Diamond Crater

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The Diamond Crater selection screen as seen in the Balloon Stop. Going clockwise from the top, bosses visible in this screenshot are Pidgeot (behind the sign), Breloom, Manectric, Camerupt, and Bastiodon.

Diamond Crater (Japanese: ダイヤモンドクレーター Diamond Crater) is an area in Pokémon Rumble World available after obtaining Rank 15. The Diamond Balloon is required for access. It consists of five stages.

Three Legendary Pokémon can be found in Diamond Crater:

Fix-Up Factory


Rotom can be caught in all 6 forms.

Pokémon Entrance Center Back Special
Voltorb Voltorb
Electrode Electrode Boss
Jolteon Jolteon Boss
Electrike Electrike
Manectric Manectric Boss
Registeel Registeel Boss
Shinx Shinx
Luxio Luxio
Pachirisu Pachirisu
Rotom Rotom

Fledgling Field

Pokémon Entrance Center Back
Pidgey Pidgey
Pidgeotto Pidgeotto
Pidgeot Pidgeot Boss
Buneary Buneary
Lopunny Lopunny Boss
Glameow Glameow
Purugly Purugly
Mienfoo Mienfoo
Mienshao Mienshao Boss

Rock Chasm

Pokémon Entrance Center Back Special
Rattata Rattata
Raticate Raticate
Rhyhorn Rhyhorn
Rhydon Rhydon Boss
Dunsparce Dunsparce
Shieldon Shieldon
Bastiodon Bastiodon Boss
Rhyperior Rhyperior Boss
Dialga Dialga Boss
Timburr Timburr
Gurdurr Gurdurr

Smelting Forge

Hippopotas and Hippowdon are available in both male and female colorings.

Pokémon Entrance Center Back Special
Vulpix Vulpix
Hitmonlee Hitmonlee
Numel Numel
Camerupt Camerupt Boss
Chimchar Chimchar
Monferno Monferno Boss
Infernape Infernape Boss
Gible Gible
Hippopotas Hippopotas
Heatran Heatran Boss

Thorny Heath

Pokémon Entrance Center Back
Farfetch'd Farfetch'd
Lickitung Lickitung
Sudowoodo Sudowoodo
Shroomish Shroomish
Breloom Breloom Boss
Roselia Roselia
Budew Budew
Roserade Roserade Boss
Bonsly Bonsly
Lickilicky Lickilicky Boss

In other languages

Language Title
French Cratère Diamant
German Diamant-Krater
Italian Cratere Diamante
Spanish Cráter Diamantino

Fix-Up Factory

Language Title
Japanese おもちゃ修理工場 Toy Repair Factory
French Atelier de Jouets
German Spielfigurenwerkstatt
Italian Fabbrica dei Giocattoli
Spanish Taller de Juguetes

Fledgling Field

Language Title
Japanese とびはね草原 Hopping Grassland
French Prairie Bondissante
German Hoppelkoppel
Italian Prato dei Saltelli
Spanish Pradera Saltarina

Rock Chasm

Language Title
Japanese 大地の裂け目 Terrestrial Chasm
French Canyon Insondable
German Spalt im Erdreich
Italian Crepa Terrestre
Spanish Sima Insondable

Smelting Forge

Language Title
Japanese 無人溶鉱炉 Abandoned Foundry
French Haut-Fourneau
German Verlassener Hochofen
Italian Fonderia Abbandonata
Spanish Fundición Abandonada

Thorny Heath

Language Title
Japanese いばらの樹林 Thorny Grove
French Bois Épineux
German Giftstachelwald
Italian Selva delle Spine
Spanish Bosque de los Picotazos

Pokémon Rumble World locations
King's Training FieldLeafy ExpanseDewdrop BayEmber Mountains
Ruby VolcanoSapphire SeaGold PlateauSilver Isles
Diamond CraterPearl MarshBlack RealmWhite Ruins
Fairy LandDark LandOrigin HideawayStarlight Islands
Distortion LandPlasma TundraLegend TerrainChanging Land

This article is part of both Project Locations and Project Sidegames, Bulbapedia projects that, together, aim to write comprehensive articles on the Pokémon Locations and Sidegames, respectively.