Seafoam Islands

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Revision as of 22:13, 26 March 2005 by Jshadias (talk | contribs)

The Seafoam Islands are a pair of islands that are situated between Route 20 and Route 19. The two islands are shaped the same, as if they were twins.

The caves beneath the islands are full of twists and turns and have five separate floors. To complete the trek through them, a series of puzzles involving using Strength to move boulders to block the flow of water need to be solved.

The Seafoam Islands is the only known roost of the Legendary Pokémon, Articuno. It's located on the very lowest floor of the caverns under the islands.

Misty comes to the islands to train. In Generation II, the destruction ofCinnabar Island causes Blaine to move his Gym to the Seafoam Islands.

Pokémon that Appear in the Seafoam Islands
