On talk pages, please sign your comments with four tildes (~~~~), or by using the "Your signature with a timestamp" () button at the top of the edit window.
On Bulbapedia, the ability to edit personal userpages is a privilege. Per our userpage policy, this must be earned by first making constructive edits to the mainspace. Once you can, remember to keep userspace edits (edits to User:Carmenstar97) to a minimum.
For a complete list of policies and editing advice, please see the Welcome Portal.
Latest comment: 14 February 20112 comments2 people in discussion
Hello Carmen,
There's a user here on Bulbapedia that's breaking the code of conduct you gave to me on my discussion page. The user is Kenji-Girl, although it's in Japanese lettering. I would appreciate it if you could help out or forward this message to someone on the administration who can. --ShalashaskaADV02:03, 14 February 2011 (UTC)Reply
I really can't do anything about that; sorry. Kenji-girl is a senior admin, and I'm sure she knows what she's doing. She wasn't breaking the code of conduct; she was simply explaining what you've done wrong and hopes you won't make a mistake like that again. Please understand. --Carmen(Talk)02:16, 14 February 2011 (UTC)Reply
Trainer classes
Latest comment: 25 February 20112 comments2 people in discussion
The reason Gen I trainers are not included is because, except in a few cases, the trainers are the same as they are in FRLG. Same level, same team. Unless there are differences (or the trainer didn't get carried over into FRLG), they didn't get noted. Luna Tiger * the Arc Toraph04:05, 25 February 2011 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 21 March 20114 comments3 people in discussion
I had to revert most (not all) of your edit to BW002 because it went against the spoiler links policy in episode articles. I elaborated on that policy in my proposed synopsis guidelines, where it cited a past argument that set the standard. Just take note of it for next time. Thanks! --rockersk0804:08, 19 March 2011 (UTC)Reply
Just butting in where I'm probably not wanted (as per usual, I guess), but I don't think this is actually as big a deal as one may think. The spoiling will happen whether the link goes to the redirect or not, because if someone clicks on the link then they get a major spoiler. At best, I think this sort of thing should be a "link to whatever is appropriate given the context", but don't go out of your way to change or revert someone - it's not really a huge concern.
Personally speaking, I think Bulbapedia should abolish spoiler warnings anyway. Seriously, this is a wiki full of information. Chances are you've come here because you want to learn something you don't already know. Every element from every canon (games, anime, manga, etc.) could be perceived as a spoiler... Maybe I'm a bit too anti-spoiler, but... —darklordtrom09:05, 19 March 2011 (UTC)Reply
I appreciate that, but Trom also brought up a good point about it. I had been following it based on that past argument, but perhaps it could be reassessed? I'll start a conversation on the policy talk page. Feel free to chime in! --rockersk0804:38, 21 March 2011 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 16 April 20112 comments2 people in discussion
Please, why you reverted the changes I made in the images of the pages Emolga Iris and himself? Both are totally disproportionate to their pages and end up spoiling the look of them.-Hikaru Wazana22:20, 16 April 2011 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 26 April 20113 comments2 people in discussion
The cards use the links the way they do for ease of typing out origins. On a further note: The TCG links to redirects more often than other sections, because many times, linking to the actual page makes things incorrect and harder than linking the redirect. If you come across more card pages using Template:Game, just skip them, please. MaverickNate05:58, 26 April 2011 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 20 May 20111 comment1 person in discussion
Not that big of a deal actually, but on the top of your userpage it says "she" joined bulbapedia on 10/22/10. Then it switches perspective (not that it matters, but my writing teacher would kill you for that) and at the bottom, it says you joined on 10/23/10. Not that it's my bussiness, but I just couln't help noticing it (OCD). Obviously there is a good reason for it and I'm just too much of a noob to see it, but just had to point that out. Blastoiseboy19(Talk) was here at 00:46, 20 May 2011 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 20 May 20113 comments1 person in discussion
Not that big of a deal actually, but on the top of your userpage it says "she" joined bulbapedia on 10/22/10. Then it switches perspective (not that it matters, but my writing teacher would kill you for that) and at the bottom, it says you joined on 10/23/10. Not that it's my bussiness, but I just couln't help noticing it (OCD). Obviously there is a good reason for it and I'm just too much of a noob to see it, but just had to point that out. Blastoiseboy19(Talk) was here at 00:47, 20 May 2011 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 20 June 20115 comments2 people in discussion
Do not, under any circumstance add information to my talk page that pertains to lecturing me. That is extremly offensive on my part. Please do not do that again PokePrincess 01:18, 20 June 2011 (UTC)--PokePrincess 01:18, 20 June 2011 (UTC)
Who are you? What do you have anything to do with this...Let me answer for you, NOTHING!!!!. PokePrincess 01:26, 20 June 2011 (UTC)--PokePrincess 01:26, 20 June 2011 (UTC)
Oh I am sorry too its just I am so frustrtaed. I am struggling with images. I know this sounds weird but I don't know how to. PokePrincess 01:32, 20 June 2011 (UTC)--PokePrincess 01:32, 20 June 2011 (UTC)
Before you do that, why do we have to keep the welcoming and you are going to absolutley hate me from saying this but can you help with images. PokePrincess 01:35, 20 June 2011 (UTC)--PokePrincess 01:35, 20 June 2011 (UTC)
Exactly what kind of help do you need with images? Uploading, inserting them into pages...what? --Carmen★(Talk |contribs) 01:40, 20 June
You know how the sprites for pokemon are in those boxes? how do you make thosePokePrincess 05:14, 20 June 2011 (UTC)--PokePrincess 05:14, 20 June 2011 (UTC)
Official poilcy is that they should be avoided if at all possible. Breaking up a page is generally a bad thing, not a good thing; it disrupts the flow. Sections should be used instead. Sawsbuck's page already has sections, it does not need further division. Werdnae(talk)01:10, 15 August 2011 (UTC)Reply
Minor Edits
Latest comment: 15 August 20112 comments2 people in discussion
Some of us have all our edits marked as minor by default, because most of our edits are. It's easy to forget to unckeck the box when making a large edit. Werdnae(talk)01:10, 15 August 2011 (UTC)Reply
Type Templates?
