Ghost Eraser Series

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Ghost Eraser Series
ゴーストイレイザー Ghost Eraser
Alternate title
Number of movies 4
Main enemy Haunted Person
Dominant type Ghost

Ghost Eraser (Japanese: ゴーストイレイザー Ghost Eraser) is a movie series featured in the Pokéstar Studios. In this series, the player, being a ghost hunter, investigates a haunted town's victims. After releasing an evil spirit called the Majin of Mayhem from a statue, they defeat it and puts it in eternal slumber.


Ghost Eraser

The title of the script is File 1: The Village of Ghosts.


A village where ghosts appear! The Ghost Erasers are on the case!


Knock out an opponent every scene.

Strange Ending: Survive all scenes while leaving at least one opponent standing, and choose the "You're both liars!" dialogue option.


Quote Outcome Move Used
I'm gonna take you down! Alright Destiny Bond
I'll mourn your passing. Good Curse
Aieeeeeek! S-scary!
Aieeeeeek! S-scared!
Bad Destiny Bond

Scene 1 - Use a move the foe's type is weak to! The line you choose is important!

Quote Outcome Move (Gastly) Move (Haunter) Move (Gengar)
You afraid of something? Bad Destiny Bond Destiny Bond Destiny Bond
So, are you...angry? Alright Will-O-Wisp Will-O-Wisp Will-O-Wisp
Worried about something? Good Curse Mean Look Lick

Scene 2 - Use a move the foe's type is weak to! The line you choose is important!

Quote Outcome Move (Gastly) Move (Haunter) Move (Gengar)
I am—a Ghost Eraser! Alright Destiny Bond Destiny Bond Destiny Bond
I'll mourn your passing. Alright Destiny Bond Destiny Bond Destiny Bond
I'll ask the ghosts! Good Curse Mean Look Lick
You're both liars! Bad Destiny Bond Destiny Bond Destiny Bond

Scene 3 - Use a move the foe's type is weak to! The line you choose is important!


Role Actor
Kadath J.J.
Ghosts Gastly
Ball of Fire 1 Warren
Ball of Fire 2 Lewis
Ball of Fire 3 Beverly
Extras People of Lentimas
Ghost Eraser <player's name>
Ghost Erasers Vigoroth
VFX Pokéstar Studios ART
Screenplay Teruyuki Shimoyamada
<player's name>
Director John Pokénter
Player's Pokémon


Ghost Eraser 2

The title of the script is File 2: A Curious Possession.


The Ghost Erasers face a possessed girl!


Knock out an opponent every scene.

Strange Ending: Knock out the first two opponents, don't knock out the third opponent, and choose the "Lies! All lies!" dialogue option.


Quote Outcome Move Used
Rid of us evil spirits. Alright Destiny Bond
Is your daddy here? Good SolarBeam
Is there a water leak? Bad Focus Blast

Scene 1 - Use a move the foe's type is weak to! The line you choose is important!

Quote Outcome Move (Cacturne) Move (Qwilfish) Move (Kirlia)
Was he ashamed? Bad Destiny Bond Destiny Bond Destiny Bond
Did someone beat him? Alright Swagger Thunder Wave Hypnosis
Did he get tired of it? Good SolarBeam Sludge Bomb Calm Mind

Scene 2 - Use a move the foe's type is weak to! The line you choose is important!

Quote Outcome Move (Cacturne) Move (Qwilfish) Move (Kirlia)
Were they bullying him? Alright SolarBeam Sludge Bomb Calm Mind
Was he a bad guy? Good SolarBeam Sludge Bomb Calm Mind
Were they jealous? Alright Swagger Thunder Wave Hypnosis
Lies! All lies! Bad Focus Blast Explosion Psychic

Scene 3 - Use a move the foe's type is weak to!


