From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
These are Arven's quotes in the Pokémon games.
In the core series
Pokémon Scarlet and Violet
- Poco Path
- "Why, that little..."
- "What're you doing out here?!"
- "I'm not talking to you two. You can shove off."
- "Doesn't matter who my momS/dadV is!"
- "The real issue here is what in the world this Pokémon is doing out here! And what is with this form it's in?!"
- "Well, yeah. As it should be. But it can't fight while it's like this. The form KoraidonS/MiraidonV takes in battle... That's its true form."
- "You can't go in the lab. It's locked."
- "I don't remember ever seeing you around. But given the go to the academy too, do you?"
- "KoraidonS/MiraidonV isn't the sort of Pokémon that any old trainer can hope to command. It's special."
- "You think you're up to ordering KoraidonS/MiraidonV around? Then how 'bout I test your worthiness?"
- Yes: "Heh! Well, look at you—quite the little go-getter!"
- No: "I'm saying I want to test you. You can't just leave me hanging here!"
- "I've been feeling all out of sorts, so I'm gonna use this battle to blast these doldrums away!"
- In battle
- "These memories are leaving a bad taste in my mouth—and I want it gone!"
- Upon being defeated
- "Seems like you know a thing or two about battle."
- After being defeated
- "I guess I wasn't ever going to stand a chance using some Pokémon I'd only just caught..."
- "But if you really think you can take KoraidonS/MiraidonV off my hands for'll need this. It's the Poké Ball that brute's been kept in."
- "Anyway, that thing's your problem now, not mine. Good luck."
- Naranja AcademyS/Uva AcademyV
- "Oh, hey! So we meet again. You remember me, right?"
- "No need to tell me your name. <player>, right? Whole school seems to be talking about you. The new kid who showed up with the president of the student council."
- "I normally wouldn't even bother showing up for class, but I came all the way to school today just to talk with you—our new celebrity. You've gotta help me out so I can finally make my dream a reality!"
- Happy to help!: "What kind of little maniac says yes to something without even knowing what they're agreeing to?!"
- What's this dream, first?: "Hehehe... Caught your interest, have I? You want to hear all about my dream, right?"
- "Well, this might come as a surprise, but fact is, I'm all about that picnic life: the great outdoors, the perfectly prepared sandwiches, all of it. Not half bad at cooking either, I can tell you. Right now I'm researching new recipes that'll help Pokémon feel better. Real health food, see. I found this book the other day, and it had a section about these Herba Mystica things..."
- "Basically, they're some kind of special herbs that heal up any Pokémon as soon as it eats them! Now, there are a total of five different types of Herba Mystica, based on what I read. Just taking a little lick of them once they've been powdered will get your blood flowing, provide nutrients, prevent aging—it'll even boost the immune system! These herbs seem like they're the real deal. Only found here in Paldea—and rare to boot!"
- "But this book says they're all guarded by Titan Pokémon, meaning that it's gonna be pretty tough to try to grab even a few sprigs. 'Cause, see Titans are— Well, I think they've gotta be...things like this!"
- "I really want to get those herbs for myself, but...I'm not very good at Pokémon battles. Don't have any friends with strong Pokémon to lend me a hand, either... And I'd never hear the end of it if I went crawling to that student council girl..."
- "But here you waltz up! You've got to help me out with this—you'd be perfect!"
- "Nope! Wait! I don't need an answer yet! I'll just register the places where it seems there might be Titans in your map app for you."
- "Let it stew a bit, and we can get more into the details later. And in the meantime...take this. A little gift for listening and all."
- "Give the idea some serious thought! Please!"
- Mesagoza
- "Tch! How's that for a student council president! Giving your own friends an insider advantage?"
- "<player>'s gonna have his/her hands full searching out Titan Pokémon with me. He/she doesn't have time to waste on something like chasing after the Champion Rank. Me and him/her are gonna be too busy visiting the lairs of Titans and nabbing their Herba Mystica!"
- "Hey! All I did was invite him along. It's still up to <player> whether he/she goes, right?"
- "Hm? <player>, your phone's ringing."
- "That's right! Because he/she's got more important things to do, like searching out awesome ingredients with me!"
- "What was that all about?"
- "A treasure...of our very own... For me, that's got to be Ma— Er, my big dream of tracking down the Herba Mystica, that is! Once we get those herbs, I'll make you the absoluuute best sandwich you've had in your life!"
- "Argh! What'd you come out for?"
- "Well, you're not getting one..."
- "Hmph... Yeah? Maybe. Well, if you're going to search for those Titan Pokémon, I'd say set out from the east gate!"
- "Tch! Man, this is why I can't get along with you... I'm out of here! Catch up soon, little buddy!"
- When leaving Mesagoza towards the East Gate
- "Hello? This is <player>'s phone, right? It's me—Arven! I was a bit worried 'bout whether or not you'd managed to set out yet."
- "You did end up deciding to set out east, right? After leaving the school? If so, you're not that far from the area where the Stony Cliff Titan is said to make its lair. Stories say it clings to cliffs—practically becomes part of the stone—then attacks from above!"
- "Though...maybe don't be staring up overhead all the time looking for a Titan, only to go tumbling off some cliff you didn't see."
- "If that ever does happen, you can open your map app and call yourself a Flying Taxi to pick you up."
- "Some of those rocky area are like a real maze, so try not to get lost, little buddy. And if you find a Titan, let me know!"
- South Province (Area Three)
- "Hey, <player>! So, from what I can gather, the Stony Cliff Titan likes to lurk somewhere in this rocky area. I had a look around, but I couldn't find any trace of it! Maybe it's way up high on a cliff or something?"
- "...Nah, that's impossible! I don't think it'd be hiding somewhere that tricky, so don't go falling off any cliffs or anything trying to search it out somewhere too strange. Maybe just give your map app a look if you're feeling stumped? It's pretty handy!"