Latest comment: 1 October 20113 comments2 people in discussion
Hello, I've noticed that there are two templates for Pokémon types. One is {{type|Type}} and {{t|Type}}. Is there a preferred template or are they enterchangable? --Pokemaster9702:52, 1 October 2011 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 17 December 20113 comments3 people in discussion
Hi there, I was wondering if you could delete/cancel my account? It occurs to me that, although I enjoy reading through this wiki, I don't have the time or the resources right now to contribute.
Thanks :)
Reedreda17:48, 16 December 2011 (UTC)Reply
I would rather just not have an account until I actually have a reason for using it, if that's all right. -- unsigned comment from Reedreda (talk • contribs)
Due to the way the wiki is built, we are unable to remove accounts. Feel free to ignore your account though. It isn't doing any harm by leaving it idle. —darklordtrom04:06, 17 December 2011 (UTC)Reply
Carmenstar97 I need your help! I want to make my own profile page but it wont let me. It's says I need an admins permission. Can I have your permission? Sincerly - Adrian - unsigned comment from Adrian0849 (talk • contribs)
when will this page be unproteted ? This Pokémon is fully evolved and shoudend't be portected anymore. - unsigned comment from Doddman (talk • contribs)
Move/Addition requests
Latest comment: 10 October 20122 comments1 person in discussion
As the server move has broken the php mail() function, I'll post this here instead:
Hiya, I noticed the archives. wiki is locked and I needed a file moved. The File:DW_unidentified_candy_house.png needs to be changed to File:DW_Gingerbread_House.png as it was released today and I updated the Décor page accordingly.
Speaking of the Décor page, I would like permission to start working on a new Dream World Item template and 2 new pages to separate out the Plain and Dolls catalogue from the Décor page as it's now just a monolithic page.
Feel free to get in contact with me about any of this. I seem to be picking up the Dreamworld section and attempting to keep it up-to-date and cleaning it up where possible.
Latest comment: 31 October 20121 comment1 person in discussion
Hello, Carmenstar97! I'm RingtailedFox, assistant administrator at the Lylat Wiki. I just wanted to let you know that we've come back online after a lengthy hiatus, and our URL has changed to http://www.starfoxwiki.info . I'm sending the word out to all the NIWA members/affiliates, as the old URL no longer points to the website. :) RingtailedFox (talk) 03:50, 31 October 2012 (UTC)Reply
User: page
Just wondering if you'd know anything behind this, but a few weeks ago I was notified that my user: page was created, but when I went onto a PC a few hours to actually prepare it all, I found that it was all gone, include the message another person left me (I think it was someone starting with "Z").
I just wanted to find out if there was any exact reason why I was told that the page was created, then only a few hours later all evidence of it was erased?
Sorry if I sound rude or anything, I'm not too used to human contact :S - unsigned comment from Flamerheart (talk • contribs)
When can you create a page?
Latest comment: 26 July 20132 comments2 people in discussion
Latest comment: 25 October 20131 comment1 person in discussion
Could you do anything to remove the protection of Bulbagarden Archives? Since X and Y are out now, I guess there is no real reason for keeping it protected, just like Bulbapedia. --FinnishPokéFan92 (talk) 07:15, 25 October 2013 (UTC)Reply
Now that you're active...
Latest comment: 26 October 20133 comments2 people in discussion
Latest comment: 26 October 20131 comment1 person in discussion
While I do not disagree with Mask no oni's accusation that I am a stickler and a pedant in this edit summary, and in fact am proud of those qualities because they make for better copy editing, I do believe he is also calling me an "elitist shithole" unless I have misread his post, so I'd like to report him for that. Pumpkinking0192 (talk) 20:49, 26 October 2013 (UTC)Reply
Merge files
Latest comment: 3 March 20141 comment1 person in discussion
I think these files/pages should be merged. Since I can't do that as a regular user, I'll post it here.
File:Pokemon_Fan_Club_Chairman_Kanto_II_OD.png with File:Name_rater_Johto_II_OD.png and File:Radio_Director_II_OD.png
File:Youngster_II_OD.png with and File:Santos_II_OD.png and
File:Johto_Move_Deleter_II_OD.png with and
Note: there are two grey pixels that shouldn't be there on the Weasley and Frieda's sprite (not their duplicate uploads though), that you'll notice if you enlarge the image.
I have noticed a mistake, but am not sure who to tell.
Latest comment: 9 August 20141 comment1 person in discussion
I have noticed a mistake on some information regarding a specific Pokemon, but I am not sure who to tell.
I was hoping you could help me, as the Administrators I may have asked are inactive. --Guakstick (talk) 13:22, 9 August 2014 (UTC)Reply
Hii, in the page [1] (Diploma) theres 2 pictures that where taked by a camera, i have these 2 on a normal DS size (256x192) taked normally as well.
i can send you these two for the page. but tell me how to do that. - unsigned comment from Araraura (talk • contribs)
Hell their please give me chance
Latest comment: 17 March 20151 comment1 person in discussion
i really want to join please please please pretty please
i will do anything to join
also trivia for James that he caught three pokemon by food thats good trivia --DareDevil (talk) 01:45, 17 March 2015 (UTC)Reply
New Project
Latest comment: 23 January 20164 comments2 people in discussion
I have an idea for a new project concerning the Pokémon world: Project Record (name can change).
Basically, it's a project in which we would categorize every Pokémon-related world records.
