The Teachy TV allows the player to watch the Poké Dude Show, a TV show hosted by the Poké Dude that teaches the player how to play the game though a series of video tutorials. The show instructs the player on six key gameplay elements:
"Hey, all you Trainers out there! HELLO, Trainers! ……… ……… ……… Come on, let me hear you! HELLO, Trainers! It's me, the Poké Dude!"
Before moving to a particular aspect of the show (aside from TMs)
"All righty, here goes! Keep your eyes glued to the super/sorta superPoké Dude Show!"
End of the show
"Remember, Trainers, a good deed a day brings happiness to stay!"
"Teach me how to battle."
"Today, the Poké Dude's here to tell you about how you can battle Pokémon! Say you're out for a stroll when, suddenly, a wild Pokémon appears! It's up to you to smartly use your Pokémon and their moves to reduce the opponent's HP to nothing, and claim victory! I'll show you how to do that in person and for sure!"
"The speedier of the battlers gets to attack first. It looks like my Rattata was faster than the Pidgey. The battlers take turns attacking and reducing each other's HP. My Rattata reduced the foe's HP to zero, so it wins! The Pokémon that took part in the battle get EXP. Points. When a Pokémon collects enough EXP. Points, it levels up. Leveling up makes your Pokémon stronger than before."
"Well, did you get that? Even if your own Pokémon's HP falls to zero, and it becomes unable to battle, not to worry! Just take it to any Pokémon Center and heal it!"
"What are status problems?"
"Today, the Poké Dude's here to tell you about status problems! Status problems include poisoning, paralysis, sleep, burn… There are a couple others, but they really are trouble. Get any one, and your Pokémon may become useless in battle. You know, it hurts the Poké Dude to see a Pokémon suffer… So, what should you do if your Pokémon gets a status problem? Well, you've got me to show you!
"Uh-oh… My Rattata has been poisoned… If a Pokémon is poisoned, it loses HP steadily. If a Pokémon develops a status proble, heal it right away. Using an item on a Pokémon uses up one turn, though. Now, it's the opponent's turn! Yay! We managed to win!"
"Poisoning or paralysis don't go away after a battle. If a Pokémon is poisoned, it loses HP even while you're walking. You should heal Pokémon of these kinds of problems right away. Use an item, or try to get to a Pokémon Center for healing. That wasn't hard, was it? All righty, be seeing you!"
"What are type matchups?"
"Does everyone know about type matchups? Pokémon and their moves all belong to certain types. For example, there are such types as Grass and Water. You need to consider the type of the move used to attack… And, the type of the Pokémon that is hit by that attack. Depending on how those two types match up, the damage can change. You see, it depends n whether the type matchup is good or bad. If you don't know how matchups work, battles will be tough. So, let me demonstrate exactly what I mean. All righty, be seeing you!"
"The move Bubble is a Water-type attack. The targeted Oddish is a Grass/Poison-type Pokémon. The Water-type attack is absorbed by the Grass-type Pokémon… As a result, the move becomes not very effective, and inflicts only half the usual damage. Uh-oh, this is not good! The Absorb attack you just saw is a Grass-type move. Poliwag is a Water-type Pokémon. So, Absorb becomes super effective, doubling the damage. It's not going to be easy to win with this matchup… Let's try shifting Pokémon! Shifting Pokémon in and out uses up one turn. Now, it's the opponent's turn. Butterfree is a Bug/Flying-type Pokémon. Against this Pokémon, a Grass-type attack……inflicts only half the usual damage on a Bug-type Pokémon… And, it also causes only half the damage on Flying-type Pokémon. Therefore, Butterfree, being a Bug/FlyingPokémon, only takes one quarter of the usual damage. Oddish is a GrassPoisonPokémon. A Flying- or Psychic-type attack is super effective against it. One of those types of attacks will inflict double the usual damage. Okay, here we go! Yeah! We won!"
"Is it possible to launch an attack that will inflict heavy damage? Does the opposing Pokémon pose a threat to your Pokémon? Is there any chance that it may have disastrously tough moves? Watch the type matchups to gain the upper hand! All righty, be seeing you! Oh, for the Cool-type Poké Dude, Awesome-type kids like you match up perfectly!"
"I want to catch Pokémon."
"Today, the Poké Dude's going to show you how to catch Pokémon! Just imagine… A groovy Pokémon suddenly appearing in the wild! Oh, you want it! You just can't help it! Oh, you have to catch it! You gotta have it! Let me show you how you can make it happen!"
"When you're trying to catch a Pokémon, don't throw any Poké Balls right away. First, you need to weaken it by reducing its HP. Okay, that should be good enough. But, if it's possible, it would be best if the target has a status problem. For instance, it would be easier to catch if it were asleep or paralyzed. This will make the Pokémon a lot easier to catch! Oh, yes. If you paralyze a Pokémon, you can't make it fall asleep on top of paralysis. In other words, you can't double up status problems, okay? Okay! Let me throw my Poké Ball! Before you throw a Poké Ball, consider the condition and the type of Pokémon, and pick the kind of Ball that would work best."
"If your first Poké Ball fails to catch the Pokémon, don't give up! Keep throwing Poké Balls… It's bound to work sometime! All righty, be seeing you!"
"Teach me about TMs."
"Hey, everyone! Do you all have TMs? A TM, Technical Machine, is an amazingly great item! It teaches Pokémon a move that it may not learn when leveling up! Isn't that just great? What a convenient world we live in! Open the TM Case and check out the TMs you have. You can check them out in detail, too."
"Normal, Water, Grass… TMs also come in types. Check the type and teach it to a Pokémon that matches up well. For example, Water Pulse is suitable for Water-type Pokémon. Bullet Seed is a move that most Grass-type Pokémon can learn. There's one other thing! Don't just look at the type, read the description, too. It will contain hints about what Pokémon might learn the move. For example, take a move like Focus Punch. It doesn't sound like anything a bird or fish Pokémon can learn. So, try using it on Pokémon with arms that can throw punches!"
"Wow, I talked a lot today! All righty, be seeing you!"
"How do I register an item?"
"A Trainer's Bag has a bunch of nifty, convenient features! Take stuff in the Key Items pocket, for instance. You can use a Key Item without opening the Bag every time. For example, let's pretend I have a Teachy TV in my Bag. I can register it for instant use, and I'll show you how!
And now, your Teachy TV is registered. How do you use it? Well, here's how it works. Once an item in the Key Items Pokcet is registered, you can use it by pressing Select. So, you've given yourself one-touch access to Teachy TV. All it takes for you to see me is pressing one button! That kind of attention is a little embarrassing! All righty, be seeing you!"