- Encountering Klawf the Stony Cliff Titan
- "<player>! You found it?! And THAT thing's the Stony Cliff Titan?! No Klawf has got any business being that big! Is it gonna be even stronger now, after eating those herbs...? Let's watch ourselves, <player>!"
- In battle with Klawf the Stony Cliff Titan
- "Well, this is looking a little rough. Shellder, let's serve up a helping of defeat—on the half shell!"
- After defeating Klawf the Stony Cliff Titan
- "All right! Look at my little buddy, coming through like a champ! But these Titan Pokémon are...yeesh. I sure don't like having something so tough out to get me!"
- "I bet somewhere in here there's more of that Herba Mystica the Titan was eating. Quick, let's have a look around before it comes back!"
- "Now then, let's see... What does the book have to say? It says here that the Sweet Herba Mystica is good for gut health and that it helps aid digestion. Says it's great for stomachaches, too, or when you want to stimulate the ol' appetite!"
- West Province (Area One)
- "Yo, <player>! So from what I gather, seems like the Open Sky Titan lives somewhere up on this mountain... But there are all these crazy boulders raining down from the mountain, too! It's gonna be a little tricky to stand around and look for the Titan while dodging all those."
- "I think you'll be sent flying if you get hit by a falling boulder—but maybe you could power your way through atop that brute of yours!"
- Encountering Bombirdier the Open Sky Titan
- "<player>! You managed to get to the Titan somehow, huh? So that's the Open Sky Titan... Wait, is this Titan what's been dropping all those boulders?!"
- "I was lucky enough to be able to sneak up here because it had all its attention on you, little bud!"
- "It looks like it's trying to power itself up. Like with some kinda mystical Meal Power or something. So we'd better be ready to go all out!"
- In battle with Bombirdier the Open Sky Titan
- "Trying to drop rocks on folks is dangerous! Let's give this thing a good taste of defeat!"
- After defeating Bombirdier the Open Sky Titan
- "Yess! Way to go, <player>! Looks like we don't have to worry about any more boulders falling on us now, huh?"
- "There has to be more of that Herba Mystica it ate in here. Let's hurry and find it before the Titan can come back for another go at us!"
- "Now then, let's see... What does the book have to say? Bitter Herba Mystica's great for your circulation! It really gets the blood flowing! And that warms you right up, nice and toasty, even boosting the immune system! ...Or so it says."
- East Province (Area Three)
- "Yo! <player>! So somewhere in one of the mines that're around here, we should find the Lurking Steel Titan."
- "Rumor has it that the thing's staggeringly huge and reeeaaal long! You'd think a Pokémon like that would be easy to spot. I wonder how it stays hidden..."
- "Maybe it's super fast? If that's the case, riding that Pokémon of yours might help you catch up."
- Encountering Orthworm the Lurking Steel Titan
- "<player>! You managed to pin down the Titan?! THAT's the Lurking Steel Titan?! It's, uh...well, it sure is long!"
- "I think our little friend might be even feistier now, after eating those herbs! We're gonna need to do this together, <player>!"
- In battle with Orthworm the Lurking Steel Titan
- "Doesn't matter how big an opponent is! Victory's gonna taste so good seasoned by my Toedscool!"
- After defeating Orthworm the Lurking Steel Titan
- "We did it, <player>! Way to go, little buddy! Did you get a good look at its face, though? I didn't expect a Titan to be such a li'l cutie!"
- "I bet if we go in here, we'll find more of that Herba Mystica it ate before. Let's go find it before that thing can regroup!"
- "Now then, let's see... What does the book have to say? Well, apparently Salty Herba Mystica helps with aching hands and feet. Good for neuropathy and numbness. When you've got muscle weakness, it supposedly builds up strength again!"
- Asado Desert
- "Hey, <player>! Apparently this desert is home to the Quaking Earth Titan. Speaking of which, the ground's been shaking off and on and...urk...making me feel a bit sick..."
- "Sorry, I'm gonna just sit down and rest a little before I get back to Titan hunting..."
- Encountering Iron Treads the Quaking Earth Titan
- "<player>! Looks like you found yourself a Titan!"
- "Wait... THAT'S the Quaking Earth Titan? Uh... that thing even a Pokémon? It must be trying to get pumped up with that little snack..."
- "Time to show that thing what you and me can do, <player>!"
- In battle with Iron Treads the Quaking Earth Titan
- "I'm gonna use the Scovillain I caught nearby to seize a real spicy victory. This is gonna burn!'
- After defeating Iron Treads the Quaking Earth Titan
- "Yesss! Nice going, little buddy!"
- "What even WAS that thing, though?! I kinda feel like...maybe I've seen it before somewhere..."
- "Anyway, I bet if we head inside here, we'll find more of that Herba Mystica it was eating. Let's give the place a once-over before that thing decides to come back!"
- "Now then, let's see... What does the book have to say? OK, Sour Herba Mystica is chock-full of nutrients and is great for boosting your overall health! Says here it works wonders whether you're tired physically or mentally. Perks you right up!"
- Casseroya Lake
- "Hey there, <player>! So, rumor has it the False Dragon Titan lurks somewhere in this lake, right? But not a single person's ever caught a glimpse of it."
- "Must be some kinda truly terrifying beast... But how are we supposed to search for a thing when we don't even know what it looks like? Sure would be handy if it just ran around crying "I'm the Titan!" or something—if only, right!"
- Encountering Dondozo the False Dragon Titan
- "<player>! Did you find the Titan?! So that's it? Sure is one big...uh...dragon?"
- "Wait, is it even a dragon? Or is it a fish?!"
- "Huh...? Th-the little sushi guy got eaten up by the Titan?! Yeesh! Didn't expect to see the food chain in action today!"
- In battle with Dondozo the False Dragon Titan
- "This food chain's got me pretty fascinated... I'm gonna dig in and make a meal of this battle!"