To give an idea, here's some of the records it could feature:
The biggest <langage> TCG collection
The most hours played at <game>
The fastest time to level up a <pokemon> from level <x> to <y>
The biggest official Pokémon plush/shirt collection
Ideas and records are endless, anything would be considered record-able if it is:
Honestly, the idea for this project is both impossible to gauge and not notable enough. Things like records would fit more under trivia, and even then, it's impossible to figure out what exactly those records are, since the Pokémon community is so large. I would say no to this idea, but thank you anyways for your efforts. --Carmen★(Talk |contribs)20:54, 23 January 2016 (UTC)Reply
Well, since the community is so large and because we can't go to people's house to validate it, what about we limit the range of this project to the games? Like, think about it, every number (exaggeration) can become a record! :O As long as they provide a video footage to prove it, it can become something great which I consider myself to be able to handle. If your answer is still a no, I will stop trying. I see so much potential, and to be honest, I find this a lot more notable than the project ship (my opinion only). MannedTooth (talk) 21:02, 23 January 2016 (UTC)Reply
Bulbapedia is not a record-hosting site, but rather an encyclopedia about Pokémon. This project, while subjectively may be notable, just doesn't fit the aims of Bulbapedia. My answer is still a no. --Carmen★(Talk |contribs)21:13, 23 January 2016 (UTC)Reply
Invalid Information
Latest comment: 23 January 20162 comments2 people in discussion
I found an invalid information about Mr. Briney for generation 6, I am not sure how to reformulate the sentence though.
Latest comment: 24 January 20166 comments2 people in discussion
In the templates of the Trainers you can meet in the game on certain routes/locations. It includes the name of the trainer, the money you get by defeating him/her, and the Pokémon he uses (including their level and gender). I think we should add to each Pokémon the moves they use. Basically, the same as for Brendan by example.
And again, I'm not talking about changing the whole template, it is awesome as it is for now, a list, but as I said, Pokémon should include their moves too, for the reader to know exactly what he will be facing.
MannedTooth (talk) 22:07, 23 January 2016 (UTC)Reply
We don't do that for regular Trainers because: (1) they're just not notable enough, (2) if we did that for all Trainers, location pages would get unnecessarily large and cramped, and (3) I think most people would be able to defeat a regular Trainer's Pokémon before finding out all of their moves. The information could potentially be helpful, but most people wouldn't need it or search it up. And anyways, isn't part of the fun of playing a game the aspect of not knowing every little detail that will happen? --Carmen★(Talk |contribs)22:19, 23 January 2016 (UTC)Reply
Well, I do have a couple of things to argue with you on this.
Notability implies since they do have a section just for them, it would just be an additional information about them since, everything's here, except for that. I am not asking to create a whole page for them. Just add something to their section which they already have.
They wouldn't get so large and cramped, all we have to do is hide their abilities with an expendable class just like for the Brendan page I just sent you. It's not annoying for the eye, and if you want that particular information, all you have to do is click on a little word. Users who don't want to see it/be spoiled, won't click on it.
For trainers like them, okay, I agree, everyone's able to defeat them without preparation. But more advanced Trainers may need some preparation to do so, for some people. So if we do it for advanced trainers, why don't we do it for every trainers? Seems logic to me.
Your argument with the "it's more fun to not know it" is pretty (with all respect due) ironic to me. This website is essentially made so that anyone can dig up the information they look for. People who, as you said, play for fun and like to find out the abilities themselves, just won't use the website.
Your request may sound simple, but the amount of effort and research that would have to be put into it is quite large. Let's look at the Ace Trainer Trainer class alone. There's about 400 Ace Trainers spanning all core series games so far. Let's say that on average they have 2 Pokémon each, 3 moves per Pokémon. 800 Pokémon. 2400 moves. And that's just for Ace Trainers. There's over 200 Trainer classes. There could be about 500,000 moves to research.
My point is, what you're suggesting is an enormous change, not just a request to add a little "additional information." And for what purpose? Just how necessary would this change be?
If you're still determined to have this change implemented, I'd suggest you go talk to the Head of Games or an Editorial Board member, as changes of this size are really not up to me. --Carmen★(Talk |contribs)23:15, 23 January 2016 (UTC)Reply
I know this could be huge, but there must be a way to replace every empty spot by "unknown" "to be added" or "if you know, please add it" isn't it? As time goes, cells are gonna be filled. Who would be the best person to contact for this to be discussed with? I would like to suggest it at least. Thank you for your time. Very appreciated! ^^ MannedTooth (talk) 23:59, 23 January 2016 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 30 January 20163 comments2 people in discussion
I must correct you on something.
Primal Kyogre itself is still subject to Fire-type attacks. Its ability renders them obsolete. However, if a slower Primal Groudon or Mega Rayquaza comes out, or they enter the field after Primal Kyogre regardless of speed, Primordial Sea vanishes and Primal Kyogre is able to be hit by Fire-type attacks at the usual rate for Water types. I am thus going to side with the user on Primal Kyogre and Fire-type attacks (same with Water types on Primal Groudon once its ability vanishes), and the table, I think, needs to be redone with the ability in mind as a note. If upper staff made the decision, however, it might be more appropriate to bring it up in discussion. CycloneGU (talk) 04:04, 30 January 2016 (UTC)Reply
You're right, but allow me to defend myself a little. The main reason I reverted that edit was because in cases in which a Pokémon's only Ability is one that affects type effectiveness, such as Levitate, we default the type effectiveness chart to support the conditions of that Ability and leave a note at the bottom of the chart indicating exceptions. Like you said, the table does need to be updated to include a note for Primordial Sea, Desolate Land, and Delta Stream, but at the time I reverted that edit I didn't have the power to edit the template. I thank you for bringing this up, and I hope it's clear now. --Carmen★(Talk |contribs)04:20, 30 January 2016 (UTC)Reply
Completely understood. I've gone ahead and removed the Primal Kyogre effectiveness table and notified Force Fire of the issue so that it can be properly addressed. Until it is, there's no point having the different tables. I have urged that notes are needed, myself, since it's clearly causing confusion. I also see no way to add notes like at Hoopa's page, which suggests they may have to do it anyway. If it were up to me (obviously it isn't, just saying LOL), I'd rather the table be factually correct ignoring the ability, and the ability note explaining things, but maybe I'm late to the party on this discussion as well. CycloneGU (talk) 04:27, 30 January 2016 (UTC)Reply
New template?
