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ナンジャモ Nanjamo
"The Supercharged Streamer"

Artwork from Scarlet and Violet
Gender Female
Eye color Pink
Hair color Pink/Teal
Hometown Levincia
Region Paldea
Trainer class Gym Leader
Generation IX
Games Scarlet and Violet
Leader of Levincia Gym
Badge Unknown Badge
Specializes in Electric types

Iono (Japanese: ナンジャモ Nanjamo) is an influencer and streamer who is the Gym Leader of Levincia's Gym, known officially as the Levincia Gym. She specializes in Electric-type Pokémon.

In the core series

Iono in the "Iono Zone"

Iono hosts a livestream called "Iono Zone" (Japanese: ドンナモンジャTV Donnamonja TV) in Paldea.[1] She is known to stream her work as a Gym Leader, and prioritizes viewer numbers and engagement on her channel;[2] as such, she never misses the chance to have a collaboration with another popular figure. However, her popularity is so massive to the point she has trouble casually going on picnics with her Pokémon due to all the attention she attracts.[3] To add to her charm, Iono also has the habit of mixing languages together and moving animatedly.

In addition to the Gym Badge, Iono gives out TM048 (Volt Switch) after defeating her.


Gym battle



Artwork of the set for Iono Zone[4]
Logo of the Iono Zone from Iono's debut stream[1] Stylized Artwork of Iono from her debut stream[1]


Main article: Iono/Quotes


  • Iono's hairclips resemble two Magnemite. The screws above her sternum and on her boots resemble those found on Magnemite's body. Despite this, no member from the Magnemite line is included in her team.
  • Iono's Japanese Gym Leader title is エレキトリカル★ストリーマー.[5]
  • Iono's Mismagius with the Electric Tera Type may allude to Iono herself, with her appearance in particular somewhat resembling Mismagius's own.
  • Iono renames her challenge "Where in Levincia Is Mr. Walksabout?", which is possibly a reference to the edutainment series Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego?.


Language Name Origin
Japanese ナンジャモ Nanjamo From ナンジャモンジャ nan ja mon ja (name given to an unusually large tree that grows in a particular place; literally meaning "What is it?"), often referring to the Chinese fringetree
English Iono From the genus Chionanthus (fringetree), ion, and iunno (informal interjection for "I don't know")
German Enigmara From Enigma
Spanish e-Nigma From e- (prefix for electronic) and enigma
French Mashynn From machine or machin ("that one" or thingy)
Italian Kissara From Chi sarà? ("Who will it be?")
Korean 모야모 Moyamo From 모야 moya (slang for "What is it?")
Chinese (Mandarin) 奇樹 / 奇树 Qíshù From 奇樹 / 奇树 qíshù / kèihsyuh (strange tree)
Chinese (Cantonese) 奇樹 Kèihsyuh

Iono Zone

Language Name Origin
Japanese ドンナモンジャTV Donnamonja TV From どんなもんじゃ donna mon ja ("How about that?")
English Iono Zone From ionosphere and magnetic zone
German EnigmaTV From Enigma
Spanish Khé-NigmaTV From khé (Internet slang for "what?") and ¡Qué enigma! ("What an enigma!")
French Les Machins de Mashynn From machin (thingy)
Italian Maki6 TV From Ma chi sei? ("But who are you?")
Korean 모야모야TV Moyamoya TV From a repetition of 모야 moya (slang for "What is it?"), can also be read as "Hey, Moyamo TV" in a cute way
Chinese (Mandarin) 奇樹奇述直播 / 奇树奇述直播
Qíshù Qíshù Zhíbò / Qíshù Qíshù Zhíbō
From a homophone of 奇樹 / 奇树 Qíshù / Kèihsyuh (Iono) formed from 奇 qí / kèih (strange) and 述 shù / syuh (to narrate)
Chinese (Cantonese) 奇樹奇述直播
Kèihsyuh Kèihseuht Jihkbo

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This game character article is part of Project CharacterDex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each character found in the Pokémon games.