User:Coffee/Sandbox/Misty Terrain

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If you were looking for the move, see Misty Terrain (move).
Misty Terrain
ミストフィールド Mist Field
Move Ability
Misty Terrain
Max Starfall
Misty Surge

Misty Terrain (Japanese: ミストフィールド Mist Field) is a type of terrain introduced in battle in Generation VI. In Generation VIII, it occurs naturally in foggy weather.


Event Gen VI Gen VII Gen VIII
If naturally occurring N/A N/A
Misty Terrain used N/A
Misty Surge activated N/A
After turn is complete N/A
When Misty Terrain ends N/A


Misty Terrain in the anime

In battle

On the field

Game Region Location Conditions
SwSh Galar Various areas of the Wild Area Random days, all day
SwShIoA Galar Various areas of the Isle of Armor Random days, all day
SwShCT Galar Various areas of the Crown Tundra Random days, all day
BDSP Sinnoh Route 210 (north) Always
BDSP Sinnoh Victory Road B1F deep Always
BDSP Sinnoh Mt. Coronet B1F Always
BDSP Sinnoh Turnback Cave Always

In the anime

Main article: Misty Terrain (move) → In the anime

In the manga

Misty Terrain in Pokémon Adventures
Main article: Misty Terrain (move) → In the manga

In other generations

In battle

Core series

In other languages

Language Title
Chinese Cantonese 薄霧場地 Bohkmouh Chèuhngdeih
Mandarin 薄霧場地 / 薄雾场地 Bówù Chǎngdì
French Champ Brumeux
German Nebelfeld
Italian Campo Nebbioso
Korean 미스트필드 Mist Field
European Portuguese Campo Enevoado
Russian Туманное Поле Tumannoye Pole
Spanish Campo de Niebla