- After defeating Dondozo the False Dragon Titan
- "W-we did it, <player>! Now that the Titan's taken care of, next up on the menu is that Herba Mystica..."
- "Hmm? Whoa! The little sushi guy escaped without becoming that thing's lunch!"
- "What—?! Does that thing wanna fight, too?!"
- After defeating Tatsugiri the False Dragon Titan
- "Phew... Nice job, <player>! That's my hard-working little bud!"
- "Maybe the Titan was both those Pokémon together? Like some kind of combo meal."
- "The little one came out of here, which means...there should be some Herba Mystica inside! Let's go, <player>!"
- "OK! Let's see what the book has to say... So it seems Spicy Herba Mystica's supposed to boost your metabolism! It gives your circulation a boost and helps flush out all those toxins...along with a ton of sweat!"
- After defeating the first Titan
- "Watch your step. It's pretty dark..."
- "No way! This is one of the Herba Mystica! It's exactly how it looked in the book!"
- "YES! We actually found one! And it's all thanks to you, <player>!
- "Now if I can just get him to eat some..."
- "All right! Now it's my turn to show off what I can do. You're about to get a taste of my cooking!"
- "Yeeeaaarrrghhh! Hiya! Hwatcha! Hyah!"
- "Here you go! An Arven-original sandwich packed full of herbs! And I'll even give you a badge—y'know, as a thank-you for taking on that Titan Pokémon. I call it a Titan Badge. Made it myself, using a replica of the Gym Badges, see?"
- "Argh! What's up with that thing?! It just comes out of its ball on its own whenever it wants?"
- "...Hey now. No. That's not for you."
- "Hey! I went through all the trouble of making that for you, and you just give it away?! I hope you realize that's all there was, so now there's none left for you..."
- That's totally fine!: "Aw, come on! Now you're making me feel like I'm the selfish jerk here!"
- Wait, really...?: "All right, all right! Don't look at me like that!"
- "Here, you can have half of mine. But you'd better savor every last bite!"
- "Huh? You already ate that whole thing? Wha—?! Hey, is it me or has this thing sort of...powered up somehow?
- "Whoa! I can't believe it! The power of these herbs really is worth guarding! If they had that big an effect on your Pokémon, then I bet—"
- "Uhhh... I bet it'll come in super handy for that Treasure Hunt assignment we've got! Yup! That's what I bet!"
- "Well, you've both filled your bellies with some of my legendary sandwiches! Guess it's time to tidy everything up..."
- "Oh, don't you worry about helping! After battling the Titan, you've earned a break! Just leave all this to me! Though I'd be much obliged if you'd get a start on searching out the remaining four Herba Mystica for us."
- "I really owe you..."
- "... ... ... OK. The coast is clear. You can come out now."
- After defeating the second Titan
- "If we're lucky, there'll be another herb here..."
- "I knew it! It really is here! This is one of the herbs, make no mistake!"
- "Woo-hoo! We did it! Thanks, <player>!"
- "If I can just slip this into a tasty sandwich and get him to eat some..."
- "Well, what are we waiting for, <player>? It's time to dig in! Let me whip something up for us!"
- "Yeeeaaarrrt! Hiya! Huwatcha!"
- "...And Bob's your uncle!"
- "Here you go! My special, whimsical, herb-filled super sandwich! And it comes with a side of...Titan Badge! As a token of my gratitude, 'course!"
- "Oh, come on! You again?!"
- "Hmph. Is it trying to say thanks or something?"
- "Well, good thing I made extra."
- "You're helping me out a whole bunch with the hard stuff, so it's only fair that you get more. I definitely, absolutely did not make extra so that KoraidonS/MiraidonV could have a sandwich, OK?!"
- "Did it grow stronger again?"
- "Man, these Herba Mystica really do pack a punch, don't they? I mean...they'd better. Or else I'm really up the creek."
- "Don't you dare touch that! That isn't for you!"
- "Oh, uh...sorry. I shouldn't have shouted like that..."
- "I guess I should at least tell you the full story, <player>. Come on out, bud..."
- "This is Mabosstiff. My partner."
- "Here you go, bud. Eat up. This sandwich should help you feel better. Slowly now. Take your time. Small bites are fine. Just chew nice and slow..."
- "My buddy here was...hurt pretty bad a while ago. Real bad, in fact. He never really recovered.
- Potions and things don't work?: "Nothing seems to help. Not Potions, not Pokémon Centers... Nothing."
- Have you tried a Pokémon Center?: "They said this wasn't any regular old injury or illness..."
- "Mabosstiff here is the only thing in the world I care about. The only thing... So, I promised that I'd make him better—whatever it takes."
- "I searched online, I read books, I looked all over and tried every cure and remedy I could find. But nothing really worked. I'd almost given up hope... That's when I found out about the Herba Mystica!"
- "It's this book full of crazy stories and legends and things—stuff nobody'd usually believe."
- "But I believe it! I think what it says is true! And according to this book, eating all five Herba Mystica can cure anything that ails you! Case in point, Mabosstiff's paws were cold as ice before he ate that last herb. But they've warmed up a little now—I'm sure they have!"
- "Oh! You done eating, bud?"
- "H-hey! Mabosstiff! Can...can you see? Are your eyes open?! Yes! I did it!'s been so long since he was able to open his eyes! I was so worried... *sniff* Oh man, I—! I'm so—! I'm so glad!"
- "*sniffle* Heh... Ehehehehe... Aw, look at him. Those fiery orange little eyes... Hard to even tell if they're open or not, but I know the difference!"
- "The power of these herbs is amazing! I knew the book wasn't lying! I'm gonna bring Mabosstiff back to full health, I swear it! Oh...uh, yeah. So, that's my story. Three herbs to go. Let's find 'em—together!"
- After defeating the third Titan
- "I'm sure there's some here, too... Aha!"
- "I knew it! I spy Herba Mystica! Another successful search! We're on a roll!"
