Rush Iron Tail Extreme Speed Fire Punch Adamant - 252 - - - 252
0248 248 Tyranitar Focus Sash Focus Sash Rock Slide Earthquake Superpower Dragon Tail Brave 252 252 - - - -
0373 373 Salamence Lum Berry Lum Berry Outrage Crunch Earthquake Zen Headbutt Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0376 376 Metagross Toxic Orb Toxic Orb Trick Meteor Mash Protect Earthquake Careful 252 - - - 252 -
0445 445 Garchomp Focus Sash Focus Sash Swords Dance Stone Edge Earthquake Dragon Claw Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0635 635 Hydreigon Roseli Berry Roseli Berry Dragon Rush Earthquake Crunch Dragon Tail Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0289 289 Slaking Life Orb Life Orb Return Night Slash Gunk Shot Aerial Ace Jolly - 252 - - - 252

Aire, Incheon, Chelsea

# Pokémon Item Moves Nature EVs
HP Attack Defense Sp. Atk Sp. Def Speed
0689 689 Barbaracle Razor Claw Razor Claw Stone Edge Razor Shell Cross Chop Shadow Claw Adamant - 252 252 - - -
0701 701 Hawlucha Power Herb Power Herb Sky Attack Flying Press U-turn Stone Edge Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0703 703 Carbink Scope Lens Scope Lens Explosion Psychic Moonblast Power Gem Quiet - 252 - 252 - -
0668 668 Pyroar White Herb White Herb Overheat Hyper Voice Dark Pulse Round Modest - - - 252 - 252
0713 713 Avalugg Iron Ball Iron Ball Stone Edge Avalanche Gyro Ball Earthquake Brave - 252 252 - - -
0697 697 Tyrantrum Choice Band Choice Band Crunch Dragon Claw Earthquake Head Smash Adamant - 252 - - - 252
0699 699 Aurorus Life Orb Life Orb Hyper Beam Flash Cannon Thunder Psychic Modest - - - 252 252 -
0663 663 Talonflame Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Brave Bird Flare Blitz Quick Attack Swords Dance Adamant - 252 - - - 252
0700 700 Sylveon Big Root Big Root Draining Kiss Baby-Doll Eyes Psyshock Misty Terrain Modest - - - 252 252 -
0652 652 Chesnaught White Herb White Herb Wood Hammer Hammer Arm Earthquake Stone Edge Adamant - 252 252 - - -
0655 655 Delphox White Herb White Herb Overheat Psychic Shadow Ball Psyshock Modest - - - 252 - 252
0658 658 Greninja Wide Lens Wide Lens Hydro Pump Dark Pulse Blizzard Extrasensory Modest - - - 252 - 252
0673 673 Gogoat Choice Band Choice Band Earthquake Leaf Blade Wild Charge Brick Break Adamant - 252 - - - 252
0715 715 Noivern Wide Lens Wide Lens Dragon Pulse Hurricane Flamethrower Focus Blast Modest - - - 252 - 252
0671 671 Florges Lum Berry Lum Berry Round Petal Dance Psychic Moonblast Modest - - - 252 252 -
0706 706 Goodra White Herb White Herb Draco Meteor Thunder Blizzard Fire Blast Modest - - - 252 252 -
0709 709 Trevenant Iron Ball Iron Ball Trick Room Focus Blast Energy Ball Shadow Ball Quiet - - 252 252 - -
0711 711 Gourgeist Life Orb Life Orb Trick-or-Treat Phantom Force Seed Bomb Rock Slide Adamant 252 252 - - - -
0693 693 Clawitzer Choice Specs Choice Specs Water Pulse Dark Pulse Dragon Pulse Aura Sphere Modest - - - 252 - 252
0685 685 Slurpuff Expert Belt Expert Belt Dazzling Gleam Energy Ball Thunderbolt Flamethrower Modest - - - 252 - 252
0683 683 Aromatisse Leftovers Leftovers Aromatic Mist Dazzling Gleam Heal Pulse Trick Room Sassy 252 - - - 252 -
0003 003 Venusaur Black Sludge Black Sludge Leech Seed Substitute Sludge Bomb Protect Bold 252 - - - 252 -
0006 006 Charizard Assault Vest Assault Vest Heat Wave Air Slash Dragon Pulse Focus Blast Modest - - - 252 - 252
0009 009 Blastoise Custap Berry Custap Berry Yawn Waterfall Focus Punch Rock Slide Adamant 252 252 - - - -
0154 154 Meganium Leftovers Leftovers Leech Seed Ingrain Toxic Protect Bold - - 252 - 252 -
0157 157 Typhlosion Power Herb Power Herb Extrasensory Lava Plume Bulldoze Solar Beam Modest - - - 252 - 252
0160 160 Feraligatr Liechi Berry Liechi Berry Dragon Dance Waterfall Crunch Substitute Adamant - 252 - - - 252
