Expedition Base Set (TCG)

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Expedition Base Set
Cards in set English: 165
Japanese: 128
Set number English: 13
Japanese: 13
Release date English: September 15, 2002
Japanese: December 1, 2001
Theme Decks

Echo (PsychicColorless)
Electric Garden (GrassLightning)

Pokémon Card★web
Base Expansion Pack
The Town on No Map • Wind from the Sea

Pokémon-e: Expedition Base Set (Japanese: 基本拡張パック Base Expansion Pack) is the name given to the first main expansion of cards from the e-Card Series of the Pokémon Trading Card Game (the e-Card Era in Japan).


More electrifying than ever!

The Pokémon® trading card game is going where no trading card game has ever gone before—the Game Boy Advance™. The Pokémon-e: Expedition™ base set has new attacks, new game effects, new Pokémon Powers (now called Poké-Powers and Poké-Bodies), new Trainer cards, and even a cool new card design. And now you can swipe your cards through a Nintendo® e-Reader to play fun video games on Game Boy Advance!

Play Expedition, and you could be in for a shock!


Expedition Base Set is the name given to the first main expansion of the e-Card Series of the Pokémon Trading Card Game. In Japan, it was released as Base Expansion Pack, the first expansion in the Pokémon Card Game e-Card Era. The English expansion was released on September 15, 2002, while the Japanese expansion was released on December 1, 2001.

Expedition Base Set introduced Technical Machine cards, which allow the Pokémon they are attached to use an attack as specified on the card (a reference to the TM in the core series games). Pokémon Power was split into two groups; Poké-Power and Poké-Body. Poké-Powers required activation to use, whereas Poké-Bodies were always active unless blocked by a specific effect.

Expedition Base Set also introduced an updated card design, which included numerous changes. Firstly, the left and bottom borders have been increased in size to incorporate the Dot Code technology for use with the Nintendo e-Reader. By using the device, players were able to view the Pokédex data, play a minigame, play various tunes in a Melody Box, or activate a hidden attack for that Pokémon. However, these hidden attacks were not legal for use in tournament play. The artwork window is rounded on the left. For Rare Holo cards, the Pokémon's species, length, and weight were moved to the left. For Non Holo cards, it lacked the Pokémon's species, length, and weight. Both Rare Holo and Non Holo cards included a unique ID number located below the artwork window and lacked the Pokédex entry. The illustrator was moved to the center on the bottom of the card. The set symbol was located on the bottom right of the card.

The design for Reverse Holofoil cards was changed to a plain "refractor" Holofoil. Each booster pack were reduced from 11 cards to 9 cards; they include 5 Common, 2 Uncommon, 1 Reverse Holofoil, and 1 Rare or Rare Holo card. All Rare Holo cards have a Non Holofoil version. Expedition was the first expansion that did not have a 1st Edition print run.

Additional cards
No. Image Card name Type Promotion
58/165 Pichu Lightning E3 Convention 2002 (Japanese Back)
112/165 Hoppip Grass E3 Convention 2002 (Japanese Back)

