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Revision as of 13:12, 5 June 2023 by Tiddlywinks (talk | contribs) (that was coming through as {{{2|}}}000...)


Template documentation
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Theoretically: all the info you need to display an MS or art image.

My goal isn't really to make this searchable (like, tell me about "Mega" for "Venusaur"), it's mainly to make this a simple(ish?) way to set up a table. So I don't really mind if you can't look up data using a form name here (in no small part because there's several reasonable shorthands for most form names). This is MOSTLY about how to get images from the Archives.

It'd also kinda be "nice" to have the form numbers match game data, but I'm really only using it as a counter (I don't intend it to be displayed per se), so as long as the forms are in the correct/reasonable order, that's fine. (Orphaned forms like Spiky-eared Pichu or Cosplay Pikachu arguably make data-matching impossible.)

Technically, Pokémon GO contains a buttload of unique forms, but I'm not touching those.

The official online Pokédex has forms too, but this often contradicts what the games say. For example, Raichu says "Alolan Raichu" instead of "Alolan Form" (with other regional forms following the same pattern). So while the online Pokédex may give weight to defining forms for a Pokémon, IMO the in-game text still takes precedence...


  • 1: NDex
  • 2: a data point to return; values are...
    • name: species name
    • notes: collective notes about the forms
    • formcount: number of forms (including base form)
    • form: the form name; only valid if parameter 3 is also used
    • ms: what to append to the ms file; only valid if parameter 3 is also used
    • art: what to append to an art file; only valid if parameter 3 is also used
    • elig: (not sure how I'm gonna execute this atm)
  • 3 (optional): form number
  • 4 (optional): a game

Eligibility: generations/games this can be used in; like key/value pairs ( (1,no) means for gen 1, "no", this Pokémon/form wasn't in the game)

(I'm separating GO out into its own thing in most "rows" because I really have little patience to check all of that atm. Maybe it's easy. Still not checking today.)


  • {{spr}}: add/check sprite images? Also models...
    • If I'm going to include this, then eligibility may have to become a bit more specific. (But generally, oddly introduced forms like Galarian Slowpoke will just be noted in Notes.)
    • Maybe I should just have a "introduced" (first game) value (for each form) just for readability
  • Some forms may also differ between games... Like LGPE doesn't use separate Mega X/Y sprites (Charizard/Mewtwo). So maybe insert a game (p4) switch for those forms
    • Does {{MS/HOME}} use lowercase f instead of F for female forms?
  • Gen VII used Alola Form instead of Alolan Form...
  • Eligibilities...
    • RRB and RRB have (almost?) all 1-807
    • Gigantamax: SwSh only
    • Mega: 6, 7, PE only
    • Alolan: I think these are all in LGPE
    • Galarian: BDSP? LA?
    • Hisuian:
    • Paldean:
  • By generation... (if we counted male/female differences, this'd skew a little different)
    • II: Unown
    • III: Castform
    • IV: Pichu, Deoxys
    • V: at this point it's being used more, IDC atm to get specific
    • VI: again, more, including Megas
  • Since this is about unique art/MS/(sprite/models), I can cut out some like the repeat Minior Cores. (That'd be fine in an "all form data" table, but I don't need all those just for images.)
  • Need a Rumble Rush Pokédex... Not sure if all 807 Pokémon are in the game, models for 26 species are missing on the Archives
(I'm probably just gonna check some of these game eligibilities by trial-and-error, because there's a difference between "this Pokémon is in the dex" and "this Pokémon has a sprite/model in this game/on the Archives" (and I don't really trust the "Pokémon by index number" pages)