Bidoof's Big Stand

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Bidoof's Big Stand Poster

Bidoof's Big Stand is an animated short released on January 11, 2022 by the Pokémon Company[1] on the Official Pokémon YouTube Channel and Pokémon TV.


A bumbling Bidoof with a tendency to bite off more than it can chew finds itself between a rock and a hard place as it embarks on a journey to find its place in the world.


The Trainer and Bidoof

The story follows the trajectory of a Bidoof, initially the Plump Mouse Pokémon lived in a group with others of its kind. As much as it tried, Bidoof couldn't fit in with the others. While trying to eat an Oran Berry, Bidoof ends up being attacked by a group of Starly and soon after by a Staraptor, this situation ends up causing Bidoof to be saved by a Trainer and his Lucario.

After much insistence from Bidoof, the Trainer ends up giving in and capturing Bidoof for his team. During his Pokémon Journey, the Trainer has a habit of using Bidoof to be able to cross obstacles and reward Bidoof with an Oran Berry. On one of these occasions, Bidoof is used to open a cave exit where a wild Gengar appears, quickly replacing Bidoof with Lucario. This made Bidoof start to feel bored of doing these actions, believing that its function would be just that.

Eventually, the Trainer reaches the Pokémon League finals where his team ends up being completely defeated in a Full Battle, forcing the Trainer to use Bidoof in battle. Initially shocked to be in a real Pokémon battle, the Trainer encourages Bidoof to do its best, Bidoof manages to defeat a Golem with the techniques it learned during the journey and a Staraptor after a hard battle, thus making the Trainer the winner of the League and this victory makes Bidoof finally receive recognition from its Trainer.

In the short's epilogue, Trainer is seen taking Bidoof to see its old group of his kind, taking some foods for Bidoof on a beach and taking some pictures with it.

Featured Pokémon


Bidoof Shoofu Zang
Additional Bidoof Dino Andrade
Additional Bidoof Erica Mendez



  • Recording Studio: Bang Zoom! Studios
  • Sound Supervisors: Eric P.Sherman, Patrick Rodman
  • Casting Director: Mami Okada
  • Associate Producer: Mio Monroe
  • Dialogue Production/Editor: Ricardo Watson
  • Recording Studio Operations: Luis Robles
  • Assistant Audio Engnners: John Shieh, Ismael Yanez, Keeley Pierson, Isaac Caldas
  • Production Manager: AJ Gam
  • Production Coordinator: Robert G.Mah
  • Original Character Art/Character Design: GAME FREAK inc.


  • Animation Production: TAIKO Studios
  • Executive Producer: Hande Zhang
  • Production Managers: Brandie Braxton, Chi "Giselle" Gao
  • Art Director: Alvin Lee Zhen Loong
  • Visual Development: Noor Sofi
  • Storyboard Artists: Moss Lawton, Ian Mutchler
  • Additional Story and Research: Tyson Heese, Moss Lawton, Ian Mutchler, Zi "Vicky" Wang, Shoofu Zhang
  • Editor: Shoofu Zhang
  • Assets Lead: Ming He
  • Assets:Muqiang Hong, Mo Shen, Jiamin Wang, Yanglin Xu, Hootian Yang.
  • Additional Assets:Xin Chang, Xi Jiang, Yael Pereira Lopez, Robert Kubus
  • 7 Idea Animation Studio: Jiale Cheng, ChongChong He, Weiman Le, Lingjiang Meng, Qinnan Tong, Ziyue Zhang, Boyu Zheng, Chenghu Zhu
  • Tiny Island Productions: Nyoe Yun Qi, Didik Subastian, Yudathama
  • Divergent Vision Studio: Wenghong Deng, Yihan He, Qingyu Ni

Other credits

  • Rigging: Lingwei Li, Hongbo "Andy" Men
  • Young Ambition Studio: Xiong Lin, Chenyu Wang
  • Chunsen Cultural Creative Co.: Yimin Huang, Hongwei Luo
  • 7 Idea Animation Studio: Chen Chen, Licong Guo
  • Animation Supervisor: Qinghui Lü
  • Animators: Mingyang Du, Jianxiong Liu, Bing Lu, Yang Ma, Bo Tian, Zi "Vicky" Wang, Tianyao Zhang
  • Additional Animators:Anil Kumar Avvaru, Heidi Husband, Maxilliano Keller, Paritosh Kumawat, Suryabhan Singh Rathore, Lakshmipati Raju

In other languages


By The Official Pokémon YouTube channel
This video is not available on Bulbapedia; instead, you can watch the video on YouTube here.


This episode article is part of Project Anime, a Bulbapedia project that covers all aspects of Pokémon animation.