User:Oneofthosedf/Conquest items

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Single-use held items

Item Effect Description Locations Price Sell for
Ashen Grace
Gray Grace
Restores HP when standing on rock (for 3 turns) A single-use held item that restores the user's HP when standing on a rock for 3 turns. Shops in Terrera and Cragspur 700-490 350-455
Blue Ponigiri
あおぽにぎり Blue Ponigiri
Raises Energy by 3 levels. A single-use held item that increases a Pokémon's Energy by a significant amount. Lv. 3 Shops in Pugilis, Chrysalia, Cragspur, Viperia, Nixtorm, and Dragnor 700-490 350-455
Burn Block
やけどよけ Burn Protection
Prevents burning (for 3 turns) A single-use held item that prevents the user from getting burned for 3 turns. Shops in Ignis and Yaksha 700-490 350-455
Cerulean Grace
Blue Grace
Restores HP when standing in water (for 3 turns) A single-use held item that restores the user's HP when standing in water for 3 turns. Shops in Aurora and Fontaine 700-490 350-455
Fitting Ring
Slightly increases the probability of linking with Pokémon (for 3 turns) A single-use held item that slightly increases the probability of linking with Pokémon for 3 turns. Shops in Aurora, Terrera, and Dragnor 500-350 250-325
Crimson Grace
Red Grace
Restores HP when standing in magma (for 3 turns) A single-use held item that restores the user's HP when standing in magma for 3 turns. Shops in Aurora and Ignis 700-490 350-455
Double Play
One More Time
Enables the user to move twice in a row immediately after using. A single-use held item that allows the user to move twice in a row. Lv. 3 Shops in Chrysalia and Viperia 2000-1400 1000-1300
Emerald Grace
Conquest Single Use
Restores HP when standing on grass (for 3 turns) A single-use held item that restores the user's HP when standing on grass for 3 turns. Shops in Aurora and Chrysalia 700-490 350-455
Exact Ring
Increases the probability of linking with Pokémon (for 4 turns) A single-use held item that increases the probability of linking with Pokémon for 4 turns. Lv. 2 and 3 Shops in Aurora, Terrera, and Dragnor 1000-700 500-650
Freeze Block
Freeze Protection
Prevents freezing (for 3 turns) A single-use held item that prevents the user from becoming frozen for 3 turns. Shops in Avia and Nixtorm 700-490 350-455
Hero's Proof
Raises Attack by 4 stages. The user will faint on the 4th turn. A single-use held item that raises the user's Attack stat. The user faints on the 4th turn. Traveling merchant 5000 2500-3250
Perfect Ring
Significantly increases the probability of linking with Pokémon (for 5 turns) A single-use held item that slightly increases the probability of linking with Pokémon for 3 turns. Lv. 3 Shops in Aurora, Terrera, and Dragnor 1500-1050 750-975
Indigo Grace
Violet Grace
Restores HP when standing in a poison bog (for 3 turns) A single-use held item that restores the user's HP when standing in a poison bog for 3 turns. Shops in Yaksha and Viperia 700-490 350-455
Ivory Grace
Light Blue Grace
Restores HP when standing on snow or ice (for 3 turns) A single-use held item that restores the user's HP when standing on snow or ice for 3 turns. Shops in Nixtorm and Dragnor 700-490 350-455
Noise Sphere
Prevents the enemy from using items or Warrior Skills in the following turn. A single-use held item that prevents the enemy from using items or Warrior Skills in the next turn. Traveling merchant 5000 2500-3250
Full Protection
Prevents any status conditions (for 3 turns) A single-use held item that prevents the user from having any status ailments for 3 turns. Lv. 2 and 3 Shop in Terrera 1000-700 500-650
Parlyz Block
Paralysis Protection
Prevents paralysis (for 3 turns) A single-use held item that prevents the user from becoming paralyzed for 3 turns. Shops in Violight and Dragnor 600-420 300-390
Poison Block
Poison Protection