Set lists

Expedition Base Set
No. Image Card name Type Rarity
1/165 Alakazam Psychic Rare Holo Promotion
2/165 Ampharos Lightning Rare Holo Promotion
3/165 Arbok Grass Rare Holo Promotion
4/165 Blastoise Water Rare Holo Promotion
5/165 Butterfree Grass Rare Holo Promotion
6/165 Charizard Fire Rare Holo Promotion
7/165 Clefable Colorless Rare Holo Promotion
8/165 Cloyster Water Rare Holo Promotion
9/165 Dragonite Colorless Rare Holo Promotion
10/165 Dugtrio Fighting Rare Holo Promotion
11/165 Fearow Colorless Rare Holo Promotion
12/165 Feraligatr Water Rare Holo Promotion
13/165 Gengar Psychic Rare Holo Promotion
14/165 Golem Fighting Rare Holo Promotion
15/165 Kingler Water Rare Holo Promotion
16/165 Machamp Fighting Rare Holo Promotion
17/165 Magby Fire Rare Holo Promotion
18/165 Meganium Grass Rare Holo Promotion
19/165 Mew Psychic Rare Holo Promotion
20/165 Mewtwo Psychic Rare Holo Promotion
21/165 Ninetales Fire Rare Holo Promotion
22/165 Pichu Lightning Rare Holo Promotion
23/165 Pidgeot Colorless Rare Holo Promotion
24/165 Poliwrath Water Rare Holo Promotion
25/165 Raichu Lightning Rare Holo Promotion
26/165 Rapidash Fire Rare Holo Promotion
27/165 Skarmory Metal Rare Holo Promotion
28/165 Typhlosion Fire Rare Holo Promotion
29/165 Tyranitar Darkness Rare Holo Promotion
30/165 Venusaur Grass Rare Holo Promotion
31/165 Vileplume Grass Rare Holo Promotion
32/165 Weezing Grass Rare Holo Promotion
33/165 Alakazam Psychic Rare Promotion
34/165 Ampharos Lightning Rare Promotion
35/165 Arbok Grass Rare Promotion
36/165 Blastoise Water Rare Promotion
37/165 Blastoise Water Rare Promotion
38/165 Butterfree Grass Rare Promotion
39/165 Charizard Fire Rare Promotion
40/165 Charizard Fire Rare Promotion
41/165 Clefable Colorless Rare Promotion
42/165 Cloyster Water Rare Promotion
43/165 Dragonite Colorless Rare Promotion
44/165 Dugtrio Fighting Rare Promotion
45/165 Fearow Colorless Rare Promotion
46/165 Feraligatr Water Rare Promotion
47/165 Feraligatr Water Rare Promotion
48/165 Gengar Psychic Rare Promotion
49/165 Golem Fighting Rare Promotion
50/165 Kingler Water Rare Promotion
51/165 Machamp Fighting Rare Promotion
52/165 Magby Fire Rare Promotion
53/165 Meganium Grass Rare Promotion
54/165 Meganium Grass Rare Promotion
55/165 Mew Psychic Rare Promotion
56/165 Mewtwo Psychic Rare Promotion
57/165 Ninetales Fire Rare Promotion
58/165 Pichu Lightning Rare Promotion
59/165 Pidgeot Colorless Rare Promotion
60/165 Poliwrath Water Rare Promotion
61/165 Raichu Lightning Rare Promotion
62/165 Rapidash Fire Rare Promotion
63/165 Skarmory Metal Rare Promotion
64/165 Typhlosion Fire Rare Promotion
65/165 Typhlosion Fire Rare Promotion
66/165 Tyranitar Darkness Rare Promotion
67/165 Venusaur Grass Rare Promotion
68/165 Venusaur Grass Rare Promotion
69/165 Vileplume Grass Rare Promotion
70/165 Weezing Grass Rare Promotion
71/165 Bayleef Grass Uncommon Promotion
72/165 Chansey Colorless Uncommon Promotion
73/165 Charmeleon Fire Uncommon Promotion
74/165 Croconaw Water Uncommon Promotion
75/165 Dragonair Colorless Uncommon Promotion
76/165 Electabuzz Lightning Uncommon Promotion
77/165 Flaaffy Lightning Uncommon Promotion
78/165 Gloom Grass Uncommon Promotion
79/165 Graveler Fighting Uncommon Promotion
80/165 Haunter Psychic Uncommon Promotion
81/165 Hitmonlee Fighting Uncommon Promotion
82/165 Ivysaur Grass Uncommon Promotion
83/165 Jynx Water Uncommon Promotion