Role Actor
Celaeno Abby
Ghosts Cacturne
Poltergeist A Warren
Poltergeist B Lewis
Poltergeist C Beverly
Extras People of Lentimas
Ghost Eraser <player's name>
Ghost Erasers Vigoroth
VFX Pokéstar Studios ART
Screenplay Teruyuki Shimoyamada
<player's name>
Director John Pokénter
Player's Pokémon


Ghost Eraser 3

The title of the script is File 3: Phantom Treasure.


The Ghost Erasers solve the mystery of a spirit hiding in a treasure.


Knock out your foe in six scenes.

Strange Ending: Last six scenes without knocking out your foe, and choose the "A human!" dialogue option.


Quote Outcome Move Used
Begone from the statue! Good Focus Punch
Um, I just want to talk! Bad Protect

Scene 1 - The line you choose is important! Attack the foe!

Quote Outcome Move Used
I'm a Ghost Eraser! Bad Double Team
I'll mourn your passing. Good Protect
I'm Slaking! Alright Protect
Who do I look like?
Who do you think I am?
Bad Double Team

Scene 2 - The line you choose is important! Attack the foe!

Quote Outcome Move Used
Money! Alright Focus Punch
Love! Alright Focus Punch
Power! Alright Focus Punch
I don't need anything! Alright Protect

Scene 3 - The line you choose is important! Attack the foe!

Quote Outcome Move Used
Myself, of course! Bad Focus Punch
Slaking! Good Double Team

Scene 4 - Deliver a decisive blow!

Scene 5 - The line you choose is important! Deliver a decisive blow!

Quote Outcome Move Used
Evil spirit! Alright Earthquake
The Majin of Mayhem! Good Earthquake
I don't know! Alright Double Team
A human! Bad Earthquake

Scene 6 - Deliver a decisive blow!

Hidden scene - A bonus exchange between the actors will play out during the movie if the player's Pokémon successfully uses Foresight during Scene 4.


Role Actor
Ghost Eraser <player's name>
Ghost Erasers Slaking
Young Assistant Warren
Old Assistant Lewis
Client Beverly
Extras P! Casting
Old Statue Cristoph
Old Statue's Warrior Golurk
VFX Pokéstar Studios ART
Screenplay Teruyuki Shimoyamada
<player's name>
Director John Pokénter
Player's Pokémon


Ghost Eraser 4

The title of the script is File 4: Majin of Mayhem.


The Majin of destruction is revived, and the Ghost Erasers must stop it!


Knock out your foe in 10 scenes.

Strange Ending: Last 10 scenes without defeating your foe, and choose the "Protect the world!" dialogue option.


Scene 1 - Change your foe's Ability!

Scene 2 - The line you choose is important! Attack the foe!

Quote Outcome Move Used
You hate... lying? Good Swords Dance
You hate... boredom? Good Swords Dance
You hate... good things? Bad Dual Chop
I don't know! Bad Dual Chop

Scene 3 - Attack the foe!

Scene 4 - The line you choose is important! Attack the foe!

Quote Outcome Move Used
Destroying things! Bad Dual Chop
Sleeping? Alright Slack Off
Not thinking too hard? Bad Dual Chop
Dancing? Alright Swords Dance

Scene 5 - Attack the foe!

Scene 6 - The line you choose is important! Attack the foe!

Quote Outcome Move Used
You're vain. Bad Dual Chop
You're lonely. Bad Dual Chop
You're wild. Good Swords Dance
You are unique. Alright Slack Off

Scene 7 - Attack the foe!

Scene 8 - The line you choose is important! Attack the foe!

Quote Outcome Move Used
You're perfect! Bad Dual Chop
Patience! Good Swords Dance
Kindness! Bad Dual Chop
I don't know. Alright Slack Off

Scene 9 - The line you choose is important! Deliver a decisive blow!

Quote Outcome Move Used
Stop the destruction! Bad Crunch
Disappear! Alright Crunch
Protect the world! Good Crunch
Show remorse! Bad Crunch

Scene 10 - Deliver a decisive blow!

