Hoenn Pokérap

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Hoenn Pokérap is the third and final Pokérap to be made by 4Kids Entertainment for the Pokémon anime. It was made to feature the 135 Generation III Pokémon.

This Pokérap also features Celebi and Mew, both of whom were missing from their generation's respective Pokéraps. However, it does not include Zigzagoon and Relicanth.

There are two versions. Both have the same lyrics, but one version has faster music and more rapping than the other.

It is available on the Pokémon X CD. A remix of this song was included on the Exclusive Target Mix! CD. It was also used as the ending theme for Pikachu's Island Adventure.

Unlike the previous Pokéraps, no official music video has been made for this rap. Several fans have made their own music video for this rap.


It's the P to the O-K-É-M-O-N!
The gang's all here, the gang's all here.
It's rollcall time, listen up my friends!
The gang's all here, the gang's all here.

It's the P to the O-K-É-M-O-N!
The gang's all here, the gang's all here.
It's rollcall time, listen up my friends!
The gang's all here, the gang's all here.

Treecko and Torchic in the back,
We got Mudkip and Marshtomp, here in the track,
Swampert, Poochyena, I see you too,
We got Wurmple and Beautifly and Cascoon.

Lotad, Lombre, Ludicolo,
Linoone and Silcoon, but more to go though,
Grovyle and Sceptile, Combusken and Blaziken
Yo where you at, 'cos it's me, I'm asking.

Mightyena, Dustox, Seedot and Nuzleaf,
I see Shiftry over there waving peace.

It's the P to the O-K-É-M-O-N!
The gang's all here, the gang's all here.
It's rollcall time, listen up my friends!
The gang's all here, the gang's all here.

It's the P to the O-K-É-M-O-N!
The gang's all here, the gang's all here.
It's rollcall time, listen up my friends!
The gang's all here, the gang's all here.

Latias and Latios boy on my right,
Regice, Registeel, Regirock through the night.
Duskull, Dusclops, Tropius, Chimecho,
Absol, Glalie, Spheal and Sealeo.

Clamperl and Huntail, Gorebyss, you're the most,
Luvdisc, Bagon, Shelgon, Metagross.
Armaldo, Feebas, Milotic and we're still not done
Castform, Kecleon, ain't this fun?

Wynaut and Snorunt, yo where you at?
Shuppet and Banette step up to bat.
Salamence, Beldum, Metang and Groudon
Kyogre and Walrein and we've only just begun.

It's the P to the O-K-É-M-O-N!
The gang's all here, the gang's all here.
It's rollcall time, listen up my friends!
The gang's all here, the gang's all here.

It's the P to the O-K-É-M-O-N!
The gang's all here, the gang's all here.
It's rollcall time, listen up my friends!
The gang's all here, the gang's all here.

Makuhita, Hariyama, Azurill and Nosepass.
Skitty, Delcatty, Sableye, I'm movin' fast!
Slaking, Nincada, Loudred and Exploud.
Aggron, Meditite, Medicham, say it loud!

Swellow, Wingull, Pelipper and Ralts.
Shroomish, Breloom, Slakoth and Vigoroth.
Mawile, Taillow, Aron, Electrike,
Manectric, Plusle, Lairon, who you like?

Rayquaza, Ninjask, Shedinja, Whismur,
Vibrava, Flygon, which one do you prefer?
Kirlia, Gardevoir, Surskit and Masquerain
Come on everybody, help me sing the refrain!

We got the P to the O-K-É-M-O-N!
The gang's all here, the gang's all here.
It's rollcall time, listen up my friends!
The gang's all here, the gang's all here.

It's the P to the O-K-É-M-O-N!
The gang's all here, the gang's all here.
It's rollcall time, listen up my friends!
The gang's all here, the gang's all here.

Now we make it real quiet just for a few,
Jirachi, Deoxys, Celebi and Mew.
Now we bring it back again for Torkoal and Spoink,
And Numel and Camerupt rocking this joint.

Grumpig, Spinda, Trapinch, Gulpin, Swalot, Roselia
Carvanha, Sharpedo, Wailmer, I see ya.
Wailord, Illumise, Volbeat and Minun.
Everyone stay with me 'cos the end is coming soon.

Anorith, Cradily, Lileep and Claydol.
People pay attention 'cos that's not all.
We got Baltoy and Crawdaunt, Corphish and Whiscash,
Barboach and Solrock, the names they can't last.

Lunatone, Seviper, Zangoose, Altaria,
Swablu and Cacturne, I hope I'm not scaring ya.
There's one more name that I have to relate.
It's spelled C-A-C-N-E and A!

It's the P to the O-K-É-M-O-N!
The gang's all here, the gang's all here.
It's rollcall time, listen up my friends!
The gang's all here, the gang's all here.

It's the P to the O-K-É-M-O-N!
The gang's all here, the gang's all here.
It's rollcall time, listen up my friends!
The gang's all here, the gang's all here.

It's the P to the O-K-É-M-O-N!
The gang's all here, the gang's all here.
It's rollcall time, listen up my friends!
The gang's all here, the gang's all here.

It's the P to the O-K-É-M-O-N!
The gang's all here, the gang's all here.
It's rollcall time, listen up my friends!
The gang's all here, the gang's all here.


  • Words and Music by Ethan Eubanks and Andrew Sherman


  • Mew and Celebi are mentioned in this rap despite having been released in previous generations. This may be due to their absence from their respective Pokéraps.
  • Unlike the two other raps, this one often covers similar or evolutionarily connected Pokémon to each other by singing one after the other.
  • If one was to rearrange the Pokérap so all of the Pokémon are in National Pokédex order, Dustox would remain in its position in the song. If one was to omit Mew and Celebi, as they are not Pokémon introduced in Generation III, Treecko and Linoone would remain in their respective spots upon rearrangement.


Kanto PokérapPokérap GSHoenn Pokérap
English ending themes of the Pokémon animated series
OS: Kanto PokérapPikachu's JukeboxPokémon Karaokémon
AG: Pokémon Go!
PK: Hoenn PokérapDance, Dance, DanceWorld of WonderThe Key to MeJoin the Band
English opening themes
This article is part of Project Music, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon song, CD and musician.