- "This'll definitely help Mabosstiff feel even better! Come on, <player>... Let's get some food going!"
- "Yeeeaaarrrt! Hiya! Huwatcha!"
- "Sorry to keep ya waiting! Here you go: another of your favorite ol' Arven sandwiches! And it comes with a special Titan Badge! The Pokémon League might not recognize it, but I hope you appreciate it all the same!"
- "Figured this might happen. Don't worry—I made extra this time for that brute of yours."
- "Come on out, Mabosstiff. Got some for you, too, bud. That's it. Small bites, small bites..."
- "C'mon... At least bother to taste it before you swallow it right down, would you?"
- "This brute seems to be benefiting from the herbs too, I guess—in its own sorta way."
- "Oh yeah! 'Fore I forget, <player>... Take another look at this. There's always a Titan Pokémon near the Herba Mystica when we find 'em, right? Like the book says, it's not like big ol' Pokémon just happen to like these herbs. It's actually something in the herbs that's making the Titans so big and strong. So does that mean a Titan's "lair" isn't really some kind of treasure hoard or whatever? It's just a pantry where the Titan keeps its food?"
- "Oh. You done with your sandwich, Mabosstiff?"
- "'R-ruf'?! heard that, right, <player>? Mabosstiff just woofed! Right?!"
- Yes: "Right? I'm not imagining things!"
- No: "No! No, no, no, no, no! I'm sure I heard it! You must've heard it too! Sure you don't need to get your ears checked?"
- "See! See that! I knew I wasn't just hearing things!"
- "Oh, Mabosstiff! Who's my best bud, huh? Who's the best of boys? You are, yes, you are! *sniff* It''s been so long since I heard that woof!"
- "Mabosstiff is definitely getting better! Ever since I teamed up with you, good things keep happening! But we've still got two more herbs to go. Hope you'll stick it out until we're done!"
- After defeating the fourth Titan
- "Come out, come out, wherever you are!"
- "Yes! Found it! Here's our little herb!"
- "This shape! This sheen! It looks like it'll taste horrible, which means it's gotta be good for you!"
- "No time to waste—let's get some food going!"
- "Yeeeaaarrrt! Hiya! Huwatcha!"
- "Sorry for the wait! Here's a super healthy sandwich that'll perk you right up once you eat it! Plus, as a token of our friendship, here's another Titan Badge! Gaze upon it in awe as you eat."
- "Come on out, Mabosstiff! Food's up!"
- "Oh-ho-ho! Would you look at that! Seems like someone's got a proper appetite now!"
- "Seems like that fellow's also slowly regaining its original strength. Still...doesn't look like it's anywhere close to returning to its battle form. It seems healthy enough physically... Maybe it's got some kind of mental block that's preventing it from returning to its true form?"
- "I've read about it in books before... A mental scar. Like psychological trauma, you know? I think that's what you call it."
- "Maybe it had a terrifying experience in battle, so now it's scared to battle at all?"
- "Well, don't worry! I'm sure both that brute and Mabosstiff will make a full recovery eventually! So, how do you feel, Mabosstiff? How's that Herba Mystica working?"
- "Gah! Uhhh, no pressure! Not like it's fair to expect every kind of Herba Mystica to have some huge effect, right? And it's not like the effect has to be immediate, either."
- "Hey, it's OK! Don't worry! <player> and I are gonna make sure you're right as rain! We've got one more herb to go...and I bet it's the best of them all! It''s just gotta be."
- "All right, <player>! The next stop on our little herb hunt should be the last! But we can't lose steam until we're done! Let's keep up our momentum! Here! We! Go!"
- After defeating the fifth Titan
- "That must be it! The last Herba Mystica!"
- "You know what's next... It's chow time!"
- "Yeeeaaarrrt! Hiya! Huwatcha!"
- "And here we go! Trusty Arven's chockablock-full-of-cheer-final-herb super-sandwich! Squeeze this badge tight and cry beautiful tears of friendship as you eat, OK?"
- "I guess it's Mabosstiff's turn, then..."
- "Come on, bud. Eat up. It's gonna make you all better, I promise. <player> and I—we really did our best to get this for you."
- "We're gonna play with your favorite ball as much as you want... Y'know? Just like we used to."
- "Please...get better... That's all I want, really..."
- "Mabosstiff... You did your best, bud..."
- "Bud! I know, bud! Me, too!"
- "Wha—?"
- "Pah... Listen to you. Like you had anything to do with it."
- "...Excuse me?"
- "I guess you probably already know... But that...that's my momS/dadV."
- "Always buried under herS/hisV work, off pursuing herS/hisV own research. Never at home with me. That's the first time I've even heard herS/hisV voice in years, you know?"
- "And now what? The first thing I get is to be treated like some kind of errand boy?"
- "She'sS/He'sV seriously...unbelievable."
- "But I'm guessing you and Miraidon probably want to go, eh? Not gonna lie—I feel like my blood's boiling, but... Sure, fine, I'll get you into the lab. What else can I do?"
- "The lab is off Poco Path. At the lighthouse where you and me first met. Come on. Let's get moving before I change my mind!"
- "MomS/DadV... Where've you been all this time?"
- Poco Path
- "Seriously, you beat me here?"
- "Well, this is the lab. I used to come to play all the time when I was a kid."
- "There'd better be a good reason for calling us here like this..."
- "Let's find out."
- "Everyone always says...she'sS/he'sV some kinda genius. Absolutely brilliant as a Pokémon Professor."
- "...My momS/dadV, that is. But let me tell you—as a parent? She'sS/He'sV the worst. All sheS/heV ever does is work. SheS/HeV never comes home. I don't have a single memory of herS/himV ever even playing with me—herS/hisV own kid. Mabosstiff's the only one who was there for me. Always."
- "Anyway. It's open now. Go on in. I just want to get this over with!"
- Poco Path Lighthouse
- "The final step...?"
- " you mean THIS book?"