84/165 Kadabra Psychic Uncommon Promotion
85/165 Machoke Fighting Uncommon Promotion
86/165 Magmar Fire Uncommon Promotion
87/165 Metapod Grass Uncommon Promotion
88/165 Pidgeotto Colorless Uncommon Promotion
89/165 Poliwhirl Water Uncommon Promotion
90/165 Pupitar Fighting Uncommon Promotion
91/165 Quilava Fire Uncommon Promotion
92/165 Wartortle Water Uncommon Promotion
93/165 Abra Psychic Common Promotion
94/165 Bulbasaur Grass Common Promotion
95/165 Bulbasaur Grass Common Promotion
96/165 Caterpie Grass Common Promotion
97/165 Charmander Fire Common Promotion
98/165 Charmander Fire Common Promotion
99/165 Chikorita Grass Common Promotion
100/165 Chikorita Grass Common Promotion
101/165 Clefairy Colorless Common Promotion
102/165 Corsola Water Common Promotion
103/165 Cubone Fighting Common Promotion
104/165 Cyndaquil Fire Common Promotion
105/165 Cyndaquil Fire Common Promotion
106/165 Diglett Fighting Common Promotion
107/165 Dratini Colorless Common Promotion
108/165 Ekans Grass Common Promotion
109/165 Gastly Psychic Common Promotion
110/165 Geodude Fighting Common Promotion
111/165 Goldeen Water Common Promotion
112/165 Hoppip Grass Common Promotion
113/165 Houndour Darkness Common Promotion
114/165 Koffing Grass Common Promotion
115/165 Krabby Water Common Promotion
116/165 Larvitar Fighting Common Promotion
117/165 Machop Fighting Common Promotion
118/165 Magikarp Water Common Promotion
119/165 Mareep Lightning Common Promotion
120/165 Marill Water Common Promotion
121/165 Meowth Colorless Common Promotion
122/165 Oddish Grass Common Promotion
123/165 Pidgey Colorless Common Promotion
124/165 Pikachu Lightning Common Promotion
125/165 Poliwag Water Common Promotion
126/165 Ponyta Fire Common Promotion
127/165 Qwilfish Water Common Promotion
128/165 Rattata Colorless Common Promotion
129/165 Shellder Water Common Promotion
130/165 Spearow Colorless Common Promotion
131/165 Squirtle Water Common Promotion
132/165 Squirtle Water Common Promotion
133/165 Tauros Colorless Common Promotion
134/165 Totodile Water Common Promotion
135/165 Totodile Water Common Promotion
136/165 Vulpix Fire Common Promotion
137/165 Bill's Maintenance T [Su] Uncommon Promotion
138/165 Copycat T [Su] Uncommon Promotion
139/165 Dual Ball T Uncommon Promotion
140/165 Energy Removal 2 T Uncommon Promotion
141/165 Energy Restore T Uncommon Promotion
142/165 Mary's Impulse T [Su] Uncommon Promotion
143/165 Master Ball T Uncommon Promotion
144/165 Multi Technical Machine 01 T [TM] Uncommon Promotion
145/165 Pokémon Nurse T [Su] Uncommon Promotion
146/165 Pokémon Reversal T Uncommon Promotion
147/165 Power Charge T Uncommon Promotion
148/165 Professor Elm's Training Method T [Su] Uncommon Promotion
149/165 Professor Oak's Research T [Su] Uncommon Promotion
150/165 Strength Charm T [PT] Uncommon Promotion
151/165 Super Scoop Up T Uncommon Promotion
152/165 Warp Point T Uncommon Promotion
153/165 Energy Search T Common Promotion
154/165 Full Heal T Common Promotion
155/165 Moo-Moo Milk T Common Promotion
156/165 Potion T Common Promotion
157/165 Switch T Common Promotion
158/165 Darkness Energy Darkness E Rare Promotion
159/165 Metal Energy Metal E Rare Promotion
160/165 Fighting Energy Fighting E Promotion
161/165 Fire Energy Fire E Promotion
162/165 Grass Energy Grass E Promotion
163/165 Lightning Energy Lightning E Promotion
164/165 Psychic Energy Psychic E Promotion
165/165 Water Energy Water E Promotion

