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These are Kofu's quotes in the Pokémon games.
In the core series games
Pokémon Scarlet and Violet
- Cascarrafa
- "Vaultin' Veluza! I'm late! I'm late!"
- West Province (Area Two)
- "Vaultin' Veluza! Where?! Where in the world…?"
- "You lil' flowers are gettin' battered by the sea breeze somethin' fierce, but you don't care!"
- "What strong, pretty lil' flowers… Where in the world kin I go to find more like you?!"
- "Teehee…"
- "Oh, shoot! I need to get down to the market!"
- Before challenging the Gym Trainer
- "Vaultin' Veluza! Where?! Where in the world...?"
- "Where in the world is my wallet?!"
- "Without my wallet, I won't be able to get today's hot item! It'll get bought up by someone else!"
- "*sniffle*"
- After defeating the Gym Trainer
- "Heya, step right up...and tell me—what's all the ruckus about over here?"
- "What's that, now? A customer here for little ol' walletless, moneyless me? What kin I do for ya?"
- "Vaultin' Veluza! My wallet!"
- "Say what, now? My lobby staffer sent ya out here to bring it to me?"
- "Gahaha! That's a huge help! Thanks for comin' all this way!"
- "I guess I should apologize for my li'l apprentice, too. Hope he didn't bother ya too much!"
- "There's somethin' here at the Porto Marinada auction that we really wanna get our hands on."
- "So, as you kin imagine, we were both a bit worked up to find I'd forgotten my wallet!"
- "Hmmm?"
- "Vaultin' Veluza!"
- "I don' even have to touch it—I can see it's got the springy texture of seaweed chock-full o' nutrients!"
- "An' just look at it! Look how it catches the light and shines so brilliantly!"
- "Ohhh, and that rich, fresh aroma of somethin' plucked straight outta the ocean!"
- "I need to get me some o' that!"
- "Now listen, kid. If you wanna challenge me at the Cascarrafa Gym, you're gonna need some smarts."
- "And this is the perfect place to test ya! Get the winnin' bid on that seaweed for this ol' man!"
- What's a “winning bid”?: "Well, ya see...here at the auction, you gotta compete with other customers for goods! You gotta be aware of how much money ya have, o' course, but the person who bids the highest price gets to buy whatever's on sale!"
- OK! I'll give it my best shot!: "Gahaha! You already know the ins an' outs of auctions at such a young age? You're somethin' else, kid!"
- "Here ya are. Fightin' funds for the auction! Be smart with it, an' win this ol' man that seaweed!"
- After passing the Gym Test
- "That was amazin'! You put those grown-up bidders to shame with yer biddin' skills!"
- "Thank ya for winnin' that seaweed for this ol' man. I'll be takin' it now, if ya don't mind."
- "This seaweed's a great catch! I'd be feelin' low as the seabed if I'd failed to get my hands on it!"
- "If there's any o' that money I gave ya left, feel free to keep it as a tip! You kin even use it to try yer hand at the auction again if ya like!"
- "All righty. I'mma head on back to the Cascarrafa Gym now."
- "Ol' man Kofu's gonna prepare a REEL good battle fer ya! See ya there!"
- Cascarrafa Gym
- Before battle
- "Sorry, everybody! I've got some business to take care of as Gym Leader real quick-like!"
- "I'm keepin' someone waitin', ya see. Please forgive me. I need to do this first!"
- "Heya, step right up! I've been waitin' for ya."
- "Thanks for the help over in Porto Marinada! You did a mighty fine job!"
- "And now that I've got that legendary seaweed, I kin make some real quality dishes with it!"
- "But don' expect me to go easy on ya in our battle here!"
- "At the auction, we battle with buyin' and sellin'. At my Gym, we battle in a more traditional sense!"
- "Moves and tactics—ever-changin' as the raging sea!"
- "I'mma serve you a full course o' Water-type Pokémon! Don't try to eat 'em, though!"
- In battle
- After sending out first Pokémon: "I feel a bit indebted to ya, but don't expect me to go easy on ya just 'cause o' that!"
- Upon sending out his last Pokémon: "The tides ebb and flow! It's time for a raging tidal surge!"
- Upon Terastallizing his Crabominable: "Prepare the rigging for a big transformation! My Pokémon's gon' rock the boat!"