Latest comment: 30 January 20163 comments2 people in discussion
I've come with the idea of a new template. Basically, it's a table with all the bonus stats a Pokémon gains per level.
Personally, I think the first table looks easier on the eyes, but the second table is more efficient. You could try making the second table less green. Also, I'm not too familiar with the manga section of the site, so you might want to go to Zesty Cactus to ask whether such a table is needed. --Carmen★(Talk |contribs)21:43, 30 January 2016 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 6 April 201614 comments3 people in discussion
You can tell me why it isn't notworthy that Snover and Abomasnow are the only two non-fairy types who are weak to both Steel and Poison, because that is what the Trivia sector is about in my opinion. Danny199 (talk) 07:54, 1 February 2016 (UTC)Reply
Unique type combinations are notable, while unique type combinations of weaknesses are not. If a Pokémon or an evolutionary family of Pokémon has a unique type combination, any unique type combinations of weaknesses that they may have are already directly implied by the Pokémon's type combination. --Carmen★(Talk |contribs)17:55, 1 February 2016 (UTC)Reply
It is just the only evolutionary line that has this, out of all types, their are no types with multiple weaknesses that have this as well. Danny199 (talk) 19:28, 1 February 2016 (UTC)Reply
I don't think you follow what I'm saying. If an evolutionary line has a unique type combination, then naturally it should follow that the types these Pokémon are weak to are unique as well. Stating that the Pokémon have a unique type combination is sufficient; there is no need to further detail the type effectiveness of that type combination. Snover and Abomasnow are the only non-Fairy types weak to both Steel and Poison? That's already implied through the fact that Snover and Abomasnow are the only Grass/Ice Pokémon. --Carmen★(Talk |contribs)21:48, 1 February 2016 (UTC)Reply
I got that part. What I tried to ask you if it isn't nameworthy to tell that out of all the Pokémon evolutionary lines, only Snover and Abomasnow are weak to all the weaknesses of one type, in this case Fairy, neglecting the fact that Normal and Electric only have one weakness. Danny199 (talk) 16:17, 2 February 2016 (UTC)Reply
Okay, I just realized I forgot about the Generation VI changes to the type chart. Forgive me for that. You may re-add your trivia point, but please make sure it's worded clearly so that there is no confusion. --Carmen★(Talk |contribs)17:09, 2 February 2016 (UTC)Reply
If I may, if you're looking for a counter to "Snover/Abomasnow are unique in this", Terrakion is weak to Poison's weaknesses.
That said, I would say that this sort of thing is unnotable anyway just because it falls under that nebulous umbrella of "So what?" To try to be more specific, I would say it's trivia for the sake of trivia, which isn't worth our while. Tiddlywinks (talk) 17:11, 2 February 2016 (UTC)Reply
...And yet another thing I completely forgot about. Alright, disregard what I said about re-adding the trivia.
I do believe that a lot of trivia falls under the "So what?" category, so there's a very uncertain line between notable and unnotable trivia. That being said, a trivia policy is under the works, so that line should hopefully become more clear once it's finalized. --Carmen★(Talk |contribs)17:19, 2 February 2016 (UTC)Reply
How is the trivia I posted on the Fairy page not good trivia, cause if that one isn't, most of the Trivia isn't good trivia. Like the one that says this Pokémon is the only ..../.... type. Can also be categorized as "So What?", some people might not care. Danny199 (talk) 07:46, 6 April 2016 (UTC)Reply
First of all, do not insert a talk page comment in between two other comments in the same section. This ruins the flow of conversation.
Second, your trivia was way too specific (i.e.: had too many specific requirements) to be notable. We don't like overly specific trivia. For example, "This Pokémon is the only ..../.... type" is acceptable by our standards because its requirements aren't too specific. Even more, it's focusing on one Pokémon out of 721 (with known types, as of the time of this comment) and pointing out its uniqueness from all 720 other Pokémon. When you're focusing on one type out of 18, this makes its uniqueness factor go down quite a bit, so the requirements for the trivia about that type really shouldn't be all too specific. Your trivia required:
Be the only type for which all three of the above is true
This is just way too specific to be noted.
Third, the Fairy just got introduced. It's not going to be paired up with every type in the generation it's introduced in. It doesn't matter if it's the only type to not be paired with all three starter types. Adding that trivia point would really be "reaching"/"trying too hard" for lack of better terms; it's deliberately searching and bloating up a factoid (i.e.: adding too many specific requirements) in order to make it seem "unique."
