Pre-order bonus

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Reason: need images for Ranger mini-card case, HGSS HMV cases, BW GAME poster, Anttila keychain, BW2 DS sleeve, Alola Art Card, etc.

A pre-order bonus is a special gift given to customers who reserve a copy of a game or movie ticket prior to its official release date. This may require an extra deposit. In addition to receiving the game, there are often other bonuses that come along with pre-ordering a game.


Core series

Pokémon Gold and Silver

In Europe, those who pre-ordered Pokémon Gold and Silver received a CD containing preview information for the games, advertisements for upcoming Pokémon products, video and music samples, a wallpaper, a screensaver, and a trivia game.

In the US, a similar CD was offered, but with a different cover design. Additionally, the CD was bundled with a postcard to enter into a sweepstakes.

Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire

In the US, those who pre-ordered Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire Versions received a commemorative coin of either Groudon or Kyogre, depending on the version pre-ordered.

In the UK, those who pre-ordered from GAME received a preview CD for the two games.

Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen

In the United States and Canada, a shoulder bag and a Pocket Trainer's Guide were given to players who pre-ordered Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen. The bag is red and white in color with the FireRed and LeafGreen logos on the front flap, and the guide included basic information on FireRed and LeafGreen along with illustrations and a fold-out poster of Kanto.

In the United Kingdom, the Pocket Trainer's Guide was given to those who pre-ordered through GAME stores.

Pokémon Emerald

Those who pre-ordered Pokémon Emerald Version received a special tin, which included an access code to the Pokémon Emerald VIP website and a "Frontier Battle Pass" booklet. The booklet's cover resembled the in-game item of the same name, and included general information and gameplay tips for the new Battle Frontier area.

Pokémon Diamond and Pearl

Those who pre-ordered Pokémon Diamond and Pearl in GameStop or EB Games stores in the United States received a stylus with the tip displaying a small figure of the respective game mascots as well as a blue stylus holder. Additionally, if Diamond and Pearl were pre-ordered over the late Pokémon Center website, they would receive a pin featuring either of the games mascots which could be connected.

In Japan, pre-orders of Diamond and Pearl were rewarded with figures. Pre-ordering Diamond included a bonus Dialga figure, pre-ordering Pearl included a bonus Palkia figure, and pre-ordering both or two of the same game included a figure of all three Sinnoh starter Pokémon in addition to the other figures. The participating stores were Ito-Yokado, JUSCO/Æon Group, Harōmakku, Apita/Uny, Al Plaza, Tsutaya, Seven Eleven, and Pokémon Center stores.

Pokémon Platinum

Bulbanews has an article related to this subject:

Those who pre-ordered Pokémon Platinum Version in the United States received a Giratina figure.

In Australia, pre-ordering the game at Target allowed the people to also buy the Prima guide at a discount.

Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver

Those who pre-ordered Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver Versions at GameStop in the United States or at any store in Japan also received a 6.5 cm-Ho-Oh or 7 cm-Lugia figure, respective of the games they star in. Pre-ordering both simultaneously in Japan allowed one to receive an 8.5 cm-Arceus figure as well.

Those who pre-ordered from United Kingdom's HMV received a DS case featuring either a Ho-Oh or Lugia, respective of the game pre-ordered.

Pokémon Black and White

Those who pre-ordered Pokémon Black and White at participating Toys "R" Us retail stores received a Reshiram or Zekrom wall cling, respective of the pre-ordered version.

Those who pre-ordered in United Kingdom's GAME stores received a GAME exclusive poster. Those who pre-ordered at Gamestation received a stylus pack featuring the Unova starters.

In Finland, players who pre-ordered Pokémon Black or White at GameStop stores could download a Celebi to any Generation IV game. At Anttila stores, the Celebi does not require a pre-order, and the pre-order bonus was a keychain instead.

In Mexico, players who pre-ordered Pokémon Black or White at GamePlanet stores could download a Celebi to any Generation IV game.

In Australia, players that pre-ordered at EB Games received a "character kit" containing a cleaning cloth, DS cartridge holders, a DS case, and three styluses themed around the Unova starters. Pre-orders at Gametraders included a 30cm Pikachu plush. Those who pre-ordered at JB Hi-Fi received a DS case featuring Reshiram and Zekrom.

In Japan, pre-orders at Pokémon Center stores awarded two clear files and a "soundrop" keychain matching the mascot of the reserved game. The keychain would play the cry of either Reshiram or Zekrom, as well as the tune that plays when healing at an in-game Pokémon Center. Pre-ordering both games awarded a Poké Ball screen cleaner.

Winter 2011 Celebi
Pokémon Info Trainer Memo Battle Moves Ribbons
CELEBI Dex No. 0251 Random nature. Grass Leaf Storm Classic Ribbon
Lv. 50 Type Feb. 14, 2011 Normal Recover
Psychic Grass Pokémon Event Dark Nasty Plot
OT WIN2011
Apparently had a Psychic Healing Wish
ID No. 02211 fateful encounter at This Pokémon was available in Finland and Mexico
in 2011.
Item Ability Lv. 50.
Jaboca Berry Jaboca Berry Natural Cure  
The date this Pokémon was received is determined by the date on the DS when it was obtained from the Poké Mart.
This Pokémon is English in origin.
Can be obtained with: D P Pt HG SS
Obtained from: PBR Ranch Ra SoA GS Distribution
Please go here to see this Pokémon's in-game effect.

Pokémon Black 2 and White 2


In Australia, players who pre-ordered Pokémon Black and White Versions 2 at EB Games received a commemorative coin representing the Kyurem Forme on the cover of the version reserved.

In the UK, players who pre-ordered at GAME received an exclusive Black/White Kyurem (depending on their version) DS Sleeve.

In the US, those who pre-ordered at Gamestop received an exclusive Keldeo poster as well as a Preview Guide, which gave some general information on the games and included an Ani-Manga adaptation of the Black 2/White 2 animated trailer.

In Japan, players who pre-ordered at Pokémon Centers received a keychain of the Kyurem form matching the game reserved. Those who pre-ordered both games received an A4 clear file featuring Black and White Kyurem

Pokémon X and Y

In the UK and Australia, players who pre-ordered Pokémon X and Y at GAME and EB Games stores (respectively) received an exclusive Poké Ball game case, featuring space to store three DS/3DS game cartridges inside, and a circular base to sit it on.