- "Area Zero... That place is bad news. It was down in Area Zero that Mabosstiff got wounded in the first place... Down in the Great Crater of Paldea."
- "In all honesty, I'd be perfectly happy to never see that place again..."
- "Are you gonna go?"
- "And I can't just stand by and watch while a friend heads off into danger on his/her own. So I guess I'm going, too! 'Sides, I'd love to give MomS/DadV a piece of my mind."
- "All right then, <player>! Outside! We're gonna have a Pokémon battle to see if we're really ready to head into Area Zero or not! Mostly to see if I'm ready or not! Let's go!"
- Poco Path
- "All right! You ready for a battle, <player>?"
- No: "You come up to me just to tell me no? C'mon, little bud—don't mess with me like that!"
- Yes: "Excellent! You're ready too, right, Mabosstiff?!"
- "Yep, Mabosstiff says he's ready!"
- "OK, yeah, I can see why you'd be worried..."
- "But my buddy here's bursting with energy! You'd never know he was so weak just a little while ago! Won't leave me alone—always whining at me, wanting to battle you and your Pokémon."
- "It's been so long I nearly forgot, but he always did love to battle. Even if we always lost to that student council girl—the battle fanatic one."
- "Anyway, my point is there's no need to worry! We're a brand-new Arven and Mabosstiff! And we're feeling audacious—or maybe herbaceous? Let me give you a taste of what we can do!"
- In battle
- "The Pokémon that I met during our hunt for the Herba Mystica are all stars—every one of them!"
- "Let's celebrate your full recovery with a glow up! Time to Terastallize, Mabosstiff!"
- Upon being defeated
- "We were so close, Mabosstiff! So close! But, <player>...thanks, little buddy!"
- After being defeated
- "Dang... This is the strength of someone who could take down those Titan Pokémon, huh?"
- "Yeah, much as I hate to admit it...I do think we're gonna need some more support. The Pokémon in Area Zero are super strong, and there are all sorts of weird machines there, too."
- "I'd say we need at least two more people... Somebody with some Champion Rank-level skills and somebody who can deal with crazy tech."
- If you haven't completed the other storylines
- Maybe Nemona...?: "The student council girl? Yeah, she'd be perfect for the job, but I doubt she'd give us the time of day unless one of us was on her level. As in Champion Rank level."
- Maybe Penny...?: "Huh? Never knew we had someone all tech savvy like that at school. But I doubt someone with those skills would bother helping us out unless she owed us..."
"But, well, we've gotta do what we've gotta do! Whoever you think could be a help, just try getting in good with 'em! We'll see if we can't get a team together. Get in touch if you make progress—I'll do the same!"
- If you completed the other two storylines first
- That sounds like Nemona!: "The student council president? You're probably right. That girl can take on any Pokémon that comes at her. She's a beast!"
- That sounds like Penny!: "Penny? That crazy-smart hacker girl who was the big boss behind Team Star? I mean, yeah, she'd be perfect for the job... But when did you go making friends with some shady character like her?!"
- "Huh! Well, seems like you've been busy making some pretty useful friends!
- "I'll reach out to them and organize things. You just make sure you're there. The meeting place will be the Zero Gate. It's this facility out on the edge of the Great Crater. I'll send you the info on how to find it, so don't keep us waiting forever!"
- Zero Gate
- "Heeey! Over here!"
- "This is the Zero Gate. It was made so researchers could try to observe the inside of the Great Crater of Paldea... What folks call Area Zero. It's our ticket down into the crater."
- "Oh, and speaking of the crater... You know that Pokémon of yours? The one I gave you? Area Zero is apparently where Miraidon was born, or something like that. Maybe it'll be happy that it can finally come back home? Not that I really care or anything..."
- "Anyway, our two new teammates should be waiting for us inside the Zero Gate. Guess we should head in."
- "Whoa! Kinda dark in here..."
- "Once she heard she'd get to battle awesome Pokémon, she was here in a second. You're an annoying little pest at the academy, but I guess you could come in handy for this."
- "Yeah, it IS weird that the lights are off... The last time I was here, the electricity was up and running. But now..."
- "But why?"
- "The director introduced us. When you need someone good with tech, she's a no-brainer. Anyway, Penny here also agreed in a second when she heard it was to help <player>. She's surprisingly old-fashioned like that."
- "And of course everyone knows me, Arven! My loves include my Mabosstiff and cooking and—"
- "That' momS/dadV. Probably..."
- "When would I have done that?"
- "Um... MomS/Dad?V"
- If spoken to
- "...Guess we'd better 'proceed below,' as requested."
- At the gate's exit
- "...Railroading people into stuff, just like always."
- "I guess we'd better go, too..."
- "<player>! Ready for the worst?"
- Yes: "Good! That's all we needed to hear! Get out that Pokémon of yours, and we'll be off..."
- No: "Well, we're all waiting on you. Just say the word as soon as you're ready."
- Preparing to head down
- "Hmph... Scared of heights... That's what I'd say!"
- Area Zero
- "...And now I'm back here again."
- "It's probably just hungry or something. ... ... ... Wait a second—where's that student council girl?!"
- "Hah, yeah, sure! Smooth sailing! Who could possibly complain about a landing like that?"
- "Hm...?"
- While walking
- "It seems like it got spooked by something. It's hiding in its ball."
- "Ah, should be all right. The last time I was here... I caught a Flying Taxi out of the crater. They always come through, if you're a real sob story..."
- "Tch! None of your business, pipsqueak."
- "Hold it right there, you two."
- "You think YOU'VE got cool friendship origin stories with <player>? They're nothing compared to what me and him/her went through! Our friendship's on another level!"
- Approaching Research Station No. 1
- "Oh yeah, what were they called? Radish rations?"
- "Hmph. Well, I was close."
- "You think that was something? Please. You've got no idea how terrifying Area Zero really is."
- If spoken to
- While walking
- "I...I almost never saw my momS/dadV in my whole life."