Fourth, the "so what?" portion isn't really all that subjective, but instead more based on what we (staffand members too, really) find appropriate for the purposes of this site, based on what I said above. --Carmen★(Talk |contribs)12:38, 6 April 2016 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 16 March 20164 comments2 people in discussion
And why in the word is the fact that both Torterra, as Turtwig, and Bulbasaur both are the protectors of a sort of village filled with Pokémon. Both protect a Pokémon from Ash and his friends, Either it being an Oddish protecting for Misty, or Ash's Pikachu, thinking it being a wild Pokémon, protecting it for Ash, Dawn and Brock. Afterwards, both are captured. Sounds like perfect trivia for me. Danny199 (talk) 17:25, 15 March 2016 (UTC)Reply
While true, it's just not significant enough to include. Also, comparison trivia on Pokémon pages is generally discouraged due to the amount of subjectivity it involves with regards to notability. --Carmen★(Talk |contribs)17:36, 15 March 2016 (UTC)Reply
Seeing that most of the Trivia I add is almost directly removed again, can you explain to me what the Trivia sector is for? Everything I include is to specific or not neccessary. Danny199 (talk) 06:36, 16 March 2016 (UTC)Reply
The information that belongs in the trivia section really varies depending on the type of article. In general, though, the trivia section is for small little tidbits about the subject of the article that don't really fit anywhere else on the page, yet are interesting and informative enough to include. --Carmen★(Talk |contribs)14:02, 16 March 2016 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 23 March 20162 comments1 person in discussion
Sorry about that, I completely forgot I could edit all the page by one entire time. I promise after the last edit I was programming to do on the page this kind of thing is not going to repeat, I'll edit everything together. Really, it was not my intention to polute the history board I just forgot it :/ - unsigned comment from HilbertCalderon (talk • contribs)
Sorry about my over editing. I will try preview it next time -Mygs
That's alright. Just remember to always preview your edits before saving so that you get it right the first time. Also, for future reference, please sign your comments on talk pages with four tildes (~~~~). If done correctly, it will produce your signature with a link to your talk page as well as a time stamp. --Carmen★(Talk |contribs)02:56, 23 March 2016 (UTC)Reply
About using the roundy templates
Latest comment: 29 March 20169 comments2 people in discussion
I have a huge question that I'd really like to ask you. I've been trying to use the roundy templates in the tables, and unfortunately I'm having difficulty in being able to use it on the bottom row of the table. Like for instance, if I try putting it in the same way as it is done with the top row, it does absolutely nothing. I'm not sure if it's a bug with the tables or if I'm actually using it incorrectly.
I try using this code:
{| class="roundy" style="background: #C3C3C3; margin-left: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px; border: 3px solid #2C2C2C"
! style="background: #FFFFFF; {{roundytl|5px}}"| Image<small><sup>[[Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team and Blue Rescue Team|{{color|{{md red color}}|R}}]][[Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team and Blue Rescue Team|{{color|{{md blue color}}|B}}]][[Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time and Explorers of Darkness|{{color|{{md time color}}|T}}]][[Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time and Explorers of Darkness|{{color|{{md darkness color}}|D}}]][[Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky|{{color|{{md sky color}}|S}}]]</sup></small>
! style="background: #FFFFFF;| Image<small><sup>[[Pokémon Mystery Dungeon (WiiWare)|{{color|{{silver color dark}}|WW}}]]</sup></small>
! style="background: #FFFFFF"| Tile
! style="background: #FFFFFF"| In-game Description<small><sup>[[Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team and Blue Rescue Team|{{color|{{md red color}}|R}}]][[Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team and Blue Rescue Team|{{color|{{md blue color}}|B}}]]</sup></small>
! style="background: #FFFFFF"| In-game Description<small><sup>[[Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time and Explorers of Darkness|{{color|{{md time color}}|T}}]][[Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time and Explorers of Darkness|{{color|{{md darkness color}}|D}}]]</sup></small>
! style="background: #FFFFFF"| In-game Description<small><sup>[[Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky|{{color|{{md sky color}}|S}}]]</sup></small>
! style="background: #FFFFFF"| In-game Description<small><sup>[[Pokémon Mystery Dungeon (WiiWare)|{{color|{{silver color dark}}|WW}}]]</sup></small>
! style="background: #FFFFFF; {{roundytr|5px}}"| Details
|- style="background: #FFFFFF"
| align="center"| [[File:StairsUp.png]][[File:StairsDown.png]][[File:StairsDisabled.png]]
| align="center"|
| align="center"| Stairs
| To further advance in a dungeon, a player must find the stairs. On the last floor of most dungeons, it will take the team out of the dungeon. The stairs can go up or down, depending on if the player is to descend to the dungeon's basement floor or ascend to the top of it.
|- style="background: #FFFFFF"
{{anchor|Warp Points}}
| align="center"| [[File:WarpTrap.png]]
| align="center"|
| align="center"| Warp Points
| Warp Points are found at the last floor of some optional dungeons. It instantly warps the team out of the dungeon.
|- style="background: #FFFFFF"
{{anchor|Wonder Tile}}
| align="center"| [[File:WonderTile.png]]
| align="center"|
| align="center"| Wonder Tile
| Varying numbers of these can be found on a floor, if the dungeon contains them at all. If there is a yellow arrow above the player's or partner's head (indicating a stat problem such as lowered defense, accuracy, etc.), stepping on one of these will restore the normal state. However, it also cancels stat increments of the Pokémon.
|- style="background: #FFFFFF"
{{anchor|Rescue Point}}
| align="center"| [[File:RescuePoint.png]]
| align="center"|
| align="center"| Rescue Point
| Rescue Points are found when atempting friend rescues and appear at the same spot as the fainted Pokémon that are being rescued.
|- style="background: #FFFFFF"
| {{roundybr|5px}}; align="center"| [[File:KecleonCarpet.png]]
| align="center"|
| align="center"| Carpet
| align="center"| —
| align="center"| —
| align="center"| —
| align="center"| —
| {{roundybr|5px}}| If the player finds a [[Kecleon Shop]], items are placed on these. The player may either buy or steal the items; however, thieves are confronted by many high-level Kecleon.
But it ends up turning up like this:
To further advance in a dungeon, a player must find the stairs. On the last floor of most dungeons, it will take the team out of the dungeon. The stairs can go up or down, depending on if the player is to descend to the dungeon's basement floor or ascend to the top of it.
Warp Points
Warp Points are found at the last floor of some optional dungeons. It instantly warps the team out of the dungeon.
Wonder Tile
Varying numbers of these can be found on a floor, if the dungeon contains them at all. If there is a yellow arrow above the player's or partner's head (indicating a stat problem such as lowered defense, accuracy, etc.), stepping on one of these will restore the normal state. However, it also cancels stat increments of the Pokémon.
Rescue Point
Rescue Points are found when atempting friend rescues and appear at the same spot as the fainted Pokémon that are being rescued.