0254 254 Sceptile Leftovers Leftovers Leech Seed Endeavor Energy Ball Toxic Calm - - 252 - 252 -
0257 257 Blaziken Shuca Berry Shuca Berry Flame Charge Flare Blitz Thunder Punch Low Kick Hardy - 252 - - - 252
0260 260 Swampert Chesto Berry Chesto Berry Curse Rest Earthquake Waterfall Careful 252 - - - 252 -
0389 389 Torterra Leftovers Leftovers Stockpile Leech Seed Earthquake Protect Hardy 252 - - - 252 -
0392 392 Infernape Focus Sash Focus Sash Fake Out Encore Flare Blitz Close Combat Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0395 395 Empoleon Petaya Berry Petaya Berry Surf Substitute Blizzard Whirlpool Calm 252 - - 252 - -
0497 497 Serperior Choice Specs Choice Specs Leaf Storm - - - Modest - - - 252 - 252
0500 500 Emboar Salac Berry Salac Berry Substitute Flamethrower Focus Blast Scald Timid - - - 252 - 252
0503 503 Samurott Salac Berry Salac Berry Hydro Pump Ice Beam Grass Knot Protect Modest - - 170 170 170 -
0051 051 Dugtrio Bright Powder Bright Powder Toxic Dig Substitute Sandstorm Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0105 105 Marowak Thick Club Thick Club Earthquake Outrage Detect Rock Slide Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0308 308 Medicham Life Orb Life Orb High Jump Kick Psycho Cut Fake Out Detect Adamant - 252 - - - 252
0195 195 Quagsire Leftovers Leftovers Curse Amnesia Earthquake Waterfall Careful 252 - - - 252 -
0210 210 Granbull Life Orb Life Orb Fire Fang Ice Fang Play Rough Crunch Adamant - 252 - - - 252
0124 124 Jynx Wide Lens Wide Lens Lovely Kiss Blizzard Psychic Fake Out Timid - - - 252 - 252
0122 122 Mr. Mime Babiri Berry Babiri Berry Shadow Ball Signal Beam Dazzling Gleam Psychic Modest - - - 252 - 252
0171 171 Lanturn Chesto Berry Chesto Berry Stockpile Rest Charge Beam Ice Beam Bold - - 252 - 252 -
0286 286 Breloom Toxic Orb Toxic Orb Protect Leech Seed Substitute Focus Punch Careful 170 - 170 - 170 -
0205 205 Forretress Custap Berry Custap Berry Toxic Spikes Stealth Rock Spikes Explosion Careful 252 - - - 252 -
0227 227 Skarmory Lum Berry Lum Berry Spikes Stealth Rock Whirlwind Toxic Careful 252 - - - 252 -
0359 359 Absol Bright Powder Bright Powder Substitute Swagger Punishment Will-O-Wisp Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0340 340 Whiscash Leftovers Leftovers Rest Sleep Talk Fissure Muddy Water Calm 170 - 170 - 170 -
0297 297 Hariyama Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Belly Drum Brick Break Ice Punch Bullet Punch Careful - - 252 - 252 -
0416 416 Vespiquen Custap Berry Custap Berry Attack Order U-turn Aerial Ace Destiny Bond Brave 252 252 - - - -
0026 026 Raichu Lum Berry Lum Berry Encore Magnet Rise Thunderbolt Grass Knot Timid - - - 252 - 252
0087 087 Dewgong Salac Berry Salac Berry Rain Dance Rest Surf Stockpile Bold 170 - 170 - 170 -
0310 310 Manectric Choice Scarf Choice Scarf Switcheroo Thunder Volt Switch Overheat Timid - - - 252 - 252
0398 398 Staraptor Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Brave Bird Double-Edge Roost Feather Dance Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0423 423 Gastrodon Leftovers Leftovers Amnesia Curse Earthquake Waterfall Bold - - 252 - 252 -
0435 435 Skuntank Custap Berry Custap Berry Night Slash Poison Jab Fire Blast Explosion Brave - 170 170 - 170 -
0539 539 Sawk Life Orb Life Orb Close Combat Earthquake Stone Edge Taunt Adamant - 252 - - - 252
0538 538 Throh Flame Orb Flame Orb Protect Earthquake Storm Throw Payback Brave - 252 - - 252 -
0521 521 Unfezant Bright Powder Bright Powder Detect Feather Dance Toxic Fly Impish 252 - - - 252 -
0045 045 Vileplume Lum Berry Lum Berry Giga Drain Solar Beam Teeter Dance Sludge Bomb Modest - - - 252 - 252
0071 071 Victreebel Life Orb Life Orb Weather Ball Solar Beam Sludge Bomb Gastro Acid Modest - - - 252 - 252