- "SheS/HeV was always busy with work."
- "I cooked for myself, cleaned for myself... Mabosstiff was the only one I had to talk to."
- "So, yeah, I don't really know herS/himV at all. Even if sheS/heV is my momS/dadV."
- "I tried not to think too much about it. Tried to just be proud that sheS/heV was this famous genius. But the truth is, I would've rather just had a momS/dadV who was there...even if sheS/heV wasn't anything great."
- "I haven't seen herS/himV for ages now. Unless you count seeing herS/himV in the news or whatever. Used to at least get emails sometimes. But even those stopped a couple years ago. And then sheS/heV appears, out of the blue, and tells me we've gotta come to Area Zero? Tch. Some family, right?"
- "Naw, I was also giving you a hard time. Sorry...uh..."
- "You're actually pretty nice for a little pipsqueak!"
- "Last time I came to the Great Crater, I was trying to go see my momS/dadV...I got about this far, then I got attacked by some kind of creature I'd never seen before."
- "It wasn't even a Pokémon. More like this crazy-weird, metallic, machine thing...V"
- "Yeah, I'm sure! It was like a completely different creature altogether! And it hurt Mabosstiff real bad, so it's not like I'd just forget! I don't ever want to run into that awful thing again..."
- "...That's what I figured you'd say."
- Approaching Research Station No. 2
- "I thought you'd have a bit more stamina, student council girl."
- "That wasn't a compliment, you know..."
- "No kidding..."
- Research Station No. 2
- "I've been wondering about that myself. I think maybe that Pokémon of these?"
- "I...don't really know."
- "Future Pokémon?!V"
- "So the thing my momS/dadV spent forever researching down here... SheS/HeV actually got it working?!"
- "The...cost?"
- "MomS/DadV, you—"
- "...Why did you call us here to Area Zero?"
- "Hey, <player>. You know that book sheS/heV told me to bring? I think it's got something to do with this place. Or more like...everything to do with this place. But I'm not the one sheS/heV expects to fix whatever all this is... You are. I think you should be the one to carry it."
- "Take care of it for me... OK, <player>?"
- If spoken to
- "It can't be. It just can't. But then who...?"
- While walking
- "What're your parents like, Nemona?"
- "So Nemona's actually some pampered little princess from a rich family?"
- "Wait, you call them 'Mother' and 'Father'?!"
- "Man, that's a real downer...for your dad. Having his own daughter describe him like that..."
- "You met her?"
- "Really? Wish I could've seen that. I bet it tasted great..."
- Approaching Research Station No. 3
- "All right! Another research station!"
- "Wait a sec! This is just like that Titan Pokémon we saw! So it was a futureV Pokémon all along?!"
- "Yeah, well, <player> and I are old pros when it comes to Titans! Leave this to us!"
- "See that? Victory's ours!"
- "Maybe the one we saw when we were searching out the Herba Mystica came from down here..."
- "Yeah. Right 'Cause it's not like oh-so-brilliant Professor SadaS/Turo V ever messes up..."
- "C'mon, <player>. Let's get into that research station."
- Research Station No. 3
- "Urk. You still remember that from way back? No wonder you're everybody's little star pupil. Guess I've got no choice, then, but to tell you what I know..."
- "That Pokémon—KoraidonS/MiraidonV, that is...It was found by my momS/dadV when she/heV was working on herS/hisV time machine."
- "Seriously...?"
- "Huh? You mean...there's another one around here somewhere?!"
- "Family, huh... Yeah... That sounds nice."
- If spoken to
- "If that other Pokémon really is the only family it has left in the world... It must want to be together again, right?"
- While walking
- "That was the first I heard of it coming from the futureV myself..."
- "It was just some weird Pokémon my momS/dadV brought home all of a sudden one day. We all lived together at the lighthouse lab for a little while."
- "My momS/dadV made me promise to keep it a secret. And I had to take care of it for herS/himV, too..."
- "Yeah, but then one day KoraidonS/MiraidonV just went nuts against some wild Pokémon..."
- "A few of the folks living nearby ended up seeing it, so the secret was out. Once that happened, my momS/dadV took it—and went back to Area Zero."
- "Yeah. If people found out, it'd be all over the news."
- "I didn't see my momS/dadV or KoraidonS/MiraidonV again after that. For ages. Looking back on it now, it seems stupid, but...I felt like I'd lost my momS/dadV 'cause of KoraidonS/MiraidonV. It was the worst feeling ever. I just hated KoraidonS/MiraidonV and everything about it. Didn't want to even talk about it."
- "I'm sorry for not telling you what I knew sooner, <player>..."
- "D-dang, you guys... Harsh..."
- "So the professor's down there somewhere...waiting for us. And that's...fine. Totally fine."
- "All right, team! Watch yourselves and let's get to the bottom of this thing!"
- "Yeah... This place's like something from a whole other world. Makes you feel like maybe you already died and went somewhere..."
- "Only one way to find out. Come on, everybody. Let's keep moving... We've got to go all the way down."
- "That...doesn't exactly jibe with how it's been acting all spooked since we got here. It doesn't seem eager to come out of its ball anytime soon, either."
- "Huh? Who said it was scared of heights?"
- "So...maybe it got hurt down here in Area Zero, just like Mabosstiff?"
- "Nemona, you're...kind of unbelievable. In a mostly good way."
- Research Station No. 4
- "Yeah, but what...?"
- "...Come again?"
- "What the heck?!"
- "Well, it was definitely weird, at least. Almost like... I dunno..."
- "...That's not what that was."
- If spoken to
- "That...that was almost like— No, it can't be..."
- While walking
- "Say, I'm pretty sure that call was really—"
- "Uh...never mind. It's nothing."
- "No matter how things turn out, I'm countin' on you to see this through, <player>."
- Outside the Zero Lab
- "Have we finally reached the deepest part?!"
- "So, this entire building's been Terastallized? Is that what you're saying?"
