Talk:Pokémon League
I'm not sure how accurate all this information is. "Pokemon League" is a term too often sloppily thrown around in the series, as is "Pokemon Champion" and "Pokemon Master." It's possible they left the idea of Pokemon League purposely ambiguous, but I couldn't be sure of that. Anyway, feel free to edit this page because I actually got myself confused while writing it out. -GreenGiant.
> Yeah, I was thinking of writing the article - but the whole thing is kept vauge in every version, and varies wildly even amongst itself.
What I'm wondering is - is the Indigo League the actual name for the competition? Considering that it takes place in Kanto, doesn't the Kanto League make more sense - especially when we have Johto League, Orange Leage, or whatever? Do the characters actually refer to it one way or the other?
- Zeta