Talk:Pokémon breeding
OOps. Evkl 01:45, 1 Mar 2005 (UTC)
Should this be listed under Pokémon Breeding or simply Breeding? -greengiant
Probably Poke breeding with a redirect from "breeding"
A picture says more than tousand words
Strange Breeding: How did these things happen?
A couple of strange things happened to me when I was breeding a male Blaziken with a female Phanpy (which is strange enough in itself, I guess)
- When the egg hatched, the Phanpy knew Rock Smash. This shouldn't have been able to happen because I had previously deleted Rock Smash from Blaziken via the Move Deleter guy.
- The Phanpy hatched holding a PP Up! Needless to say, I was thrilled, but is there any reason for this occurance? Is it random or predictable?
Thanks a lot →Evin290 12:18, 30 June 2006 (UTC)
- I don;t know about the first, but I believe the second is because of Phanphy's ability "Pickup".--Skully Collins 08:42, 5 September 2007 (UTC)
I have seen, and the D/P Nintendo power guide states that, you can pass on abilities via breeding. This would be important to note, wouldn't it? It seems like something that big should be listed. Especially when you consider the possibilities! (I personally love my wonder-guarded sableye) Also, I think this should possibly be noted in the "chain breeding" section as well. --TheCakeIsALie 02:51, 7 January 2008 (UTC)
True. Good eye. You may place it in the article in the appropriate place. And don't forget your sig or people won't know who you are.PokeManiac102
06:28, 2 January 2008 (UTC)
- No! Abilities are NOT PASSED ON. By Abilities they meant Natures. Go on, try it. ABILITIES CANNOT BE PASSED ON. TTEchidna
GSDS! 06:45, 2 January 2008 (UTC)
- Plus, the only Pokémon with Wonder Guard can't breed with anything but Ditto, so it'd never pass it on to Sableye. If you got that thing in a trade, it's hacked, man. TTEchidna
GSDS! 06:51, 2 January 2008 (UTC)
Crap, thanks for pointing that out. Dang... But on another note, you CAN pass abilities legitimately, but I misread: they are passed along by the mother, so it would stay in the proper species. (the example given in NP's guide is 2 bibarel breed. Mother has Simple, father has Unaware, so offspring is a Bidoof with Simple.) So I was halfway right, but again, thanks for poiinting that out. I guess I ought to not use it much then, huh?--TheCakeIsALie 02:51, 7 January 2008 (UTC)
Tauros & Miltank
Can anybody confirm for certain that their eggs are supposed to be 50% Tauros and 50% Miltank? I've personally hatched 11 eggs from a Tauros and a Ditto, and all of them were Tauros, which means I must be exceptionally unlucky if half of them are supposed to be Miltank. FYI, I'm playing Diamond where Miltank are rarer than Tauros (the opposite is true in Pearl). I thought it would be easier to breed a Miltank than catch one. Drapion 17:28, 11 July 2007 (UTC)
I think the 50-50 chance thing is only if you breed a Miltank with Ditto; all of Tauros's kids with Ditto will be Tauros. Fsilone 22:29, 6 October 2007 (UTC)
- There is no way in any of the games for Tauros to hatch from a Miltank egg, or for Miltank to hatch from a Tauros egg. MorningStar edited this page with a note indicating otherwise as early as in March 2006, which is to say without knowledge of Diamond and Pearl. I believe no one bothered to fix it then due to the possibility of that holding true in the upcoming games, and since their release everyone has assumed the statement to be true because it was on the page so early on. Regardless of the reason, this note should have long been removed; it is easy to verify that even when breeding Miltank and Tauros together in the latest games, the product is still always a Miltank. I have done so for the sake of being on the safe side. Unown Lord 13:30, 8 November 2007 (UTC)
- I've changed this section of the page. I can confirm empirically (hatched 41 eggs: 28 from a Miltank + Ditto, 13 from a Miltank + various Ground-group Pokes) that you cannot hatch a Tauros from a Miltank egg in Pokemon Pearl, and I assume the same goes for Diamond; based on Unown Lord's comments I am assuming this applies to all the games. If it turns out you can, then feel free to revert the page - I haven't hacked the code, this is entirely based on testing, so it's possibly that I was extremely unlucky and happened to get 41 eggs that all hatched Miltank purely by chance, but I think that's unlikely.
