Talk:Professor Carolina

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Revision as of 13:20, 16 February 2022 by Hikaru Wazana (talk | contribs) (Move discussion)
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Latest comment: 16 February 2022 by Hikaru Wazana in topic Move discussion

Is she?

Is she the same person from the games? The one you give the old charm to? Either way, I think something should be noted. --ケンジガール 03:18, 10 October 2008 (UTC)Reply

Cynthia's grandmother in the game AND anime...why don't you add it, your grammars probably way better.--Tavisource 03:30, 10 October 2008 (UTC)Reply


What do you guys think about moving this page to "Cynthia's grandmother"? Because in the games she wasn't given a name and was also not a professor. Its only the anime that made her like that. Then we could have different sections of the anime and games and only mention Karashina in the anime section. That is if someone can add info on the games. Jmath 14:11, 10 October 2008 (UTC)Reply

I agree with Jmath! We should either move the page to "Cynthia's grandmother" (because it's the anime which gave him such name and status) or split the articles (Karashina and Unnamed "Cynthia's grandmother" from games and mangas) and consider the two as Inter-Media Counterparts. --Maxim 21:26, 13 January 2009 (UTC)Reply

Dr. Karashina?

Shouldn't she be called Dr. Karashina? Her name has 博士 hakase in it which, in the case of the other Pokémon professors, means Dr. --ケンジガール 06:05, 19 December 2008 (UTC)Reply

He was at Professor Nanakamado before we knew he was Rowan. More often than not, "Dr. X" who studies Pokémon becomes "Professor X" in English. It's not the rule, just what kind of happens when Dr. Ookido became Prof. Oak, Dr. Utsugi became Prof. Elm, Dr. Odamaki became Prof. Birch, and Dr. Namakamado became Prof. Rowan. People end up guessing that she'll become Prof. Something or Other. Anyway, her appearance in English is less than 10 weeks off. As long as Dr. Karashina redirects here it'll get updated by the redirect fixer as soon as it's moved to her English name. TTEchidna 09:06, 19 December 2008 (UTC)Reply

Opening line

Err, it seems that starting an article with a section is awkward, IMO. --☆Kevzo8 13:29, 22 January 2009 (UTC)Reply

Seems redundant too. ΘρtιmαtumTalk 13:29, 22 January 2009 (UTC)Reply


Shouldn't she be included in the animecharacters template? She did appear again... Jmath 19:51, 26 January 2009 (UTC)Reply


Is it relevant she looks very similar to Stage Madonna Kate? I just read a comment about it and I have to agree, they do look a lot alike But I'm not sure if it's relevant.--Dman dustin 07:54, 17 March 2009 (UTC)Reply

Quite true, but not really relevant to the article. You know, once you add it on the Trivia section, users would start deleting it with the edit summary "Speculation".. Who knows, maybe someday, it'd be revealed that they are relatives.. Ҝəυzø8 07:59, 17 March 2009 (UTC)Reply


I just watched the two-parter with Carolina and she wasn't once referred to as "Professor Carolina", just "Carolina". Think it should be moved as such? J-J-M 20:43, 25 October 2009 (UTC)Reply


Her appearance in anime and in pokemon adventure(comics) are totally different.Is it noticeable? I think most character look alike.But for her in comics she was short and kind looking old-man.Meearaimeng 04:20, 3 March 2011 (UTC)Reply

Well, I think the manga counterpart deserved to be mentioned in a different section, because their actions are different from the anime.--Hikaru Wazana 18:20, 26 April 2011 (UTC)Reply

Article title

Considering that only the anime character is named Professor Carolina, this article title seems very misleading... I would suggest "Cynthia's grandmother," which, while not the official name of the character, would be general enough for readers to understand. ht14 22:02, 17 July 2013 (UTC)Reply

She is a game character first and for-most, her anime and even manga counterparts are based on her actions in the games. She should be called "Cynthia's grandmother", I agree. Trotz59 (talk) 05:15, 14 August 2013 (UTC)Reply

I vote for "Cynthia's grandmother" as well, given that she's only named Carolina in the anime. --The Great Butler (talk) 05:43, 23 September 2013 (UTC)Reply
For what it's worth, I agree that the article should be renamed. Lostdrewid (talk) 00:23, 1 July 2014 (UTC)Reply
I also vote on changing the title to "Cynthia's grandmother". It's way less misleading. --JoeIsCool(I refuse to be communicated with!) 00:47, 1 July 2014 (UTC)Reply
I get the point but I completely disagree with this moving. She is still a character of the anime with a name. To me it seems utterly ridiculous to take an anime character's name away because the game character they were based on doesn't have one. If anything, Cynthia's grandmother should split into its own article if people feeling they are being mislead with a link to Professor Carolina in the anime section. --ケンジガール 22:18, 28 September 2014 (UTC)Reply
I am ok with that proposition of a separate article with a link to Professor Carolina in the anime section. ht14 04:59, 29 September 2014 (UTC)Reply

"Historical Research Center" quotes?

If it is a game location, then why it is called an an animé exclusive one? Trainer Yusuf (talk) 18:36, 1 June 2016 (UTC)Reply

Move discussion

Very late but yes it probably should be moved to Cynthia’s grandmother as it is more accurate to the Games First origin of characters Casscoon (talk) 02:22, 16 February 2022 (UTC)Reply

I believe that conversations older than 6 months have to start a new one by the rules.
About the discussion here, my opinion probably doesn't add anything, but I'm against it. The only thing that separates the character from her version of the games, is the name she received in the anime, that's all. If the games chose not to name her, then it should prevail where she received more prominence. It's the same case with Flannery's grandfather, the manga and games didn't work with him and the anime decided to give attention to the character, so it's the most important version. It's even unfair to characters who really deserved to have their own anime page, if someone decided that the best solution is to have two pages for the same character. Even more so that Cynthia's grandmother is not exactly a very present figure in any of the media where the character was presented.
For me, it was enough to just put the anime section on top of the others. Like Mr. Moore's page--Hikaru Wazana (talk) 04:10, 16 February 2022 (UTC)Reply