Prevents poisoning (for 3 turns) A single-use held item that prevents the user from being poisoned for 3 turns. Shops in Cragspur and Viperia 500-350 250-325
Raises Energy by 1 level. A single-use held item that increases a Pokémon's Energy a little bit. Shops in Pugilis, Chrysalia, Cragspur, Viperia, Nixtorm, and Dragnor 100-70 50-65
Purple Ponigiri
Purple Ponigiri
Raises Energy to maximum level. A single-use held item that increases a Pokémon's Energy to the maximum level. Traveling merchant 1200 600-780
Red Ponigiri
Red Ponigiri
Raises Energy by 2 levels. A single-use held item that increases a Pokémon's Energy quite a bit. Lv. 2 and 3 Shops in Pugilis, Chrysalia, Cragspur, Viperia, Nixtorm, and Dragnor 300-210 150-195
Siren Song
Attention Mark
Concentrates enemy attacks on the user (for 3 turns) A single-use held item that forces enemy attacks to be concentrated on the user for 3 turns. Lv. 3 Shop in Yaksha 2400-1680 1200-1560
Sleep Block
Sleep Protection
Prevents sleep (for 3 turns) A single-use held item that prevents the user from sleeping for 3 turns. Shops in Violight and Avia 500-350 250-325
Sniper Lens
Sniper Lens
Guarantees a critical hit on the next attack. A single-use held item that guarantees that the user's next attack will be a critical hit. Lv. 2 and 3 Shops in Violight, Yaksha, and Viperia 1000-700 500-650
Sylph Wings
Sylph's Robe
Makes the user less susceptible to enemy attacks (for 3 turns) A single-use held item that makes the user less susceptible to enemy attacks for 3 turns. Lv. 3 Shop in Yaksha 2400-1680 1200-1560
Twice Lucky
Double Kill
Enables the user to reuse a Warrior Skill. A single-use held item that allows the user to reuse a Warrior Skill. Lv. 3 Shops in Yaksha and Viperia 2500-1750 1250-1625
Winged Boots
Skanda's Wind
Increases Range by one square (for 3 turns) A single-use held item that increases the user's Range by one square for 3 turns. Lv. 3 Shops in Violight and Avia 2500-1750 1250-1625


Item Effect Description Locations Price Sell for
Ball of Rage
Rage Sphere
Raises Attack by 3 stages after taking a critical hit. An equipment item that raises Attack after the user takes a critical hit. Lv. 3 Shops in Ignis, Terrera, and Cragspur 2500-1750 1250-1625
Cheering Conch
Support Conch
Occasionally makes moves more powerful. An equipment item that occasionally makes moves more powerful. Lv. 3 Shops in Fontaine, Ignis, Chrysalia, and Terrera 2000-1400 1000-1300
Chili Powder
Burning Powder
Becomes activated when the holder faints, burning surrounding Pokémon. An equipment item that burns surrounding Pokémon after the user faints. Lv. 3 Shops in Ignis, Pugilis, and Terrera 2500-1750 1250-1625
Conqueror Crystal
Demon King's Jewel
Raises Power, Wisdom and Charisma of the Warrior by 10. Raises Defense and Speed of the Pokémon by 1 stage. Zekrom will appear in Violight the next month when equipped. Improves various stats. Can only be used by Nobunaga. Control 12 kingdoms and have Rank II Nobunaga, Rank I or II Ranmaru, and Rank I or II Mitsuhide in the same kingdom. Will appear the next month. Cannot be bought Cannot be sold
Cursed Flute
Cursed Tuning Fork
Becomes activated when the holder faints, confusing surrounding Pokémon. An equipment item that confuses surrounding Pokémon after the user faints. Lv. 3 Shops in Terrera, Yaksha, and Dragnor 2500-1750 1250-1625
Becomes activated when the holder faints, paralyzing surrounding Pokémon. An equipment item that paralyzes surrounding Pokémon after the user faints. Lv. 3 Shops in Violight, Terrera, and Yaksha 2500-1750 1250-1625
Dry Ice
Dry Ice
Becomes activated when the holder faints, freezing surrounding Pokémon. An equipment item that freezes surrounding Pokémon when the holder faints. Lv. 3 Shops in Fontaine, Terrera, Avia, and Nixtorm 2500-1750 1250-1625
Strength Holder
Raises a Warrior's Power by 5 points (up to a max of 100). An equipment item that raises a Warrior's Power slightly. Shops in Aurora, Violight, Pugilis, and Yaksha 800-560 400-520