In the United States, players who pre-ordered either game at Gamestop received an exclusive double-sided poster featuring Xerneas and Yveltal on one side and a map of Kalos on the other. Players who pre-ordered both games also received a special timeline poster featuring Pikachu and every main series Pokémon game released up through X and Y. Those who pre-ordered at Target received a pin of either Xerneas or Yveltal, matching the game reserved.

In Canada, players who pre-ordered either game at EB Games received the same poster that was offered by Gamestop in the US.

In Japan, players who pre-ordered at Pokémon Centers received one of two folders containing some artwork and a figurine of either Xerneas or Yveltal, matching the game reserved. Those who pre-ordered both games received an exclusive art book and a music CD.

Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire

Pre-orders for Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire in Japan came with a Primal Groudon or Primal Kyogre figure, respectively, as well as a metallic poster featuring the game mascot of the appropriate game. Players who pre-ordered both also received the New Hoenn ART Book.

In the UK, players who pre-ordered through Nintendo UK and GAME received figurines of Primal Groudon or Primal Kyogre depending on which version they pre-ordered, as well as a special SteelBook packaging of the game. These figures are different from the ones given out in Japan. Players who pre-ordered from ShopTo received a Torchic keychain.

Those that pre-ordered from EB Games stores in Australia and New Zealand received the same figures given by GAME and Nintendo UK.

In the US, players who pre-ordered both games at Toys "R" Us stores received a Mega Charizard X or Mega Charizard Y plush. Players who pre-ordered at GameStop received a double-sided poster featuring Primal Groudon and Primal Kyogre on one side, and Mega Diancie on the other. The UK figurines were also available as bonuses exclusively for pre-ordering online from Walmart. In Canada, a poster of the Hoenn region was given to players who pre-ordered at EB Games or Videotron stores, with Toys "R" Us stores also giving out the posters during the first week of release.

In South Korea, the Primal Pokémon figures released in Japan were received upon pick up for pre-ordering from Daewon Games, Home Plus, E-mart, or Lotte Mart stores. Between October 11 and November 19, 2014, a serial code for a Shiny Gengar was included on the receipts and could be used until December 7, 2014.

Pre-ordering player Gengar
#0094 Gengar  /
Level 25
Ability: Levitate
Held item: Gengarite Gengarite
ID: 10114
OT: 모험예약자
Met: a lovely place (fateful encounter)
Nature: Random
Ribbon: Classic Ribbon Classic Ribbon
Shadow Ball
Ghost Special
Sludge Wave
Poison Special
Confuse Ray
Ghost Status
Ghost Physical
Games Method Region Location Duration
XY serial code Korean online October 11 to December 7, 2014
Moves in bold can be taught again at the Move Reminder as a special move if forgotten.
Date received is the receiving system's date when the Wonder Card is received.
This Pokémon is set to the same language as the game that received it.

Pokémon Sun and Moon

Pre-orders for Pokémon Sun and Moon in Japan at Pokémon Centers included either a Solgaleo or Lunala figure matching the game reserved. Customers who pre-ordered both, two of the same games or the Pokémon Sun and Moon Double Pack, would also receive a special Art Book. A Snorlax promo card was also included in pre-orders of the games. Amazon Japan offered a microfiber 3DS pouch featuring Pikachu with their pre-orders.

In the US, customers who pre-ordered at GameStop received a double-sided poster highlighting the Poke Ride feature on one side, and a map of Alola on the other. Customers who pre-ordered at Toys "R" Us stores would receive a Pikachu poster, a Pokémon TCG promo card featuring Electabuzz, and a collector's album for the Pokémon TCG: XY—Evolutions expansion. Customers who pre-ordered at Target would receive a poster and a Pikachu promo card. At Nintendo's booth at PAX West 2016, those who pre-ordered were given a special 8x36" poster featuring Zygarde's new forms, several Alolan form Pokémon, and an assortment of other Pokémon introduced in Alola.

In Australia, customers who pre-ordered one of the games from JB Hi-Fi would get a bonus Solgaleo or Lunala figure. Customers could alternately buy the Collector's Edition for one of the games at EB Games, which includes a pin, a SteelBook, and a poster.

In the United Kingdom, customers who pre-ordered one of the games from ShopTo would receive a code for a set of Quick Balls, including if they pre-ordered a Fan Edition. Also in the United Kingdom, customers who pre-ordered one of the games at the Nintendo Official UK Store or GAME would receive a bonus Solgaleo or Lunala figure, including if they pre-ordered a Fan Edition. GAME later offered an Alola Art Card instead of the figures.

Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon

In the US, pre-orders for Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon on the Pokémon Center website included a 4" plush keychain of one of the Alolan starter Pokémon. The exact keychain received was chosen at random. Pre-orders at Gamestop included a double-sided poster featuring a map of USUM's Alola on one side, and all forms of Necrozma except Ultra Necrozma on the other side.

In the UK, pre-orders from GAME included a figurine of one of the Alolan starter Pokémon. Similar to the US offer, the exact figurine received was chosen at random.

In Japan, pre-orders at Pokémon Center stores included a figurine of Dusk Mane Necrozma or Dawn Wings Necrozma. Pre-ordering both games or the dual pack also included an art book.

