User:Tiddlywinks/Table filter

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Revision as of 06:05, 19 December 2022 by Tiddlywinks (talk | contribs)
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Fully evolved
Unique BST
# Pokémon HP Attack Defense Sp. Attack Sp. Defense Speed Total Average
001 Bulbasaur Bulbasaur 45 49 49 65 65 45 318 53
002 Ivysaur Ivysaur 60 62 63 80 80 60 405 67.5
003 Venusaur Venusaur 80 82 83 100 100 80 525 87.5
003 Venusaur Venusaur (Mega Venusaur) 80 100 123 122 120 80 625 104.17
004 Charmander Charmander 39 52 43 60 50 65 309 51.5
005 Charmeleon Charmeleon 58 64 58 80 65 80 405 67.5
006 Charizard Charizard 78 84 78 109 85 100 534 89
006 Charizard Charizard (Mega Charizard X) 78 130 111 130 85 100 634 105.67
006 Charizard Charizard (Mega Charizard Y) 78 104 78 159 115 100 634 105.67
007 Squirtle Squirtle 44 48 65 50 64 43 314 52.33
008 Wartortle Wartortle 59 63 80 65 80 58 405 67.5
009 Blastoise Blastoise 79 83 100 85 105 78 530 88.33
009 Blastoise Blastoise (Mega Blastoise) 79 103 120 135 115 78 630 105
010 Caterpie Caterpie 45 30 35 20 20 45 195 32.5
011 Metapod Metapod 50 20 55 25 25 30 205 34.17
012 Butterfree Butterfree 60 45 50 90 80 70 395 65.83
013 Weedle Weedle 40 35 30 20 20 50 195 32.5
014 Kakuna Kakuna 45 25 50 25 25 35 205 34.17
015 Beedrill Beedrill 65 90 40 45 80 75 395 65.83
015 Beedrill Beedrill (Mega Beedrill) 65 150 40 15 80 145 495 82.5
016 Pidgey Pidgey 40 45 40 35 35 56 251 41.83
017 Pidgeotto Pidgeotto 63 60 55 50 50 71 349 58.17
018 Pidgeot Pidgeot 83 80 75 70 70 101 479 79.83
018 Pidgeot Pidgeot (Mega Pidgeot) 83 80 80 135 80 121 579 96.5
019 Rattata Rattata 30 56 35 25 35 72 253 42.17
019 Rattata Rattata (Alolan Rattata) 30 56 35 25 35 72 253 42.17
020 Raticate Raticate 55 81 60 50 70 97 413 68.83
020 Raticate Raticate (Alolan Raticate) 75 71 70 40 80 77 413 68.83
021 Spearow Spearow 40 60 30 31 31 70 262 43.67
022 Fearow Fearow 65 90 65 61 61 100 442 73.67
023 Ekans Ekans 35 60 44 40 54 55 288 48
024 Arbok Arbok 60 95 69 65 79 80 448 74.67
025 Pikachu Pikachu 35 55 40 50 50 90 320 53.33
025 Pikachu Pikachu (Partner Pikachu) 45 80 50 75 60 120 430 71.67
026 Raichu Raichu 60 90 55 90 80 110 485 80.83
026 Raichu Raichu (Alolan Raichu) 60 85 50 95 85 110 485 80.83
027 Sandshrew Sandshrew 50 75 85 20 30 40 300 50
027 Sandshrew Sandshrew (Alolan Sandshrew) 50 75 90 10 35 40 300 50
028 Sandslash Sandslash 75 100 110 45 55 65 450 75
028 Sandslash Sandslash (Alolan Sandslash) 75 100 120 25 65 65 450 75
029 Nidoran♀ Nidoran♀ 55 47 52 40 40 41 275 45.83
030 Nidorina Nidorina 70 62 67 55 55 56 365 60.83
031 Nidoqueen Nidoqueen 90 92 87 75 85 76 505 84.17
032 Nidoran♂ Nidoran♂ 46 57 40 40 40 50 273 45.5
033 Nidorino Nidorino 61 72 57 55 55 65 365 60.83
034 Nidoking Nidoking 81 102 77 85 75 85 505 84.17
035 Clefairy Clefairy 70 45 48 60 65 35 323 53.83
036 Clefable Clefable 95 70 73 95 90 60 483 80.5
037 Vulpix Vulpix 38 41 40 50 65 65 299 49.83
037 Vulpix Vulpix (Alolan Vulpix) 38 41 40 50 65 65 299 49.83
038 Ninetales Ninetales 73 76 75 81 100 100 505 84.17
038 Ninetales Ninetales (Alolan Ninetales) 73 67 75 81 100 109 505 84.17