School Road

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School Road スクールのみち
School Road
Map description
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Required for navigation
Connecting locations
School Road
Ranger School

Location of School Road in Almia.
Pokémon world routes

School Road (Japanese: スクールのみち School Road) is an area in Pokémon Ranger: Shadows of Almia.

The road serves as a route connecting Vientown and the Ranger School. There is a wooden bridge that crosses a stretch of water, which must be crossed in order to travel from one side to the other. A wild Floatzel is found under the bridge during one of the side quests. The Floatzel cannot be captured, nor will it reappear if the player returns to the bridge later on in the game. A pair of Team Dim Sun members can be found testing a Miniremo on the bridge when the player is heading to the school to take Outdoor Class.


Pokémon Poké Assist Field
Doduo Doduo Normal Agility -
Taillow Taillow Flying Cut 1
Staraptor Staraptor * Flying Fly -
Floatzel Floatzel * Water River Flow 1
Buneary Buneary Normal Crush 1
Croagunk Croagunk * Poison None -

This location-related article is a stub. You can help Bulbapedia by expanding it.

Chicole VillageVientownPueltownBoylelandShiver CampHaruba Village
Chicole PathSchool RoadUnion RoadChroma Road
Aquatic areas
Puel SeaIce LakeSea of Wailord
Open areas
Vien ForestAltru ParkPeril CliffsChroma HighlandsHia ValleyHaruba Desert
Other areas
Ranger SchoolRanger UnionMarine CaveAltru BuildingVolcano CaveCargo ShipChroma Ruins
Crysta CaveAlmia CastleOil Field HideoutHippowdon TempleAltru TowerCapture Arena

This article is part of both Project Routes and Project Sidegames, Bulbapedia projects that, together, aim to write comprehensive articles on the Pokémon Routes and Sidegames, respectively.