Fog Machine
Smoking Machine
Prevents the enemy from landing critical hits An equipment item that prevents the enemy from landing critical hits. Traveling merchant 5000 2500-3250
Increases Range by one square when hit with an Electric-type attack. An equipment item that raises Range by one square when the user is hit by an Electric-type attack. Lv. 3 Shops in Violight, Avia, and Dragnor 2000-1400 1000-1300
Guardian Charm
Last Stand Ofuda
Increases Attack and Defense by 3 stages, and increases Range by one square when last Pokémon standing. An equipment item that increases the user's strength significantly when its the last Pokémon standing. Traveling merchant 10000 5000-6500
Harmony Drum
Mysterious Drum
Significantly improves the growth of the link between Warrior and Pokémon. An equipment item that significantly improves the link between Warrior and Pokémon. Lv. 3 Shops in Aurora, Ignis, and Dragnor 5000-3500 2500-3250
Harmony Flute
Mysterious Flute
Slightly improves the growth of the link between Warrior and Pokémon. An equipment item that slightly improves the link between Warrior and Pokémon. Shops in Aurora, Ignis, and Dragnor 1200-840 600-780
Harmony Harp
Mysterious Harp
Improves the growth of the link between Warrior and Pokémon. An equipment item that improves the link between Warrior and Pokémon. Lv. 2 and 3 Shops in Aurora, Ignis, and Dragnor 2500-1750 1250-1625
Hero's Mantle
Willpower Barrier
Occasionally allows the holder to retain 1 HP, even when hit by an enemy attack. An equipment item that occasionally allows the holder to retain 1 HP, even when hit by an enemy attack. Lv. 2 and 3 Shops in Fontaine, Terrera, and Avia 1200-840 600-780
Iron Brace
Protective Brace
Raises Defense by 3 stages. Occasionally breaks during use. An equipment item that raises the user's Defense significantly. It will occasionally break during use. Lv. 3 Shops in Cragspur, Viperia, and Avia 1200-840 600-780
Iron Cuff
Protective Wrist
Raises Defense by 2 stages. Occasionally breaks during use. An equipment item that raises the user's Defense. It will occasionally break during use. Lv. 2 and 3 Shops in Cragspur, Viperia, and Avia 700-490 350-455
Iron Wristband
Protective Misanga
Raises Defense by 1 stage. Occasionally breaks during use. An equipment item that raises the user's Defense slightly. It will occasionally break during use. Shops in Cragspur, Viperia, and Avia 300-210 150-195
Jigglypuff Charm
Purin's Omamori
Prevents status conditions. Prevents status ailments. Can only be used by Oichi. In the story The Legend of Ransei, control 11 kingdoms. Oichi will award the item the next month. Cannot be bought Cannot be sold
Large Sack
Large Furoshiki
Collects all items after battle. Disappears after one use. An equipment item that collects all items after the battle. It can only be used once. Traveling merchant 5000 2500-3250
Lucky Charm
Safety Omamori
Prevents status conditions. Disappears after a battle. An equipment item that prevents status ailments. It can only be used once. Lv. 3 Shops in Aurora, Terrera, and Dragnor 2400-1680 1200-1560
Lucky Coin
Fortune Koban
Increases gold found in battle and in kingdom locations. Enables the user to find a little more gold than usual. Traveling merchant 5000 2500-3250
Magic Balloon
Magical Balloon
Enables the user to climb to high-up places. An equipment item that allows the user to climb to high up places. Lv. 2 and 3 Shops in Chrysalia, Avia, and Dragnor 2400-1680 1200-1560
Magic Mirror
Lovely Mirror
Raises a Warrior's Charisma by 5 points (up to a max of 100). An equipment item that raises a Warrior's Charisma slightly. Shops in Fontaine, Chrysalia, Viperia, Avia, and Dragnor 800-560 400-520
Metal Mirror
Reflects some damage taken in battle back onto the attacker. An equipment item that reflects some damage taken back onto the attacker. Shops in Chrysalia, Terrera, Yaksha, and Nixtorm 2400-1680 1200-1560
