Talk:V Starter Decks (TCG)

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Revision as of 00:06, 12 June 2023 by 4iamking (talk | contribs)
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Latest comment: 12 June 2023 by 4iamking in topic Proposed move

Proposed move

We now have a situation where we have two articles with the Japanese name スタートデッキ named "start deck" (Start Deck 100 and ex Start Decks). This article, the GX Starter Decks, and the Battle Starter Decks from HGSS are currently named "starter deck". I propose we move the latter three to "start deck" so everything is consistent.~~nuva-kal 14:52, 10 June 2023 (UTC)Reply

I agree with this since the latter is closer to the original Japanese product name. In addition, I would also recommend the Traditional Chinese equivalents to be renamed to Start Decks as well.--Rabby250 (talk) 15:06, 10 June 2023 (UTC)Reply
Ah, yes. 初階牌組 is different to 起始牌組. Would "beginner" be better for 初階?~~nuva-kal 15:14, 10 June 2023 (UTC)Reply
Start Decks should be just fine since the Traditional Chinese products basically just shared the same set mark (SD) and concept with the Japanese counterparts and the only difference was the deck recipe. In fact I checked the Traditional Chinese release template and noticed that we called the product "Start Deck" before it got changed to "Starter Sets" due to consistency (which if I noticed would have opposed due to the original product name difference).--Rabby250 (talk) 15:42, 10 June 2023 (UTC)Reply
I agree that consistency is important, but unsure if we should be going with "Start" or "Starter"... In theory if the set is written as "スターター" then it should be Starter, and "スタート" would then be literally translated as "Start", but actually I think its best to be consistent and just use "Starter" for all if you as me for 2 reasons:
  • It's what's written on the box of every Indonesian deck set, and that is the closest English cognate that we got, im always a fan of looking for English equivalents before transliterating foreign scripts. (admittedly though so far the only Indonesian deck set that was also released in Japan are the SVA decks, would be nice to see more releases to build up that trend)
  • If this product was ever released in English, that would be a much more likely name for it, given the awkwardness of the former. -- 4iamking (talk) 15:17, 10 June 2023 (UTC)Reply
This may have been the initial reasoning for naming the first instance "Battle Starter Decks". What's muddied the waters is the fact the Japanese Start Deck 100 box has English on it.~~nuva-kal 15:30, 10 June 2023 (UTC)Reply
Given that we're getting products within the same Series utilizing Starter (スターター) ex Starter Sets, and Start (スタート) ex Start Decks, we shouldn't be treating the terms the same if they are specifically running both terms at the same time to represent different kinds of releases. Thus, we should be giving them distinct (and correct, if I'm being blunt) translations when they come up. MaverickNate 15:37, 10 June 2023 (UTC)Reply
"V Starter Deck" is also what TPC refers to this product as on their corporate page: as seen here, one more reason to use it rather than some awkward transliteration -- 4iamking (talk) 17:21, 11 June 2023 (UTC)Reply
Im just gonna throw it all out there how I think we should handle this, from what I can tell:
  • When they use "スターター" the quantifier (GX/V/ex) describing the deck is placed at the end so スターターセットex ニャオハ&ルカリオex should really be named in the format of Starter Set ex: Sprigatito & Lucario ex and スターターセットV 草 as Starter Set V: Grass as examples (in the SVA ex example its technically "Set" for JP/TW/KO releases and "Deck" for ID/TH releases, since they aren't exactly the same product). There is evidence towards this naming both in how the Indonesian/Thai decks are named and how the Japanese name is structured, therefore these pages should be moved (and possibly split since they sold as separate products)
  • When "スタート" is used, the quantifier (GX/V/ex) describing the deck is placed at the front so exスタートデッキ would be ex Starter Deck while Vスタートデッキ should be V Starter Deck. This means that I think the GX deck and V deck pages should stay where they are (or technically made singular), and the ex Start Decks page moved for consistency/accuracy.
Given the evidence we have this is what makes the most sense to me, we still have the final muddied case where we might have to excuse an exception considering that both "Start" (from box) and "Starter" (from TPC corporate site) are used in official context on to describe the Start Deck 100, if you ask me "Starter Deck" sounds like better English to me, so thats what I would be inclined to, but im only 1 voice in the room.-- 4iamking (talk) 00:05, 12 June 2023 (UTC)Reply