If the player finds a Kecleon Shop, items are placed on these. The player may either buy or steal the items; however, thieves are confronted by many high-level Kecleon.
I just tried putting it in, but unfortunately the background still has sharp edges on the bottom row. As you can see here:
{| class="roundy" style="background: #C3C3C3; margin-left: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px; border: 3px solid #2C2C2C"
! style="background: #FFFFFF; {{roundytl|5px}}"| Image<small><sup>[[Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team and Blue Rescue Team|{{color|{{md red color}}|R}}]][[Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team and Blue Rescue Team|{{color|{{md blue color}}|B}}]][[Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time and Explorers of Darkness|{{color|{{md time color}}|T}}]][[Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time and Explorers of Darkness|{{color|{{md darkness color}}|D}}]][[Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky|{{color|{{md sky color}}|S}}]]</sup></small>
! style="background: #FFFFFF;| Image<small><sup>[[Pokémon Mystery Dungeon (WiiWare)|{{color|{{silver color dark}}|WW}}]]</sup></small>
! style="background: #FFFFFF"| Tile
! style="background: #FFFFFF"| In-game Description<small><sup>[[Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team and Blue Rescue Team|{{color|{{md red color}}|R}}]][[Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team and Blue Rescue Team|{{color|{{md blue color}}|B}}]]</sup></small>
! style="background: #FFFFFF"| In-game Description<small><sup>[[Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time and Explorers of Darkness|{{color|{{md time color}}|T}}]][[Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time and Explorers of Darkness|{{color|{{md darkness color}}|D}}]]</sup></small>
! style="background: #FFFFFF"| In-game Description<small><sup>[[Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky|{{color|{{md sky color}}|S}}]]</sup></small>
! style="background: #FFFFFF"| In-game Description<small><sup>[[Pokémon Mystery Dungeon (WiiWare)|{{color|{{silver color dark}}|WW}}]]</sup></small>
! style="background: #FFFFFF; {{roundytr|5px}}"| Details
|- style="background: #FFFFFF"
| align="center"| [[File:StairsUp.png]][[File:StairsDown.png]][[File:StairsDisabled.png]]
| align="center"|
| align="center"| Stairs
| To further advance in a dungeon, a player must find the stairs. On the last floor of most dungeons, it will take the team out of the dungeon. The stairs can go up or down, depending on if the player is to descend to the dungeon's basement floor or ascend to the top of it.
|- style="background: #FFFFFF"
{{anchor|Warp Points}}
| align="center"| [[File:WarpTrap.png]]
| align="center"|
| align="center"| Warp Points
| Warp Points are found at the last floor of some optional dungeons. It instantly warps the team out of the dungeon.
|- style="background: #FFFFFF"
{{anchor|Wonder Tile}}
| align="center"| [[File:WonderTile.png]]
| align="center"|
| align="center"| Wonder Tile
| Varying numbers of these can be found on a floor, if the dungeon contains them at all. If there is a yellow arrow above the player's or partner's head (indicating a stat problem such as lowered defense, accuracy, etc.), stepping on one of these will restore the normal state. However, it also cancels stat increments of the Pokémon.
|- style="background: #FFFFFF"
{{anchor|Rescue Point}}
| align="center"| [[File:RescuePoint.png]]
| align="center"|
| align="center"| Rescue Point
| Rescue Points are found when atempting friend rescues and appear at the same spot as the fainted Pokémon that are being rescued.
|- style="background: #FFFFFF"
| style="{{roundybl|5px}}"; align="center"| [[File:KecleonCarpet.png]]
| align="center"|
| align="center"| Carpet
| align="center"| —
| align="center"| —
| align="center"| —
| align="center"| —
| style="{{roundybr|5px}}"|If the player finds a [[Kecleon Shop]], items are placed on these. The player may either buy or steal the items; however, thieves are confronted by many high-level Kecleon.
To further advance in a dungeon, a player must find the stairs. On the last floor of most dungeons, it will take the team out of the dungeon. The stairs can go up or down, depending on if the player is to descend to the dungeon's basement floor or ascend to the top of it.
Warp Points
Warp Points are found at the last floor of some optional dungeons. It instantly warps the team out of the dungeon.
Wonder Tile
Varying numbers of these can be found on a floor, if the dungeon contains them at all. If there is a yellow arrow above the player's or partner's head (indicating a stat problem such as lowered defense, accuracy, etc.), stepping on one of these will restore the normal state. However, it also cancels stat increments of the Pokémon.
Rescue Point
Rescue Points are found when atempting friend rescues and appear at the same spot as the fainted Pokémon that are being rescued.
If the player finds a Kecleon Shop, items are placed on these. The player may either buy or steal the items; however, thieves are confronted by many high-level Kecleon.
There shouldn't be a ; between style="{{roundybl|5px}}" and align="center". Other than that, the bottom right corner looks fine to me (on Google Chrome). Something worth noting is that on Firefox (and maybe other browsers), even after taking out the ;, you will not be able to see the roundy corners. What does work is taking out the style settings you set for the entire row (after the |- for the last row) and manually placing it in each of the last row's cells' settings. There are also a bunch of style issues with your code that, while technically not wrong, are considered outdated on Bulbapedia, namely the use of align="center". Coding is a bit hard to explain in words even though I'm trying my best to explain, but perhaps if I fixed up the table code in Dungeon tile, and you viewed the diff, it'd be easier for you to understand? --Carmen★(Talk |contribs)13:02, 29 March 2016 (UTC)Reply
Scratch that, I'm leaving that page alone for now since another staff member wants to edit the content on it as well. Instead, I'll try to explain how we format table code by using your second table and editing it.
This is your second table, exactly as it was when you first posted it:
To further advance in a dungeon, a player must find the stairs. On the last floor of most dungeons, it will take the team out of the dungeon. The stairs can go up or down, depending on if the player is to descend to the dungeon's basement floor or ascend to the top of it.
