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Here's some of my δ Delta Species decklists


BS-Base Set

ND-Neo Destiny

RS-EX Ruby & Shappire

HL-EX Hidden Legends

DS-EX Delta Species

UF-EX Unseen Forces

HP-EX Holon Phantoms

DF-EX Dragon Frontiers

MT-Mysterious Treasures

Quantity Card Name Type Rarity
x3 Zubat (HL) Grass Common
x2 Golbat (HL) Grass Uncommon
x1 Crobat δ (DS) GrassMetal Rare
x1 Metagross File:Shiningsymbol.gif (DS) Metal ShinyRare
x2 Happiny (MT) Colorless Uncommon
x1 Chansey (BS) Colorless Rare
x1 Chansey ex (RS) Colorless Rare
x1 Blissey ex (UF) Colorless Rare
x3 Mareep δ (DF) Colorless Common
x2 Flaaffy δ (DF) Colorless Uncommon
x1 Amaphros δ (DF) Colorless Rare
x4 Holon's Castform (HP) Colorless Uncommon
x2 Marill (ND) Water Common
x1 Light Azumarill (ND) Water Rare
x2 Balloon Berry T Uncommon
x2 Holon Lake T Uncommon
x1 Meteor Falls T Uncommon
x2 Celio's Network T Uncommon
x1 Holon Adventurer T Uncommon
x2 Life Herb T Uncommon
x1 PokéBall T Uncommon
x1 PokéDex Handy 909 T Uncommon
x2 Double Colorless Energy E Uncommon
x7 Grass Energy E --
x7 Metal Energy E --
x7 Water Energy E --

Bill's Holon Machinary

DS-EX Delta Species
HP-EX Holon Phantoms
CG-EX Crystal Guardians
PK-EX Power Keepers
DP-Diamond & Pearl
MT-Mysterious Treasures

Quantity Card Name Type Rarity
x3 Charmander δ (CG) Lightning Common
x2 Charmeleon δ (CG) Lightning Uncommon
x1 Charizard δ (CG) LightningMetal Rare
x3 Magnemite (DP) Metal Common
x2 Magneton (DP) Metal Uncommon
x1 Magnezone (DP) Metal Rare
x3 Pichu (MT) Lightning Common
x2 Pikachu (MT) Lightning Common
x1 Raichu δ (HP) Metal Rare
x1 Deoxys δ (HP) Colorless Rare
x1 Deoxys δ (HP) Metal Rare
x1 Deoxys δ (HP) Lightning Rare
x1 Latias δ (DS) LightningMetal Rare
x1 Latios δ (DS) LightningMetal Rare
x1 Skarmory ex (PK) Metal Rare
x1 Jolteon File:Shiningsymbol.gif (PK) Lightning ShinyRare
x2 Moo-Moo Milk T Common
x2 Bill T Common
x2 Bill's Teleporter T Uncommon
x2 Bill's Maintenece T Uncommon
x2 Mary's Inpulse T Uncommon
x3 PokéGear T Rare
x1 Super Energy Retreval T Rare
x1 Double Colorless Energy E Uncommon
x11 Lightning Energy E --
x11 Metal Energy E --

Delta Lights

SS-EX Sandstorm
TRR-EX Team Rocket Returns
DX-EX Deoxys
UF-EX Unseen Forces
DS-EX Delta Species
HP-EX Holon Phantoms
DF-EX Dragon Frontiers

Quantity Card Name Type Rarity
x3 Root Fossil (SS) T Common
x2 Lileep δ (HP) Darkness Common
x1 Cradily δ (HP) DarknessMetal Rare
x2 Pikachu (SS) Lightning Common
x1 Raichu δ (HP) Metal Rare
x1 Rayquaza δ (DS) LightningMetal Rare
x2 Rayquaza ex δ (DF) Lightning Rare
x4 Eevee (SS) Colorless Common
x1 Jolteon ex (DS) Lightning Rare
x1 Umbreon δ (DS) DarknessMetal Rare
x1 Umbreon ex (UF) Darkness Rare
x2 Magnemite (DS) Lightning Common
x1 Dark Magneton (TRR) LightningDarkness Uncommon
x2 Pochyena (DX) Darkness Common
x1 Mightyena δ (HP) DarknessMetal Rare
x1 Holon Reaserch Tower T Uncommon
x2 Holon Adventurer T Uncommon
x2 Holon Lass T Uncommon
x2 Holon Researcher T Uncommon
x2 Holon Trascevier T Uncommon
x2 Scott T Uncommon
x1 Mary T Rare
x1 Dark Metal Energy E Uncommon
x1 Holon Energy GL E Rare
x7 Darkness Energy E --
x7 Metal Energy E --
x7 Lightning Energy E --