- "Hah! Well then, that puts all my worries to rest."
- "Hold it!"
- "Look—if it's true that a bunch of really dangerous Pokémon might come at us, then shouldn't we also have Miraidon help?"
- "But it's really strong. I know it is. It ate all those Herba Mystica we found, too! When it really matters, I'm sure it'll fight! And Area Zero is where it used to live... If you bring it out of its ball now, maybe it'll be able to find its family, too. Right?"
- "All right! Come on, <player>! Now that we've got Miraidon ready, it's time to open that gate!"
- "Whoa... No way!"
- "Yeah, that other Pokémon was giving off some real bad vibes..."
- "Uh... Not that you should worry a thing 'bout any of that! Once we get you back into your battle form, I'm sure you'll be going toe-to-toe against that jerk! know, if you want to. S-sorry... Guess that doesn't really help, huh..."
- "You mean from inside the gate we just—?"
- "What the—?!"
- "And it's pretty obvious they're not here to roll out a friendly welcome mat."
- "We've got a little disaster on our hands here..."
- "Look, even that fellow's ready to bail..."
- "I hope the two of them can handle their part... But at least the crowd's been thinned out now. Guess it's up to us to deal with what's left! Let's go for this strong-looking one first!"
- "See! The power of friendship had us perfectly in sync! All thanks to our Titan hunting together!"
- "Still scared, huh? You worried you might have to face that other one of your kind? Well then, lemme take on some of the burden! These stragglers should be nothing! Me and Mabosstiff here can take them!"
- "So, <player>, you take your partner there and go take care of business!"
- Got it!: "Heheh, glad to see you’ve got some faith in us at last! Mabosstiff can’t wait to battle, either!"
- But...: "Aw, come on! If you're not even gonna rely on your friends, then who are you going to rely on? Mabosstiff here is raring to go! Leave this to us!"
- "Miraidon! You really ruined my whole childhood, you know. But it's not like seeing you cowering and scared outta your wits makes me feel any better about it. You've got amazing powers, if you just use 'em! And you've got us, too! So... So... So don't you even think about losing to that jerk!"
- "Be brave—stand up and fight!"
- If spoken to outside the Zero Lab
- "Go, <player>! We'll follow as soon as we can!"
- Zero Lab
- "<player>!"
- "OK, out with it, you... Who are you, really?!"
- "You're really dad, are you?"
- "D...Dad?!"
- When in battle against Paradise Protection Protocol
- "That's totally cheating! And you call yourself an adult?!"
- "You took that hit like a champ! You can do this! I know you can!"
- "<player>! Miraidon! Terastallize—and finish this off!"
- After defeating Paradise Protection Protocol
- "Are you back to normal?"
- "Huh? Wh-what does that mean?"
- " can't... You can't just go and say a thing like that now!"
- "Dad!"
- "How could you just...go? Dad..."
- "Yeah. Somewhere deep down, I...kind of already knew it. I knew that thing was fake...but it..."
- "When it said my name, using his voice and wearing his face..."
- "Even if it was fake, it...felt real, you know. And so I just...I..."
- "Sorry... I don't know what I'm saying..."
- "Yeah... That's my bud <player> for ya..."
- "Yeah... Thanks, Penny."
- Leaving Area Zero
- "I don't really—"
- "Hey, <player>! Not you, too!"
- "Oh, all right, FINE! I guess we're doing this..."
- Naranja AcademyS/Uva AcademyV
- Director's Office
- "Hah, looks like the hero's finally here!"
- "Ah... Well... Yeah, it was pretty rough when I found out my dad had died..."
- "But weirdly enough, my head actually feels clear now. For the first time in ages. In the Great Crater, I got to learn a bit about my dad's research and what he was trying to achieve down there."
- "I guess if you're building something as mind-blowing as a time machine, that takes priority over showering your son with attention, huh?"
- "All I know is I'm done feeling like some lost little kid. Done. Time to say good-bye and move on. I'm gonna enjoy every last day till graduation with my buds here—and Mabosstiff, 'course!"
- "Wha—?"
- "Seriously? Could we not?"
- "Is that even allowed? The chairwoman's not part of the academy, right?"
- "Wait, for real? I mean, I knew she was on another level,"
- "Guess my role's so obvious it goes without saying?"
- Mesagoza
- "Whooo! Way to go, Champ!"
- First Academy Ace Tournament
- "You've got to be kidding me. Up against my little Champion buddy right from the first round..."
- "So how about it, <player>! Bet you're surprised to see me in this tournament, right?!"
- Yes: ""Heheh... Yeah, that's right! That dumbfounded expression is what I wanted to see!"
- No: "Wait, you actually thought I would sign up for this thing? Boy, I guess you really do get me... No wonder we're best buds!"
- "See, when we went down into Area Zero, it really drove home for me how I need to get stronger. So I've been off doing some special super-serious training with Mabosstiff and my team!"
- "If we ever end up in trouble again, I want to be there fighting beside you—on the same level. So today I'm here to WIN! Even if it might only be by a stroke of luck! Get a taste of this! Arven's here with some spicy new flavor for you!"
- Upon starting battle
- "I want you and me to be on the same level... So I'm going after this win without holding back!"
- Sending out his last Pokémon
- "I'm putting everything I've got into this... No regrets allowed—no leftovers after this meal!"
- When terastallizing
- "Let's light up this School Battle Brawl, Mabosstiff! Brighter than anybody!"
- Upon being defeated
- "You're so strong and cool... I'm real proud to call you my best friend, you know!"
- "Phew, the strength of a Champion is legit! It hurts to lose, but I'm proud of you, little buddy! Maybe I should think about going around to all those Gyms myself sometime..."
- "You'd better try just as hard as I would've in round two, for me!"
- Following subsequent Academy Ace Tournaments
- "Argh! Why you, of all people? I've got one shot at this... I can't blow it!"