Several other bonuses were available depending on the store:

  • Pre-orders from Animate included a cotton drawstring bag with Ultra Sun, or a notebook with Ultra Moon.
  • Pre-orders from Amazon JP included a keychain pass case and a wallpaper. Each was available in yellow for Ultra Sun or blue for Ultra Moon.
  • Pre-orders from Aeon included two pins featuring Dusk Mane and Dawn Wings Necrozma. Pre-ordering the dual pack also included a mug tumbler.
  • Pre-orders from Ito-Yokado or 7-Eleven included a Moncolle GET figure of Ho-oh for Ultra Sun, or Lugia for Ultra Moon. A serial code for 7 Big Malasadas and 11 Fresh Water was also included.
  • Pre-orders from Edion Group included a set of flake seals featuring various Pokémon. Two different sets were offered, depending on the version pre-ordered.
  • Pre-orders from Geo included a magnet tile. Two different versions were offered, depending on the game pre-ordered.
  • Pre-orders from Koshin Electric included a tissue box cover. An orange version was offered for Ultra Sun, and a blue version for Ultra Moon.
  • Pre-orders from Tsutaya included a reversible poster calendar. The calendar side was offered in two colors: orange for Ultra Sun, and blue for Ultra Moon.
  • Pre-orders from Square Books included a microfiber cloth featuring either Pikachu and Mimikyu for Ultra Sun, or an assortment of Pokémon for Ultra Moon.
  • Pre-orders from Toys R Us included a sticker sheet featuring Dusk Mane or Dawn Wings Necrozma. However, the exact version of the sheet received was chosen at random.
  • Pre-orders from Bic Camera, Sofmap, or Kojima included one of two types of sticker sheets, depending on the version. Pre-ordering both games included nanoblock sets to build a Poké Ball and Quick Ball.
  • Pre-orders from Family Mart, Circle K, or Sunkus included an IC card sticker featuring Pikachu. Pre-ordering both games included a round pass case with a Poké Ball design.
  • Pre-orders from Futaba Books included an acrylic key holder featuring either the unevolved Alola starter Pokémon for Ultra Sun, or the fully-evolved Alola starter Pokémon for Ultra Moon.
  • Pre-orders from Heiwado included a sheet of glittering stickers. Two different versions were available, based on the game reserved.
  • Pre-orders from Yamada Denki included a W pocket clear file. Pre-ordering both versions also included a B5 sticker.
  • Pre-orders from Yodobashi Camera included a sheet of foil stickers. Two different versions were available, based on the game reserved.
  • Pre-orders from Lawson Loppi or HMV included a set of three Pokémon charms featuring Pikachu, Alolan Vulpix, and Rockruff for Ultra Sun, or Pikachu, Bewear, and Mimikyu for Ultra Moon. Pre-ordering the double pack also included a clear pouch.
  • Pre-orders from WonderGOO included a clear water bottle. pre-ordering the double pack also included a mini tote bag.
  • Pre-orders from Apita Piago included a key holder featuring Pikachu.
  • Pre-orders from Nojima included a set of two hand towels featuring Pikachu.

Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee!

In the US, pre-orders for Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee! on the Pokémon Center website included a plush keychain of either Pikachu or Eevee, matching the game chosen. Pre-orders at Gamestop included a double-sided poster featuring a map of Kanto on one side.

In the UK, pre-orders from the Nintendo UK Store included a plush keychain of either Pikachu or Eevee's head.

In Spain, pre-orders at XtraLife for either version included a protective case for the Poké Ball plus. Pre-ordering both versions included a set of two badges featuring Pikachu and Eevee.

In Hong Kong and Taiwan, pre-orders included a pass case of Pikachu or Eevee. Additionally, Taiwan offered a special Pokémon Tretta disc featuring Mew.

In Japan, pre-orders at Pokémon Center stores included a figure based on Pikachu and the male playable trainer, or Eevee and the female playable trainer. If both versions are reserved, an art book is included as well. Pre-ordering the Poké Ball Plus accessory either alone or in one of the game bundles also includes a Poké Ball styled pouch. Pre-loading either game or redeeming a download code before November 18th awarded double gold points for the game on MyNintendo.

Several other bonuses were available in Japan, based on retailer:

  • Pre-orders at Aeon included a rubber coaster keychain of either Pikachu or Eevee. Pre-ordering a Poké Ball Plus bundle instead included a ceramic plate of Pikachu and Eevee.
  • Pre-orders from Amazon JP on Prime Day, July 16, 2018, included a special storage box themed around Pikachu or Eevee. Pre-orders on any other day included a blue tumbler for Let's Go Pikachu, or a pink tumbler for Let's Go Eevee.
  • Pre-orders at the Animate Online Shop included a memo pad variety pack for Let's Go Pikachu, or a mini clear case for Let's Go Eevee.
  • Pre-orders at Bic Camera included a raffle entry to win a 1,000-yen Bic Camera gift card with a Pikachu and Eevee design.
  • Pre-orders at Furu1 included a microfiber cloth of Pikachu or Eevee.
  • Pre-orders at Futaba Books included a pass case featuring Pikachu and Eevee on the cover.
  • Pre-orders at GEO of either Poké Ball Plus bundle included a figurine of Mewtwo and Mew. The figurine is identical to the one included in the Super-Premium Collection – Mew and Mewtwo box from 2016.
  • Pre-orders at HMV for standard editions included a set of metal charms: Pikachu, Charizard, and Venusaur for Let's Go Pikachu, or Eevee, Mewtwo, and Blastoise for Let's Go Eevee. Pre-orders for the Poké Ball Plus bundles or Switch system bundles included the corresponding charm set, as well as an A4 tote bag.
  • Pre-orders at Nojima Online included a cork coaster of Pikachu or Eevee, matching the version reserved. If both are reserved, a third cork coaster featuring both Pikachu and Eevee is also included.
  • Pre-orders at Rakuten Books included a roll of masking tape stylized after Pikachu or Eevee.
  • Pre-orders at Seven Net included an acrylic keychain of Pikachu or Eevee using their Secret Techniques. Pre-ordering the Switch system bundle also included a steelbook case featuring the artwork of the two keychains.
  • Pre-orders at Tsutaya included a Poké Ball screen cleaner
  • Pre-orders at WonderGOO included a metal keychain of either Pikachu or Eevee.
  • Pre-orders at Yamada Denki included a Moncolle EX figure or Pikachu or Eevee in a metallic color.

In South Korea, pre-orders from the official Pokémon Store included the same figures offered by Japan's Pokémon Centers, but offered a Poké Ball pass case instead of a pouch for purchasing a Poké Ball Plus bundle. Pre-ordering a Switch system bundle included a carrying case and a plush of either Eevee wearing a Pikachu costume for Let's Go Eevee, or Pikachu wearing an Eevee costume for Let's Go Pikachu.