Warp Points
Warp Points are found at the last floor of some optional dungeons. It instantly warps the team out of the dungeon.
Wonder Tile
Varying numbers of these can be found on a floor, if the dungeon contains them at all. If there is a yellow arrow above the player's or partner's head (indicating a stat problem such as lowered defense, accuracy, etc.), stepping on one of these will restore the normal state. However, it also cancels stat increments of the Pokémon.
Rescue Point
Rescue Points are found when atempting friend rescues and appear at the same spot as the fainted Pokémon that are being rescued.
If the player finds a Kecleon Shop, items are placed on these. The player may either buy or steal the items; however, thieves are confronted by many high-level Kecleon.
To further advance in a dungeon, a player must find the stairs. On the last floor of most dungeons, it will take the team out of the dungeon. The stairs can go up or down, depending on if the player is to descend to the dungeon's basement floor or ascend to the top of it.
Warp Points
Warp Points are found at the last floor of some optional dungeons. It instantly warps the team out of the dungeon.
Wonder Tile
Varying numbers of these can be found on a floor, if the dungeon contains them at all. If there is a yellow arrow above the player's or partner's head (indicating a stat problem such as lowered defense, accuracy, etc.), stepping on one of these will restore the normal state. However, it also cancels stat increments of the Pokémon.
Rescue Point
Rescue Points are found when atempting friend rescues and appear at the same spot as the fainted Pokémon that are being rescued.
If the player finds a Kecleon Shop, items are placed on these. The player may either buy or steal the items; however, thieves are confronted by many high-level Kecleon.
Sorry I can't explain in a more efficient way, but if you compare the codes side-by-side and study them for a bit, you should be able to figure out how table code works. If you have any remaining questions, feel free to ask. --Carmen★(Talk |contribs)13:38, 29 March 2016 (UTC)Reply
Ah! Thank you so much! After looking at the differences, now I see what you mean about it. I have to take out the code next to the |-. And also, as you're showing me, it tells me that I have to take out the margin-left: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px; code out of the table. I guess that's what was preventing the roundy edges from working on the bottom row. It all makes sense now. Thank you so much! —Platinum Lucario (talk) 14:05, 29 March 2016 (UTC)Reply
Actually, the margin-left: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px; was not what was preventing the roundy edges from working. What those do is just start the table 10 pixels from the left and leave 10 pixels of open space below the table. I left them out because they simply weren't needed for this table. What was preventing the roundy edges from working was the code next to the |-, which was overriding any other style codes for the cells in that row, namely the roundy calls. Like I said earlier, you have to manually insert that code into the style settings for each cell. So the bottom-left cell would get | style="background:#FFF; {{roundybl|5px}}" | <insert content for bottom-left cell>, the middle cells would get | style="background:#FFF" | <insert content for middle cells>, and the bottom-right cell would get | style="background:#FFF; {{roundybr|5px}}" | <insert content for bottom-right cell>. I hope it's clear now. --Carmen★(Talk |contribs)14:17, 29 March 2016 (UTC)Reply
Ah! Now that totally makes sense. So basically if there's any code in the |-, it will use that code for the entire row of that table. I have to remember that if there's anything that needs to be inserted on the bottom cells, I have to make sure there isn't any code in that |- space. I will have to remember that only the middle cells should have codes in the |- space. Thanks again, I will also work on the other tables on the page and fix them up too. I might also add some tables to the page Status ailments in Mystery Dungeon too! —Platinum Lucario (talk) 14:36, 29 March 2016 (UTC)Reply
Database in the background
Latest comment: 29 March 20162 comments2 people in discussion
Hello Carmen,
I just picked on a random Jr. Admin, hope you don't mind. I am getting back into the RPG gaming aspect of pokemon and am having fun trying to collect all the pokemon in the Gen 3 games. I am a database administrator IRL and I find that I would like to look up the information I want in a database format. Do you know if there is a background database powering the website at all? I would like to be able to query information to make lists of pokemon based on specific games or find all pokemon on a given route or things like that. I'd be willing to create a database of this information, but before I take on such an endeavor I'd like to know if someone has done it before me.
I'm not entirely sure what you're talking about, but as far as I'm concerned, there is no sort of background database powering the website. I don't think we need one, but then again, I'm not sure. Things concerning the inner workings of the site are out of my reach, so I am definitely not the person to ask. --Carmen★(Talk |contribs)22:08, 29 March 2016 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 3 April 20167 comments4 people in discussion
I think you've misunderstood, I changed the category to Ninja because Ninjas in incorrect. The plural of Ninja is Ninja, just as the plural of sheep is sheep, examples of this are even in the Pokémon games and anime. DiamondLanturnCodeName: 0530815:03, 3 April 2016 (UTC)Reply
"Ninjas" is also correct. "Ninja" as a plural is used to reflect the word's Japanese origin, since Japanese words don't really differentiate between singular and plural (as far as I'm concerned). However, this is an English wiki, so we use "ninjas". If you would cite more specific examples of "ninja" being used as a plural in the games and anime, however, this would be a case more worth considering. --Carmen★(Talk |contribs)15:35, 3 April 2016 (UTC)Reply
Kagetomo told Ippei to "look after my Ninja". Many characters have reffered to the "art of the ninja" rather than 'the art of the ninjas' - unsigned comment from 05308 (talk • contribs)
I want to point out that "ninjas" is used in Mahogany's map description in-game, and "ninjas" has been used in character quotes in-game as well. On top of that, dictionaries disagree that it's incorrect English usage, and Wikipedia also notes that it can be ninjas in English. Kai * the ArcToraph16:29, 3 April 2016 (UTC)Reply
Welcome to the Home of the Ninja!GSC or Home of the NinjaHGSS (Japanese: ようこそ にんじゃの さとへWelcome to the home of the ninja.), not home of the ninjas.
