Whirl Cup

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The Whirl Cup (Japanese: うずまきカップ Whirlpool Cup) is a competition between Water Pokémon trainers held once every three years. Trainers from all over the world come to the Whirl Islands in the Johto region to compete. All Pokémon used in Whirl Cup matches must be of the Water type.

Trainers register for the Whirl Cup on Blue Point Isle, but the competition itself is held on Red Rock Isle.


All the islands in the Whirlpool Archipelago prepare months in advance for the Whirl Cup. Celebrations are often held on each island. The Whirl Cup is probably the biggest attraction to the Whirl Islands.

Maya, like generations of strong Water Pokémon trainers before her, oversees the competition. It is her duty to defend and preserve the culture and tradition of the Whirl Islands.

A blue sea shell is the symbol for the Whirl Cup.



Preliminary rounds

Finals rounds

Double battles?

The victor earns the title of Water Pokémon Alpha Omega.