- Sending out his last Pokémon
- "Think you've got us on the run? Not at all, little buddy—this is when we turn it around and shine!"
- When terastallizing
- "Mabosstiff, time to Terastallize! No one can ever outshine you!"
- Upon being defeated
- "Mabosstiff really gave it his all—I know he did! And next time, we won't lose!"
- "Tch! Guess getting pitted up against my little buddy was just my bad luck!"
- Naranja AcademyS/Uva AcademyV
- Cafeteria
- "Yo, <player>! You grabbing something to eat, too? Man, you sure did give me a beating in that Academy Ace Tournament!"
- "Seems like all my closest buddies are in another league, you know? I mean, look at you—you just up and became a Champion! In your first year, to boot! You know that's pretty amazing, right? Then there's Nemona—top marks in every class at school, and she's Champion-ranked too. And I hear Penny's got ome kind of offer to work for the Pokémon League or something?!"
- "I seem to be the only average one around here. Nothing special about me..."
- You're great at cooking!: "Nah, I's just, like, a hobby really. I only learned how to do the basics because my dad wasn't around to cook for me..."
- Your dad's super famous!: "Tch! You sure don't give a guy a break, huh? So, the only special thing about me is who my dad was? Not like I had anything to do with it..."
- "Wait! My dad!"
- "See, now that Mabosstiff is doing so much better, and since the Treasure Hunt is still going and all, I've been thinking of a new goal: to find myself!"
- "And I gues you've really gotta start by knowing where you come from, which means...I should learn more about my dad, right? He was a student at this school once, too. That's what I heard. I'm gonna search the whole school for info about what kind of person he really was!"
- "Thanks for the inspiration, little buddy!"
- Director's Office
- "<player>! Boy, did you pick a great moment to stop on by! Take a look at this! This is supposed to be a sample from my dad's research from back when he was a student! Hehe, that's what Director Clavell here told me. He's been helping me out."
- "So he really was always amazing...right from the start, huh?"
- "Oh! I guess I never really questioned it, but...why IS your office full of all this equipment?"
- "It was?!"
- "I never knew..."
- "All these pieces of my dad's life—they were right in front of me this whole time...I spent so long trying not to think about him that I never even noticed...until now."
- "Thanks for telling me about this, Director Clavell! And, <player>, thanks for being here with me to learn about it, too!"
- Entrance Hall
- "Yo, <player>! Coming to hit the books?"
- Yeah, exactly!: "Seriously? You're already so good at everything else—couldn't you just slack off a bit? For me?"
- Nah, just passing through: "What, you just felt like climbing all those strairs to train your legs or something?"
- "Oh, you wanna know why I'm here? Uh...yeah. I'm still working on my own little Treasure Hunt—trying to find myself and all."
- "While I was here in the entrance hall, digging through my dad's research reports, I found this on one of the bookshelves. This book was so precious to my dad that he even kept a copy of it in the lighthouse lab... The Violet Book... That's what it's called, right?"
- "This is my first time really reading the bits that aren't about the Herba Mystica—they're amazing! I mean, it all sounds super fake, but it's got all these cool pictures and it's real fun to read! Like, look at this entry here!"
- "The text on this page is all smudged and blurry in every copy of this book I've ever seen. Seems kinda suspicious, right?"
- "'Course, the whole book is full of unbelievable stories, the Herba Mystica being one of them. But they turned out to be real..."
- "And after everything we saw in Area Zero—well, makes it hard to say it's all nonsense, huh?"
- "In fact, I think it might've been this book that made my dad want to become a researcher. I bet he got so fixated with the future Pokémon he read about in here that it made him want to see one for himself."
- "Wait, hold on... Isn't my dad's time machine the whole reason the future Pokémon ended up here in the first place? This book is from way before he made the time machine, but it mentions future Pokémon. Isn't that kinda...weird? ... ... ..."
- "Oh well! I'm sure it's all just made up anyway! But my dad believed that nonsense—and even managed to make it a reality. I guess he really was something!"
- "I'm gonna learn from his example and start giving it my all, too."
- "I've got something I gotta do now, but I'll see you around, little buddy!"
- Classroom 2-G
- "Gwah! I was focusing so hard, I didn't even notice you, bud!"
- "Hehe... I know, I know. Pretty rare to see me actually studying, right? But I'm at a pretty good stopping point. How about a break? I could use a change of scenery."
- Arven's Dorm Room
- "What do you think? Welcome to Chez Arven! Well, Chez Arven and Mabosstiff, really."
- It really screams "Arven"!: "Hehehe... Yeah, I know, right? Wait—what screams 'Arven' to you?"
- It's surprisingly clean!: "Why's that surprising?! I'll have you know that I clean every single day! Mostly 'cause Mabosstiff sheds a ton, but still..."
- "Anyway, uh... About the reason you saw me studying in the classroom like that..."
- "I went back and read the pages about the Herba Mystica in the Violet Book again. It made me remember how things were back when Mabosstiff was all weak and everything. I couldn't seem to do anything to help him, and...boy, it sure didn't feel good. 'Course, I'm really glad that I was able to find all the Herba Mystica together with you. But there's got to be other people who are still suffering the same way I was back then, worrying about their Pokémon that're sick or hurt."
- "So... So I...I, uh..."
- "Don't laugh, OK?"
- "I've decided that I...I'm gonna become a cook! I'm gonna make super healthy food, bursting full of the stuff Pokémon need to feel great!"
- "Yeah! And thanks. I knew I could count on you to be all supportive like that."
- "The culinary world might be a bit different, but I swear—I'm gonna be just as famous as my dad!"
- "So I guess I can close the book on my little hunt to find myself. It's time to start a new chapter—one that's all about working toward my new dream!"
- "And hey, feel free to stop by my room anytime. Mabosstiff will always be glad to see you."
- If spoken to again
- "Mabosstiff is still doing great—thanks to all the hard work you and me put in, 'course!"