User:Ht14/Uniform number

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Revision as of 01:42, 4 August 2022 by Ht14 (talk | contribs) (huh, I misread that. also, i wonder if the Gym Challenger numbers are more related to the Japanese names... either way, i'm not too sure, especially since we have no documentation of the Japanese names here.)
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In Pokémon Sword and Shield, players are able to choose a uniform number of their choice upon registration for the Gym Challenge. In addition to it being on the back of the shirt and on the bottom left corner of the shorts, this number is also shown on their League Card. Gym Leaders and other special characters also have uniform numbers. Aside from Leon's number, which references him being the number 1 Trainer in Galar, most of the other uniform numbers use goroawase, a common form of Japanese wordplay.

In the games

Below is a listing of uniform numbers of the NPCs in Galar and the meaning of the number. Unless otherwise mentioned, the meaning refers to the goroawase reading. Gym Trainers do not have any uniform numbers.

Character Uniform number Goroawase reading Meaning
Victor/Gloria 227 bujina 無事な Safety[n 1]
Hop 189 hiyaku 飛躍 Quickly
Marnie 960 kurou or kuroi 苦労 Hardship or 黒い black
Milo 831 yasai 野菜 Vegetables
Nessa 049 oyogu 泳ぐ To swim
Kabu 187 hibana 火花 Spark
Bea 193 ikusa 戦 Fight
Allister 291 nikui 憎い Hateful
Opal 910* kyuto キュート Cute
Gordie 188 iwaba 岩場 Rocky area
Melony 361 samui 寒い Cold
Piers 061 warui 悪い Bad*
Raihan 241 tsuyoi 強い Strong
Leon 1 N/A Number 1 Trainer in Galar
Bede 908 kurebā クレバー Clever
Klara 881 yabai やばい Dangerous
Avery 026 otsumu おつむ Brain
Mustard 0 N/A Possibly in reference to the fact that Leon trained under him
Peony 082 oyaji おやじ Father
Gym Challenger Yue 110
Gym Challenger Polaire 090
Gym Challenger Kent 217
Gym Challenger Vega 294
Gym Challenger Cher 674
Gym Challenger Deneb 155
Gym Challenger Icla 834
Gym Challenger Wei 103
Gym Challenger Izar 789
Gym Challenger Dunne 432
Gym Challenger Pia 531
Gym Challenger Corvin 255
Gym Challenger Terry 137
Gym Challenger Theemin 359
Gym Challenger Phoebus 651
  1. 227 may also be a reference to February 27, the release date of Pokémon Red and Green.

Only Mustard and Leon have League uniform numbers that are not three digits.


In the anime

Pokémon Evolutions

In The Champion, Victor was seen donning the number 25 on his uniform, likely a reference to Pokémon's 25th anniversary. It is also likely a reference to Pikachu's National Pokédex number.

In the manga

Pokémon Adventures

In the Sword & Shield arc, Casey Shield and Henry Sword received their uniforms. Casey's uniform number, 303, is likely a reference to March 3, when the Pokémon Adventures manga was first serialized in Japan, while Henry's uniform number, 808, is likely a reference to August 8, the date the first volume was released in Japan. These dates also correspond to Yellow and Red's birthdays, respectively.
