Secret Bazaar

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The Secret Bazaar (Japanese: ひみつのバザー Secret Bazaar) is a location that can be entered by randomly finding a hidden staircase inside a Mystery Dungeon in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky. It is run by a Kirlia and has four stands that each provide a beneficial service to exploration teams for 100 Poké each. After exiting the Secret Bazaar, the exploration team will be on the floor directly after the floor that they were on before entering the Bazaar.

In-game references

The day before the Wigglytuff's Guild goes on its expedition to find Fogbound Lake, Diglett is at the crossroads and asks to be told if the Secret Bazaar is found during the expedition.


All services cost the player 100 Poké per use.

Pokémon Service Item equivalent
Kirlia Runs the Secret Bazaar and welcomes the player. N/A
Mime Jr. Heals all team members, fills the player's Belly, and eliminates any status problems. N/A
Swalot Sells grab bags that contain a random item (the list of items is dungeon-specific).
Half the time, the player will get an Oran Berry (regardless of the actual pool).
Shedinja Allows the team to escape from the dungeon. Escape Orb
Lickilicky Cleans any sticky items that would otherwise be unusable. Cleanse Orb


  • The music played in the Secret Bazaar is the same as the one played in Spinda's Café.
  • The Secret Bazaar counts as the same floor that it was entered from. If that floor normally provides an IQ boost with the IQ Booster, entering the Secret Bazaar will trigger the boost again.
  • Mime Jr.'s healing beam is considered a move with 100% accuracy, and thus can fail to affect a Pokémon with evasion boosted in any way.

In other languages

Language Title
Danish Hemmlig basar*
French Bazar Secret
German Geheimbasar
Italian Bazar Segreto
Portuguese Bazar Secreto*
Spanish Bazar Secreto
Swedish Hemlig basar*

This article is part of Project Locations, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on every location in the Pokémon world.