Incense (GO)

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Incense in Pokémon GO

Incense (Japanese: おこう Incense) is an item exclusive to Pokémon GO. It causes wild Pokémon to appear more often for 60 minutes.

In Pokémon GO


Finding a Rattata with an Incense

When the player uses an Incense, for the next 60 minutes, it causes more Pokémon to spawn for the player only. While an Incense is active, a pink gas swirls around the player in the overworld, and Pokémon it spawns also have this visual effect in the overworld.

An Incense spawns approximately one Pokémon every five minutes if the player is standing still or, if the player is walking, one Pokémon every minute. Pokémon spawned by Incense tend to be more aggressive, dodging or attacking with shorter time intervals.

The Mystery Box, Daily Adventure Incense and Incense are mutually exclusive: if one is active, the other cannot be.

Prior to March 13, 2020, Incenses only lasted for 30 minutes. However, to promote playing at home during the COVID-19 pandemic, the duration of Incenses was doubled, the effectiveness was increased (one Pokémon every minute, regardless of walking), and the price in the Shop was halved. On October 1, 2020, the increased effectiveness was reverted, once again requiring players to walk for it to apply. However, the other changes were kept permanent to improve gameplay experience.[1]

During Community Days (from April 2020 onwards) Incenses last for 3 hours.


Games Description
GO Incense with a mysterious fragrance that lures wild Pokémon to your location for 60 minutes. Its appearance changes when attracting specific Pokémon.


The player starts the game with two Incenses in their Bag.

Starting from Trainer level 5, every 5 levels the player receives a number of Incenses for leveling up. Additionally, the player receives an Incense when they reach Trainer level 7.

Additionally, Incenses can be purchased with PokéCoins at the Shop at the following rates:

Quantity Price
×1 40
×8 250

Special Boxes

  • From March 12, 2020 onward, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, a one-time purchase Special Box containing 30 Incenses was made available for 1. Additionally, during this period, Incenses were made to last for 1 hour instead of 30 minutes.[2]

Special events

Incense during special events

Starting early 2020, the icon for the Incense may turn orange instead of green on the world map, in the player's inventory and in the in game store during special events to indicate the Incense will only attract specific Pokémon during the course of such event. This may require a game restart to show up properly in game. The Incense icon will revert to green once the event has concluded.

Daily Adventure Incense

Daily Adventure Incense in Pokémon GO

Daily Adventure Incense is a renewable item, which was introduced to a group of players on July 25, 2022. On August 1, 2022 it is available for everyone. It causes wild Pokémon to appear more often for 15 minutes.


Finding a Vullaby with a Daily Adventure Incense

When the player uses a Daily Adventure Incense, for the next 15 minutes, it causes more Pokémon to spawn for the player only. While an Incense is active, a blue gas swirls around the player in the overworld, and Pokémon it spawns also have this visual effect in the overworld. Any Pokémon found with this Incense will be marked with an Incense icon.

Unlike normal Incense, the player must keep momentum for it to work. Otherwise the Incense won't work. If constantly moving, an Incense spawns approximately one Pokémon every 30 seconds. Pokémon spawned by Incense tend to be more aggressive, dodging or attacking with shorter time intervals. When the Incense ends, the player can later share a list of caught Pokemon from the Daily Adventure Incense. After using this Incense, another will appear at midnight.

In a situation, where the player has fewer than or exactly 30 total Poké Balls, Great Balls, and Ultra Balls, the player will receive 30 Poké Balls after using activate Daily Adventure Incense. If the player has more than 30 total Poké Balls, Great Balls, and Ultra Balls, the player won't receive any additional Poké Balls.

The Mystery Box, Incense and Daily Adventure are mutually exclusive: if one is active, the other cannot be.

Daily Incense spawns various Pokémon unlike normal Incense. Along with normal and event spawns, it can also summon rarer Pokémon like egg and raid-exclusive Pokémon like Vullaby or Rockruff, or evolved Pokémon like Gengar. There's also a slight chance to encounter the Galarian Legendary Birds, which are currently exclusive to this Incense. However, they have low catch rate and high flee rate, making them diffcult to catch.


Games Description
GO Special Incense with a mysterious fragrance that attracts wild Pokémon to your location as you move for 15 minutes. You can receive one each day at no cost.


The player can get Daily Adventure Incense after completing A Mysterious Incense Part 1 Special Research.


In other languages


Language Title
Chinese Cantonese 薰香 Fānhēung
Mandarin 薰香 Xūnxiāng
French Encens
German Rauch
Italian Aroma
Korean 향로 Hyangno
Portuguese Incenso
Russian Ладан Ladan
Spanish Incienso
Thai เครื่องหอม Khrueanghom

Daily Adventure Incense

Language Title
German Täglicher Abenteuerrauch

See also


This item article is part of Project ItemDex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on all items.