Crabrawler (Sun & Moon 72)

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マケンカニ Makenkani

Illus. Shin Nagasawa
Evolution stage Basic Pokémon
Card name Crabrawler
Type Fighting
HP 80
retreat cost
English expansion Sun & Moon
Rarity Common
English card no. 72/149
Japanese expansion Collection Moon
Japanese rarity C
Japanese card no. 032/060
Japanese expansion SM-P Promotional cards
Japanese card no. 026/SM-P
Expansion McDonald's Collection 2017
English card no. 7/12
For more information on this Pokémon's species, see Crabrawler.

Crabrawler (Japanese: マケンカニ Makenkani) is a Fighting-type Basic Pokémon card. It was first released as part of the Sun & Moon expansion.

Card text

ColorlessColorless Punch
FightingColorlessColorless Crabhammer

Pokédex data

Crabrawler - Boxing Pokémon
No. Height Weight
739 2'00" (0.6 m) 15.4 lbs. (7.0 kg)
Pokédex entry
It punches so much, its pincers often come off from overuse, but they grow back quickly. What little meat they contain is rich and delicious.
なぐり過ぎで ハサミは よく もげるが すぐに 生える。 ハサミの 中味は 少ないが コクがあって うまいぞ。

Release information

This card was included in the Sun & Moon expansion, first released in the Japanese Collection Moon. It was later reprinted in Japan as a Water Web Holofoil SM-P Promo, awarded to those who accumulated 4 Play Points by participating in various events held as part of the Welcome Festa, hosted at the Sunshine City Convention Center in East Ikebukuro, Toshima, Tokyo on January 14, 2017. Eligible events included the Sun & Moon Welcome Battle, the Pulverizing Pancake Battle, and the One Day Battle. 2 Play Points were awarded for participating in each of the eligible events. A further 2 Play Points were awarded for each win in the One Day Battle.

The SM-P Promotional print was available as a 4 Play Point award again at the 2017 Osaka Champion's League, held at MyDome Osaka, Osaka on February 18 and 19, 2017 and at the 2017 Miyagi Champion's League, held at Sunfesta, Sendai on April 1 and 2, 2017. Eligible events included the official Champion's League 2017 tournaments, the One Day Battle (held only on the first day at each venue), the Sun & Moon Welcome Battle, and the Pulverizing Pancake Battle 2 (both held only on the second day at each venue). 2 Play Points were awarded for participating in each of the eligible events. A further 2 Play Points were awarded for each win in the One Day Battle. 2 Play Points were awarded for an individual win in the Pulverizing Pancake Battle 2, with a bonus 2 Play Points awarded to each player if a pair won both of their battles. At the 2017 Osaka Champion's League, 10 Play Points were awarded to those who advanced to the Climax Stage in the Champion's League 2017 tournament. 10 bonus Play Points were also awarded to Junior and Senior League competitors who achieved 3 consecutive wins at the Premier Stage, and to Open League competitors who achieved 5 or more wins in the qualifying round. At the 2017 Miyagi Champion's League, 10 Play Points were awarded to those who reached the finals of the Champion's League 2017 tournament, with 10 bonus Play Points awarded to competitors who achieved 5 or more wins in the qualifying round.

It was later reprinted as a Confetti Holofoil in the McDonald's Collection 2017.



Crabhammer is a move in the Pokémon games that Crabrawler can learn. This card's Pokédex entry comes from Pokémon Moon.

This article is part of Project TCG, a Bulbapedia project that aims to report on every aspect of the Pokémon Trading Card Game.