Several other bonuses were available based on retailer:

  • Pre-orders at Home Plus, Hi Mart, and Soprano of either Poké Ball Plus Bundle or the Switch system bundle included a pillow cover and blanket
  • Pre-orders at Lotte Mart or Toys R Us included a carrying case
  • Pre-orders at SSG included a figure of Pikachu or Eevee
  • Pre-orders at 7-Eleven for either standard edition included a 2019 calendar. Pre-orders for either Poké Ball Plus bundle included a reusable shopping bag.

Pokémon Sword & Shield

Pokémon Sword & Shield Expansion Pass

Those purchasing the Pokémon Sword and Shield Expansion Pass from the Nintendo Switch#Nintendo eShop prior to the release of The Isle of Armor are then emailed a serial code for a Pikachu Uniform and an Eevee Uniform for use in Pokémon Sword & Shield and the expansions.

Pokémon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl

All pre-orders received a Manaphy Egg that could be claimed through the game's Mystery Gift section. All Double Pack pre-orders also came with 12 Quick Balls per game.

Those who pre-ordered either Brilliant Diamond or Shining Pearl through the Pokémon Centre received either a plush Turtwig, Chimchar, or Piplup keychain at random. Those who pre-ordered the Double Pack received all three keychains.

In the UK, those who pre-ordered from the My Nintendo UK store received a Brilliant Diamond Pin and a Dialga figure for ordering Brilliant Diamond. Those who pre-ordered Shining Pearl received a Shining Pearl Pin and a Palkia figure. Those who pre-ordered the Double Pack received both pins and a steel book. The same bonuses were available at select France retailers, such as Micromania and Fnac.

In Canada, those who pre-ordered either Brilliant Diamond or Shining Pearl at Gamestop received a set of three holographic art cards featuring Dialga on one, Palkia on another, and Turtwig, Chimchar, and Piplup on the third. Those who pre-ordered the Double Pack received the same art cards as well as a drawstring bag.

In the US, those who pre-ordered either Brilliant Diamond or Shining Pearl at Gamestop received a pin set featuring Dialga and Palkia.

At Best Buy, those who pre-ordered the Double Pack received a keychain featuring Turtwig, Chimchar, and Piplup.

At Target, those who pre-ordered either Brilliant Diamond or Shining Pearl received a set of three plush keychains featuring Turtwig, Chimchar, and Piplup. Those who pre-ordered the Double Pack also received a journal with the starter trio on the front, however, this pre-order bonus was cancelled due to supply chain issues and a $20 Target eGift Card was issued instead.

At Walmart, those who pre-ordered the Double Pack received a set of three pens, each featuring one of the three starters.

Those who pre-ordered from the Pokémon Centre in Singapore received one of two tote bags, featuring either the three starters and Pikachu or Dialga and Palkia. Those who pre-ordered the Double Pack received both tote bags.

Spin-off series

Pokémon Stadium

In the US, pre-ordered copies of Pokémon Stadium (English) included a voucher that could be redeemed at Blockbuster stores for a poster, as well as 16 sticker prints from a Stadium kiosk in the store.

Pokémon Stadium 2

In the US, pre-ordered copies of Pokémon Stadium 2 at Toys 'R' Us included a poster.

Pokémon Colosseum

Those who pre-ordered Pokémon Colosseum also received a Pokémon Colosseum Bonus Disc.

In the Japanese version, the disc contains a Celebi and can only be acquired once all of the 48 Shadow Pokémon have been purified. After it has been transferred to the Colosseum save file, it can be transferred up to 48 times directly to all Japanese Game Boy Advance Pokémon games as long as the player has entered the Hall of Fame and saved in a Pokémon Center. There is also a Pikachu that can be transferred after obtaining a certain number of Poké Coupons and the game being transferred to has a silver Trainer Card.

In the American versions it included the Japanese trailer for the aforesaid game, a trailer for Jirachi: Wish Maker and a Jirachi that can be transferred to Ruby and Sapphire. Unlike the Japanese Celebi, this Jirachi doesn't have a limit on the number of times it can be transferred, though it cannot be transferred to a save file more than once. Transferring the Jirachi will fix the Berry glitch.

Ageto Celebi
Pokémon Info Trainer Memo Battle Moves Ribbons
セレビィ Dex No. 0251 Random nature. Psychic Confusion None
Lv10 Type Met in a fateful encounter when Normal Recover
Psychic Grass at Lv 10. Normal Heal Bell
OT アゲト   Normal Safeguard
ID No. 31121 There is no limit to this Pokémon's availability.
It may be obtained on any date, beginning from
when it was released.
It was available in Japan.
Item Ability
None None Natural Cure
This Pokémon is English in origin.
This Pokémon can be Shiny.
Can be obtained with: R S FR LG E
Obtained from: Colo XD Box Chn Distribution
Colosseum Pikachu
Pokémon Info Trainer Memo Battle Moves Ribbons
ピカチュウ / Dex No. 0025 Random nature. Electric ThunderShock None
Lv10 Type Met in a fateful encounter when Normal Growl
Electric Unknown at Lv 10. Normal Tail Whip
OT コロシアム   Electric Thunder Wave
ID No. 31121 There is no limit to this Pokémon's availability.
It may be obtained on any date, beginning from
when it was released.
It was available in Japan.
Item Ability
Light Ball Light Ball Static
This Pokémon is English in origin.
Can be obtained with: R S FR LG E
Obtained from: Colo XD Box Chn Distribution
Wishmaker Jirachi
Pokémon Info Trainer Memo Battle Moves Ribbons
JIRACHI Dex No. 0385 Random nature. Normal Wish None
Lv5 Type Met in a fateful encounter when Psychic Confusion
Steel Psychic at Lv 5. Psychic Rest
OT WISHMKR   -- --
ID No. 20043 There is no limit to this Pokémon's availability.
It may be obtained on any date, beginning from
when it was released.
It was available in the United States.
Item Ability
Salac Berry Salac Berry or
Ganlon Berry Ganlon Berry
Serene Grace
This Pokémon is English in origin.
This Pokémon can be Shiny.
Can be obtained with: R S FR LG E
Obtained from: Colo XD Box Chn Distribution

Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness


Pre-orders for Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness in the United States were accompanied by a set of Pokémon decals for use with the Nintendo GameCube. The decals feature Michael, Eevee, Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, and Shadow Lugia.

