Aqua Cutter (move)

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Aqua Cutter
アクアカッター Aqua Cutter
Type  Water
Category  Physical
PP  20 (max. )
Power  70
Accuracy  100%
Priority  0
Opponent Opponent Opponent
Self Ally Ally
Introduced  Generation IX
Condition  [[{{{category}}} (condition)|{{{category}}}]]
Appeal  0  
Jam  0  
Condition  [[{{{category}}} (condition)|{{{category}}}]]
Appeal  0  
Condition  [[{{{category}}} (condition)|{{{category}}}]]
Appeal  0  
Jamming  0  

Aqua Cutter (Japanese: アクアカッター Aqua Cutter) is a damage-dealing Water-type move introduced in Generation IX.



Games Description
SV The user expels pressurized water to cut at the target like a blade. This move has a heightened chance of landing a critical hit.

In other languages

Language Title
French Tranch'Aqua
German Aquaschnitt
Italian Idrotaglio
Korean 아쿠아커터
Spanish Tajo Acuático

This article is part of Project Moves and Abilities, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on two related aspects of the Pokémon games.