Padded Cloak
Bulky Cloak
Prevents burning and freezing. Prevents burning and freezing. Shops in Ignis and Nixtorm 1200-840 600-780
Power Brace
Power Brace
Raises Attack by 3 stages. Occasionally breaks during use. An equipment item that raises the user's Attack significantly. It will occasionally break during use. Lv. 3 Shops in Fontaine, Violight, and Pugilis 1200-840 600-780
Power Cuff
Power Wrist
Raises Attack by 2 stages. Occasionally breaks during use. An equipment item that raises the user's Attack. It will occasionally break during use. Lv. 2 and 3 Shops in Fontaine, Violight, and Pugilis 700-490 350-455
Power Wristband
Conquest Equipment
Power Misanga
Raises Attack by 1 stage. Occasionally breaks during use. An equipment item that raises the user's Attack slightly. It will occasionally break during use. Shops in Fontaine, Violight, and Pugilis 300-210 150-195
Sleeptight Salts
Sound Sleep Aroma
Becomes activated when the holder faints, sending surrounding Pokémon to sleep. An equipment item that puts surrounding Pokémon to sleep after the user faints. Lv. 3 Shops in Aurora, Chrysalia, Terrera, and Viperia 2500-1750 1250-1625
Staff of Purpose
Tenacious Baton
Increases a Pokémon's HP by 5%. An equipment item that increases a Pokémon's HP slightly. Lv. 2 and 3 Shops in Fontaine, Pugilis, and Nixtorm 1200-840 600-780
Staff of Courage
Steadfast Baton
Increases a Pokémon's HP by 10%. An equipment item that increases a Pokémon's HP. Lv. 3 Shops in Fontaine, Pugilis, and Nixtorm 2500-1750 1250-1625
Strategy Tome
Strategy Book
Raises a Warrior's Wisdom by 5 points (up to a max of 100). An equipment item that raises a Warrior's Wisdom slightly. Shops in Ignis, Terrera, Cragspur, and Nixtorm 800-560 400-520
Target Charm
Target Omamori
Increases probability of critical hits. This item disappears after battle. An equipment item that increases probability of landing critical hits. It can only be used once. Lv. 3 Shops in Aurora, Yaksha, and Nixtorm 2400-1680 1200-1560
Traveler's Charm
Travel Omamori
Prevents any damage caused by battlefield features. This item disappears after battle. An equipment item that prevents any damage caused by battlefield features. It can only be used once. Lv. 3 Shops in Chrysalia, Viperia, and Dragnor 2400-1680 1200-1560
Unifier Crystal
Indomitable Jewel
Raises Power, Wisdom and Charisma of the Warrior by 10. Raises Attack and Defense of the Pokémon by 1 stage. Registeel will appear in Valora the next month when equipped. Improves various stats. Can only be used by Ieyasu. In the story The Burden of Peace, have 15 or more Warriors, with half or more than half the army achieved Perfect Link. Deploy Tadakatsu and Rank II Ieyasu in Valora. Obtaining event will fire during next month. Cannot be bought Cannot be sold
War Fan
Occasionally makes moves considerably more powerful. An equipment item that occasionally makes moves considerably more powerful. Lv. 3 Shops in Terrera, Cragspur, and Nixtorm 2500-1750 1250-1625
Warrior Crystal
Unparalleled Jewel
Raises Power, Wisdom and Charisma of the Warrior by 10. Raises Attack of the Pokémon by 1 stage. If this item is equipped and the player controls Dragnor, Dialga will appear in Dragnor's Sky Garden. After this initial appearance, Dialga will appear in a random kingdom's Sky Garden the next month when equipped. Improves various stats. Can only be used by Tadakatsu. Have 50 Warriors in the army, including Ieyasu, Ina, and Rank II Tadakatsu. Cannot be bought Cannot be sold
Weak Spot Lens
Weak Spot Lens
Increases the damage inflicted by supereffective attacks. An equipment item that increases the damage inflicted by supereffective attacks. Shops in Aurora, Chrysalia, Illusio, and Yaksha 1200-840 600-780


Item Effect Description Locations Price Sell for
Agility Orb
Agility Orb
