T Promotional cards (TCG)

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← J Promotional cards
TCG expansions
McDonald's Pokémon-e Minimum Pack →
T Promotional cards
Cards in set 24
Release period January 2002 - March 2003

The T Promotional cards are a series of Japanese promotional cards. Released exclusively through Pokémon Card Trainers magazine, three new cards were available as inserts from volume 14 with each issue until volume 21 when production of the magazine ceased. The release of these cards was intertwined with the release of the P Promotional cards and ADV-P Promotional cards. The cards also use a unique symbol featuring a book with a trading card instead of the black star "PROMO" symbol used in earlier promotional sets.

Card list

T Promotional cards
No. Image Card name Type Promotion
001/T Flareon Fire Pokémon Card Trainers Vol. 14 (January 2002)
002/T Vaporeon Water Pokémon Card Trainers Vol. 14 (January 2002)
003/T Jolteon Lightning Pokémon Card Trainers Vol. 14 (January 2002)
004/T Slowpoke Psychic Pokémon Card Trainers Vol. 15 (March 2002)
005/T Slowbro Psychic Pokémon Card Trainers Vol. 15 (March 2002)
006/T Slowking Water Pokémon Card Trainers Vol. 15 (March 2002)
007/T Bayleef Grass Pokémon Card Trainers Vol. 16 (May 2002)
008/T Quilava Fire Pokémon Card Trainers Vol. 16 (May 2002)
009/T Croconaw Water Pokémon Card Trainers Vol. 16 (May 2002)
010/T Ivysaur Grass Pokémon Card Trainers Vol. 17 (July 2002)
011/T Charmeleon Fire Pokémon Card Trainers Vol. 17 (July 2002)
012/T Wartortle Water Pokémon Card Trainers Vol. 17 (July 2002)
013/T Moltres Fire Pokémon Card Trainers Vol. 18 (September 2002)
014/T Articuno Water Pokémon Card Trainers Vol. 18 (September 2002)
015/T Zapdos Lightning Pokémon Card Trainers Vol. 18 (September 2002)
016/T Dratini Colorless Pokémon Card Trainers Vol. 19 (November 2002)
017/T Dragonair Colorless Pokémon Card Trainers Vol. 19 (November 2002)
018/T Dragonite Colorless Pokémon Card Trainers Vol. 19 (November 2002)
019/T Larvitar Fighting Pokémon Card Trainers Vol. 20 (January 2003)
020/T Pupitar Fighting Pokémon Card Trainers Vol. 20 (January 2003)
021/T Tyranitar ex Darkness Pokémon Card Trainers Vol. 20 (January 2003)
022/T Imakuni?'s Whismur Colorless Pokémon Card Trainers Vol. 21 (March 2003)
023/T Imakuni?'s Loudred Colorless Pokémon Card Trainers Vol. 21 (March 2003)
024/T Imakuni?'s Exploud ex Colorless Pokémon Card Trainers Vol. 21 (March 2003)

This article is part of Project TCG, a Bulbapedia project that aims to report on every aspect of the Pokémon Trading Card Game.

Pokémon Trading Card Game expansions and releases
Bold indicates a main expansion. Italics indicate a special set. Releases that are entirely composed of prints from other releases are small.
e-Card Series
Sample Set
Expedition Base Set: Box TopperEchoElectric Garden
Best of Game
Aquapolis: Rock GardenAbyss
Skyridge: EeveelutionMind Machine
e-Card Era
P Promotional cardsJ Promotional cardsT Promotional cards
Base Expansion Pack: Pokémon-e Starter Deck
McDonald's Pokémon-e Minimum Pack
The Town on No Map
Wind from the Sea
Theater Limited VS Pack
Split Earth
Mysterious Mountains