Its nature is to store up electricity. Forests where nests of Pikachu live are dangerous, since the trees are so often struck by lightning.
電気を ため込む 性質。 ピカチュウが 群れて 暮らす 森は 落雷が 絶えず 危険だ。
Release information
This card was included as both a Regular card and a Full ArtSecret card in the Cosmic Eclipse expansion, first released in the Japanese Dream League subset. The Regular print features artwork by Naoyo Kimura, while the Full Art print features artwork by Hitoshi Ariga. The Regular print was reprinted as one of the Japanese S-P Promotional cards and was available as part of the PikaPika! Pikachu! Promo Card Campaign!, which began on September 18, 2020. For every six Amazing Volt Tackle booster packs purchased in one transaction at participating stores, customers would receive a Promo Card Pack containing one of five possible cards. Customers could also receive five of these Promo Card Packs for every Amazing Volt Tackle booster box purchased per transaction.[1] This print has the campaign logo in the bottom right corner of the illustration. The promotion ran for as long as stocks lasted.