- Upon first using Crabominable's Crabhammer: "One ol' man Kofu special, comin' right up! Hang on tight or get swept away by the Surging Chef!"
- Upon being defeated: "Vaultin' Veluza! Yer a lively one, aren't ya! A little TOO lively, if I do say so myself!"
- After being defeated
- "Gahaha! A loss as refreshing as the air at the morning market!"
- "I'm just like a helpless little Magikarp to you, eh? Floppin' around all willy-nilly!"
- "You got me good, I tell ya! What a great catch you are!"
- "Just like a master fisher, ya held on tight till the last second and reeled in victory!"
- "Now it's time to hand over a Gym Badge to ya! And let's get a REEL good photo together usin' a pose I've been wantin' to try out for a while now!"
- If the player has less than eight Gym Badges: "With <number of Badges> Gym Badge/Badges in yer possession, Pokémon of up to Lv. <level> will be easier to catch and'll listen to ya when you ask 'em to do things!"
- If the player has all eight Gym Badges: "With 8 Gym Badges in yer possession, you kin catch Pokémon of any level, and they'll all listen to ya when you ask 'em to do things, too!"
- "Lemme throw this in too as an extra-special bonus! I'm sure you kin make good use of it!"
- "All righty. It's about time I headed on back to my restaurant and got to preppin' for the next wave!"
- "You come back to see me again now, ya hear?"
- Cascarrafa
- "Heya! Step right up! Welcome to the Cascarrafa Gym!"
- "Vaultin' Veluza! Look who it is! I was expectin' someone else!"
- Regardless of choice: "Aha! I see! Ms. Geeta put you up to this, did she?"
- "It feels like just yesterday that you were out collectin' yer badges, and now look at ya—already Champion Rank!"
- "You're like one o' those fish Pokémon that completely changes shape and name as it evolves! All full o' life. What a great catch!"
- "And now this! Our promising up-and-comer, here to test my abilities himself/herself!"
- "Don't worry—this ol' man's used to facin' harsh reviewers. Part o' the restaurant business."
- "All righty, then. You ready to battle this ol' man and see if he's still fit to be called Gym Leader?"
- Yes: "That's what I like to hear! Right this way!"
- No: "Whether it's gettin' the freshest ingredients or the best battle—timin' is everything! Come back before too long, ya hear?"
- If talked to again after selecting No: "Heya! Step right up! How 'bout it? You ready to battle this ol' man?"
- Cascarrafa Gym
- Before rematch battle
- "Ever since ya fought for that choice seaweed for me, all my dishes usin' it have been big hits!"
- "Thanks for that! Guess it's no surprise you did so well—what with bein' worthy of Champion Rank!"
- "Goodness gracious, but do I ever meet all kinds of people while doin' this job."
- "I've seen people like yerself who run full speed ahead like a ragin' river, and plenty o' people who settle down like a calm lake."
- "We older folk tend to prefer the latter, o' course, but this ol' man himself finds that a bit dull."
- "Rivers flow into the ocean. That water then climbs up into the clouds an' becomes rain."
- "I am Kofu the Torrent! Ever changin'—just like water! Now come see what I'm made of!"
- In battle
- After sending out first Pokémon: "Good ingredients don't need no cover-up spices! Get ready for fresh, raw ol' man Kofu!"
- Upon sending out his last Pokémon: "Gahaha! Batten down the hatches and prepare for a storm! This's what makes battling excitin'!"
- Upon Terastallizing his Crabominable: "A Crabominable Terastallizing! Think outside the crab trap, I say!"
- Upon using Crabominable’s Crabhammer: "Better get a big breath o' air, 'cause yer about to get hit by a surgin' wave!"
- Upon being defeated: "What a refreshin' loss! My mind's as clear as still water!"
- After being defeated
- "You really put the pressure on! Guess I should've expected no less from someone with La Primera's seal of approval! What a catch!"
- "The wildest currents—for better or worse—pull in everythin' around 'em and have really wild and drastic effects on their surroundin's!"
- "That makes those friends o' yours who stay by your side all the more important."
- "Phew! Your youthful vigor's got my motivation flowin' up like a rising tide!"
- "Next time you see Ms. Geeta, tell 'er that ol' man Kofu's flowin' and crashin' more than ever!"
- "Don't forget to tell 'er, young friend! And you come back to see me again, now, ya hear?"