Talk:Espathra (Pokémon)

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Revision as of 15:19, 11 February 2023 by Team Rocket Grunt (talk | contribs) (Emu or Ostrich?)
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Latest comment: 11 February 2023 by Team Rocket Grunt in topic Emu or Ostrich?

Emu or Ostrich?

The article states that Espathra resembles an Ostrich, however this is not fully accurate as more of its traits are shared with the Emu - namely its height(Emus go up to 7 feet, which aligns more with the Pokedex entry of 6 feet tall, while ostriches are around 8-9 feet tall) and wingspan(Ostriches have large wings while Emus have small ones, Espathra's are the latter). The number of toes matches the Ostrich, which leads me to believe that this is a Pokemon based on a mixture of Emus and Ostriches and should be labeled as such. DkKoba (talk) 14:27, 11 February 2023 (UTC)Reply

Size and number of toes aren't important details and they happen to be incosistent in Pokemon in general. Espathra is called the Ostrich Pokémon and similarities to Emus naturally come from being an ostrich.--Rocket Grunt 15:19, 11 February 2023 (UTC)Reply