- The only sources I can find online that support the Miltank/Tauros breeding line are either questionable (user FAQs on the Marriland forum that contain other errors) or based on this site. Castorquinn 22:30, 20 May 2008 (UTC)
Ditto + Ditto?
Someone settle something for me: Can you breed Ditto with Ditto? - Cassius335
No. I tried. - MacGyver
Thanks. *notices the Discussion page for Ditto and wonders why he didn't look there in the first place*. - Cassius335
Technical Question
Do the natures of the parents make any difference on whether or not they will produce an egg? I'm trying to get my Dragonite to give Outrage to a new Gible, and the old man in Solaceon says they don't like eachother at all... Obviously that's not good, but why, and what can I do to change it?
- At all? ..are you sure you're breeding a Dragonite with a
complete haxxmacheenGarchomp? Cause I do believeth that Garchomp and Dragonite can breed. o_o;Tina☆♥♫
04:07, 8 November 2007 (UTC)
- Not at all? You sure? Pretty much always when they're in the same egg group, they'll breed. TTEchidna 05:42, 8 November 2007 (UTC)
- I have had similar problems. Sometimes I always make sure to check the Egg Groups before I attempt breeding, but every once in a while, the Daycare Man in Diamond tells me that they dislike each other. (oops, forgot to sign) --Dual 05:09, 16 November 2007 (UTC)
There's no problem at all, peeps! If 'They don't like each other very much' it doesn't matter! AS long as they don't totally despise each other that's okay. I tried Ditto with my Lucario (TTE said it would work) and it worked altough they didn't like each other! File:Ani475MS.gif Agent #448 ☆ | ♥File:Ani282MS.gif 09:52, 16 November 2007 (UTC)
- Why do I feel compelled to respond to this comment by saying "Rape!"Mystrich 06:06, 24 February 2008 (UTC)
The message “They don´t seem to like each other much.” indicates that the Pokémon are of different species but have the same trainer IDs, which means that out of all breedable Pokémon pairs, they have the lowest chance of producing an egg. This lower chance translates to a statistically longer period of waiting until the Daycare man hands you the egg, but nothing beyond that. Unown Lord 10:25, 16 November 2007 (UTC)
"However, there are two pairs of Pokémon species where the male and female are treated as different Pokémon. In these cases, the egg may hatch into either the male or female species:
Would this also be true in the case of Tauros and Miltank? Could a Miltank have an egg containing Tauros? Just asking cause it's not listed in the article. --☆ケンジガール 10:17, 18 November 2007 (UTC)
Would it be true to say that only the female can lay and egg that could be either? I tried breeding a Nidoran♂ with a Ditto to get a ♀ but I just ended up with a dozen ♂s. I did succesfully get a Volbeat from an Illumise. Oh, and Tauros and Miltank are also linked.. Woodland Mudkip ☆XXpx 11:02, 18 November 2007 (UTC)
- Your first assertion is correct, and has thus been added to the page. As noted in a paragraph above by myself, Tauros and Miltank are simply not linked. It seems to me that the disillusion of not having a calf-like Pokémon as a pre-evolution to both, has caused a multitude of fans to believe in some fabricated indication that one is forthcoming. Unown Lord 06:24, 22 November 2007 (UTC)
Can you pass down TM moves that weren't learned by TM? I'm going to breed my male Banette with Will-O-Wisp (Learned naturally) with a female Drifloon, and I'm wondering if it'll pass down Will-O-Wisp... Tina☆♥♫δ281s 20:10, 25 November 2007 (UTC)
- Yep. It's what I do so as to save TMs from being used. TTEchidna 23:47, 25 November 2007 (UTC)
Is this encyclopedia in American English or Commonwealth English? Becuase the most recent edit was from "travelling" to "traveling", or Commonwealth to American.