Hidden scene - A bonus exchange between the actors will play out during the movie if the player's Pokémon successfully uses Swords Dance during Scene 1, 3, 5, or 7.


Role Actor
Ghost Eraser <player's name>
Ghost Erasers Slaking
Running Citizen Warren
Running Citizens P! Casting
Arkham Howard
The Majin of Mayhem Majin
VFX Pokéstar Studios ART
Screenplay Teruyuki Shimoyamada
<player's name>
Director John Pokénter
Player's Pokémon



Name origin

  • The name "Kadath" most likely comes from H. P. Lovecraft's novella The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath, in which there is a city known as Kadath.
  • The name "Celaeno" most likely comes from Greek mythology. In Greek mythology, the name Celaeno, which means "the dark one," refers to multiple characters, including a harpy, one of the Pleiades, and an Amazon.
  • The name "Arkham" most likely comes from Arkham, a city from the mythos of H. P. Lovecraft.

In other languages

Language Film 1 Film 2 Film 3 Film 3
Japanese ゴーストイレイザー
Ghost Eraser
Ghost Eraser 2
Ghost Eraser 3
Ghost Eraser 4
English Ghost Eraser Ghost Eraser 2 Ghost Eraser 3 Ghost Eraser 4
French Chasseur d'horreurs Chasseur d'horreurs 2 Chasseur d'horreurs 3 Chasseur d'horreurs 4
German Die Geisterwehr Die Geisterwehr 2 Die Geisterwehr 3 Die Geisterwehr 4
Italian I cacciatori di fantasmi I cacciatori di fantasmi 2 I cacciatori di fantasmi 3 I cacciatori di fantasmi 4
Spanish Antifantasmas Antifantasmas 2 Antifantasmas 3 Antifantasmas 4
Korean 고스트 이레이서
Ghost Eraser
고스트 이레이서 2
Ghost Eraser 2
고스트 이레이서 3
Ghost Eraser 3
고스트 이레이서 4
Ghost Eraser 4


Language Film 1 Film 2 Film 3 Film 4
Japanese ゴーストイレイザー FILE幽霊たちの 
Ghost Eraser File 1: The Village of Ghosts
ゴーストイレイザー FILE悪霊少女
Ghost Eraser File 2: The Demon Girl
ゴーストイレイザー FILE悪霊の 秘宝
Ghost Eraser File 3: The Evil Spirit's Treasure
ゴーストイレイザー FILE破壊の 魔神
Ghost Eraser File 4: The Demon of Destruction
English File 1: The Village of Ghosts File 2: A Curious Possession File 3: Phantom Treasure File 4: Majin of Mayhem
French Dossier 1: le village des fantômes Dossier 2: la possédée Dossier 3: le trésor maudit Dossier 4: le démon de la destruction
German Geisterwehr 1 Das Dorf der verlorenen Seelen Geisterwehr 2 Die Dämonin Geisterwehr 3 Der Schatz der bösen Geister Geisterwehr 4 Der Weltenzerstörer
Italian Il villaggio di spettri La ragazza demone Il tesoro del demone L'ombra della distruzione
Spanish La aldea de los espíritus La niña poseída El tesoro maldito El espíritu destructor
Korean 고스트 이레이서 파일 1 유령들의 마을
Ghost Eraser File 1: The Village of Ghosts
고스트 이레이서 파일 2 악령 소녀
Ghost Eraser File 2: The Demon Girl
고스트 이레이서 파일 3 악령의 보물
Ghost Eraser File 3: The Evil Spirit's Treasure
고스트 이레이서 파일 4 파괴의 마신
Ghost Eraser File 4: The Demon of Destruction

Pokéstar Studios Series
Brycen-ManFull Metal CopInvadersBig MonsterTimegate TravelerLove and Battles
Mystery Doors of the Magical LandThe Giant Woman!Red Fog of TerrorEverlasting MemoriesGhost Eraser

This game-related article is part of Project Games, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on the Pokémon games.