Combined with other items to create new items. Combined with other items to create new items at the Blacksmith/Alchemist. Dropped by wild Pokémon Cannot be bought 500-650
Durable Cloth
Charisma Orb
Charisma Orb
Charisma Orb
Charisma Orb
Dashing Droplet
Dashing Drop
Durability Orb
Durability Orb
Explosive Element
Healing Herbs
Healing Herbs
Mystery Orb
Mystery Magatama
Power Orb
Superpower Orb
Wisdom Orb
Intelligence Orb


Item Effect Description Locations Price Sell for
Cold Medicine
Cold Medicine
Cures colds. Cures cold areas. Traveling merchant 2000 1000-1300
Crystal Ball
Crystal Ball
Can be sold at Shops. Often carried by wild Pokémon. Can be sold at the Shop. Dropped by wild Pokémon Cannot be bought 1000-1300
Used at festivals to raise link between the Warrior and Pokémon. Used at festivals. Traveling merchant 2000 1000-1300
Some Fragments
Can be sold at Shops. Often carried by wild Pokémon. Can be sold at the Shop. Dropped by wild Pokémon Cannot be bought 200-260
Gold Ornament
Gold Ornament
Can be sold for a high price at Shops. Has a beautiful, dazzling sparkle. Can be sold for a high price at the Shop. Thieves Cannot be bought 5000-6500
Hayfever Pills
Hayfever Pills
Cures hay fever. Cures hay fever areas. Traveling merchant 2000 1000-1300
History Tome
History Book
Can be sold for a high price at Shops. Book written by a famous historian. Can be sold for a high price at the Shop. Thieves Cannot be bought 5000-6500
Does absolutely nothing. Produced when item combining fails. Irresistible to junk fans. Alchemist, Blacksmith, in the wild. Cannot be bought Cannot be sold
Ornate Armor
Ornate Armor
Can be sold for a high price at Shops. Handmade by an artisan. Can be sold for a high price at the Shop. Thieves Cannot be bought 5000-6500
Ornate Gauntlet
Ornate Gauntlet
Can be sold for a high price at Shops. Handmade by an artisan. Can be sold for a high price at the Shop. Thieves Cannot be bought 5000-6500
Ornate Helmet
Ornate Helmet
Can be sold for a high price at Shops. Handmade by an artisan. Can be sold for a high price at the Shop. Thieves Cannot be bought 5000-6500
Precious Incense
Precious Incense
Can be sold for a high price at Shops. A fragrance delightful enough to make anybody swoon. Can be sold for a high price at the Shop. Thieves Cannot be bought 5000-6500
Pretty Cord
Pretty Cord
Can be sold at Shops. Often carried by wild Pokémon. Can be sold at the Shop. Dropped by wild Pokémon Cannot be bought 200-260
Rainbow Glass
Rainbow Glass
Can be sold at Shops. Often carried by wild Pokémon. Can be sold at the Shop. Dropped by wild Pokémon Cannot be bought 1000-1300
Rare Antique
Rare Tea
Can be sold at Shops. Made by a master craftsman. Can be sold for a high price at the Shop. Thieves Cannot be bought 5000-6500
Rare Stone
Rare Pebble
Can be sold at Shops. Often carried by wild Pokémon. Can be sold at the Shop. Dropped by wild Pokémon Cannot be bought 700-910
Scented Orb
Odor Orb
Can be sold at Shops. Often carried by wild Pokémon. Can be sold at the Shop. Dropped by wild Pokémon Cannot be bought 350-455
Secret Map
Secret Map
Can be sold for a high price at Shops. Map of a top-secret location. Can be sold for a high price at the Shop. Thieves Cannot be bought 2500-3250
Shiny Bell
Pretty Bell
Can be sold at Shops. Often carried by wild Pokémon. Can be sold at the Shop. Dropped by wild Pokémon Cannot be bought 500-650
Silver Ornament
Silver Ornament
Can be sold for a high price at Shops. Has a beautiful, dazzling sparkle. Can be sold for a high price at the Shop. Thieves Cannot be bought 2500-3250
Small Gem
Little Jewel
Can be sold at Shops. Often carried by wild Pokémon. Can be sold at the Shop. Dropped by wild Pokémon Cannot be bought 700-910
Soft Clay
Soft Clay
Can be sold at Shops. Often carried by wild Pokémon. Can be sold at the Shop. Dropped by wild Pokémon Cannot be bought 350-455
Sparkling Shell