Base Expansion Pack
No. Image Card name Type Rarity
001/128 Koffing Grass Common Promotion
002/128 Hoppip Grass Common Promotion
003/128 Caterpie Grass Common Promotion
004/128 Ekans Grass Common Promotion
005/128 Oddish Grass Common Promotion
006/128 Vulpix Fire Common Promotion
007/128 Ponyta Fire Common Promotion
008/128 Poliwag Water Common Promotion
009/128 Shellder Water Common Promotion
010/128 Krabby Water Common Promotion
011/128 Goldeen Water Common Promotion
012/128 Magikarp Water Common Promotion
013/128 Marill Water Common Promotion
014/128 Qwilfish Water Common Promotion
015/128 Corsola Water Common Promotion
016/128 Pikachu Lightning Common Promotion
017/128 Mareep Lightning Common Promotion
018/128 Abra Psychic Common Promotion
019/128 Gastly Psychic Common Promotion
020/128 Diglett Fighting Common Promotion
021/128 Machop Fighting Common Promotion
022/128 Geodude Fighting Common Promotion
023/128 Cubone Fighting Common Promotion
024/128 Larvitar Fighting Common Promotion
025/128 Pidgey Colorless Common Promotion
026/128 Rattata Colorless Common Promotion
027/128 Spearow Colorless Common Promotion
028/128 Clefairy Colorless Common Promotion
029/128 Meowth Colorless Common Promotion
030/128 Tauros Colorless Common Promotion
031/128 Dratini Colorless Common Promotion
032/128 Houndour Darkness Common Promotion
033/128 Metapod Grass Uncommon Promotion
034/128 Gloom Grass Uncommon Promotion
035/128 Magmar Fire Uncommon Promotion
036/128 Poliwhirl Water Uncommon Promotion
037/128 Jynx Water Uncommon Promotion
038/128 Electabuzz Lightning Uncommon Promotion
039/128 Flaaffy Lightning Uncommon Promotion
040/128 Kadabra Psychic Uncommon Promotion
041/128 Haunter Psychic Uncommon Promotion
042/128 Machoke Fighting Uncommon Promotion
043/128 Graveler Fighting Uncommon Promotion
044/128 Hitmonlee Fighting Uncommon Promotion
045/128 Pupitar Fighting Uncommon Promotion
046/128 Pidgeotto Colorless Uncommon Promotion
047/128 Chansey Colorless Uncommon Promotion
048/128 Dragonair Colorless Uncommon Promotion
049/128 Professor Elm's Training Method T [Su] Uncommon Promotion
050/128 Energy Restore T Uncommon Promotion
051/128 Energy Charge T Uncommon Promotion
052/128 Energy Removal T Uncommon Promotion
053/128 Professor Oak's Research T [Su] Uncommon Promotion
054/128 Mary's Impulse T [Su] Uncommon Promotion
055/128 Super Scoop Up T Uncommon Promotion
056/128 Strength Charm T [PT] Uncommon Promotion
057/128 Dual Ball T Uncommon Promotion
058/128 Pokémon Nurse T [Su] Uncommon Promotion
059/128 Pokémon Reversal T Uncommon Promotion
060/128 Bill's Maintenance T [Su] Uncommon Promotion
061/128 Master Ball T Uncommon Promotion
062/128 Multi Technical Machine 01 T [TM] Uncommon Promotion
063/128 Copycat T [Su] Uncommon Promotion
064/128 Warp Point T Uncommon Promotion
065/128 Venusaur Grass Rare Promotion
066/128 Butterfree Grass Rare Promotion
067/128 Arbok Grass Rare Promotion
068/128 Vileplume Grass Rare Promotion
069/128 Weezing Grass Rare Promotion
070/128 Meganium Grass Rare Promotion
071/128 Charizard Fire Rare Promotion
072/128 Ninetales Fire Rare Promotion
073/128 Rapidash Fire Rare Promotion
074/128 Typhlosion Fire Rare Promotion
075/128 Magby Fire Rare Promotion
076/128 Blastoise Water Rare Promotion
077/128 Poliwrath Water Rare Promotion
078/128 Cloyster Water Rare Promotion
079/128 Kingler Water Rare Promotion
080/128 Feraligatr Water Rare Promotion
081/128 Raichu Lightning Rare Promotion
082/128 Pichu Lightning Rare Promotion
083/128 Ampharos Lightning Rare Promotion
084/128 Alakazam Psychic Rare Promotion
085/128 Gengar Psychic Rare Promotion
086/128 Mewtwo Psychic Rare Promotion
087/128 Mew Psychic Rare Promotion
088/128 Dugtrio Fighting Rare Promotion
089/128 Machamp Fighting Rare Promotion
090/128 Golem Fighting Rare Promotion
091/128 Pidgeot Colorless Rare Promotion
092/128 Fearow Colorless Rare Promotion
093/128 Clefable Colorless Rare Promotion
094/128 Dragonite Colorless Rare Promotion
095/128 Tyranitar Darkness Rare Promotion
096/128 Skarmory Metal Rare Promotion
097/128 Venusaur Grass Rare Holo Promotion
098/128 Butterfree Grass Rare Holo Promotion
099/128 Arbok Grass Rare Holo Promotion
100/128 Vileplume Grass Rare Holo Promotion
101/128 Weezing Grass Rare Holo Promotion
102/128 Meganium Grass Rare Holo Promotion
103/128 Charizard Fire Rare Holo Promotion
104/128 Ninetales Fire Rare Holo Promotion
105/128 Rapidash Fire Rare Holo Promotion
106/128 Typhlosion Fire Rare Holo Promotion
107/128 Magby Fire Rare Holo Promotion
108/128 Blastoise Water Rare Holo Promotion
109/128 Poliwrath Water Rare Holo Promotion
110/128 Cloyster Water Rare Holo Promotion
111/128 Kingler Water Rare Holo Promotion
112/128 Feraligatr Water Rare Holo Promotion
113/128 Raichu Lightning Rare Holo Promotion
114/128 Pichu Lightning Rare Holo Promotion
115/128 Ampharos Lightning Rare Holo Promotion
116/128 Alakazam Psychic Rare Holo Promotion
117/128 Gengar Psychic Rare Holo Promotion
118/128 Mewtwo Psychic Rare Holo Promotion
119/128 Mew Psychic Rare Holo Promotion
120/128 Dugtrio Fighting Rare Holo Promotion
121/128 Machamp Fighting Rare Holo Promotion
122/128 Golem Fighting Rare Holo Promotion
123/128 Pidgeot Colorless Rare Holo Promotion
124/128 Fearow Colorless Rare Holo Promotion
125/128 Clefable Colorless Rare Holo Promotion
126/128 Dragonite Colorless Rare Holo Promotion
127/128 Tyranitar Darkness Rare Holo Promotion
128/128 Skarmory Metal Rare Holo Promotion