0101 101 Electrode Damp Rock Damp Rock Rain Dance Thunder Taunt Light Screen Timid - - - 252 - 252
0272 272 Ludicolo Kee Berry Kee Berry Fake Out Hydro Pump Leech Seed Grass Knot Modest - - - 252 - 252
0275 275 Shiftry Focus Sash Focus Sash Fake Out Sucker Punch Low Kick Protect Adamant - 252 252 - - -
0295 295 Exploud Life Orb Life Orb Icy Wind Hyper Voice Focus Blast Shadow Ball Timid - - - 252 - 252
0428 428 Lopunny Flame Orb Flame Orb Switcheroo Mirror Coat Protect Dig Jolly 252 - - - - 252
0478 478 Froslass Focus Sash Focus Sash Blizzard Icy Wind Shadow Ball Destiny Bond Timid - - - 252 - 252
0549 549 Lilligant Lum Berry Lum Berry Solar Beam Teeter Dance Charm Leech Seed Bold 127 - 127 127 - 127
0555 555 Darmanitan Choice Scarf Choice Scarf Flare Blitz Stone Edge U-turn Superpower Impish - 252 - - - 252
0424 424 Ambipom King's Rock King's Rock Fling Taunt Return Payback Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0563 563 Cofagrigus Leftovers Leftovers Will-O-Wisp Toxic Hex Calm Mind Bold 252 - - - 252 -
0623 623 Golurk Iron Ball Iron Ball Hammer Arm Earthquake Shadow Punch Fling Brave 252 252 - - - -
0632 632 Durant Focus Sash Focus Sash Entrainment X-Scissor Iron Head Protect Jolly 252 - - - - 252
0076 076 Golem Iron Ball Iron Ball Rock Slide Earthquake Explosion Fling Brave - 252 - - 252 -
0080 080 Slowbro Leftovers Leftovers Psychic Surf Blizzard Trick Room Quiet 252 - 252 - - -
0110 110 Weezing Chesto Berry Chesto Berry Toxic Will-O-Wisp Stockpile Rest Careful 252 - - - 252 -
0115 115 Kangaskhan Salac Berry Salac Berry Fake Out Endeavor Return Substitute Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0128 128 Tauros Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Toxic Protect Double Team Earthquake Careful 252 - - - 252 -
0442 442 Spiritomb Custap Berry Custap Berry Will-O-Wisp Sucker Punch Substitute Pain Split Careful 252 - - - 252 -
0615 615 Cryogonal Focus Sash Focus Sash Hail Icy Wind Blizzard Explosion Naive - - - 252 - 252
0621 621 Druddigon Choice Band Choice Band Outrage Earthquake Superpower Dragon Tail Adamant 252 252 - - - -
0518 518 Musharna Chesto Berry Chesto Berry Stored Power Calm Mind Shadow Ball Rest Relaxed - - 252 - 252 -
0560 560 Scrafty Leftovers Leftovers Bulk Up Payback Protect Drain Punch Careful 252 - - - 252 -
0598 598 Ferrothorn Leftovers Leftovers Curse Rock Smash Gyro Ball Ingrain Sassy 252 - - - 252 -
0065 065 Alakazam Choice Specs Choice Specs Psychic Focus Blast Disable Trick Timid - - - 252 - 252
0199 199 Slowking Lum Berry Lum Berry Psychic Surf Ice Beam Trick Room Quiet 252 - - - 252 -
0241 241 Miltank Salac Berry Salac Berry Substitute Earthquake Rock Slide Zen Headbutt Jolly - 252 - - - 252
0334 334 Altaria Wide Lens Wide Lens Cotton Guard Sing Moonblast Dream Eater Calm 252 - - - 252 -
0454 454 Toxicroak Wide Lens Wide Lens Cross Chop Sucker Punch Gunk Shot Taunt Adamant - 252 - - - 252
0576 576 Gothitelle Bright Powder Bright Powder Substitute Flatter Psych Up Psychic Modest 252 - - 252 - -
0579 579 Reuniclus Toxic Orb Toxic Orb Trick Psychic Focus Blast Recover Relaxed - - 252 - 252 -
0625 625 Bisharp Focus Sash Focus Sash Taunt Sucker Punch Rock Smash Iron Head Adamant 252 252 - - - -
0460 460 Abomasnow Occa Berry Occa Berry Blizzard Focus Blast Protect Ice Shard Quiet 252 - - 252 - -
0031 031 Nidoqueen Black Sludge Black Sludge Poison Jab Dragon Tail Bulldoze Earthquake Adamant 252 252 - - - -
0034 034 Nidoking Muscle Band Muscle Band Earthquake Poison Jab Megahorn Protect Adamant - 252 - - - 252
0346 346 Cradily Big Root Big Root Stockpile Protect Ingrain Giga Drain Sassy 252 - 252 - - -
0348 348 Armaldo Choice Band Choice Band Superpower Stone Edge Earthquake X-Scissor Adamant 252 252 - - - -

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