FloodRush (TCG)

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The FloodRush Theme Deck from the EX Holon Phantoms Expansion of the Pokémon Trading Card Game predominantly focuses on Water and Psychic type Pokémon and contains the following cards: -

Quantity Card Name Type Rarity
1x Latios δ Water Rare HolographicH
4x Oddish δ Water Common
2x Gloom δ Psychic Uncommon
1x Bellossom δ Water Rare
4x Baltoy Psychic Common
2x Claydol Psychic Uncommon
4x Corphish Water Common
2x Omanyte δ Psychic Common
1x Zangoose Colorless Rare
4x Mysterious Fossil T Common
2x Holon Adventurer T Uncommon
2x Professor Cozmo’s Discovery T Uncommon
2x Master Ball (EX Delta Species) T Uncommon
2x Energy Search (EX Unseen Forces) T Common
2x Potion (EX Delta Species) T Common
1x Holon Lake T Uncommon
13x Psychic Energy (EX Ruby & Sapphire) E --
11x Water Energy (EX Ruby & Sapphire) E --

  • The holographic version of Latios δ is exclusive to this deck, as it only appears as a non-holographic card in the main set.

Like other Theme Decks, FloodRush also includes a rulebook, damage counters, status counters, a custom coin, single-player mat and card list. Template:ThemeDeck4