English Venusaur pack
English Charizard pack
English Blastoise pack
English Feraligatr pack
Japanese Base
Expansion Pack pack
English Expedition Base Set
booster box
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins

Languages this set is released in

The Base Expansion Pack set is released in Japanese, primarily available in 1st edition. Some Japanese cards in this set were available in unlimited edition, given at certain lottery events (or inserted in a magazine in the case of the Ponyta). The Expedition Base Set is released in English, German, French, and Italian, with all cards in the set also available as Reverse Holo other than the basic energy cards.

In other languages

Language Title
French Expedition Édition de Base
German Expedition
Italian Expedition Set Base

This article is part of Project TCG, a Bulbapedia project that aims to report on every aspect of the Pokémon Trading Card Game.

Pokémon Trading Card Game expansions and releases
Bold indicates a main expansion. Italics indicate a special set. Releases that are entirely composed of prints from other releases are small.
e-Card Series
Sample Set
Expedition Base Set: Box TopperEchoElectric Garden
Best of Game
Aquapolis: Rock GardenAbyss
Skyridge: EeveelutionMind Machine
e-Card Era
P Promotional cardsJ Promotional cardsT Promotional cards
Base Expansion Pack: Pokémon-e Starter Deck
McDonald's Pokémon-e Minimum Pack
The Town on No Map
Wind from the Sea
Theater Limited VS Pack
Split Earth
Mysterious Mountains