Xeno Series Wiki

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Revision as of 13:02, 20 September 2023 by Dragon146 (talk | contribs)
Xeno Series Wiki
Logo for Xeno Series Wiki
Language English
Status Active
Run 2020 - Present
Date opened 2020
Creator Sir Teatei Moonlight
Current owner {{{owner}}}
Number of Articles 18,898+
Mascot None
Website Main Page

Xeno Series Wiki is a wiki focusing on the Xeno video game series developed by Monolith Soft (except for Xenogears) [1].


The wiki is founded from the desire to create a Xenoblade wiki independent from Wikia. The wiki covers not only the Nintendo published Xenoblade Chronicles series, but the Bandai Namco published Xenosaga trilogy and the Squaresoft developed Xenogears. Xeno Series Wiki was created on February 4, 2020, opened for editing on February 7, 2020, and finally officially launched on May 15, 2020. Xeno Series Wiki joined the NIWA on March 13, 2021, making it the twenty-fifth wiki to join the alliance.

External links

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  1. Whilst Xenogears was technically developed under Squaresoft, the title's core developers would eventually found and become part of Monolith Soft after leaving the company.