Yea, we're American (well, I think. Ask and admin. I'm pretty sure we're American English). --File:Spr 3e 059.gifFile:Spr 3e 132.gifTheryguy512 File:Trozeiani025.gif 12:03, 5 December 2007 (UTC)
- Yeah, I as actually gonna do something else on the page after editing that (since Firefox does the red line under words that aren't in its dictionary), but I got distracted by something else and just decided "eh."
- But really, Bulbapedia's got contributors from all over. Though, well, American spelling's used in the games throughout their English release, as far as I know. They don't go through all the text changing the spelling of a few words, and I certainly didn't intend for my edit to be just that. It was more just "hey, look, red line. Fix that and... um... what else was I gonna do?" TTEchidna
GSDS! 16:47, 5 December 2007 (UTC)
What is it? OptimatumTalk|♊11:19 13 Mar 2008
- ...Don't ask. You don't wanna know. TTEchidna 05:40, 28 March 2008 (UTC)
Inbreeding is when closely related individuals mate and have children. It's very taboo in human culture but animal breeders do this with certain breeds of an animal, like dogs. It's not a good idea for people inbreed because recessive genes could be more pronounced and genetic defects can occur. - PDL
- Told ya you didn't wanna know. TTEchidna 00:25, 2 May 2008 (UTC)
Uhh yeah
Uhm. This is weird, but i've had two weird things happen with breeding that make little sense. Like, first, this happened today, i put my Shieldon and Cranidos in the day-care (one female, the other male) and the old man said "These two prefer too play with other Pokémon" and i like, i came back too get them and they'd had an egg, and last time i checked, "They prefer too play with other Pokémon" meant they weren't going too have an egg (i took the egg anyway). Uhm, the second thing, which is really weird, happened a few months ago on my Pokémon Emerald, i put my male Charizard and male Blaziken in the Daycare (cos i'm too lazy too train them myself) ...and they had an egg |: Last time i checked, Guy + Guy does not = baby/egg |: I'm 100% sure they we're both male. I was pretty sure it was just a glitch in the game, but i was wondering if it's happened too anyone else? (also, the egg was a normal Torchic, normal stats, normal moves, nothing weird/glitch-y about it)
~ Takoto
Wow... That's really weird Darkmaster0
- Obviously
adopted. I guess they don't mind adoption by same-sex couples in Sinnoh. Zurqoxn 00:35, 8 April 2008 (UTC)
- The thing that happened with Charizard and Blaziken happened on Emerald (: If they adopted, where did they adopt from? O: Takoto
|: It happened, again, only this time; Leafgreen. Someone please tell me that Umbreon and Caterpie are somehow in the same egg group. Scratch what i said earlier, I'm almost sure that the Blaziken/Charizard thing happened on LeafGreen, not Emerald |: *totally remembered after i posted that xD Uh soooo yeah, i think the Breeding's glitch'd up in my LeafGreen...Well, it wasn't even originally mine, it was my Cousins |: But I'm sure he didn't cheat or anything too make every Pokémon breed with every other Pokémon. Plus i did some test; i tried too breed some Pokémon and they didn't breed, the Legendaries didn't (I actually wanted a level 5 Mewtwo xD at one point) But yeah \: Is my games breeding system glitched up or is it just....oddities? Takoto 15:35, 29 April 2008 (UTC)
- I would say you somehow glitched your game. Been using AR/GS/whatever? TTEchidna 16:52, 29 April 2008 (UTC)
- Shake head* I've never used Action reply or Game shark on my Leafgreen...
- I would say you somehow glitched your game. Been using AR/GS/whatever? TTEchidna 16:52, 29 April 2008 (UTC)
Length of time to breed
After getting frustrated by the time it took to breed on my old silver version, I looked around for information on how long it takes two pokemon to have an egg, and I found this site. This is information I think bulbapedia needs. The problem is, I don't have any other sources on it, it doesn't say if the formula holds true for later Gens as well, and the author admits that his numbers are estimates. Does anyone know anything about this topic? Cheesus Is Lord 22:09, 24 April 2008 (UTC)