Pre-ordered games from the Pokémon Center Online website include special "triple changing stickers" which feature Michael, Shadow Lugia, and Eevee and its then five possible evolutions. This sticker changes its image when turned.

Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Red and Blue Rescue Team

In the US, pre-orders for Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team and Blue Rescue Team came with a 64-page "Rescuer's Guide" book, which provided some general information about the game, some gameplay tips, and a fold-out poster. Pre-orders on the Pokémon Center website included a special Charmander or Squirtle plush corresponding to the pre-ordered game.

Pokémon Ranger

In Japan, members of the Pokémon Daisuki club who pre-ordered Pokémon Ranger could get a "DS Mini-card case", which could hold 2 game cards and resembled the cover of the game.

In the US, those who pre-ordered on the Pokémon Center website received a set of 2 pins.

Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time and Darkness

In the US, those who pre-ordered Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time and Explorers of Darkness were given an "Explorer's Guide" book whose cover and contents matched the version reserved. The 80-page book was similar to the one offered for Red and Blue Rescue Team, offering gameplay tips and illustrations, but also included interviews, a set of stickers, and a 16-page original full-color comic by Ken Sugimori.

Pokémon Ranger: Shadows of Almia

In Japan, pre-orders of Pokémon Ranger: Shadows of Almia included a figure of Darkrai.

Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky

In the US, those who pre-ordered Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky at Gamestop would receive a DVD of the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky - Beyond Time & Darkness TV special.

Pokémon Rumble Blast

In the US, those who pre-ordered Pokémon Rumble Blast at Gamestop received a set of 6 button pins, featuring Reshiram, Zekrom, Pikachu, and the Unova starters. Those who pre-ordered on Amazon received a password to unlock a Tornadus.

In Japan, those who pre-ordered received a set of passwords to unlock a Groudon, Pikachu, Victini, and Tepig, an AR marker for use in Pokédex 3D, and a Pikachu papercraft.

PokéPark 2: Wonders Beyond


In the Unites States, players that pre-ordered PokéPark 2: Wonders Beyond at GameStop received four bonus Wiimote static clings themed after the four playable characters in the game.

In Japan, pre-orders at Pokémon Centers awarded a gift pack including a notepad, A4 clear file, sticker, and Christmas gift wrap.

Pokémon Conquest

Players that pre-ordered Pokémon Conquest in Japan received a special print of the Dragon Selection Rayquaza card with a different artwork by the same artist in which Rayquaza is Shiny.

In North America, players that pre-ordered before June 17 (a week before release) and picked it up on the day were given passwords to unlock five Pokémon including Pikachu, Scyther, Lapras, Riolu and Emolga. Using their 'PowerUp Rewards' scheme on June 18 players could spend 1000 points to get access to five more Pokémon on top of this: Sneasel, Larvitar, Beldum, Darmanitan and Axew.

Pokémon Rumble U

In the US, those who purchased a download card for Pokémon Rumble U at Gamestop received an NFC figure of either Black or White Kyurem (decided randomly).

Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon

In Japan, those who pre-ordered Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon at a Pokémon Center store received a "Best Art Selection" including a special case, an A4 clear file, and 4 postcards. Additionally, they received a set of 3D stickers featuring the boxart and a serial code for a home menu theme. Players who purchased a digital copy of the game would also get the aforementioned theme, in addition to a second theme. Pre-orders on Amazon rewarded a set of 20 postcards themed around the game and a matching case to hold them.

For players with a North American or Australian 3DS, pre-ordering the physical or digital version of the game rewarded a serial code for a home menu theme featuring the game's cover art.

Pokémon Rumble World

In Japan, pre-orders for the physical release of Pokémon Rumble World at Pokémon Centers awarded a clear file and set of postcards themed around the game.

Pokkén Tournament

In the US, those who pre-ordered Pokkén Tournament from Gamestop received a double-sided poster featuring an expanded version of the game's cover art on one side, and Charizard, Lucario, Pikachu, and Garchomp on the other. Pre-orders at Toys R Us included a special cell art print.

In Japan, those who pre-ordered at Pokémon Centers received a Lucario figure styled after its alternate red costume within the game.

Additionally, first-print physical copies of the game in all regions included a Shadow Mewtwo amiibo card, which could be used to temporarily unlock the character if the story mode had not yet been completed.

Pokkén Tournament DX

Early Japanese physical copies of Pokkén Tournament DX included a "cheat sheet", a 48-page booklet detailing the move lists of every character, as well as some gameplay tips.

Those who pre-ordered Pokkén Tournament DX at Pokémon Center stores in Japan received an A4 clear file, 4-track soundtrack CD, a set of 3 buttons featuring Nia and the male and female avatars, and a set of 3 cards showcasing the burst attacks of Mewtwo, Pikachu, and Decidueye. Additionally, pre-orders made on the Pokémon Center website before September 18 included free shipping.

Pre-order bonus of the game varies depending on the store.

  • Pre-orders from Amazon received either a blue or white lanyard featuring the playable Pokémon from the game.
  • Pre-orders from Aeon included a Decidueye pin. Pre-orders from Edion Group included an A4 clear file.
  • Pre-orders from Joshin Electric included a set of 2 wallpapers. Pre-orders from 7 Net included a postcard.
  • Pre-orders from FamilyMart included a 15cm x 15cm cleaning cloth.
  • Pre-orders from HMV included a pin featuring Pikachu Libre.
  • Pre-orders from WonderGOO included a double-sided coin purse featuring Decidueye and Pikachu Libre.
  • Pre-orders from Ito-Yokado included an A4 clear file. Pre-orders from Bic Camera included a keychain featuring Pikachu Libre.
  • Pre-orders from Geo included a microfiber coaster featuring Shadow Mewtwo.
  • Pre-orders from Yodobashi Camera included a set of foil stickers featuring the game's playable Pokémon.

Detective Pikachu

In Japan, early physical copies of Detective Pikachu included a rubber key chain of the titular detective. Similarly, digital copies purchased before April 22, 2018 included a code for a special 3DS home menu theme.

