2000 Burger King promotional Pokémon toys

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A Burger King poster advertising the Pokémon 2000 promotion.

The 2000 Burger King promotional Pokémon toys are a set of 24 power card toys distributed with Kids Meals at Burger King from July 24[1] to August 30, 2000 as promotions for Pokémon 2000: The Power of One. Each toy features a plastic toy card with a 3D Pokémon that does some kind of action when pressed down into the card stand.

This campaign should not be confused with the 1999 promotional toys which were re-released from March 13 to March 26, 2000, to coindice with the VHS release of Pokémon: The First Movie.

Gallery for power toys

Action Power Cards

Glow-in-the-dark Power Cards

Light-Up Power Cards

Squirting Power Cards

Talking Power Card



Fast-food chain promotional Pokémon toys
KFC: 1998
Burger King: 19992000200820092019
Wendy's: 2003
Subway: 2005
McDonald's: 200220032004200520062011

This toy article is part of Project Merchandise, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on all Pokémon toys, dolls, books, and collectible merchandise.