I'd also like to point out that wikipeida can make a similur mistsake to Bulbapedia as they are simalu websites in nature. As I said, ninjas is an americanisation and is often used and not believed to be incorrect. DiamondLanturnCodeName: 0530816:39, 3 April 2016 (UTC)Reply
"A town with a suspicious air to it. It's a hiding place for ninjas." Right there on the page, just below the town description you're quoting. And Wikipedia pulled its citation of "ninjas" from two dictionaries, one American and one British. Are you going to say those dictionaries are wrong? Because if it's in a reputable dictionary, it's acceptable English and cannot be wrong by English standards (until a time it's changed) because it's recognized as correct. Kai * the ArcToraph16:55, 3 April 2016 (UTC)Reply
"Ninjas" has been used in-game (non-exhaustive list):
"Master KOGA comes from a long line of ninjas.", Pokémon Red, Blue, FireRed, and LeafGreen
"It's amazing how ninja can terrify even now!", Pokémon Red and Blue
"Listen, don't you think my POKéMON are kind of like ninjas?", Pokémon XD
"We ninjas appear where you least expect us!", Pokémon Diamond and Pearl
"There are several kinds of ninjas. Are you an Iga or a Kouga ninja?", Pokémon Diamond and Pearl
"I'm Janine! The essence of ninjas' moves obtained by training! Feel the horror from the Poison-type Pokémon who've mastered it.", Pokémon Black 2 and White 2
"Ninja" is also used as a plural in-game (non-exhaustive list):
"Ninja have a long history of using animals!", Pokémon Red and Blue
"We ninja conceal ourselves under our camouflage cloaks. I bet you didn't know where I was!", Pokémon Emerald
"We ninja conceal ourselves under our invisibility cloaks. I bet you didn’t know where I was!", Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire
"We ninja make the papier-mâché for our invisibility cloaks by hand!", Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire
Normally, descriptions for game mechanics, such as moves and Abilities, should be written in the present tense. But since you brought up the point that the Dream World is no longer accessible, so that specific characteristic of Vital Spirit can no longer be performed...I think this would be a case in which it is okay to use the past tense. You can change it back, but please do mention (in the article, right after that sentence) that this specific effect can no longer occur because the Dream World shut down, since that fact is quite relevant. --Carmen★(Talk |contribs)04:30, 20 April 2016 (UTC)Reply
I'm not that up to date with the Pokémon movies, so I'm not the one to ask about specific Pokémon in recent movies. However, in general, movie Pokémon do not get their own pages unless they were the main characters in that movie or if their role was significant in the plot, as per our notability requirements, point 6. If you believe that there is a Pokémon that does satisfy those requirements, you can create a draft of the Pokémon's page in your userspace (after becoming autoconfirmed) at User:AshKetchumonfirex90/<pagename> and then contact our Head of Anime, Pokemaster97, listing reasons why you think that Pokémon deserves its own page. --Carmen★(Talk |contribs)02:44, 24 April 2016 (UTC)Reply
The unaired episodes
Latest comment: 24 April 20162 comments1 person in discussion
I feel that since we know the basic important events from those episodes based on the trailer, they should be on the timeline so that people can know how the whole meteorite plot wrapped up. I added the note that they were not aired in the dub and later retconned out of canon, so does that help? - unsigned comment from Lawrence (talk • contribs)
It's not our job to assume how events carry out. If the episodes never aired, then as far as we know (for 100% certainty), there is just a gaping hole in the plot, which won't be filled up until the episodes air (if they ever do air, that is). We can't do anything about that. We're not going to say that certain events happened if they were never shown to happen. --Carmen★(Talk |contribs)16:50, 24 April 2016 (UTC)Reply
But we're not assuming anything, all the events I listed are things we clearly SEE happen in the trailer and read in official blurbs released about the episodes prior to being pulled. There have been cases of events being posted before episodes even air based on previews and common logic, so what's the difference here? - unsigned comment from Lawrence (talk • contribs)
Still, the episodes have not aired. The case with events being posted before episodes even air is that they are all commented out with <!-- and -->. They then get unhidden after the episode actually airs. If BW023 (unaired) and BW024 (unaired) ever get aired, the events can get unhidden after the episodes air. --Carmen★(Talk |contribs)17:01, 24 April 2016 (UTC)Reply
Move images for "unreleased" moves
Latest comment: 14 May 20162 comments2 people in discussion
For moves such as Light of Ruin and Thousand Waves, would it be alright to upload move screenshots even if no Pokemon knowing that move has been officially released? For example, Thousand Arrows depicts Zygarde using that move, and Talk:Thousand Waves (move) mentions something about "obvious that it's intended for Zygarde". For LoR, on the other hand, the move is programmed into the learnset of Eternal Flower Floette (although that Pokemon cannot be legitimately obtained as of now). Chenzw (talk) 02:53, 14 May 2016 (UTC)Reply
It's alright to upload them. You should aim to make the screenshots look as legitimate as possible, as in, have the move being performed by the Pokémon that the move is most likely intended for. --Carmen★(Talk |contribs)03:33, 14 May 2016 (UTC)Reply
Latest comment: 15 May 20162 comments2 people in discussion
Hello Carmen
I have spotted some inconsistencies between the textgrids the "pokémons in other languages" and "berries in other languages" use.
The ones that the pokémons use are much easier to edit and alter than the current ones the berries use. Does it mind anyone if I change all the "berries in other languages" to the ones the pokémons use and making it so the borders of the grids match the colours of the berries? Gerrie333 (talk) 22:33, 15 May 2016 (UTC)Reply
The {{Other languages}} template does not have a parameter for the English origin/meaning of names, so for the moment, the tables currently on the Berry pages will do. Also, the other languages tables on the Berry pages are not too hard to edit; they can be easily understood by observing the existing code and reading this. --Carmen★(Talk |contribs)23:24, 15 May 2016 (UTC)Reply