Pre-orders at Pokémon Center stores in Japan included a storybook titled "Detective Pikachu: Episode 0—Eevee's Case", which serves as a prequel to the events of the game. Additionally, pre-orders made on the Pokémon Center website before March 15, 2018 included free shipping.

Several other bonuses were available depending on the store:

  • Pre-orders from Amazon JP included a microfiber cloth.
  • Pre-orders from WonderGOO included a B6 notebook.
  • Pre-orders from Toys R Us included a paper coaster.
  • Pre-orders from Bic Camera, Kojima, or Sofmap included a set of postcards.



Pokémon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea

Pre-ordering tickets for Pokémon Ranger and the Prince of the Sea: Manaphy in Japan included a bonus "W-Ticket", which allowed players to unlock missions in Ranger Net in Pokémon Ranger. Non-Japanese versions did not require the W-Ticket to do this.

Rise of Darkrai

A Deoxys was available to those in Japan who pre-ordered tickets for Dialga VS Palkia VS Darkrai. It was distributed from June 23 to September 2, 2007.

10th Movie Deoxys
Pokémon Info Trainer Memo Battle Moves Ribbons
デオキシス Dex No. 0386 Random nature. Psychic Psycho Boost Classic Ribbon
Lv. 50 Type   Electric Zap Cannon
Psychic Unknown Pokémon Movie 07 Steel Iron Defense
OT 10th Apparently had a Normal ExtremeSpeed
ID No. 07147 fateful encounter at This Pokémon was available in Japan
from June 23 to September 2, 2007.
Item Ability Lv. 50.
NeverMeltIce NeverMeltIce Pressure  
The date this Pokémon was received is determined by the date on the DS when it was obtained from the Poké Mart.
This Pokémon is English in origin.
Can be obtained with: D P Pt HG SS
Obtained from: PBR Ranch Ra SoA GS Distribution

Giratina and the Sky Warrior

Bulbanews has an article related to this subject:

Pre-ordering tickets for Giratina and the Sky's Bouquet: Shaymin allowed players to receive a Regigigas from June 20, to August 31, 2008.

Movie Regigigas
Pokémon Info Trainer Memo Battle Moves Ribbons
レジギガス Dex No. 0486 Random nature. Steel Iron Head None
Lv. 100 Type   Rock Rock Slide
Normal Unknown Pokémon Movie 08 Ice Icy Wind
OT テンイむら Apparently had a Normal Crush Grip
ID No. 07198 fateful encounter at This Pokémon was available in Japan
from June 20 to August 31, 2008.
Item Ability Lv. 100.
Custap Berry Custap Berry Slow Start  
The date this Pokémon was received is determined by the date on the DS when it was obtained from the Poké Mart.
This Pokémon is English in origin.
Can be obtained with: D P Pt HG SS
Obtained from: PBR Ranch Ra SoA GS Distribution

Arceus and the Jewel of Life

In Japan, a special Shiny Pichu was given to players who pre-ordered tickets to Arceus: To a Conquering Spacetime from June 19 to August 31, 2009. When traded to HeartGold and SoulSilver, this Pichu triggered the event to obtain the Spiky-eared Pichu in Ilex Forest.

Shokotan Pikachu-colored Pichu
Pokémon Info Trainer Memo Battle Moves Ribbons
ピチュー Dex No. 0172 Jolly nature. Electric Charge Classic Ribbon
Lv. 30 Type   Electric Volt Tackle
Electric Unknown Pokémon Movie 09 Normal Endeavor
OT しょこたん Apparently had a Normal Endure
ID No. 06199 fateful encounter at This Pokémon was available in Japan
from June 19 to August 31, 2009.
Item Ability Lv. 30.
Everstone Everstone Static  
The date this Pokémon was received is determined by the date on the DS when it was obtained from the Poké Mart.
This Pokémon is English in origin.
Can be obtained with: D P Pt HG SS
Obtained from: PBR Ranch Ra SoA GS Distribution
Please go here to see this Pokémon's in-game effect.

Zoroark: Master of Illusions

People that pre-ordered tickets for Ruler of Illusions: Zoroark in Japan could download one of Crown Raikou, Crown Entei, and Crown Suicune at Pokémon Center stores.

Crown Raikou
Pokémon Info Trainer Memo Battle Moves Ribbons
ライコウ Dex No. 0243 Rash nature. Electric Zap Cannon Classic Ribbon
Lv. 30 Type   Normal Weather Ball
Electric Unknown Pokémon Movie 10 Fighting Aura Sphere
OT クラウン Apparently had a Normal ExtremeSpeed
ID No. 06180 fateful encounter at This Pokémon was available in Japan
from June 18 to August 31, 2010.
Item Ability Lv. 30.
Micle Berry Micle Berry Pressure  
The date this Pokémon was received is determined by the date on the DS when it was obtained from the Poké Mart.
This Pokémon is English in origin.
Can be obtained with: D P Pt HG SS
Obtained from: PBR Ranch Ra SoA GS Distribution
Please go here to see this Pokémon's in-game effect.
Crown Entei
Pokémon Info Trainer Memo Battle Moves Ribbons
エンテイ Dex No. 0244 Adamant nature. Fire Flare Blitz Classic Ribbon
Lv. 30 Type   Normal Crush Claw
Fire Unknown Pokémon Movie 10 Normal Howl
OT クラウン Apparently had a Normal ExtremeSpeed
ID No. 06180 fateful encounter at This Pokémon was available in Japan
from June 18 to August 31, 2010.
Item Ability Lv. 30.
Custap Berry Custap Berry Pressure  
The date this Pokémon was received is determined by the date on the DS when it was obtained from the Poké Mart.
This Pokémon is English in origin.
Can be obtained with: D P Pt HG SS
Obtained from: PBR Ranch Ra SoA GS Distribution
Please go here to see this Pokémon's in-game effect.
Crown Suicune
Pokémon Info Trainer Memo Battle Moves Ribbons
スイクン Dex No. 0245 Relaxed nature. Ice Sheer Cold Classic Ribbon
Lv. 30 Type   Water Aqua Ring
Water Unknown Pokémon Movie 10 Flying Air Slash
OT クラウン Apparently had a Normal ExtremeSpeed
ID No. 06180 fateful encounter at This Pokémon was available in Japan
from June 18 to August 31, 2010.
Item Ability Lv. 30.
Rowap Berry Rowap Berry Pressure  
The date this Pokémon was received is determined by the date on the DS when it was obtained from the Poké Mart.
This Pokémon is English in origin.
Can be obtained with: D P Pt HG SS
Obtained from: PBR Ranch Ra SoA GS Distribution
Please go here to see this Pokémon's in-game effect.

