User:Satsjoe/Y's Pokémon History

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This page shows the history of Y's Pokémon team.


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Y obtains a Fletchling and nicknames her Fletchy.

X & Y arc

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Y is revealed to have caught an Eevee and nicknamed her Veevee. Sylveon Enchants
Veevee evolves into Sylveon.
Y adds Professor Sycamore's Froakie to her team and nicknames him Croaky. Fast-Thinking Froakie
Fletchy evolves into Fletchinder. Burning Fletchinder
Croaky evolves into Frogadier. Shooting Frogadier
Y adds her mother's Rhyhorn to her team and nicknames him Rhyrhy. Pyroar Breathes
Y catches a Xerneas and nicknames it Xerxer. Rhyhorn Charges
Y catches an Absol and nicknames him Solsol. Scizor Defends
Y becomes able to Mega Evolve Solsol into Mega Absol. Pinsir Changes
Croaky evolves into Greninja. Malamar Traps
Xerxer leaves Y. PS593