Shauna appears in Pokémon X and Y as a friend of the player. Shauna is energetic and curious about her friends' progress in their travels, though she lacks a clear goal herself. She also enjoys solving puzzles, and is a friend of Clemont and Bonnie.
After the player becomes the Champion, she will trade the player the unevolved form of her starter Pokémon in exchange for any Pokémon owned by the player.
Shauna also appears as one of the player's partners in the Battle Maison when choosing Multi Battle.
Shauna will trade for any Pokémon the player chooses. This Pokémon will always have one perfect IV (Chespin: Attack, Fennekin: Special Attack, and Froakie: Speed).
Shauna appeared in The Visionary. She and Serena joined Calem after he had defeated Lysandre at the Team Flare Secret HQ. When Lysandre started firing the ultimate weapon, the three young Trainers fled the HQ together. Afterwards, they witnessed the weapon sinking back into the ground.
Shauna was introduced as a Supporter card in the Pokémon Trading Card Game during the English XY Series (the Japanese XY Era). First released in the Japanese Xerneas and Yveltal Half Decks, the Shauna card later debuted in English in the XY expansion, with each print featuring an illustration based on the official Ken Sugimori artwork for the character. With the same effect as Professor Oak's Research of Expedition Base Set, Shauna allows the player to shuffle their hand into their deck and draw five new cards.