Black—Victini and Reshiram and White—Victini and Zekrom


People that pre-ordered tickets for Victini and the Black Hero: Zekrom and Victini and the White Hero: Reshiram in Japan could download a Victini from April 16 to August 31, 2011. This Victini was also distributed to Korean players who pre-ordered movie tickets from December 15 to 31, 2011.

Eind Victini
Pokémon Info Trainer Memo Battle Moves Ribbons
ビクティニ Dex No. 0494 Random nature. Fire V-create Wishing Ribbon
Lv. 50 Type   Fire Fusion Flare
Psychic Fire Pokémon Movie 11 Electric Fusion Bolt
OT アイント Apparently had a Fire Searing Shot
ID No. 04161 fateful encounter at This Pokémon was available in Japan
from April 16 to August 31, 2011.
Item Ability Lv. 50.
Fire Gem Fire Gem Victory Star  
The date this Pokémon was received is determined by the date on the DS when the Wonder Card is received.
This Pokémon is English in origin.
Can be obtained with: B W B2 W2
Pokémon Info Trainer Memo Battle Moves Ribbons
비크티니 Dex No. 0494 Random nature. Fire V-create Wishing Ribbon
Lv. 50 Type   Fire Fusion Flare
Psychic Fire Pokémon Movie 11 Electric Fusion Bolt
OT 아인트 Apparently had a Fire Searing Shot
ID No. 12221 fateful encounter at This Pokémon was available in South Korea
from December 15 to 31, 2011.
Item Ability Lv. 50.
Fire Gem Fire Gem Victory Star  
The date this Pokémon was received is determined by the date on the DS when the Wonder Card is received.
This Pokémon is English in origin.
Can be obtained with: B W B2 W2

Kyurem VS. the Sword of Justice

Japanese players who pre-ordered tickets to the fifteenth movie could receive a Keldeo at Pokémon Centers from June 23 to August 31, 2012. In Taiwan, this Keldeo was given out between September 20 and October 20, 2012 for pre-ordering tickets.

Shokotan Keldeo
Pokémon Info Trainer Memo Battle Moves Ribbons
ケルディオ Dex No. 0647 Random nature. Water Aqua Jet Wishing Ribbon
Lv. 15 Type   Normal Leer
Water Fighting Pokémon Movie 12 Fighting Double Kick
OT しょこたん Apparently had a Water BubbleBeam
ID No. 06232 fateful encounter at This Pokémon was available in Japan and Taiwan
in 2012.
Item Ability Lv. 15.
PP Max PP Max Justified  
The date this Pokémon was received is determined by the date on the DS when the Wonder Card is received.
This Pokémon is English in origin.
Can be obtained with: B W B2 W2

Genesect and the Legend Awakened

Pre-ordering tickets to ExtremeSpeed Genesect: Mewtwo Awakens allowed Japanese players to receive a Mewtwo at Pokémon Centers from June 15 to September 1, 2013 or at the Next-gen World Hobby Fair 2013 on June 29 and 30, 2013. Additionally, a Genesect promo card was available to those who spent at least 800 Yen at certain stores while pre-ordering Movie 16 tickets.

In Taiwan, those who pre-ordered their tickets through Funbox received this Mewtwo from July 13 to August 15, 2013.

Pokémon Hills Mewtwo
Pokémon Info Trainer Memo Battle Moves Ribbons
ミュウツー Dex No. 0150 Timid nature. Psychic Psystrike Wishing Ribbon
Lv. 100 Type   Ice Ice Beam
Psychic Unknown Pokémon Movie 13 Psychic Heal Pulse
OT Pヒルズ Apparently had a Flying Hurricane
ID No. 06153 fateful encounter at This Pokémon was available in Japan and Taiwan
in 2013.
Item Ability Lv. 100.
Custap Berry Custap Berry Unnerve  
The date this Pokémon was received is determined by the date on the DS when the Wonder Card is received.
This Pokémon is English in origin.
Can be obtained with: B W B2 W2

Diancie and the Cocoon of Destruction

A serial code for a Darkrai as well as a Darkrai promo card were included with pre-ordered tickets for the seventeenth movie. Tickets could be pre-ordered from April 19 to July 19, 2014 and the codes were good until September 30, 2014.

Wonderland Darkrai
#0491 Darkrai
Level 50
Ability: Bad Dreams
Held item: Enigma Berry Enigma Berry
ID: 04194
OT: ふしぎのくに
Met: Pokémon Movie 14 (fateful encounter)
Nature: Random
Ribbon: Wishing Ribbon Wishing Ribbon
Dark Void
Dark Status
Dream Eater
Psychic Special
Dark Pulse
Dark Special
Phantom Force
Ghost Physical
Games Method Region Location Duration
XY serial code Japanese online April 19 to September 30, 2014
Moves in bold can be taught again at the Move Reminder as a special move if forgotten.
Date received is the receiving system's date when the Wonder Card is received.
This Pokémon is set to the same language as the game that received it.

Hoopa and the Clash of Ages


Pre-ordered tickets for the eighteenth movie in Japan came with a serial code for an Arceus that held either a Silk Scarf or any one of the seventeen Plates. Pre-orders were accepted from March 7 to July 17, 2015 and codes were valid until August 31, 2015.

