It secretes flexible bubbles from its chest and back. The bubbles reduce the damage it would otherwise take when attacked.
胸と 背中から 泡を 出す。 弾力のある 泡で 攻撃を 受け止めて ダメージを 減らす。
Release information
This card was first released as one of the English XY Black Star Promos on October 12, 2013 in the Froakie Box with artwork by 5ban Graphics. It was later released in the English Kalos Starter Set, originating from the Japanese XY Beginning Set, with different artwork also by 5ban Graphics. The XY Promotional print was later released as one of three Japanese XY-P Promotional cards randomly included in the Lizardon Mega Battle Mega Pack, released on April 19, 2014. The Kalos Starter Set print was later reprinted as an exclusive Confetti Holofoil in the English McDonald's Collection 2014. The XY Promotional print was released again in Japan with the same promotional number and was one of five promotional cards available as part of a cross promotion with the food company Marumiya in early July 2015. The cards were included in Pokémon Furikake Mini Packs and Pokémon Curry <Pork & Corn Sweet> packs. This print has the Marumiya logo in the bottom left corner of the card.
The Kalos Starter Set print was reprinted again as a Confetti Holo, as well as a Non Holo, in the McDonald's Collection 2021. This print has the Pokémon 25th Anniversary logo in the bottom right corner of the artwork.