Sparkling Shell
Can be sold at Shops. Often carried by wild Pokémon. Can be sold at the Shop. Dropped by wild Pokémon Cannot be bought 500-650

Single-use held items

Item Effect Description Locations Price Sell for
Used to heal poisoning. Cures poisoning. Any Shop 100-70 50-65
Drowsiness Cure
Used to wake a sleeping Pokémon up. Cures sleep. Any Shop 100-70 50-65
Burn Heal
Burn Heal
Used to heal a burn. Cures burning. Any Shop 300-210 150-195
Full Heal
Used to heal poison, paralysis, sleep, burn, freeze and confusion Cures all status ailments. Shop in Terrera 600-420 300-390
Full Restore
Recovery Medicine
Used to heal poison, paralysis, sleep, burn, freeze and confusion and heal a Pokémon to full HP. Restores HP and cures status ailments. Traveling merchant 3000 1500-1950
Hyper Potion
Amazing Wound Medicine
Heals a Pokémon by 200 HP. Restores 200 HP. Any Lv. 2 or 3 Shop 1200-840 600-780
Ice Heal
Ice Heal
Used to defrost a frozen Pokémon. Cures freezing. Any Shop 300-210 150-195
Max Potion
Tank-Filling Wound Medicine
Heals a Pokémon to its full HP. Fully restores HP. Any Lv. 3 Shop 2500-1750 1250-1625
Parlyz Heal
Paralysis Heal
Used to heal paralysis. Cures paralysis. Any Shop 200-140 100-130
Wound Medicine
Heals a Pokémon by 20 HP. Restores 20 HP. Any Shop 300-210 150-195
Super Potion
Good Wound Medicine
Heals a Pokémon by 50 HP. Restores 50 HP. Any Shop 700-490 350-455


Item Effect Description Locations Price Sell for
Dawn Stone
Awakening Stone
When held, it causes Kirlia to evolve into Gallade. Enables certain Pokémon to evolve. Traveling merchant 5000 2500-3250
Dusk Stone
Dark Stone
When held, it causes Misdreavus to evolve into Mismagius.
When held, it causes Lampent to evolve into Chandelure.
Fire Stone
Fire Stone
When held, it causes Eevee to evolve into Flareon.
When held, it causes Pansear to evolve into Simisear.
Leaf Stone
Leaf Stone
When held, it causes Pansage to evolve into Simisage.
Metal Coat
Metal Coat
Raises attack of Steel-type Pokémon by 1 stage. Applies even if that Pokémon does not possess a Steel-type move.
When held, it causes Onix to evolve into Steelix if the Pokémon lands a hit to cause an enemy warrior to want to join the army.
When held, it causes Scyther to evolve into Scizor if the Pokémon lands a hit to cause an enemy warrior to want to join the army.
Enables certain Pokémon to evolve. Improves Steel-type attacks.
Moon Stone
Moon Stone
When held, it causes Jigglypuff to evolve into Wigglytuff.
When held,it causes Munna to evolve into Musharna.
Enables certain Pokémon to evolve.
When held, it causes Rhydon to evolve into Rhyperior if the Pokémon lands a hit to cause an enemy warrior to want to join the army.
Razor Claw
Razor Claw
Raises the critical hit ratio of the holder.
When held, it causes Sneasel to evolve into Weavile, When Sneasel has a speed stat of 175 or higher.
Enables certain Pokémon to evolve. Increases the probability of attacks hitting enemies' weak spots.
Reaper Cloth
Spirit World Cloth
When held, it causes Dusclops to evolve into Dusknoir if the Pokémon lands a hit to cause an enemy warrior to want to join the army. Enables certain Pokémon to evolve.
Shiny Stone
Light Stone
When held, it causes Minccino to evolve into Cinccino.
Sun Stone
Sun Stone
When held, it causes Cottonee to evolve into Whimsicott.
When held, it causes Petilil to evolve into Lilligant.
Thunder Stone
When held, it causes Pikachu to evolve into Raichu.
When held, it causes Eevee to evolve into Jolteon.
Water Stone
Water Stone
When held, it causes Eevee to evolve into Vaporeon.
When held, it causes Panpour to evolve into Simipour.

Single-use held items

Item Effect Description Locations Price Sell for
Ashen Grace
Gray Grace
Restores HP when standing on rock (for 3 turns) A single-use held item that restores the user's HP when standing on a rock for 3 turns. Shops in Terrera and Cragspur 700-490 350-455