Dahara City Arceus
#0493 Arceus
Level 100
Ability: Multitype
Held item: Various Various
ID: 03075
OT: デセルシティ
Met: Pokémon Movie 15 (fateful encounter)
Nature: Random
Ribbon: Wishing Ribbon Wishing Ribbon
Normal Special
Blast Burn
Fire Special
Hydro Cannon
Water Special
Earth Power
Ground Special
Games Method Region Location Duration
XYORAS serial code Japanese online March 7 to August 31, 2015
XYORAS serial code Japanese and Taiwanese online November 20 to December 17, 2015
Moves in bold can be taught again at the Move Reminder as a special move if forgotten.
Date received is the receiving system's date when the Wonder Card is received.
This Pokémon is set to the same language as the game that received it.
Held items
Silk Scarf Silk Scarf Draco Plate Draco Plate Dread Plate Dread Plate
Earth Plate Earth Plate Fist Plate Fist Plate Flame Plate Flame Plate
Icicle Plate Icicle Plate Insect Plate Insect Plate Iron Plate Iron Plate
Meadow Plate Meadow Plate Mind Plate Mind Plate Pixie Plate Pixie Plate
Sky Plate Sky Plate Splash Plate Splash Plate Spooky Plate Spooky Plate
Stone Plate Stone Plate Toxic Plate Toxic Plate Zap Plate Zap Plate

#0493 Arceus  
Level 100
Ability: Multitype
Held item: Silk Scarf Silk Scarf
ID: 03075
OT: デセルシティ
Met: Pokémon Movie 15 (fateful encounter)
Nature: Random
Ribbon: Wishing Ribbon Wishing Ribbon
Normal Special
Blast Burn
Fire Special
Hydro Cannon
Water Special
Earth Power
Ground Special
Games Method Region Location Duration
XYORAS serial code Japanese online March 7 to August 31, 2015
Moves in bold can be taught again at the Move Reminder as a special move if forgotten.
Date received is the receiving system's date when the Wonder Card is received.
This Pokémon is set to the same language as the game that received it.

I Choose You!

Bulbanews has an article related to this subject:

Ash's Pikachu in a cap and Pikashunium Z were distributed to players who inserted a serial code that was found on pre-ordered tickets for the 20th Pokémon movie in Japan. The tickets containing the serial codes could be pre-ordered from April 15 to July 14, 2017. The serial codes could be used from April 15 to October 9, 2017, but the Pikachu obtained depended on the date the code was redeemed. Unlike most events, players were able to redeem multiple serial codes on the same game.

Ash's Pikachu
Original Cap
#0025 Pikachu
Original Cap
Level 1
Ability: Static
Held item: None
ID: 970401
OT: サトシ
Met: 2017 Pokémon Movie (fateful encounter)
Nature: Hardy
Ribbon: Wishing Ribbon Wishing Ribbon
Electric Special
Quick Attack
Normal Physical
Electric Special
Psychic Status
Games Method Region Location Duration
SM serial code Japanese online April 15 to May 1, 2017
Moves in bold can be taught again at the Move Reminder as a special move if forgotten.
Date received is the date on the system when the gift is picked up from the deliveryman.
This Pokémon is set to the same language as the game that received it.
Hoenn Cap
#0025 Pikachu
Hoenn Cap
Level 6
Ability: Static
Held item: None
ID: 021121
OT: サトシ
Met: 2017 Pokémon Movie (fateful encounter)
Nature: Hardy
Ribbon: Wishing Ribbon Wishing Ribbon
Electric Special
Quick Attack
Normal Physical
Electric Special
Iron Tail
Steel Physical
Games Method Region Location Duration
SM serial code Japanese online May 3 to 15, 2017
Moves in bold can be taught again at the Move Reminder as a special move if forgotten.
Date received is the date on the system when the gift is picked up from the deliveryman.
This Pokémon is set to the same language as the game that received it.
Sinnoh Cap
#0025 Pikachu
Sinnoh Cap
Level 10
Ability: Static
Held item: None
ID: 060928
OT: サトシ
Met: 2017 Pokémon Movie (fateful encounter)
Nature: Hardy
Ribbon: Wishing Ribbon Wishing Ribbon
Electric Special
Quick Attack
Normal Physical
Iron Tail
Steel Physical
Volt Tackle
Electric Physical
Games Method Region Location Duration
SM serial code Japanese online May 17 to 29, 2017
Moves in bold can be taught again at the Move Reminder as a special move if forgotten.
Date received is the date on the system when the gift is picked up from the deliveryman.
This Pokémon is set to the same language as the game that received it.
Unova Cap
#0025 Pikachu
Unova Cap
Level 14
Ability: Static
Held item: None
ID: 100923
OT: サトシ
Met: 2017 Pokémon Movie (fateful encounter)
Nature: Hardy
Ribbon: Wishing Ribbon Wishing Ribbon
Electric Special
Quick Attack
Normal Physical
Iron Tail
Steel Physical
Volt Tackle
Electric Physical
Games Method Region Location Duration
SM serial code Japanese online May 31 to June 12, 2017
Moves in bold can be taught again at the Move Reminder as a special move if forgotten.
Date received is the date on the system when the gift is picked up from the deliveryman.
This Pokémon is set to the same language as the game that received it.
Kalos Cap
#0025 Pikachu
Kalos Cap
Level 17
Ability: Static
Held item: None
ID: 131017
OT: サトシ
Met: 2017 Pokémon Movie (fateful encounter)
Nature: Hardy
Ribbon: Wishing Ribbon Wishing Ribbon
Electric Special
Quick Attack
Normal Physical
Iron Tail
Steel Physical
Electro Ball
Electric Special
Games Method Region Location Duration
SM serial code Japanese online June 14 to 26, 2017
Moves in bold can be taught again at the Move Reminder as a special move if forgotten.
Date received is the date on the system when the gift is picked up from the deliveryman.
This Pokémon is set to the same language as the game that received it.
Alola Cap
#0025 Pikachu
Alola Cap
Level 20
Ability: Static
Held item: None
ID: 161117
OT: サトシ
Met: 2017 Pokémon Movie (fateful encounter)
Nature: Hardy
Ribbon: Wishing Ribbon Wishing Ribbon
Electric Special
Quick Attack
Normal Physical
Iron Tail
Steel Physical
Electro Ball
Electric Special
Games Method Region Location Duration
SM serial code Japanese online June 28 to July 17, 2017
Moves in bold can be taught again at the Move Reminder as a special move if forgotten.
Date received is the date on the system when the gift is picked up from the deliveryman.
This Pokémon is set to the same language as the game that received it.

This article is part of both Project Games and Project Merchandise, Bulbapedia projects that, together, aim to write comprehensive articles on the Pokémon Games and Merchandise, respectively.